All Chapters of ALPHA ZAYN'S DISTRUST: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
57 Chapters
Having Lunch With His Fiancee.
ZAYNAfter parting ways with Maisie and her friend, I felt the urge to visit the pack nursery to check on their progress because I wanted to know why the fuck she was roaming freely like that when she should be working. To my surprise, the project was nearly complete and looked impressive.However, I was still not satisfied with it. “I don't like the lightening used here,” I glowered at Xavier who was in charge of the project. “The babies' eyes are very sensitive at this stage. Who the hell thought it was a good idea to install these without considering that?”My Beta exchanged a worried look with the nervous architect who was shaking in his shoes and then, he replied, “I will call Evelyn and have it fixed right away.”I continued to identify details needing adjustments until I was content. Once finished, I retreated to my office to focus on my responsibilities and regain composure.At least for a while, it seemed to be effective, until I heard a knock on the door. The person's scen
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Her Date Night.
MAISIEAfter my lunch date with Felix, I accompanied him back to the pack border before I returned to the company. I was a bit absentminded when I entered the building so I didn't notice the incoming person heading towards my way. The collision sent me sprawling on the floor with a resounding thud, leaving me groaning in pain as I massaged my aching backside. “Watch where you are going!” My boss hissed angrily but she stopped mid-sentence when she saw my face. “Oh, it's you. Where have you been and why haven't you been picking up my calls?”I reached for my phone with a feeling of impending dread, only to be faced with the unresponsive black screen. A sense of frustration washed over me as I muttered under my breath, "My phone's battery is dead."Evelyn's expression twisted into a sneer as she looked down at me, her disdain evident in every line of her face. Removing her black glasses, she revealed unsmiling eyes and said, "Listen, Clarissa. I don't know how things were in the Moon S
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Teaching Her An Unforgivable Lesson.
ZAYNShe hit me. I can't believe that she hit me, especially in the presence of that feeble-looking wolf. My jaw clenched as I stepped into the house and saw Isis standing in the living room, her arms wrapped tightly around herself. She looked at me with weariness in her eyes, and I could feel her fear reverberating through the room, like a sudden chill in the air that extinguished the flames of my anger. The sight instantly aroused my protective instincts of an alpha wolf, reminding me to put a lid on my temper. “Where is Alexei?” My gruff voice came out deeper than I had intended but at least, I made an effort to hide my eyes so as not to scare her. Isis pointed to the hallway in front of me so I left her in the living room, trying to locate my son. As I opened the door slowly, I found my son peacefully sleeping on the bed, nestled under a blue comforter with his race car toy in his arms. My anger was reduced by a large fraction on sight as I walked inside, dropping the bags qui
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Her Boss's Arrogant Mate.
MAISIEIt had been two weeks since my intense confrontation with Zayn happened. If he thought that stunt he pulled would get me to behave and stop seeing Felix, he had another thing coming. But he was sorely mistaken. In my eyes, Zayn was merely a conceited, domineering man who sought to exert control over me, much like he did with the rest of his pack. However, I refused to be treated like the others. The moon goddess had made me his mate and his equal, so I could also do the things he thought he could do.So I took my revenge.When I suddenly felt an outburst of rage pulsing down the mating pot, I knew I had hit the jackpot. Zayn must have discovered the mess that I had created in his office, shredding almost all the documents in his office. It brought me great pleasure knowing that he would be so livid, but he would be unable to confront me so I went about my life doing whatever I pleased.Although Evelyn was still causing trouble at work, Odessa and the other women had warmed up
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Zayn's Birthday Party.
MAISIEAs I made my way back to the office, the stillness of the workplace enveloped me, a sharp contrast to the usual hustle and bustle. Before saying goodbye to Mei Lin and the others, I paused to knock on the door, making sure my return was announced.“Come in,” Evelyn said. I pushed open the door and scanned my surroundings to make sure that we were alone before I walked in. The office had been rearranged to its tidy state, spotless without a single blemish as my boss sat behind the desk. I greeted her, “Good day, Boss. I just want to apologize about what happened earlier-”“Just promise me that you will keep your mouth shut.” Evelyn cut in. “I mean, you are not allowed to tell anyone about what has been happening in this office since you came here. If you dare spill the beans, I will fire you immediately.”I blinked twice, trying to process her words as she stared at me with a stern expression. It finally occurred to me that she was aware that her mate was keeping an eye on her.
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Paying His Parents A Visit At The Graveyard.
MAISIEIt was difficult for me to process his words at first when he was pressed so close to me, but I was still able to sense his deep sadness through the mating bond. It disturbed me greatly to see him like this on his birthday when he should be busy celebrating with his loved ones and pack. My hands reached out to hold his shoulders, unsure whether I should push him away or draw him close for a hug. But I had no intention of fighting with him so I begged, "Zayn, let's not do this..."I thought he would ignore my soft plea, but he finally regained his composure and moved away from me. His intense gaze stayed fixated on me for a long moment before he asked me quietly, "Would you like to meet my parents, Maisie?""Now?" My eyes widened in surprise. My mate had never taken me to visit his parents even once in the past so I became even more worried about his unexpected actions. I discreetly wiped my sweaty palms on the back of my dress as I asked him, "A-Are you sure about this, Zayn?"
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A Man On A Mission.
ZAYN“What the hell are you talking about, Odessa?” I didn't even try to scent my body because I knew who was the owner of the scent on me. I made a visible note to warn her not to go through the front door. “You have a woman's scent on you, Zayn,” My fiancee repeated, but this time, her eyes were filled with hurt when she looked at me. It made me feel slightly bad to do this to such a wonderful person but I just couldn't tell her the truth. “Who is she? Did something bad happen to you?”Trust Odessa to believe the best in people even when it is true. My eyes caught Maisie successfully sneaking into the house which meant that my work was done. I wrapped an arm around Odessa's waist and pulled her close to me, hearing her gasp in surprise as I whispered to her, “Let's talk about this later. The birthday party is still swinging, isn't it?”When we returned to the party this time, I tried my best to appear lively and friendly even when I wasn't feeling like that. The pack's encouraging
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Finding A Common Ground Between Enemies.
MAISIE I have been avoiding Zayn since his birthday party and he knows it. He had tempted me beyond my imagination and I had almost succumbed to his seduction but I didn't. Deep down, a large part of me was ready to let go of my reservations and stay in his arms for as long as he wanted me there but I knew I wouldn't be able to settle for anything other than the position that was rightfully mine. His only woman. His only lover. His mate. So I used the last of my strength to pull away from him and I left that party with the remaining parts of my sanity. It was one of the most difficult decisions I had made in my life but I had been making a lot of them recently since I entered his pack. At this point, I wasn't sure what he wanted from me but I ached for his touch, his presence, and his love. And that's why I need to snap out of it before this craving consumes me beyond recognition. So I spent the rest of my time staying away from Odessa and her friends because the last thing I wa
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Zayn Goes Savage Again.
MAISIE Gail Scott paused pensively after I posed my question, his expression freezing for a moment. Then, he reclined in his seat and let out a low chuckle. "Felix was right about you. You're quite smart. I have a feeling we're going to get along just fine."I mirrored his smile, but I made sure to keep my guard up. It was evident that this shrewd businessman was fully aware of his fiancée's unfaithfulness, yet he seemed surprisingly tolerant of it, evidently for a compelling reason. But I couldn't think of any reason for him to be like this except for one. “You are after her interior design company?” I tipped my head sideways, staring at the brown-haired gentleman. “Why?”“Because Felix wants to find a way to infiltrate the pack because of you,” He smiled when he saw my eyes widen slightly and said, “You seem surprised about it. You should know very well that my friend is head over heels for you and he won't stop until he finds a way to take you out of this pack.”I parted my lips
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Losing Her Job In The Pack.
MAISIEThat hurt.That really hurt. My cheeks were still stinging from the clap I received when I saw Evelyn lunge at me with feminine rage, attempting to claw my face out but Gail continued to shield me with his body. He tried to restrain her arms but she was like an unbridled beast, hurling insults at me in front of her company building. I was ready to endure her hurtful words and explain until I heard her mention my son with a jeer, “That's why they say you should never trust unmated females. I should have known the kind of woman you were when you were wanton enough to give birth to a bastard-”“That's enough,” I hissed in anger, my claws emerging from my fingertips as I let her see the true nature of the woman she was trying to go against. “I don't care if you believe me or not, Evelyn. But if you ever mention my son from that filthy, uncultured tongue of yours, I will rip it out of your mouth and nail it to your head. Do you understand?”Evelyn froze in Gail's arms as I walked
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