All Chapters of Billionaire's First Choice : Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
79 Chapters
Last Chance
As Jake and I entered the Mechanical Technology class, Jake closed the door behind us and turned the lock. My heart raced. I knew something was coming, but I wasn't sure what."Anthony, sit down," he demanded, his voice softer than usual.Reluctantly, I sat at one of the workbenches, keeping my guard up. Jake's behavior was unpredictable, and I wasn't sure what to expect."I'm sorry for punching you," he began, avoiding eye contact. "It wasn't intended."I felt a surge of anger and pain at his words. How many times had I heard this before? I stood up, my frustration boiling over. "You always say this, Jake. You always punch me at every available misunderstanding. If we were to continue dating, is this how you were going to be treating me? You even made your friends join in and beat me. I would not take that."Jake's face twisted in anger. "Don't mention his name here. This is about us, not about him."I met his gaze, unflinching. "It's about us. He has everything to do with us because
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I Can Explain Brother
The night was quiet, the kind of silence that envelops you and makes you feel like you’re the only one in the world. I lay in my bed, staring at the ceiling, my mind swirling with thoughts and emotions. The confrontation with Jake, the support from my family, and the comforting words from Timothy—all of it replayed in my mind.I closed my eyes, trying to find sleep, but my thoughts kept drifting back to Timothy. There was something about him that calmed me, made me feel safe. But there was also something that stirred a deeper feeling inside me, something I couldn’t quite put into words.Suddenly, a soft rustling sound broke the silence. I opened my eyes and glanced around the dimly lit room. My heart skipped a beat when I saw a figure moving quietly near the foot of my bed.“Timothy?” I whispered, my voice barely audible in the stillness.He turned, his eyes wide with surprise. “Did I wake you? I’m sorry. I was just trying to lay my bed.”I sat up, my heart pounding. Seeing him there,
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Andrews Anger
The rest of the morning passed in a blur of uneasy tension. Timothy and I eventually got dressed and made our way downstairs, hoping to talk things out with Andrew. However, as soon as we entered the living room, it was clear that the atmosphere had changed drastically.Andrew was seated on the couch, staring intently at the television but clearly not watching it. The moment he saw us, his jaw tightened, and he quickly looked away. Anne was in the kitchen, her eyes flicking between us with concern, and our mother, Ina, was bustling around, preparing breakfast."Morning," I said, trying to keep my voice steady as I approached the table. Timothy gave me a supportive nod and followed.Andrew didn't respond. He just continued to stare at the TV, his body language screaming avoidance."Good morning, dear," Mom said, turning to us with a smile. "Did you boys sleep well?""Uh, yeah, we did," I replied, forcing a smile. "Thanks, Mom."I glanced at Andrew again, hoping for any sign that he mig
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Rift Continues
The lunch bell rang, and the corridors of my school buzzed with the usual clamor of students heading to their favorite hangouts. I gathered my things, my heart heavy with the unresolved tension between Andrew and me. Determined to make things right, I decided to find him and try to talk once more. The thought of him hating me gnawed at my insides, making it hard to focus on anything else.I started my search by heading to his classroom, hoping he might be there. As I approached the door, I saw a few of his friends standing around, laughing and chatting. Mustering up my courage, I walked over to them."Hey, have you seen Andrew?" I asked, trying to sound casual.One of his friends, Kyle, gave me a cursory glance before looking away dismissively. "He's not here. Try somewhere else."The others snickered, and I felt a flush of embarrassment creep up my neck. "Do you know where he might be?""Not my problem," Kyle muttered, turning his back to me.I bit my lip and turned away, my face bur
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The next morning, I reluctantly got out of bed, the events of the previous day still heavy on my mind. I knew today wasn't going to be any easier, but I had to face it. I slowly made my way downstairs to the kitchen, where the scent of pancakes and bacon greeted me. Normally, this would lift my spirits, but today the air felt thick with tension.When I entered the kitchen, I saw my family already seated at the table. Andrew was there, his face set in a stony expression, still refusing to meet my gaze. Mom was bustling around, placing dishes on the table, and Dad was sipping his coffee, his brow furrowed in thought."Good morning," I said softly, taking my seat."Morning," Mom replied, but her usual cheeriness was missing. Dad just nodded, and Andrew said nothing.We ate in strained silence, the clinking of cutlery the only sound breaking the heavy quiet. I tried to swallow the food, but it felt like sawdust in my mouth. I kept sneaking glances at Andrew, hoping for some sign of soften
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Where Is Timothy
We were still gathered around the dining table, basking in the afterglow of Anne's exciting news and the family dinner that followed. The evening had brought a much-needed respite from the tension that had been hanging over us. But then, Mom suddenly spoke up, her voice breaking through the calm."Where is Timothy?" she asked, looking around the table with a hint of worry in her eyes.Everyone turned to look at each other, expressions of confusion and concern spreading across their faces. Timothy hadn't been with us for dinner, and in the excitement of Anne's news, we hadn't noticed his absence."Has anyone seen him?" Dad asked, his tone turning serious."I haven't," Andrew said, looking puzzled. "I thought he was with us."Anne shook her head. "I didn't see him either. Where could he be?"A wave of panic surged through me. I stood up abruptly, my chair scraping loudly against the floor. "I'll go check upstairs," I said, my heart pounding in my chest.I hurried up the stairs, taking th
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The Assault
It was just another typical day at school. The sun was high, casting a warm glow over the campus. Students buzzed through the halls, chatting about assignments and weekend plans. For me, Anthony, the day seemed no different than any other, except for the knot of anxiety that had been building in my stomach since the morning. I couldn’t shake the feeling that something bad was about to happen.After sitting through a grueling math class, I raised my hand to ask for permission to go to the restroom. My teacher nodded, barely glancing up from her papers. I slipped out of the classroom, grateful for the brief escape from the suffocating tension.The hallway was empty, the usual cacophony of student chatter reduced to a distant murmur. I made my way to the restroom at the far end of the building, the one that was usually deserted during class hours. I pushed open the door and stepped inside, letting out a sigh of relief. The cool, sterile air was a welcome contrast to the stifling heat out
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The End
College was a whole new world for both Timothy and me. The sprawling campus, the throngs of new faces, and the promise of fresh starts excited us. Though we were in different departments—Timothy pursuing architecture and I diving into literature—we were known around campus as the couple. From the first day, our bond was unshakeable, our connection visible to everyone.Despite not sharing the same dorm, we were inseparable. We had our own routines and schedules, but somehow, we always found time for each other. Our days started with breakfast at the campus café, where we'd share a quick meal and talk about our plans for the day. Lunch breaks often saw us sprawled on the grass in the quad, books in hand but eyes on each other. Evenings were reserved for study sessions in the library or late-night strolls around the campus, hand in hand, lost in our own world.Our relationship wasn’t without its challenges, though. College life was demanding, and there were times when the pressures of as
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A New Story
When I first arrived at university, I was determined to focus on my studies. The campus was vast and bustling, filled with students who seemed to effortlessly blend in. But I found solace in the quiet corners of the library, where I could lose myself in novels and the endless sea of academic texts.I was always the quiet one, the girl who preferred the company of books over people. The library became my sanctuary, a place where I could escape the noise and chaos of campus life. It wasn’t that I disliked people; I just felt more comfortable in my own world, where stories came alive on the pages of my favorite books.But my peaceful routine was soon disrupted by David. He was one of the popular guys on campus, known for his charm and good looks. Everywhere he went, people seemed to gravitate towards him. I had seen him around, always surrounded by a group of friends, laughing and talking loudly. He was the type of guy who could effortlessly command attention, something I never sought.A
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The days at college blurred into a routine of classes, assignments, and fleeting moments of joy. David had become my rock amidst the chaos, a constant source of support and friendship that I cherished deeply.One sunny afternoon, I made my way towards David and his friends, anticipation bubbling inside me. I looked forward to joining their lively conversations and sharing laughter. But as I approached, I noticed a change in David's demeanor. His smile faltered when he glanced at me, and he seemed engrossed in his friends' discussion, ignoring my presence.Confusion and hurt washed over me as I stood there, feeling like an outsider in my own circle. I tried to contribute to the conversation, but my words were met with indifference, lost in the chatter of David's friends. It was as if I didn't exist, and I couldn't shake off the sense of rejection that settled in my heart.With a forced smile, I excused myself, hiding the hurt behind a façade of composure. I didn't want David or anyone
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