All Chapters of Rebirth: Conquering the Entertainment World: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
100 Chapters
Chapter 41
Lindsay looked at Olivia with a smirk. "I forgot to mention, I recorded everything that happened that day."Olivia's expression changed, but she quickly composed herself. "I don't know what you're talking about."She hadn't expected Lindsay to record that day's events. This woman was too cunning. If Olivia had known about the recording, she wouldn't have allowed her brothers to let Lindsay off so easily. Although she didn't think she was in the wrong, releasing the recording could harm her.Olivia regretted volunteering to learn how to weave straw hats just now. She had guessed that with Lindsay's personality, Lindsay wouldn't teach her, so she wanted to make Lindsay look worse in front of the livestream audience.Lindsay raised an eyebrow. "If you provoke me again, I won't hesitate to let everyone hear the recording."Most of the people present looked intrigued, their expressions showing they wanted to know more. It seemed there was indeed something going on between Lindsay, Alex, a
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Chapter 42
Seeing Lindsay and Elric working together so seamlessly, Justin grew even more frustrated. He also started feeling a strong dislike for Elric. Frowning, he looked at Elric. "Linds and I have some misunderstandings, so you don't need to worry about it," implying that Elric should mind his own business.Elric shrugged. "That's not right." He asserted, "Linds is my lifesaver, so her business is my business now."Justin was momentarily at a loss for words, which made him even more irritated. He didn't want Lindsay to be Elric's lifesaver or have any ties with him. He especially didn't want to deal with Elric right now.So, he turned to Lindsay and explained, "I wasn't saying you were wrong. I just hope everyone can get along."Lindsay replied coolly, "As long as you don't provoke me, everything will be fine."If they didn't provoke her, she wouldn't start any trouble during the livestream. But if they came looking for trouble, she wouldn't hold back.Justin, knowing Lindsay well, unders
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Chapter 43
Elric was immediately intrigued. "You mean we should perform a puppet play?"Lindsay nodded. "Exactly, we can each take on different roles and perform a puppet show for everyone."Leslie also found the idea interesting. "I think it's a great idea, it sounds really fun."Wendy agreed. "I'm on board. But are we just doing the puppet play?"Lindsay smiled. "Remember, we told Mr. Warren and the villagers that those interested can come here for classes tomorrow. You can teach the kids to sing and dance, and then they can join us on stage for the performance."Leslie said, "That's a great idea too. Parents will be thrilled to see their kids on stage, and the villagers will feel more connected seeing familiar faces perform."Over the past few days, they had noticed that few villagers recognized them. The elders and children in the village weren't interested in celebrities, so their performances of popular songs and dances might not be well received. But if they involved the villagers, everyo
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Chapter 44
Lindsay looked at Alex's pitiful expression and couldn't help but laugh. In the past, when she got upset and ignored him, he would act this way. Back then, she thought it was a sign of sibling closeness and would indulge him.Now, she simply scoffed. "Alex, it seems you still haven’t grown a brain."Alex looked at her in disbelief. "What did you say?"This was his attempt to reconcile with Lindsay, but even after lowering himself like this, she still wasn't having it.Lindsay replied, "I said you're brainless."Alex's voice rose, full of indignation. "My hands and legs hurt. Are you really not going to help me?"Lindsay rolled her eyes. "That's not my problem."With that, she called out to Wendy and continued walking, basin in hand, leaving Alex fuming behind her. "Lindsay, you're something else. I've seen through you this time."She didn't even know how to care for her brother anymore. She was becoming more heartless. Alex spoke tough, but inside he felt hurt.Lindsay didn't stop
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Chapter 45
She looked coldly at Justin. "You really make me sick right now."Justin's expression changed again. "Lindsay, stop this, will you?"Why couldn't she just calm down and talk things out? Why did it have to escalate to this, with hurtful words, making everything worse?Lindsay hated hearing the words "stop this.""You're becoming more like the Harper family. If you're sick, go get treated, but don't come looking for validation from me."With that, she grabbed Wendy's arm and walked away.Justin wanted to step forward to stop Lindsay; he was determined to talk to her today. But just then, Elric emerged from the side.He walked over as if he didn't see Justin at all, smiling at Lindsay. "Linds, are we making breakfast ourselves tomorrow morning or heading to the villagers' homes?"Lindsay smiled back. "Do you have anything specific you want to eat?"Elric's eyes lit up. "You mean I can place an order?"Lindsay nodded. "Sure, as long as it's something I can make."Elric didn't hold back. "I
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Chapter 46
On the other side, back in the room, Lindsay noticed Wendy staring at her. She smiled and asked, "Why are you looking at me like that?"Wendy didn't hold back. "I didn't expect to uncover such a big secret about you and the movie star."She had suspected something was off with Justin, and now she knew he and Lindsay had a past relationship.Lindsay shrugged. "A result of youthful impulsiveness."Wendy chuckled. "Who hasn't liked a jerk in their youth? The important thing is to cut your losses in time."She had also been betrayed by a boyfriend before and despised guys like Justin, who had a girlfriend but still tangled with other women. The recording Lindsay had would certainly impact Olivia. Justin didn’t want to break up but also wanted Lindsay to delete the recording for Olivia's sake. That made him even worse.Lindsay nodded in agreement. "Exactly, cutting your losses is key."Wendy thought for a moment, unable to contain her curiosity. "You and Alex didn't have something going o
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Chapter 47
However, she had also made a lot of money for him and introduced him to many valuable connections through her family. So, she didn't owe him anything. But after the breakup, he continued to pester her. The reason she joined this reality show was to avoid his harassment.She asked, "You said he's trying to use me?"Lindsay nodded. "He wants to squeeze every bit of value out of you. I suggest you apply to the company for a new manager."Wendy came from a well-off family with many members working in the entertainment industry, giving her significant influence. She was also a highly popular and talented singer. To her ex-boyfriend, she still held considerable value.Wendy was even more surprised. She hadn't expected Lindsay to know that her ex-boyfriend was also her manager. Their relationship was a secret known only to the two of them, not even their families and friends."Alright, I'll apply for a new manager when I return to the capital."Previously, she had hesitated to make a big dea
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Chapter 48
Olivia felt a pang of jealousy watching Elric flaunt the mushroom soup. Why was he so harsh with her but eager to show Lindsay off? The more she thought about it, the more unfair it seemed. She couldn't make delicious mushroom soup, but she knew how to fry eggs and make salads.She turned to Alex and Justin. "Do you guys want some eggs and salads with chives?”Their group didn't have any meat left from yesterday; they only had some eggs and chives remaining.Alex, wanting to support her, said, "Sure, I love eggs and salads with chives."Justin nodded. "Sounds good."Olivia cheerfully said, "I'll make them for you right now."Alex wrapped an arm around Olivia's shoulders. "My sister is so capable."Olivia habitually leaned into Alex, rubbing her head against his chest. "Just wait and see, you'll love them."Seeing this, Wendy couldn't help but roll her eyes. The gestures between these fake siblings were too intimate, almost like a couple. It made her question their relationship, casti
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Chapter 49
Alex noticed his sister's red eyes, realizing she felt insulted. Annoyed, he looked at Sharon and said, "Via's been busy all morning, so you shouldn't be picky. You haven't done anything, so be grateful there's food to eat. Besides, my sister's cooking is delicious."To prove his point, Alex took another mouthful and forced himself to eat it, trying to support his sister. This made Sharon feel wrong, as she hadn’t even said anything but was now labeled as lazy and picky by the siblings.Just as Sharon was about to speak, Justin cut her off. "The food tastes good. Thanks for your hard work, Olivia!"Olivia smiled sweetly and waved her hand. "It was no trouble at all. I'm happy to help everyone."Sharon, unable to get a word in, found herself further criticized by Alex and Olivia's fans in the live comments, accusing her of being ungrateful and spoiled, ruining their beloved angel's efforts.At that moment, Elric finished washing the dishes and overheard the conversation. He couldn't he
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Chapter 50
Olivia was fuming. Alex and Justin both thought Elric was incredibly rude. Only Sharon, sitting quietly, felt secretly delighted. She realized that a sharp-tongued guy like Elric was exactly what a manipulative girl like Olivia needed—a true expert at dealing with her type.Seeing Olivia's pale, angry face, Alex felt deeply concerned. "Via, ignore him. The breakfast you made is delicious, much better than those mushroom soups. I love them." To prove his point, he forced himself to eat a few more bites, pretending they were delicious.The viewers reacted quickly:"Alex's acting is hard to watch.""It looks like he's swallowing poison, not enjoying delicious food.""The real enjoyment was from Elric's group during breakfast. They made me hungry!""Watching this group makes me lose my appetite.""Alex dotes on his sister too much. I wonder if he’ll ever get married.""Why criticize him for spoiling his sister? Our Lex is a rare gem of a brother.""Exactly, spoiling your sister is what
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