All Chapters of Billionaire's First Choice : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
79 Chapters
The next day, after we woke up, Ina and I decided that we were going to get to the bottom of everything. We knew we had to act quickly and decisively. As we started our day, we kept a close watch on Emma, waiting for the right moment to make our move.We didn't have to wait long. By mid-morning, we saw Emma leaving the house. Suspecting she might be up to something, we decided to follow her. Disguised in costume masks to avoid being recognized, we tailed her discreetly as she made her way through the city.Emma eventually stopped at a small, inconspicuous restaurant. We followed her inside, keeping a safe distance. From our concealed vantage point, we watched as she took a seat in a secluded corner. To our surprise, she wasn’t alone for long. Two people soon joined her, and Ina gasped softly when she recognized them.“It’s my Stepmom and Martin,” she whispered, her eyes wide with shock. They looked ragged and scattered, their appearances a stark contrast to the suave personas they onc
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The next day, as we woke up, Ina and I were resolute in our decision to bring Emma to justice. We had all the evidence we needed, including the recording of our confrontation with her. We headed straight to the police station, where they received us promptly due to my influence and high prestige.We handed over the evidence to the officers. “This is everything,” I said, placing the documents and recording on the desk. “Emma has been deceiving us and orchestrating a fraud for years.”The chief reviewed the materials and nodded gravely. “We’ll act immediately. This is a serious matter.”The police set up a plan to apprehend Emma. The next day, in the afternoon, Emma came over to the house as usual, not suspecting a thing. The police were already there, waiting in plain clothes. As soon as she stepped inside, they moved swiftly, handcuffing her and reading her rights.Emma’s face twisted in shock and anger. “What is the meaning of this?” she demanded, struggling against the restraints.“
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A Sequel
My name is Anthony, and I'm 18 years old. I'm in my final year of high school. I come from a family that might seem perfect from the outside, but like every family, we have our own complexities and challenges. I'm the second of triplets, sandwiched between my older brother, Andrew, and my younger sister, Anne.My mother, Ina, is the epitome of quiet strength and love. She's always there for us, my mum has this soothing presence that can calm any storm. She’s the one I go to when I need comfort, though there are some things even she doesn’t know about me. My father, is the opposite. He's fierce, strict, and holds high expectations for all of us. He’s a successful businessman, respected by everyone in our town, and he expects nothing less than excellence from his children. His stern demeanor can be intimidating, and I often find myself trying to avoid his wrath.Andrew, my older brother, is the star athlete, the golden child. He excels in everything he does, especially sports. He's the
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The Fight
Andrew stepped closer, his jaw clenched. "It becomes my business when you mess with my brother," he said firmly. The tension in the air was palpable. Jake's sneer faltered for a moment, and I saw a flicker of uncertainty in his eyes."You want to make this your fight, Andrews?" Jake challenged, stepping forward.Andrew didn’t back down. "If that's what it takes to get you to leave Anthony alone, then yes."Jake’s eyes narrowed. "Fine. Let’s see what you’ve got."Without warning, Jake swung at Andrew, who dodged the punch and countered with one of his own, landing squarely on Jake's jaw. The two of them clashed in a flurry of punches and grapples, drawing a crowd of students who watched with a mix of excitement and fear.Eventually, a teacher intervened, pulling them apart and escorting them to the principal's office. I stood there, stunned by the sudden violence and the fierce protection my brother had shown.After the fight, Andrew and I walked home in silence. My mind was racing wit
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Found Out
The next day at school started like any other. I walked into my classroom, took my usual seat, and began unpacking my books. It had been a few days since Andrew and Jake's fight, and things had been relatively peaceful. I allowed myself a small sigh of relief, hoping the calm would last.But then Jake walked up to me. He didn't look angry or smug, just determined. "Meet me outside," he said quietly, but with an edge that sent chills down my spine. I wondered what this was about. Despite our history, Jake had been unusually quiet since his confrontation with Andrew. Maybe it was over, I had thought. Maybe he was done with me. But now, those hopes seemed naïve.As he walked out, I hesitated. I wanted to ignore him, to stay in my seat and pretend I hadn't heard. But a mix of fear and curiosity pulled me to my feet. I glanced around the classroom, hoping for some excuse to stay, but there was none. I followed Jake out the door.He led me down the hallway to the bathroom. My heart pounded
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On this particular day, I had been assigned to help arrange books in the library. It was a task I found somewhat comforting—a chance to lose myself in the quiet order of the shelves, away from the chaos of the classroom and the torment of my peers. The library was my sanctuary, a place where I could forget about Jake and the constant threat he posed to my fragile peace.As I was stacking books on a lower shelf, I felt a presence behind me. I turned and saw Jake approaching, a predatory glint in his eyes. My heart sank. I tried to ignore him, focusing on my task, but he walked up and deliberately pushed the stack of books I had just arranged, sending them tumbling to the floor.“Hey!” I protested, but my voice was small, barely more than a whisper. I knew better than to provoke him, but I was tired of his relentless bullying.Jake smirked, clearly enjoying my discomfort. I bent down to pick up the books, trying to stay calm. I started arranging them again, hoping he would get bored and
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Anthony's POV On this particular day, I arrived at school earlier than usual. The sun had just begun to rise, casting long shadows across the empty playground. The air was cool and crisp, a welcome change from the suffocating heat of the previous days. I made my way to my usual spot, a quiet corner of the schoolyard where I could sit undisturbed until the bell rang.The bench under the large oak tree had become my refuge. Here, I could escape the constant vigilance required to navigate the school hallways. I could relax, if only for a few minutes, before the chaos of the day began. I settled down, my backpack serving as a makeshift pillow, and closed my eyes.Sleep came quickly. In my dream, I was running through a field of tall grass, the sun warm on my face. I felt free, unburdened by the fears and anxieties that plagued my waking life. It was a rare and precious feeling, one I wished could last forever.Suddenly, the warmth on my face disappeared, replaced by a cool shadow. I stir
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Anthony's POV When I arrived at school that particular day, I immediately noticed something was different. As I walked into the classroom, my eyes were drawn to the back, where Jake was sitting. My heart skipped a beat. Why was he here? His usual spot was on the other side of the room, surrounded by his friends. Seeing him so close to my desk was unnerving.Not wanting to cause any trouble or draw attention to myself, I took a deep breath and walked to my seat. I could feel Jake's eyes on me as I sat down, my heart pounding in my chest. The lecture began, and I tried to focus on the teacher's words, but it was no use. All I could think about was Jake, sitting right behind me.Throughout the class, Jake kept disturbing me. First, he asked for a pen. I handed it to him without turning around, hoping that would be the end of it. Then he tapped my shoulder and asked for a pencil. I gave it to him, my frustration growing. Finally, he asked for my textbook. I hesitated, but handed it over,
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First Kiss
Anthony decided to check on his brother Andrew to see if he was ready to go home. Entering Andrew's classroom, he saw his brother engrossed in conversation with his friends. Anthony didn’t like them; they always tossed him around and made fun of him. Deciding not to interact, he quietly turned and left.As he stepped outside, Anthony scanned the area for any sign of Jake or his friends. He didn’t want another encounter with his tormentors. Seeing the coast was clear, he sighed in relief and started his walk home.The walk was usually a time for Anthony to relax, but today he felt a sense of unease. His mind kept drifting back to Jake and the unexpected interactions they had recently. Suddenly, he felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned around, heart pounding, to see Jake standing there.Jake smiled, though it didn’t quite reach his eyes. “Can I walk with you?” he asked.Anthony’s mind raced. He glanced around, half-expecting Jake’s friends to jump out from somewhere. Seeing no one else,
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Secret Relationship
Anthony's POV The morning sun had barely risen when I arrived at school. As usual, I was the first to enter the classroom. I settled into my usual spot, placing my bag on the desk and pulling out my notebook. The quiet of the room surrounded me as I waited for my classmates to arrive.The door creaked open, and I glanced up to see Jake entering with his friends. My heart skipped a beat. Jake's presence always had a strange effect on me. Our eyes met, and to my surprise, he smiled. It was brief, but it sent a wave of warmth through me. I quickly averted my gaze, feeling my cheeks flush. I lowered my head onto my locker, trying to hide my blushing face.The class began, and I tried to focus on the lesson, but my thoughts kept drifting back to Jake. The way he smiled at me, the softness in his eyes—it left me feeling confused. I was lost in my thoughts when Philip, one of my friends, approached my desk."Hey, Anthony, can you go get something for us?" he asked.I looked up. "We have ass
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