All Chapters of Rebirth: Conquering the Entertainment World: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
100 Chapters
Chapter 91
Charles had informed the cameraman beforehand not to follow Lindsay.After Lindsay came out, the camera continued to focus on Elric and his two friends, without panning over to her.When Lindsay approached, Charles asked in a low voice, "Are you Alex's cousin?"Hearing this, Lindsay guessed that Oliver must have hired fake accounts to spread rumors online.She shook her head. "No."Charles understood that someone had hired fake accounts to slander Lindsay.He told her about several trending topics.He warned, "If these trending topics about you and Alex become widely believed, it won't be good for you. You should think of a way to handle this. After the show ends tomorrow and you go back, it will be easier to deal with."He added, "If needed, I can help you get those trending topics removed."Seeing the concern in Charles's eyes, Lindsay felt a warmth in her heart.Not everyone treated her like the Harpers and Justin did.She smiled and said, "Thank you for your kindness, but there's n
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Chapter 92
Therefore, when the truth finally came out, Oliver and Olivia would just have to face the consequences.Lindsay smiled nonchalantly. "Since they have shown no kindness, they shouldn’t expect any from me in return."She was also preparing Charles mentally, indicating that she wouldn't let things go easily. Once this episode of the show ended, it would be her turn to take action.Charles wholeheartedly agreed. "You must fight back."If she continued to endure without retaliation, those people would only push further.He added, "If you need any help, just let me know."Lindsay thought for a moment and said quietly, "If you want the next episode to gain more attention, focus the cameras more on Alex and Olivia’s interactions."Today, Olivia was frightened by her words, and she would definitely seek comfort from Alex later.Charles was a smart man; he understood immediately.He had noticed the frequent intimate physical contact between Alex and Olivia before but hadn't thought much of it si
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Chapter 93
This was a group for intermediate mystics.When the group admin posted a video, everyone lazily clicked on it.After watching the entire process of drawing the talisman, they were all shocked and became serious."Is this a combination of an evil-warding talisman and a protective charm?""Even without considering the fusion and modification, her talisman drawing skills are very high!""Indeed, her drawing is much smoother than mine.""Will modifying the talisman like this be effective?""How can this young girl be so reckless?"The group admin chimed in at this moment: "She isn't reckless. It's truly effective."He then posted a link to the variety show's live stream: "See for yourselves. Also, make sure to check the playback from earlier in the day."Since the show was live-streamed all day, the playback was very long.The production team cut the playback into three-hour segments and posted them on the official website below the live stream.Seeing the admin's message, everyone in the
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Chapter 94
"These elderly folks sure know how to have fun.""They've created a whole new term, 'protégé,' and now they're senior supporters.""These seniors are really fashionable.""My idol is amazing; now she has senior fans too. She's a hit with the older generation!"The older fans who had been drawn to Lindsay because of her boxing skills also felt it was inappropriate to call themselves her bias due to their age. So, they all switched to being senior supporters.Fans of all ages started flooding the comment section."From the way these senior supporters are talking, are you all from the divination community?"The seniors replied, "Yes, we are from the divination community."They then started boasting about their knowledge of mysticism in the comments.Meanwhile...After finishing their meal, Lindsay and the others sat for a while before returning to the courtyard.Just as they sat down, Justin and his group returned from their meal outside.Suddenly, someone posted a comment."Hey seniors,
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Chapter 95
After examining the faces of Alex and Olivia, the mystics felt exasperated."We said we couldn’t read Lindsay’s past and future from her face, not her family connections.""Exactly, determining sibling relationships is still within our expertise.""And you’re the ones making stuff up. The man in the blue shirt and the girl in the blue dress don’t have any blood relation based on their facial features.""I agree. They don't share any blood relation. You’re just talking nonsense.""My protégé and this young man are definitely biological siblings, and he has no blood relation with the girl in the blue dress.""Yes, I can confirm that too.""We have certification from the Divination Association and recognition from special government departments. We can’t be wrong or lie.""If you don’t believe us, they can take a DNA test."Both fans of Alex and Olivia, naturally, didn’t believe this and were convinced that these people were hired by Lindsay to spread lies.They started hurling insults an
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Chapter 96
Fans of other groups and casual viewers watched the heated argument in the comment section, munching on metaphorical popcorn.Despite the large number of Alex’s and Olivia’s fans and their harsh comments, the senior fans held their ground without using any offensive language. They were surrounded but not overwhelmed.One of the senior mystics, who often live-streamed face reading and divination, couldn’t resist and posted a link to his live stream.He challenged fans of Alex and Olivia to join his live stream and let him read their faces to prove his skills.Everyone quickly clicked on the link and moved to the new live stream.Even Charles couldn’t resist and followed the link to watch.Once inside, they discovered that this live stream was indeed hosted by a certified mystic.Hubert Bishop, dressed in traditional attire, appeared on screen with a kind smile."Those who insulted me in the comments, do you dare to come forward and let me read your faces?" he challenged.He was annoyed
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Chapter 97
In the courtyard.Everyone else had finished their evening routines and gone to their rooms to rest.Olivia lay in bed, thinking about what had happened during the day.She was worried that someone might dig into their relationships and uncover the truth.The more she thought about it, the more anxious she became. Finally, she picked up her phone and sent a message to Alex.Alex saw the message, got up, and opened his door.He found Olivia standing under the oak tree in the courtyard.He walked over. "Via, what's wrong?"Olivia rushed into his arms. "Brother, I'm scared."Alex was taken aback and asked, "Scared of what?"Olivia, with teary eyes, clung tightly to his waist.She looked up at him. "I'm afraid our relationship will be exposed, and that you'll get dragged down with me and be criticized. After all, you’re Lindsay’s real brother, and I’m nothing."Saying this, she started crying. "I'm so scared that Mom, Dad, and you will abandon me."Ever since Lindsay was found and brought
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Chapter 98
This was clearly a deliberate hint to everyone that they were related by blood.It wasn’t that he didn’t want to acknowledge Lindsay as his sister, but it wasn’t the right time to make it public yet.They needed to wait until Olivia no longer feared being abandoned.Once Olivia felt secure and had firmly established herself in the entertainment industry, it would be more appropriate to reveal the relationship.Why couldn’t Lindsay wait just a bit longer?"You really won’t abandon me?" Olivia looked at him with teary eyes, needing reassurance.Alex felt a pang of sympathy seeing her like this.He bent down and kissed her forehead, as he often did, and said firmly, "Of course, we won’t abandon you. You’ll always be our precious one. Don’t worry."Olivia finally smiled through her tears and said, "Then after this episode ends, please make sure to bring Lindsay back. No matter what, she is the Harper family's biological daughter. I don’t want her to leave because of me. I haven’t felt at e
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Chapter 99
The cameraman put on an innocent expression."Mr. Alex, Mr. Barker asked us to restart the live stream to show your evening activities," he explained. "And to ask about your experiences participating in this episode of the show."Alex's face darkened. "Why didn't you inform us in advance if you were going to live stream tonight?"The cameraman thought to himself that if they had informed them beforehand, they wouldn’t have captured the earlier scene.He continued with a look of innocence. "Mr. Barker wanted it to be a surprise."He added, "Don’t worry, when we started the live stream, we were a distance away from you. We couldn’t hear or record what you were saying. It’s all confidential."His words made Alex’s face turn even darker.The cameraman’s comment implied they were doing something inappropriate that needed to be kept secret.At home, Alex and Olivia were used to such intimate physical interactions, so they hadn’t thought much of it.Though the cameraman's remark annoyed them,
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Chapter 100
Today, Alex nearly dominated the trending topics.Everyone had been eagerly following the drama and, upon seeing the new topic, clicked out of curiosity.They were stunned.This sibling relationship was beyond what they had ever imagined.Soon, curious, gossip-loving onlookers flocked to the live stream.Charles, seeing the skyrocketing viewer count, checked the show’s ratings.It was firmly at the top of all streaming apps, far ahead of the second place.The trending topics were mostly about Alex, Olivia, and Lindsay's entanglements, but they all linked back to the variety show.His face broke into a wide grin, looking like a blooming daisy.He couldn’t help but silently thank Lindsay for her foresight.He hadn’t anticipated that the sibling couple would create such a sensational buzz.He also couldn’t help but disdain their shamelessness.What kind of siblings would hug and kiss in the courtyard at night?Thankfully, they weren't biological siblings.Otherwise, this variety show migh
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