All Chapters of Rebirth: Conquering the Entertainment World: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
100 Chapters
Chapter 61
But now, she truly seemed to have severed all ties with him and her siblings. How did it come to this?Justin observed Alex's disappointment and inability to accept the situation, feeling a pang of discomfort himself. He couldn't help but wonder if Lindsay would help him if he were the one suffering and needed herbs for medicine. He used to be confident she wouldn't abandon him, but now he wasn't so sure.As Alex began to feel sick again and rushed out to vomit, Justin suggested, "Let me ask the crew to take you to the village clinic."At that moment, Olivia walked in with a cup of hot water. "Yes, brother, let’s go to the clinic.”She knew Justin had asked Lindsay for help with gathering herbs. Though she didn't openly oppose it, fearing it would seem like she didn't want her brother to get better, she secretly hoped Lindsay wouldn't help. And indeed, Lindsay stayed indifferent, ignoring Alex's suffering.This realization brought a mix of relief and bitterness. If Lindsay didn't care
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Chapter 62
The next day, Lindsay made oatmeal and pancakes for breakfast.In the other group, Olivia accidentally overslept and didn’t make breakfast. They planned to eat at the place where they were helping out. Alex, after receiving IV fluids the night before, was no longer experiencing vomiting and diarrhea but looked pale and exhausted. Justin suggested he stay at the courtyard to rest.Alex got up to see the others off and saw Lindsay's group enjoying breakfast. Elric, Leslie, and Wendy were eating with satisfaction. He didn’t have much of an appetite, but the smell of the oatmeal and pancakes made him hungry. However, Lindsay didn't even glance his way, let alone invite him to join them. This made him feel even worse. He suddenly realized that with Olivia and the others having breakfast at a villager’s house, he would be left without food. This thought left him feeling dejected, much to the distress of his fans watching the live stream.Lindsay glanced at Alex, thinking he deserved his
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Chapter 63
In the past, Sharon would have despised this kind of environment and food. Now, she was just relieved to have something normal to eat after dealing with Olivia's cooking. She had a thought and, looking at Olivia, deliberately spoke up for the cameras.“We're out here, but I wonder what Mr. Harper is eating back in the courtyard. Should we ask our host to cook another plate of spaghetti and deliver it to him?”Olivia suddenly realized her mistake. She had completely forgotten to prepare breakfast for her brother. At home, the servants took care of everything, and after yesterday’s exhaustion, she had overslept this morning. She had been focused on how to perform well today and had overlooked her brother entirely. Internally cursing Sharon for bringing it up, she responded with a knowing look.“My brother always skips breakfast the day after he’s been vomiting. If he eats, it will only make him more nauseous. Giving him spaghetti would just make him feel worse. By lunchtime, I’ll ask o
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Chapter 64
Lindsay and her team went to a local farm to help with traditional olive oil pressing. Many viewers in the livestream had never seen this method of pressing oil before.Lindsay and Wendy helped steam the olive pulp, while Leslie and Elric worked on preparing the mats. The two then took turns operating the large lever to press the oil, which was a bit like ringing a giant bell. Both the stars and the viewers found the process fascinating.The farm owner, Jason Stone, chatted with the group as they worked. Leslie asked, "Is olive oil selling well for you?"Jason smiled and said, "It's alright, we make enough to get by when we take it to the town market." He then asked, "Have you all tried olive oil before? Do you know its benefits?"Leslie, Wendy, and Elric shook their heads. "We haven't tried it and don't really know much about it."Lindsay, however, said, "Olive oil has a unique, pure flavor. It's highly nutritious and often called the 'liquid gold of the Mediterranean.'"She went on
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Chapter 65
"Interested viewers can visit your live stream to buy your products in the future. Of course, the quality must be genuine. If you decide to do this, besides getting the necessary licenses, our production team will also need to speak with Mr. Warren and ask them to supervise."If they used their variety show to advertise and do live streaming to sell products, it was crucial not to mix in low-quality items.Jason was a bit excited. "We're all honest folks. If we could make this work, we certainly wouldn’t compromise on quality. And like Lindsay said, the people in the live stream can supervise us at any time."Jason had heard from his son working outside that farming families had tried live streaming to sell goods.Some had tried it in the village, but after several months, there wasn't much interest, let alone sales.So, they had to give up on that idea.With the show helping with advertising, it was a great opportunity.He couldn't even wait and called Adam to come over for a discussi
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Chapter 66
Millions of viewers were watching the live stream, and many became interested in the essential oils and lip balm. After all, in this day and age, people feel more at ease using pure, natural, and additive-free products. Moreover, while Lindsay was making the products, she took the time to explain their uses and benefits in detail."Lindsay is amazing! She knows so much about olive oil and can even purify extracts and make lip balm.""She understands so many things. After hearing about the benefits, I really want to buy a few bottles of extract for hair and skin care.""Me too. Once this village sets up their live stream channel, I'll definitely support them.""I have been following the live stream of the variety show these past few days and realized this village is so genuine, and their agricultural products really look top-notch.""Village chief, hurry up and organize the live stream sales. I want to buy, buy, buy.""Yes, please set up the live stream channel quickly. I want to buy
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Chapter 67
In response to numerous viewer requests, the production team planned to start the broadcast early tomorrow to live stream Lindsay's morning boxing session. Lindsay's fans and boxing enthusiasts eagerly gave their approval.In the village, Lindsay and her group left Jason's house in the afternoon and visited the elderly man who made puppets. They watched him craft the puppets and even tried their hand at making some themselves, creating a lively and enjoyable atmosphere.Meanwhile, in another live stream, things were much less exciting. Justin and his group were helping pack vegetables. The host tried to make conversation, but they didn't respond much, leading to awkward silences. Even though they were working hard, it became boring to watch after a while.Unlike them, Olivia actively engaged Justin in conversation about acting, showcasing her talents, while Sharon couldn't get a word in. This stream essentially became the Olivia and Justin show. Justin's fans enjoyed watching their
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Chapter 68
The next morning, Lindsay woke up around six to practice boxing. The cameraman from the production team arrived early to set up the live streaming equipment. Lindsay's fans and those eager to watch her boxing were already waiting.Soon, the camera turned on, revealing Lindsay in sportswear, her hair in a ponytail, and without makeup."Wow, she looks stunning even without makeup!""My bias looks so beautiful today!""Seeing her fresh look makes my breakfast taste even better."As the live stream began, Lindsay started her usual boxing routine. Moses had taught her this set of moves. After returning from her travels around different worlds, she made a few adjustments herself. It began with a mix of softness and strength and ended with powerful and vigorous movements. Practicing it every day not only kept her fit but also prepared her for combat.Lindsay's fans found her boxing style incredibly cool and inspiring, cheering wildly as they watched. The boxing enthusiasts and the associat
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Chapter 69
Her outfit showcased her good figure to the live stream audience. With a confident smile, she started practicing yoga, trying to make her movements and poses as graceful as possible.An elderly man, feeling puzzled, commented, "??? Who is this? Why did they suddenly switch people?""This is another female celebrity participating in the variety show.""This young woman doesn't look as good. I still want to see Lindsay boxing.""Isn't this on purpose? Lindsay is boxing, and now she's doing yoga.""Honestly, she looks okay, and her figure is fine, but nothing special.""Exactly. Even though Lindsay was wearing sportswear, she looked stunning while boxing.""This girl seems a bit calculated. She has light makeup on, while Lindsay was completely bare-faced.""Even with makeup, she's not as pretty as Lindsay!""It's not just that she's not as pretty; there's a significant difference.""Watching Lindsay box and then suddenly seeing this girl do yoga feels oddly off.""The contrast is too stro
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Chapter 70
Lindsay finished making the crab cakes and shrimp cocktail. Olivia also went into the kitchen to prepare breakfast. Besides the oatmeal she had already made, she fried two eggs for each person. So, both groups ended up eating breakfast around the same time.Elric, Lindsay, and Alex enjoyed another satisfying meal. They finished all the crab cakes and shrimp cocktails and still felt they could eat more. Meanwhile, the other group quietly ate their oatmeal and fried eggs without much enthusiasm.Olivia smiled at Alex and said, "Brother, I made this oatmeal especially for you. Have some more."Alex wanted to cry. Could he say that he didn't want any more oatmeal? He had been eating oatmeal all day yesterday, and now just the sight of it made him feel nauseous. He wanted crab cakes and shrimp cocktail! Lindsay used to make them at home, and they were even better than restaurant food. The thought of it made his mouth water. But since Olivia had made the oatmeal for him, he couldn'
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