All Chapters of Billionaire's First Choice : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
79 Chapters
The News
Ina's PovI woke up the next morning feeling surprisingly rested. As I opened my eyes, I saw Adam beside me, looking much better than the previous night. A wave of anxiety washed over me, wondering if he would bring up the events from the party. However, to my surprise, his first question was about my hunger. I nodded, still cautious but intrigued by his sudden change in demeanor.Adam clapped his hands, summoning a group of girls who entered carrying a lavish breakfast buffet. He explained that he wasn't sure of my food preferences, so he ordered a variety of dishes. His thoughtful gesture touched my heart, and I ate with gratitude, enjoying the delicious spread.Throughout the meal, Adam's warm smile never wavered, although he quickly composed himself whenever I caught him smiling at me. We chatted casually, and amidst the conversation, I let out a burp, feeling embarrassed. However, Adam's laughter turned my embarrassment into amusement, and I couldn't help but laugh along with him
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Adam's Pov It had already been four months since Ina left the hospital, and I had been searching frantically for her everywhere. My life had spiraled into chaos. I no longer wanted to work, and I shouted at everyone I came across. My once orderly existence had turned into a mess, and even my workers were affected.My mother, seeing the state I was in, came to live with me. She was worried, trying to understand who this particular woman was that had turned her son's life upside down. She would often ask, "Who is she, Adam? Why has she caused you so much pain?"I could barely find the words to explain. "Mom, she's...she's the mother of my children. And I pushed her away," I would say, my voice breaking. My mother would listen, her eyes filled with concern and sympathy. "We'll find her, Adam," she would reassure me. "You have to stay strong."But staying strong felt impossible. Every day without Ina felt like a lifetime. I had investigators, private detectives, and every possible resou
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After we gathered the children, we got into the car. I drove off to an orphanage home, one that I had been sponsoring for years. The ride was quiet, the weight of the situation hanging heavily over us.When we arrived, the two children clung to Ina, crying and pleading not to be left behind. Their desperation was heart-wrenching."Ina," one of the children sobbed, "don't leave us."Ina knelt down and hugged them tightly. "I'll come back regularly to check on you," she promised, her voice gentle but firm. "You're safe here. I won't abandon you."The children sniffled, their tears slowly subsiding. They trusted her, and it showed in their reluctant nods.I spoke to the orphanage director, ensuring that the children would be well taken care of. The director, knowing my involvement with the orphanage, reassured me that they would receive the best care possible.When we arrived at the house, I didn’t want Ina to exert herself, especially with her being so heavily pregnant. I called on one
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The next morning, I woke up to the growling of my stomach. Trying to free myself from Adam's embrace, I stirred him awake. He stared at me and asked if I was okay. I said I was hungry. Hastily, he stood up and asked if I wanted to brush first or would like to eat first. I smiled and said I would prefer to brush first. Immediately, Adam brought the required equipment and a bowl with water for me to use. After brushing, Adam called for food, and immediately a maid entered with different types of food, from which I ate. After I was done eating, I tried to sit but when I rested my body on the bed istarted to shift uncomfortably, trying to find a safe and comfortable spot to lay my heavy stomach. Adam, sensing my discomfort, asked if he should set pillows for me, to which I replied yes. He carefully arranged the pillows around me, ensuring I was supported and comfortable. I smiled at his attentiveness, grateful for his care. I got comfortable after Adam had set the pillows, but after a w
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You Thought it Ended
It had been two years since the day I gave birth to my lovely triplets. Adam and I had named our children Andrew, Anthony, and Anne. Our marriage had been going smoothly until one particular night when everything changed.That evening, I was in the kitchen, preparing a meal for Anne, who was nagging me for food. Suddenly, the door swung open, and Adam stumbled in, reeking of alcohol. My first thought was that he must have gone to a business meeting and ended up drinking too much. I quickly settled Anne in her room and went to assist Adam.As we reached our bedroom, I tried to help him take off his clothes, but he swiped my hand away angrily. "I don't need you," he slurred. "I don't need you to do any fucking thing for me. I can do it myself. I am not a handicapped."His words stung, and I stepped back, shocked and hurt. "Adam, you're drunk. Let me help you," I said softly, trying to keep my voice calm."I said I don't need you!" he shouted, his eyes filled with anger and something els
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The next morning, I woke up early, the echoes of last night's tears still fresh in my mind. I had cried myself to sleep on the couch, unable to bear the thought of lying next to Adam, who seemed to hate me now. The cries of Anthony woke me,quickly followed by the sounds of Andrew and Anne stirring. I went to their room, attended to their needs, changed their diapers, and prepared breakfast.As I moved through the kitchen, I couldn't help but think about our current situation. Living in this big estate seemed unnecessary now, especially after everything that had happened. I suggested to Adam that we move to a more comfortable apartment, still with elevators for convenience. He didn't respond, lost in his own thoughts.Adam woke up a little later. When he saw me, he immediately passed by without a word and went to kiss the children. Laughing and giggling, they played with him. I watched them sorrowfully, feeling a sharp pang in my chest. I couldn't bear the tension between us any
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Instead of listening to me, Adam turned away, his voice cold and dismissive. "Get out, Ina. I have important things to do."Feeling dejected, I left the bedroom, my mind racing with thoughts of how to make Adam understand that Emma wasn't who she pretended to be. As I stepped out into the hallway, I came face to face with Emma. Without warning, she grabbed my arm and dragged me into one of the guest rooms.Before I could react, she slapped me hard across the face. The sting was sharp, and I stumbled back in shock. "This is your last warning," she hissed. "Don't try to disrupt my plans."I looked her in the eyes, anger and desperation mingling in my gaze. "What do you want from me, Emma? You took everything from me. You got pregnant by my ex-fiance, ran away with my father's money, and now you're back in my husband's life. Why?"Emma laughed, a cruel, mocking sound. "Oh, you mean Martin? That one's far gone. I already left him. Do you know how I felt when I heard you had married one of
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Victoria's Secret
Despite my attempts to bridge the gap between us, Adam continued to ignore me, and Emma’s constant presence only added to the tension. She took every opportunity to threaten me, her malicious smile a constant reminder of her vendetta.One evening, Adam returned home from work, but he was so drunk that the driver had to carry him inside. As soon as Emma saw him, she rushed over, feigning concern. “Adam, what’s wrong?” she cooed, trying to take him from the driver.I emerged from the kitchen, my heart sinking at the sight. “What are you doing?” I demanded, my voice sharper than I intended.Emma turned to me, her expression innocent. “I was just trying to help.”Ignoring her, I hurried to Adam’s side and helped him up the elevator and into our room. He reeked of alcohol, his clothes rumpled and dirty. As I tried to help him undress, he suddenly pushed me onto the bed, his movements clumsy but forceful.“I’ve missed you, Ina,” he slurred, kissing me furiously. “I missed you.”Ina's PovAf
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When I got home, I knew I had to get prepared for what I was planning to happen that night with Adam. The day had been long, and the anticipation was building inside me. I set out the lingerie I had bought, each piece more daring than the last. After some contemplation, I decided to go for the red one first. It was bold and fiery, just what I needed to reignite the spark between us.I slipped into the bathroom, taking a long, hot shower to relax and prepare myself. As the water cascaded over me, I let my thoughts drift to the evening ahead, imagining Adam's reaction. After drying off, I applied a light layer of lotion, the scent of jasmine lingering in the air. My heart raced with a mix of excitement and nerves.Standing in front of the mirror, I carefully put on the red lingerie, adjusting the straps and making sure everything was in place. The silky fabric clung to my curves, and I felt a surge of confidence. I slipped into a matching robe, the satin cool against my skin. I tied it
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After I finished bathing and came outside, I saw Ina sitting on the bed, staring down at me. She wasn't wearing anything. Her vulnerability and beauty struck me, and I felt a rush of conflicting emotions. My desire for her was intense, but the turmoil of the past weeks weighed heavily on my mind. Unable to bear my desires and the confusion anymore, I turned around, my voice strained as I said, "Put some clothes on, Ina."She looked at me, puzzled and hurt. "But this is how we normally—""Go and put something on!" I shouted, harsher than I intended. "I need to talk to you about some things, and we can't talk like this."Ina's eyes widened in shock, but she didn't argue further. She got up slowly, her movements graceful despite the tension in the room, and disappeared into the closet. Moments later, she emerged wearing a soft robe that barely concealed her form. She sat back down, looking at me with a mixture of confusion and concern.I took a deep breath, trying to steady myself. "Ina,
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