All Chapters of ALPHA ZAYN'S DISTRUST: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
57 Chapters
Concealing Her Identity In The Pack.
MAISIEI couldn't believe that Zayn was capable of doing such a thing to me and his son!Once he joined the Frost Fang pack, he left me and our son in the hands of Xavier Winchester, a dangerous man who I've always considered my enemy. It felt like Zayn did it intentionally to seek revenge for me saving Lincoln, but I never thought he would be so heartless as to abandon our son in this way.Fortunately, Xavier didn't seem to recognize me after my makeover, so he took me to a woman's house without any qualms before he excused himself to converse with his alpha. The couple who lived here came outside to greet me with a polite smile but I could tell that they were skeptical about welcoming strangers into their home. The man who stepped forward gave me a scrutinizing look as he sniffed our scent a few feet away from us. His huge stature and black tattoos that peeked under his sleeveless shirt made him seem intimidating at first sight. He had brown hair and a neatly combed beard that reac
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Initiated As A Member Of The Frost Fang Pack.
MAISIE The next morning, Isis woke me up early to join the pack run which I obliged, even though I did not like missing out on my beauty sleep. I stripped myself out of my clothes and joined Isis and her husband outside the house a few minutes later. Although it was normal for packmates to see each other naked once in a while, the rule of wearing clothes was generally enforced for the sake of the young ones. Surprisingly, I felt conscious of my body so I kept shifting my weight from one foot to another, letting my eyes wander across my surroundings. The soft blue sky was starting to brighten, with the stars and the moon gently fading away from the horizon. In the eastern direction, a tint of orange began to glow, signaling the sun's arrival while the birds' melodious chirping echoed across the silent environment. My wandering eyes somehow landed on the person in front of me, causing me to stiffen. My breath quickened slightly when I caught Roger's eyes firmly fixated on my perky br
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Her First Day At Work.
MAISIEIt turned out that Zayn had planned this from the very start. After I sent Alexei to his school, I got a call from Xavier telling me that I had just gotten a job at an interior design company that had been recently contracted to design the pack nursery. My life was on a rollercoaster once again, and I could barely figure out my next step when I arrived at the office and met my boss waiting for me. “I'm Evelyn,” The woman with a sleek high ponytail, dressed in a business suit and red heels addressed me. “We are on a tight schedule right now so there is no one around who can guide you. The files on your desk will tell you everything you need to know about our current project and you have a day to memorize them before tomorrow's meeting.”I nodded slightly, but then added, “I understand, Ma'am. I'm honored to be working here-”“Well, it's not like I had a choice,” The woman rolled her eyes as she walked straight to her office. It took me some time to understand her words before
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A Big Fight Between Maisie and Zayn.
MAISIEThe entire restaurant was filled with silence as Zayn stood in front of our table glaring at each of us. My boss, Evelyn managed to sober up a little when she saw her alpha present so she jumped up from the table. “Zayn!” Her head was covered with a light sheen of perspiration as if she had already sensed trouble, “What are you doing here? We were having a small work party-”“I don't give a fuck what you guys were doing,” Zayn cut her off with a sharp tone. My breath quickened when his eyes landed on me. “I came to get Clarissa. The rest of them can go home.”I expected her to tell him off since she was the owner of her company but Mei Lin had already confided in me that Zayn was a major shareholder in all the businesses here in the Frost Fang pack. I guessed that had something to do with his intention to keep an eye on the activities happening in his pack. Evelyn's eyes darted between me and Zayn before she inquired, “Why are you here for her? Did she do something wrong?”“T
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Visiting Alexei At School.
ZAYNAfter what happened last night, I couldn't get the thought of Maisie's face out of my head all day. The way she reacted to my words shocked both me and my wolf because I had never seen her that way. I had a feeling that it had something to do with the past between us but what I didn't understand is why she was behaving that way when I should have been the one being angry. It wasn't like I hadn't believed Maisie when she had accused Xavier of attempting to rape her but there was not a single evidence to justify her claim. I had done everything I could to find a single clue that would speak in her favour but there was none. All the security cameras and the witnesses had said that she was the one who entered the hotel looking for my Beta so I had to endure the pain of betrayal from my own mate. Maisie had no fucking idea just how much I had suffered when she left me. If it wasn't for the pack elders and Kodiak who anchored me through pack bonds, I would have lost control of my sa
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Dinner With His Most trusted Ones.
ZAYN“Odessa,” I tried to calm my nerves when I stepped out of the car to meet my fiancee. Although I blocked her view from the little boy who was still eating, I knew she had seen him already. Crossing my arms, I leaned against the door and asked her, “What are you doing now here? I thought you were supposed to be out of the pack.”“I just returned a few hours ago.” She replied. Odessa bit her lips before bringing out a gift. was holding behind her back. “I just wanted to give you this.”My first instinct was to reject it but I couldn't bear to dim the expectant light in her so I collected it from her hands. My eyes landed on the brand logo imprinted on the box so I thanked her, “This is too expensive, Odessa. You don't need to buy me anything when you travel from now on.”“You don't like it?” The smile on her lips fell when she heard my words. Odessa was the pack envoy who usually helped me form alliances and negotiate deals when I couldn't attend. She and her family had contributed
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Alexei Has Disappeared!
ZAYNIt has been two weeks since I had seen Maisie after that incident. At first, I went on with my life after receiving the daily reports of her and Alexei's whereabouts from my men but as time passed, my wolf started to become more restless with the bond tugging us towards the woman who was at the other end of the pack lands. I kept wondering how she was doing in the Frost Fang pack, even though I was fully aware that she had successfully settled down in her workplace and was even hanging out with Odessa and the other women. Meanwhile, Alexei and I kept meeting secretly after school, talking about stuff and doing fun things like going for a pack run in the forest together. When I noticed that the bruises on his body kept increasing, I decided to teach him how to defend himself. Nothing much, just enough to make his classmates get the message to stay away from him. He was a smart kid so he was able to pick up the moves quickly and I could see that he would become a formidable alp
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Odessa Visits Her Workplace.
MAISIEI took one last look at my sleeping son lying in bed before I quietly closed the door. In the hallway, I met Isis and Zayn in the living room. I informed them, "Alexei is sleeping now. I have treated all his injuries and given him some medicine so he can sleep well.""Don't scold him for the school fight, Maisie," Zayn had maintained an icy expression since he brought our son back, but I didn't pay attention to him until now. "I will go to school tomorrow to talk to the principal."There was something in his voice that bothered me, so I frowned, "You don't get to decide that-""I am his father, Maisie," This time, his voice was heavy with unmistakable authority. I raised my head to see his face etched with ice. “You acknowledged my right when you asked me to find him, remember?”I badly wanted to refute his claims but he was right. When Alexei went missing, I couldn't think of anything else but my son so I went to the one person I knew would help me no matter what. “Fine,” I c
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An Unexpected Friend Arrives In The Pack.
MAISIEIn the café, Odessa and the other women continuously tested my abilities in various ways, but they were unable to obtain the results they desired. I was uncertain about their expectations, but I made every effort to conceal my true identity as a wolf. It was evident that Zayn had deliberately orchestrated this to place me in a challenging predicament.But I was going to overcome this challenge like I always did. Odessa and Evelyn shared a look after some time before one of them finally spoke up. “It seems that you are a very strong wolf. I guess what Zayn was right about you after all.”“Our alpha is never wrong, Odessa,” A woman by her side inserted. I recognized her as my neighbor who lived near Isis's house. “That's why you two are perfect for each other.”A faint blush spread across Odessa's cheeks which added to her alluring beauty as the women around her teased her endlessly about her fiance. On the other hand, I was trying my best not to roll my eyes at these idle fan g
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Her Guardian Angel.
MAISIE“Who is this?” As I heard that familiar voice, I felt a sudden tension in my body. I slowly turned around to see the person I had been trying to avoid for a while walking towards me and my friend, Felix. He had a commanding presence, tall and imposing, dressed in a crisp white shirt and jeans.I instinctively stepped back which Felix caught with keen eyes as Zayn walked towards us, leaving behind his entourage of bodyguards behind. My scowl vanished when I saw him standing so close to me so I immediately introduced the both of them to each other, “Zayn, this is Felix. Felix, this is Zayn.”“I already know who he is,” Felix's easygoing expression had now vanished as he tucked his hands into his trousers. He asked me, “Everyone can recognize him from a freaking mile away. Why are you here with him, Maisie?”“Because she is my mate and the mother of my son,” Zayn spoke in an icy tone that made me wince but his eyes did not leave his opponent even once. He asked me, “Is this the F
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