All Chapters of ALPHA ZAYN'S DISTRUST: Chapter 51 - Chapter 57
57 Chapters
Visiting His Fiancee's Apartment.
ZAYNAs I sped through the forest, I tried to ignore my wolf's feral protests about cutting the only link that was connecting it to its mate. I knew this was a dangerous move, it was extremely risky for me to fight against my other half, especially when there was a high chance of it overpowering me. But I didn't give a damn. All I wanted was to get rid of this useless bond and never return to that woman again. I kept chiding myself for my mistake, I couldn't believe I let myself think for a second that she would come back to me. I cursed myself for entertaining the belief that her desire for me matched mine for her.Every gesture of affection she had shown me was nothing but an illusion, a ploy to lower my guard so she could escape from me when the time was right. I vowed never to make that same mistake again. By the time I noticed I had strayed from my intended destination, exhaustion, and weariness had taken their toll. I sought refuge in an apartment building, its illuminated
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A Shocking Announcement.
MAISIE After the unsettling events of that night, I made several attempts to find Zayn, but it appeared that he was intentionally avoiding me. I understood his reasons, yet it was a relief that he ceased his attempts to sever our mating bond. Despite this, a persistent sense of unease lingered within me, clouding my thoughts about his next actions."I couldn't do anything about the situation, so I decided to focus my energy on finding a new job. It turned out to be much more challenging than I had expected, especially since my interviewers kept questioning why I had left my previous job. I was gearing up to discuss my future plans with Alexei when I received a text message from Gail Scott, asking to meet up.I was hesitant to meet Gail until I received a phone call from Felix. When I arrived at the restaurant to see Gail, I was taken aback to find another woman waiting at the table he had reserved for me. My expression turned grim as I placed my bag on the table."What are you doing
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A Visit To The Town Hall Building.
MAISIEAfter much consideration, I ultimately decided to go back to my previous job at the urging of Evelyn and Odessa. Although I had some reservations about this choice and suspected that I might come to regret it in the long run, the scarcity of job opportunities elsewhere left me with little other option at the moment. During this time, it seemed that Odessa believed that our relationship had grown stronger following our recent disagreement, as she made a point of regularly inviting me to the gatherings she organized for the women in our pack.But the truth was that it took me some time to realize that I was slowly dying from pain ever since I found out that my mate was getting married. Every time Odessa talked about him in such an affectionate manner, my heart felt like a rock sinking deep into the ocean with nothing to cling to. I struggled with conflicting emotions, hating myself for smiling and congratulating Odessa when all I wanted to do was to avoid her. Seeing her so happ
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His Little Informants.
ZAYNIt was now official. I was to wed my godfather's daughter, Odessa in ten days. The news had quickly spread throughout the Great Landmark, and I was receiving congratulatory messages from packs all across the region. However, Kodiak, as expected, did not share in the celebration. His disapproval echoed that of my wolf regarding my decision to marry someone who was not my mate. Despite their reservations, I firmly believed in my ability to make sound decisions, and I remained confident that this one would also work out.I made a conscious effort to avoid any distractions, particularly Maisie, who seemed to be constantly seeking me out within the pack. It was comforting, in a way, to know that I wasn't the only one struggling with the situation. Unlike her, I had reached a point where I was determined to move on despite the obstacles I knew were ahead of me. So I continued with my normal responsibilities until one afternoon, my godfather, Maxwell, paid me a surprise visit. He str
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Zayn's Engagement Party.
MAISIEAs Zayn's wedding day approached, I realized that I needed to leave the pack before the festivities began. I had carefully planned my escape, knowing that the entrance gate would be open for Zayn's engagement party that evening. Even though my leaving went against our agreement, his aloofness and reluctance to see me left me with no other option. Although he had sent Roger information about his search for Lincoln, I couldn't continue to wait for him.So I planned my escape route without Isis and her husband's knowledge before attending the engagement party. Felix who had everything on standby was also attending the event so I knew it was going to be a success. That night, Alexei and I entered the alpha's home when the party was already in full swing. The lavish decoration and style were unlike anything I had ever seen before. My eyes were drawn to the impressive tower of champagne flutes neatly arranged near the entrance, and the warm glow of the room reflected from the cryst
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Burning Under His Touch.
MAISIE He was killing me.I would be a fool not to know that he was playing with me, but I couldn't help but burn for him all the same. He was my mate, the other half of my soul. I would rather say he was the only one who had permission to touch me like this but I didn't want to make it easy for him. Even when I arched my back on him, letting his kiss fall on my neck while grinding my ass against the bulge on his trousers. “And what makes you think that I do?”“Well, you are telling me not to get married,” he murmured, “That has to mean something, Maisie.”My skin tingled when he rubbed his stubble against my cheek. As a dominant female wolf, it was hard for me to submit to anyone, including my mate. But I badly wanted to do it at the moment. “I don't know what I want,” I helplessly confessed while my skin turned feverishly against his own. “But I will do whatever you tell me.”My heart raced as he turned me around to face him and tilted my jaw up with his forefinger. I could gues
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Fighting A Mercenary Wolf.
MAISIEI awoke the following day to a pounding headache and blurred vision in the late morning. It was a struggle to steady my trembling legs as I made my way to the living room to retrieve some medicine from my purse.Normally, I would have been anxious about the time, considering it was a weekday, but Evelyn had previously informed us that today would be a holiday, so I decided to take it easy. That was the plan until I spotted Roger lounging on the couch with a beer in hand."Hey," I greeted him before I grabbed my purse and headed to the fridge.There was no response from him so I turned around only to get the shock of my life when I saw him standing behind me. My back hit the fridge with a low thud but I managed to regain my balance almost immediately. “You came back home late again,” The huge, burly man remarked. His inscrutable gaze filled me with a sense of unease but I chased away the feeling under the excuse of his dominant wolf. “Well, I had some matters to handle,” I mad
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