All Chapters of Rebirth: Conquering the Entertainment World: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
100 Chapters
Chapter 31
If Lindsay would just drown here, it would have been nice. Olivia wouldn't have to worry about this woman stealing the love and attention she received anymore. Lindsay was someone who shouldn't have been alive in the first place, so her death would be fitting.However, Olivia didn't show any of these thoughts on her face, instead, she looked worried.In the water, Lindsay saw Elric being pulled underwater, so she swam down as well. The visibility underwater was poor, but she still managed to spot Elric's direction. Using the current's force, she quickly swam ahead and grabbed his arm. However, the current was strong, and it pushed them towards the reservoir gate, nearly separating them. But Lindsay didn't panic, she held her breath.She tightly grasped Elric's arm, using the current's force to draw closer to him. When she was pushed against him, she quickly let go of his arm and wrapped her arms around his waist.She used all her strength to swim towards the shore. Although Elri
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Chapter 32
Elric's face was pale, but a bright smile appeared in his eyes. He looked at Lindsay and said in a slightly hoarse voice, "Thank you!"Lindsay smiled at him. "It was the least I could do. No need to thank me."She had always had a good impression of Elric. Besides being one of the few men who showed no interest in Olivia, he also had a genuine and cheerful personality. She hadn't expected him to jump into the water with her to save the children. The reservoir gate hadn't been opened, and the children weren't in immediate danger. His decision to jump in showed his trust in her actions. He didn't want the children to be in danger and had a kind heart.Seeing the smiles and conversation between the two, Justin felt a discomfort growing inside him. He had wanted to scold Lindsay for risking her safety to save Elric. If she hadn't managed to save him, she could have lost her life as well. But because of the livestream, he held back. Otherwise, Elric's fans and other viewers would ha
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Chapter 33
"Who would plan a script that could have cost four lives?”"This is a live broadcast! Are you blind? Can’t you see anything?""Anyone with eyes could tell that those thrilling moments weren't acted out.""Try following this script yourselves! If you can pull it off, I'll eat my words.""Why can't face-reading be this accurate?""Weren't there several mystics doing live fortune-telling before?""I'm speechless at these brainless fans.""Do you have any conscience, criticizing such brave actions?""In the eyes of these brainless fans, all that matters is praising their idols.""Fans of Alex, Olivia, and Justin, you've gone too far. Even as a bystander, I can't stand it anymore.""Exactly, Lindsay and Elric didn't offend any of you. Why are you so fixated on badmouthing them?""I'm so tired of seeing them now. They're making me dislike those three even more.""I already disliked them before, and now it's even worse."It wasn't just Elric's fans who were fed up with the trio. Fans of Lesli
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Chapter 34
Hearing Adam's words, Eddy and Austin remembered that Lindsay and Elric were celebrities and were in the village to film a show. Worried about affecting their filming, they agreed.Eddy said, "Alright, then you can have lunch at my brother's house and dinner at mine.""Today, you’ve been through a lot and are exhausted, so you don’t need to work in the orchard. Just rest well."Knowing that Leslie and Wendy were on Lindsay's team, they warmly invited them to join them for meals as well and told them to take the day off from the orchard. Their sincere hospitality was hard to refuse, so the four agreed.After Eddy and Austin left, Wendy and Leslie stayed in the courtyard. Leslie smiled at Lindsay. "We managed to win again today, thanks to you two."He genuinely admired Lindsay and Elric's bravery in saving the children. If it had been him, he might not have had the courage to jump into the water with the reservoir gates open. This event made Leslie respect Lindsay and Elric even more. T
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Chapter 35
"We don't need money as payment; just have them give us some food."This way, they could earn food and make their livestream content more interesting. Otherwise, like today, if they kept picking peaches in the orchard, viewers would soon get bored.Hearing Lindsay's suggestion, the smiles on the faces of the other three grew wider. This idea was great—not only was it easier than picking fruit, but it was also much more engaging.They all agreed. "This is a good idea."Wendy thought for a moment and suggested, "Why don't we prepare today and start the classes tomorrow?"The others agreed. "Sounds good."They wanted to be prepared; otherwise, if they ended up teaching the children poorly on livestream, it would be an embarrassment.Lindsay smiled and said, "Then let's go find Mr. Warren and have him inform the villagers."The three agreed. "Okay!"But before they could head to the village committee, Adam arrived. He first thanked Lindsay and Elric for saving the children. Then he explain
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Chapter 36
Justin knew that Lindsay had minored in mechanical engineering during college, but he was still surprised by her ability to fix so many appliances. Alex, on the other hand, had no idea that his younger sister had this skill. She had never mentioned it at home for over a year.He hadn’t thought about it before, but even if Lindsay had brought it up, their family would likely have dismissed it as unimportant, perhaps even scolding her to focus on more “serious” matters.Olivia secretly cursed Lindsay, feeling that Lindsay had hidden her abilities so well that they were unaware of them. No wonder Lindsay had wanted to appear on this show to showcase herself. She was such a cunning woman.Olivia looked at the table piled high with food, comparing it to the few dishes in their hands, feeling both envious and resentful. So, what if Lindsay could fix some appliances? What was so impressive about that? Lindsay could only show off for just a day or two. Once there were no more appliances to
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Chapter 37
Elric scoffed at Alex's words, "Yes, yes, I lack manners. I can't compare to you and your genius sister. But I'm just someone who likes to speak the truth. And I don't go around bullying girls, so don't slander me or stick labels on me."Lindsay chimed in to support Elric, "So it's okay for you to do as you please, but we can't even speak the truth? Alex, you're being too domineering and hypocritical."She was more than happy to team up with Elric to give Alex a hard time.Alex was furious. "Lindsay, whose side are you on?"His own sister siding with someone he disliked was too much.Lindsay replied confidently, "I'm on the side of whoever is right."Elric pointed at himself, "Did you hear that? She's on the side of what's right."Seeing the three of them bicker, Charles could barely contain his laughter. Conflict was good; it kept the show interesting. Who said a variety show had to have a united cast? Genuine disagreements were more engaging than forced harmony.He wasn't worried abo
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Chapter 38
Alex realized that arguing with Lindsay and Elric was pointless and only brought him frustration. He always ended up being the one getting rebuffed, which made him even angrier. It was especially infuriating that Lindsay always sided with Elric, completely disregarding her own brother.The more this happened, the more Alex felt uneasy. Lindsay was his sister, not Elric's. He shot a hostile glance at Elric, thinking back to the conflicts they had because of her.Alex wondered if Elric was trying to steal his sister. He looked at Lindsay and saw her cold expression, realizing he couldn't let things continue this way. He had to find a way to bring his sister back to his side. Forget what the other brothers said about teaching Lindsay a lesson; he would set that aside for now. After all, as her brother, letting her win once didn't seem like a big deal.In an attempt to diffuse the tension and prevent Elric from feeling overly triumphant, he softened his voice and asked Lindsay, "Will yo
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Chapter 39
They clicked open the group chat and saw the photos Elric had posted. The dishes on the table didn't look like restaurant fare, but they were plentiful and seemed tasty. All four, including Olivia, suddenly lost their appetite. However, after working hard all day, they were hungry and had to continue eating.After a while, more notification sounds chimed. They couldn't resist clicking to open and saw Elric’s selfies, proudly munching on chicken legs. He even sent a message, "These chicken legs are so fragrant, thumbs up!"After a while, he deliberately posted a plate of stir-fried shrimp and deep-fried spare ribs. Elric wrote, "Not only is this shrimp fragrant, but it also has a fresh sweetness, delicious!" He added, "First time trying spicy spare ribs, so tasty!"Lindsay commented, "I also love this shrimp dish, so flavorful!"Wendy said, "I love the spicy spare ribs, so fragrant."Leslie added, "I prefer the fried meat, it's more delicious than anything I’ve had before."Alex, Ol
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Chapter 40
After finishing their meal, Lindsay and the others took a stroll around the village before returning to their courtyard. By that time, Alex and his group had also finished their meal. Olivia had proactively washed the dishes and cleaned the kitchen. Though she despised doing such tasks, she endured them to appear as the "angel" in the livestream, aiming to impress the audience.Just as Olivia finished tidying up and stepped out of the kitchen, she saw Lindsay and her group entering, chatting and laughing. Remembering the photos they had posted earlier, Olivia felt a sudden wave of resentment. Why did she have to do all the work while Lindsay could go out and enjoy a meal with others?After returning, Lindsay and her group sat in the courtyard, chatting and continuing to weave storage baskets. Seeing this, Alex couldn't help but think of how they had been under the scorching sun all day. He walked over and sat down near Lindsay.He asked her, "The straw hats you wore today, did y
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