Semua Bab Billionaire's First Choice : Bab 71 - Bab 79
79 Bab
Marry Me
Emily watched, her heart pounding, as the police officers stormed the cabin. Shouts and the sounds of a struggle echoed through the night. She held her breath, praying that Andrew would be okay and that this nightmare would finally come to an end.The minutes stretched on, feeling like hours. Then, finally, she saw Mark being dragged out of the cabin in handcuffs, his face twisted in rage and defeat. Two officers followed, supporting a battered but alive Andrew. Relief flooded through Emily as she rushed to his side."Andrew!" she cried, tears streaming down her face as she reached him. "Are you okay?"Andrew managed a weak smile, wincing as he did. "I'm okay, Emily. Are you hurt?"She shook her head, her emotions overwhelming her. "No, I'm fine. Thank you for saving me. I don't know what I would have done if you hadn't come."The police led Mark to one of the patrol cars, where he was roughly shoved into the back seat. One of the officers approached Emily and Andrew, his expression s
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Unplanned Visitor
The morning sun filtered through the curtains, casting a warm glow in the living room where Andrew and Emily sat, enjoying their breakfast. Their son, little Jacob, played with his toys on the floor, his laughter filling the room with joy. It was a perfect, serene moment that symbolized the happiness they had found together. Since their marriage, their lives had been a series of blessed days, filled with love and contentment.Suddenly, there was a loud knock on the door, interrupting their peace. Emily glanced at Andrew, her brow furrowing with curiosity. "I wonder who that could be," she said, getting up from her seat.Andrew raised a hand to stop her. "Wait, Emily. Let me check first. We need to be cautious about opening the door to strangers."Emily smiled and nodded, appreciating his protectiveness. "Alright, I'll let you handle it."Andrew walked to the door, his steps steady. He peered through the peephole, seeing a woman standing outside. "Who is it?" he called out."I'm lookin
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The Reunion
The sun was shining brightly as the family set out on their journey to Andrew's parents' town. Jacob, their energetic son, chattered excitedly from the back seat, his anticipation palpable. "I can't wait to see Grandma and Grandpa! It's been too long!"Emily smiled at his enthusiasm, her heart warmed by the bond he shared with his grandparents. "I know, sweetie. They've missed you too."Andrew glanced at Emily, a soft smile playing on his lips. "I'm glad we're doing this. It's been a while since we visited my parents."Esther, who was sitting beside Emily, nodded in agreement. "I'm looking forward to meeting them. From what you've told me, they sound like wonderful people." As they were ging Andrew suddenly spotted jake.Andrew stepped out of the car, his eyes narrowing slightly as he approached Jake, who seemed agitated and defensive. "What are you doing here, Jake?" Andrew asked, his tone firm but not confrontational.Jake's eyes darted around nervously before he replied, "I don't w
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David And Anne
As the sun began to cast its morning glow through the windows, a serene quietness enveloped the family home. The night had been peaceful, with everyone nestled in their beds, dreams weaving tales of distant lands and forgotten memories. However, the tranquility was shattered by the shrill ring of a phone, cutting through the peaceful morning like a sharp blade.Andrew stirred from his slumber, his mind grappling with the sudden intrusion into their peaceful haven. Rubbing the sleep from his eyes, he stumbled downstairs to where the phone was ringing incessantly. With a sense of urgency, he picked up the receiver, his heart pounding with a mixture of apprehension and concern."Hello?" Andrew's voice was groggy, still tinged with remnants of sleep.The voice on the other end was familiar, but filled with panic and distress. It was Anne, Andrew's sister, her words tumbling out in a rush. "Andrew, it's David. He's been rushed to the hospital. Please, we need your help!"The words hit Andr
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Old Memories
As Anthony and Timothy took their walk, the air around them seemed heavy with unspoken tension. Anthony's unease was palpable, his eyes darting around as if expecting something dreadful to happen at any moment. Timothy, on the other hand, walked calmly beside him, a reassuring presence in the midst of Anthony's turmoil.The familiar figure of Jake appeared in the distance, causing Anthony's heart to skip a beat. His breath caught in his throat, memories of past grievances flooding his mind. Timothy noticed Anthony's distress and placed a comforting hand on his shoulder."Hey, it's okay," Timothy said softly. "I'm here with you. Nothing is going to happen."Anthony forced a shaky smile, grateful for Timothy's support. As Jake approached them, Anthony's anxiety spiked, but he tried to maintain composure."You still look as beautiful as ever," Jake remarked, his voice tinged with remorse.Anthony's guard went up immediately. "What do you want from me now? Are you here to cause more troub
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Where Is Jacob
As Andrew and Emily settled into bed, ready to embrace the embrace of sleep, their thoughts turned to Jacob. It was unusual for him to be awake at this hour, and a slight unease crept into their minds. They exchanged concerned glances, silently agreeing to check on Jacob before finally retiring for the night.The house was quiet, bathed in the soft glow of the moon filtering through the curtains. Andrew and Emily tiptoed out of their room, their footsteps barely making a sound as they made their way through the corridors, searching every nook and cranny for any sign of Jacob.They checked the living room, the kitchen, and even the backyard, calling out Jacob's name in hushed tones. Each call echoed softly in the silent house, but there was no response. Anxiety started to build in their chests as minutes ticked by without any trace of Jacob.Feeling a growing sense of urgency, Andrew and Emily hurried to their grandparents' room. They knocked gently and entered, their faces reflecting
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As the morning light filtered through the curtains, Adam found himself at the door, responding to the persistent knocking that had disrupted the tranquil start to the day. Expecting the unexpected, he swung the door open, greeted by the sight of his daughter, Sarah, standing there with a playful twinkle in her eyes."I heard you guys had a wonderful reunion, and nobody invited me," Sarah exclaimed with mock indignation, a mischievous grin playing on her lips.Adam's laughter echoed through the hallway as he welcomed Sarah inside. "I thought you were off on your usual rock-climbing escapades, causing havoc and heart attacks wherever you go."Sarah's eyes sparkled with amusement as she stepped into the familiar embrace of her childhood home. "Oh, Dad, you know I can't resist a good adventure."Ina's melodious voice drifted down from upstairs as she descended to join the gathering. Her presence added a layer of warmth and familiarity to the scene, enveloping everyone in a sense of homeco
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Sarahs Love Story
The next morning, the sun had just begun to rise, casting a golden hue over the serene neighborhood where Adam and Nina lived. Birds chirped melodiously, heralding the start of a new day. Sarah, known for her adventurous spirit and love for the outdoors, decided to go for an early morning jog. Dressed in her athletic wear, she laced up her running shoes and headed out, eager to embrace the fresh morning air and clear her mind.Sarah jogged down familiar paths, her pace steady and rhythmic. She enjoyed the solitude of her morning runs, the time to reflect and rejuvenate. Lost in her thoughts, she barely noticed the figure running towards her from the opposite direction. It wasn’t until they were a few steps apart that she realized they were on a collision course. Before she could react, they slammed into each other, both losing their balance and tumbling to the ground.“Ow,” Sarah muttered, rubbing her elbow. She looked up to see a man extending his hand to help her up. His concern was
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Jakes Story
After meeting Andrew and Anthony's family, I couldn't shake the overwhelming sense of embarrassment that settled over me. It wasn't just the reminders of our shared past, but the stark contrast between my current state and their successes. They had achieved so much, while I was still stuck, unable to find a job because of my criminal record. The history of assault loomed over me like a dark cloud, tainting every job application I submitted. No company wanted to hire someone with my background.I returned home, where my father’s voice echoed through the house, filled with frustration and disappointment. "Jake, you need to find something to do! You can't just sit around all day!" His words were a constant reminder of my failures. My mother, though kinder in her approach, couldn't hide her worry. I knew I had to do something. The sense of being a burden, of failing to live up to even the most basic expectations, was suffocating.That night, lying on my bed, I made a decision. I would tak
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