All Chapters of Rebirth: Conquering the Entertainment World: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
100 Chapters
Chapter 21
Worried that Alex might blurt out the fact that Lindsay was their sister, Olivia quickly exclaimed, "Oh no, the dish I'm cooking is about to burn!"She immediately grabbed Alex's hand, pulling him back into the kitchen. "Brother, come help me."Lindsay watched Alex being dragged away and clicked her tongue with a meaningful look. "Even going back to the kitchen, they have to hold hands. They really can't stop showing off their sibling bond!"Lindsay's comment made everyone notice that Olivia was indeed holding Alex's hand as they returned to the kitchen. It also felt somewhat awkward for adult siblings to be so physically close.Justin, who grew up with Lindsay, knew she wasn't a weak person. However, he felt she was being too aggressive by not letting go of the issue with Olivia and Alex.He spoke up, "Linds, let it go."Lindsay looked at Justin with a cold, indifferent gaze. "The one who starts it is at fault.”In the past, whenever there was a conflict, the Harper family always blam
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Chapter 22
Wendy had a pretty good impression of Lindsay and wanted to lighten the mood and change the topic. So, she said to Lindsay, "Weren't you going to weave straw hats? Why don't you teach me? I'll see if I can learn."Lindsay nodded. "Sure!"She patiently took some reeds and started teaching Wendy how to weave a straw hat.Elric and Leslie exchanged a glance, then each pulled up a chair to sit and watch them weave.Meanwhile, the comments in the live stream were filled with controversy."Lindsay must be crazy! Not only did she insult my Lex, but she also snapped at Justin. Who does she think she is?""Exactly! She's just a third-rate actress. How dare she go against top stars and an award-winning actor? Who gave her the courage?""Lindsay is so rude and disrespectful to her seniors. I dislike her more and more.""My Lex was just worried about his sister. Lindsay is the one who's out of line.""Not just out of line, she's completely lost it!""Justin was only trying to tell her she was bei
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Chapter 23
There were exactly four dishes. They set aside portions from each to give to the production team in exchange for bedding, leaving the rest for themselves.One dish was overcooked, but Olivia had put effort into plating the other three, making them look somewhat presentable.After Alex and Justin tasted the food, they both praised her efforts. This led to a stream of compliments on the live chat, calling Olivia a warm-hearted angel.Of course, much of this praise was driven by hired commenters.Sharon also tried the food. She thought either her taste buds were malfunctioning, or the other two were being dishonest. The three dishes were either bland or too salty—hardly delicious. Yet, Alex and Justin had the nerve to compare it to restaurant quality. She could only roll her eyes internally.She felt even more jealous seeing Olivia being protected by two high-quality men.As night fell, Lindsay and her group returned to their rooms.Lindsay took the reeds back to her room to continue we
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Chapter 24
Wendy observed the entire exchange. She also noticed that many online comments were false. They claimed that Lindsay was clinging to Justin and that he was fed up with her and wanted to get rid of her, calling her a leech.But from what she had just witnessed, it was clear that Lindsay was the one avoiding Justin and initiating the breakup. If she hadn't been there, Justin might have tried to stop Lindsay forcefully. The reality was the complete opposite of the online rumors.Back in their room, Lindsay didn't mention Justin. Although Wendy was curious, she didn't ask because it was a private matter.The next morning, Lindsay got up early and went to the courtyard to practice martial arts.When the production crew arrived, they saw her finishing the last segment of her routine.Adam, who was familiar with Lindsay because she had once saved his wife, smiled and asked, "You're up early practicing martial arts. Why didn't you wait until the live stream started?"The routine Lindsay had j
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Chapter 25
Elric rolled his eyes at him. "Why would I lie? It's not like I have time to waste."Alex then turned to Lindsay, still doubtful. "How did you manage to do that?"He couldn't believe Lindsay had helped Elric's team so effectively. Was his sister really that capable?Lindsay could easily see his skepticism.She replied coolly, "How I did it isn't really your concern, is it? Instead of questioning me here, you'd better hurry up and find some work."When she was with the Harper family, both her parents and her five brothers always underestimated her abilities, thinking she was just a small-town girl. Influenced by Olivia's remarks, they genuinely believed she was incompetent.So, hearing that she had secured a week's worth of work for her team, Alex found it hard to believe.Alex was once again at a loss for words. "You don't need to worry about us. We'll definitely find work."Lindsay shrugged. "Who's got time to worry about you?""You!" Alex found that ever since Lindsay had decisively
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Chapter 26
Seeing such a handsome young man acting pitiful, the lady of the house suddenly felt less nervous about being on camera.She smiled and said, "It’s just a simple breakfast, no problem."She stood up to start cooking, but Lindsay noticed the partially eaten sandwiches on the table and smiled. "Ma'am, why don't you show us to the kitchen? We can cook it ourselves so you can continue with your breakfast."Under normal circumstances, the woman would have felt awkward letting her guests cook. But since Adam had mentioned that these celebrities were here to experience life, she nodded. "Sure, follow me."The four of them followed her to the kitchen. She pointed to the stove and showed them how to use it, providing flour, four eggs, and some bacon strips before returning to her meal.Once she left, Lindsay asked the others, "Do any of you know how to make American breakfast?"Elric and Leslie shook their heads in unison, "No."Wendy raised her hand, "I can only fry an egg."Lindsay nodded. "A
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Chapter 27
"I really want to eat that! Lindsay's cooking skills are amazing!""No wonder Alex wanted Lindsay to cook; he must have known she was a great cook.""So, Lindsay and Alex not only know each other but seem to have a close relationship? Otherwise, how would he know?""It feels like there's some juicy gossip here. Could it be true that Lindsay is clinging to Alex behind the scenes?""I don't think Lindsay is interested in Alex. Her behavior doesn't match what Alex's fans are saying about her playing hard to get.""Lindsay isn't trying to hog the spotlight. She's bright, considerate, and easygoing. The person being criticized online seems like a completely different person.""You can't believe everything you read online. It might be intentional slander. I have a good impression of Lindsay.""Speaking of hogging the spotlight, I can't help but feel sorry for Sharon on the other team.""Yesterday, that angel tried to take over cooking, and when Sharon wanted to help, she didn't let her. Inst
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Chapter 28
Lindsay, Wendy, and Leslie also heard the notification and opened the group chat. Seeing what Elric had posted, they all burst out laughing.Wendy and Leslie thought to themselves, "No wonder he's known in the industry for being rebellious. He's really hitting them where it hurts."As teammates, they found his antics quite satisfying.Lindsay could imagine Alex turning red with anger. She smiled at Elric and said, "Nicely done!"Since she couldn't stand Alex, seeing him getting upset pleased her.Elric proudly lifted his chin. "Of course!"With their bellies full, the male homeowner, Eddy Lynn, led Lindsay and her team to the peach orchard. Besides them, there were other workers helping out.At the orchard, Eddy handed each of them a pair of gloves. "You can help with picking the fruit."The four of them took the gloves. "Got it!"They put on their straw hats and joined the others in picking peaches.At first, the three were enthusiastic about the task. But as time went on, their hands
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Chapter 29
Fans of Alex and Justin responded with another wave of sarcasm and disbelief, filling the comments with criticism that started to annoy other viewers.Lindsay assessed Eddy's facial features and used his energy to determine his son's location. Ten minutes later, she arrived at the village's irrigation reservoir. Standing by the edge, she saw two boys swimming in the middle, unaware of the impending danger.Noticing their darkening foreheads, a sign of imminent danger, Lindsay quickly removed her hat and gloves, tossing them aside. She then took off her shoes and jumped into the water, swimming towards the boys.Those who followed her were stunned by this sudden action. The live stream viewers were equally puzzled."Is Lindsay joking?""Swimming in the reservoir isn't safe, but Mr. Lynn's son looks fine.""I have to give it to Lindsay; she's really putting on a show.""The boys are swimming happily, and she's jumping in like she's saving them...""Has Lindsay gone mad trying to steal th
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Chapter 30
Eddy watched anxiously as the two celebrities swam closer to the boys. Though tense, he no longer impulsively attempted to jump in. He realized that it was too late for him to make any difference and could only hope that the two celebrities could bring the boys back safely.It dawned on him why Lindsay had jumped into the water as soon as she reached the reservoir. She had predicted that the boys would be in danger soon. Others also began to understand why Lindsay had seemingly jumped into the water for no reason when the boys appeared to be fine.Charles, though not at the reservoir, had been closely monitoring the live stream. When he saw Lindsay suddenly jump into the water, he knew something serious was up. Lindsay was not only skilled in face reading but also proficient in other mystical arts. His wife had once been saved during an accident because of a talisman Lindsay had given her.Realizing the gravity of the situation, he immediately called the head of the medical team to
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