All Chapters of Billionaire's First Choice : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
79 Chapters
The Accident
Adam sat on the edge of his bed, lost in thought. The encounter with Ina had left him more unsettled than he cared to admit. When he had hugged her, he couldn't help but notice the slight bump in her stomach. At first, he wondered if she might be sick, but he quickly dismissed the idea. Ina didn’t look unwell; in fact, there was a glow about her that suggested otherwise.What’s it to me if she is sick? Adam thought, trying to shake off his concern. She’s just a maid, after all. Yet, the rationalization felt hollow. Adam had never been one to fall easily for a woman’s attempt at seduction, but there was something different about Ina. The way she had trembled in his arms, the look in her eyes—he had felt something inside him shift, something he couldn’t quite control. And that was why he had kissed her, to at least have an understanding of why he was feeling that way.He wanted to get to the bottom of why Ina was at his estate and if she was the woman he had spent that unforgettable nig
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The next morning, as Ina worked in the kitchen, her body finally gave in to the exhaustion and lack of nourishment. She had not eaten since the previous day, determined to fulfill her duties despite her weariness. The room began to spin, and before she could steady herself, her vision blurred and she fainted, collapsing to the floor. One of the male workers saw her fall and quickly rushed to her side. He lifted her gently, ready to carry her out of the kitchen. At that moment, Adam walked in, and his eyes immediately locked onto the scene. A surge of jealousy and concern welled up within him, and without a second thought, he strode over and took Ina from the worker's arms. "I'll handle this," Adam said curtly, leaving no room for discussion. The worker nodded and stepped back, watching as Adam carried Ina out of the kitchen and up the stairs to his private quarters. Adam's mind raced with a mix of emotions he couldn’t quite understand. He laid her gently on his bed, brushing a stran
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Sudden Passion
The enormity of what she had just agreed to was almost too much to bear. With a mixture of resignation and determination, she turned to make her way back to her room, needing some time alone to process everything.Just as she reached the door, Adam's voice stopped her. "Where do you think you're going?" he asked, his tone sharp and authoritative.Ina turned slowly, her heart pounding in her chest. "I'm going back to my room," she replied, her voice barely above a whisper.Adam’s eyes narrowed slightly. "Did I not make it clear to you that you’ll be staying in my quarters from today onwards?" he demanded. "You are now my wife, and you are expected to act as such."Ina felt a chill run down her spine. "Yes, sir," she murmured, bowing her head. "I understand."Adam took a step closer, his gaze unwavering. "Then act like it," he said firmly. "Your things will be moved to my quarters immediately. I expect you to fulfill your role, both publicly and privately."Ina swallowed hard, nodding.
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Ina woke abruptly, her stomach churning with the unmistakable urge to vomit. She sat up quickly, disoriented and fearful, as she realized she was not on the couch where she had fallen asleep but in Adam's bed. Panic seized her as she considered the possible consequences of being found here. She pondered how she had ended up in his bed, her thoughts racing through the events of the previous night.While still trying to piece together what had happened, the door to the bathroom opened, and Adam emerged, fresh from his shower. His hair was damp, and water droplets glistened on his chiseled body. Ina's breath caught in her throat as she took in the sight of him, her thoughts momentarily silenced by the sheer physical presence of the man before her. The pregnancy hormones raging through her body only intensified her reaction, making her feel both embarrassed and inexplicably drawn to him.Adam noticed her stunned expression and the way her eyes lingered on him. He raised an eyebrow, a h
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Adams Office
The JourneyAfter carefully packing his lunch, I made my way to the driveway where Adam’s car was parked. I approached the driver, a stern-looking man who barely glanced at me as I approached. “Excuse me,” I said, trying to keep my voice steady. “I need to deliver Mr. Adam’s lunch to his office. Could you please drive me there?”The driver looked at me with a mixture of disdain and confusion. “Why would I drive a maid to Mr. Adam’s office? You’re not supposed to be using his car,” he said dismissively.“But I’m his—” I began to explain, but he cut me off.“I don’t care what you are. Mr. Adam didn’t give me any instructions about you using the car. Now move along, I have work to do.” He turned away, effectively ending the conversation.Frustration bubbled up inside me, but I bit my lip and turned away. It was clear that my new status as Adam’s wife, albeit in name only, had not reached everyone, or perhaps they just didn’t care. I approached the gatehouse, where the gateman sat reading
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Office Meal
Immediately upon seeing me drenched, Adam's eyes narrowed with concern, or perhaps it was annoyance. "Why are you wet?" he demanded, a hint of suspicion in his voice. He seemed to be considering the possibility that I had done something wrong or was involved in some mischief. I opened my mouth to explain, but before I could get a word out, he had already moved towards his desk.I watched as he picked up the phone and dialed a number. His voice was stern and authoritative. "The driver who refused to take my wife to the office this morning is fired. Effective immediately." I stood there, holding the lunchbox, feeling a mix of emotions. I was surprised and somewhat bewildered. Adam was firing someone because of me? It was an unexpected turn of events, and I wasn't sure how to process it.Adam hung up the phone and walked back towards me, his eyes locking onto mine. "Come here," he said firmly. "Let's get you dried off."Careful not to make any mistakes, I followed him through a door that
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I stood there, stunned at what Adam had just said. I looked at him, trying to process his words, and he raised an eyebrow, a hint of amusement playing on his lips. "What? Is there something on my face?" he asked, his voice laced with sarcasm.Blushing furiously, I quickly turned to the other side to mask my red cheeks. I could feel the heat radiating off my face and hoped that Adam wouldn't notice how flustered I was.As Adam continued to eat, I remained on his lap, feeling awkward and out of place.The minutes dragged on, and the warmth of the office, combined with the exhaustion from my morning ordeal, started to take its toll on me. I felt my eyelids growing heavier with each passing second. I tried to fight it, but it was no use. I could feel myself slipping into a drowsy state.Adam must have noticed my struggle because he shifted slightly and used his hand to gently guide my head to rest on his shoulder. I didn't resist; I was too tired to care. The last thing I remembered
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Night Of Passion
I woke up in the middle of the night, disoriented and unsure of my surroundings. My head was resting on Adam's shoulder, and I could feel his steady breathing beside me. He was still sleeping, his face relaxed and peaceful in the dim light.As I lay there, I felt an intense warmth spreading through my body. It was as if a wave of heat was washing over me, making me long for closeness and contact. I shifted slightly, trying to understand what was happening. Maybe it was the pregnancy hormones, I thought. I was never someone who was particularly sexually active, and this sudden desire for intimacy felt foreign and overwhelming.I couldn't help but snuggle closer to Adam, seeking his warmth and comfort. His body heat was soothing, and I instinctively pressed myself against him, trying to absorb as much of it as possible. My heart pounded in my chest, both from the closeness and the fear that he might wake up and misinterpret my actions.What if he thinks I'm a slut? The thought sent a sh
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The Party
As I woke up to Adam tapping me gently and asking if I wanted to bathe, I looked at him still sleepy and nodded in agreement. He surprised me by scooping me up in his arms, causing a gasp to escape my lips. Despite my initial shock, he carried me effortlessly to the bathroom in our room, where warm water awaited my bath.Settling into the soothing warmth of the water, I felt a pang of shyness as Adam stood nearby, his gaze lingering on me with a mixture of desire and tenderness. It was both thrilling and unnerving to be watched so intently, especially in such an intimate setting.As I bathed and turned this way and that, Adam moved closer, his touch gentle yet possessive as he ran his hand over my stomach. How did you get pregnant he asked me, I was surprised by the sudden question and made no attempt to answer pretending I did not hear him. I tried to move away from his embrace but he held me tighter, His question about my pregnancy hung in the air, but I remained silent. I coul
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I stood there, my heart sinking as Adam's words pierced through me like a dagger. "I left you for just a moment, and you are already talking to another man. I did not expect this from you," he shouted, his voice filled with anger and disappointment. I tried to explain, to tell him it was a misunderstanding, but he stormed off before I could even form the words.As I stood there, bewildered and hurt, I glanced over at the other man who looked at me with an apologetic expression. "I never knew you were married. I'm very sorry," he said softly, his words tinged with regret.Tears welled up in my eyes, a mix of frustration and sadness overwhelming me. I couldn't bear the judgmental gazes and whispers around me. People were murmuring, expressing surprise at discovering that Adam was married. Women sneered and cast disdainful looks in my direction as I walked away.Outside, I frantically looked around for Adam's car, hoping to catch him. But my heart sank further when I realized that he was
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