All Chapters of Rebirth: Conquering the Entertainment World: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
100 Chapters
Chapter 81
In the evening, when Lindsay and her group returned from dinner, the live stream followed them into their rooms. Although Lindsay and Wendy had only been there for less than a week, they had taken the time to decorate the place. Their room was tidy, with various storage baskets neatly arranged. They had also woven flower baskets, filled them with soil, and planted wildflowers. They made vases and filled them with homemade dried flowers, giving the room a fresh and cozy feel.The viewers commented:"My bias and Wendy's room looks so fresh and cozy!""She's amazing! They've already made so many storage baskets with lids.""The storage baskets are not only practical but can also be used as tables. Great idea.""Wow, they've even woven baskets to plant wildflowers.""The vases they made, filled with wildflowers, have a unique charm.""Looking at their room and then comparing it to the other group's, the difference is huge.""This reflects a positive attitude towards life. Lindsay and Wen
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Chapter 82
"Olivia wants to challenge Lindsay, so let them go at it," Charles said. "I was originally worried about the next season's highlights, but now we have a built-in storyline."Of course, between Lindsay and Olivia, although he didn't say it aloud, Charles internally supported Lindsay.The assistant director smiled knowingly. "As expected from you."The next day, Lindsay and her group went to help a local farmer deliver goods in the morning. They had lunch in town and returned to the village afterward. They went to the elderly man's house to practice puppetry and spent the afternoon rehearsing with the children in the courtyard.Lindsay didn't have to perform separately, so she supervised and gave feedback.While they were rehearsing, Eddy walked in with a young man. Eddy approached Lindsay directly, "Ms. Summer, my cousin needs your help."Lindsay smiled at the two men. "Please sit. What do you need help with?"They took the empty chairs beside Lindsay. Eddy spoke first, "His son wakes
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Chapter 83
Lindsay held the struggling child. The boy was crying so hard he was almost out of breath. She took three ancient coins from her bag, waved them gently over the child's forehead, and placed one in his hand.A surprising scene unfolded. The moment the child grasped the coin, he stopped waving his hands and kicking his feet. Gradually, he even stopped crying. His tear-streaked face turned towards Lindsay, and his large, watery eyes stared at her.Then, he spoke, "Pretty lady!"The child's parents were stunned. May said, "He loves pretty girls. Whenever he sees a beautiful woman, he calls her pretty."Elric chuckled. "The kid has good taste."Lindsay smiled down at the child and gently pinched his cheek. "You're very cute too, little one."The boy immediately hugged Lindsay's hand and smiled through his tears, repeating, "Pretty."Lyle was amazed. His cousin had told him this young actress was very skilled in divination, but he had been skeptical. Now, he couldn't deny it.He couldn't
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Chapter 84
"Can't you be more careful when buying something?" May hadn't realized that the bracelet her husband bought nearly harmed their child. It was a good thing they had called in the mystic today, or the consequences could have been severe.Lyle was filled with regret. "I thought it was cute and bought it on a whim. I never imagined it would cause this."He felt an overwhelming sense of remorse. If his son had been seriously harmed by the bracelet he bought, he would never forgive himself.He looked at Lindsay and asked, "Ms. Summer, if we take off this bracelet, will he stop waking up crying?"Lindsay replied, "Your child has already been affected by the negative energy. Removing the bracelet will prevent it from worsening, but he will still wake up crying."Lyle asked anxiously, "Is there any way to fix this?"Lindsay said, "Don't worry, I can draw a charm for him to wear. The charm will suppress the negative energy. In at most three days, the negative energy will be expelled from his bo
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Chapter 85
Before the production team returned with the supplies, the child sat quietly in Lindsay's arms, playing with the coin. Lindsay asked Charles how long it would take.After making a phone call, Charles said, "They couldn't find everything in town, so they went to the county. It should take about two hours round trip."Lindsay suggested, "Let's go back to the courtyard to practice while we wait. Sitting here for two hours would be a waste of time."Elric, Leslie, and Wendy agreed. "Let's head back."Lindsay handed the child back to his mother. "When the supplies arrive, I'll draw the charm and bring it over."May took the child and said, "Alright, thank you, Ms. Summer."She then invited them. "Why don't you all join us for dinner tonight? No need to cook."Lyle added, "Yes, please join us for dinner tonight. I'll come by later to get you."Privately, he planned to ask how much Lindsay would charge for her services.Lindsay looked at the others. "How about we have dinner here tonight?"El
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Chapter 86
Seeing the child in Lindsay's arms, smiling sweetly and behaving so well, Olivia's expression remained calm, but her grip on her dress tightened. Why was it that the child she had looked after had been a nightmare, crying and fussing constantly, while the one with Lindsay was so well-behaved?Hearing Alex's question, the audience remembered Olivia's experience on the first day when she had volunteered to babysit."Do you remember how Olivia turned a calm child into a crying one last time?""Of course, I do. The grandmother even got upset and sent them away.""Look at Alex's face. He has PTSD from that kid.""It wasn't even the kid's fault. He was fine until Olivia tried to take care of him.""There's no harm without comparison.""Ahem, as Alex's and Olivia's fans would say, children can sense things adults can't.""Pfft, nailed it."Alex's and Olivia's fans were silent, their faces a bit stung by the truth.Elric looked at Alex and said, "No, we didn't take on a babysitting job."With
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Chapter 87
Lindsay gave Alex a meaningful look. "Are you sure you want to hear this?"Alex nodded firmly. "Yes, I want to hear it." He wanted to see what excuse Lindsay would come up with to avoid reading him. After all, he was her brother—why would she refuse him? Her constant rejections were starting to irritate him.Seeing Alex's determination, Olivia felt a sense of foreboding. She tugged at Alex's sleeve and shook her head, signaling him to drop the matter. Lindsay noticed Olivia's subtle action. Given Alex's blind favoritism toward Olivia, he might have relented. But Lindsay spoke up before he could reconsider."Fine, if you insist, I'll tell you," Lindsay said. "First, we don't read for family members. Second, we don't read for those involved in politics. Third, we don't read for ourselves."As soon as Lindsay finished, Olivia's expression changed slightly. That little bitch, Lindsay, was doing this on purpose. Alex didn't fall under the second or third categories, so it had to be the f
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Chapter 88
Lindsay turned to Elric and the others. "You should start rehearsing with the kids; the performance is tomorrow."By only hinting at the situation, she kept the audience's curiosity piqued.Her behavior also showed she didn’t want to be associated with Alex.When the truth eventually came out, people would understand.She was giving Olivia the opportunity, hoping she wouldn’t regret it later.Of course, this gave Oliver more material to manipulate.As for Justin helping Olivia, in her previous life, she would have felt confused and hurt, wondering why he supported and defended Olivia so much.Now, she didn’t care to delve deeper into it.Elric noticed that not only was Olivia deliberately changing the subject, but Lindsay was also doing the same.He smiled and said, "Alright, come give us some suggestions."Keeping some mystery always made things more interesting, right?Lindsay nodded and smiled. "Let's go."The four of them went to continue rehearsing with the children.Leslie was cu
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Chapter 89
The audience and fans were all filled with curiosity.Everyone started speculating about the relationship between Lindsay and Alex.The topic "What is the Relationship Between Lindsay, Alex, and Olivia?" quickly trended on social media.Many people who hadn't watched the variety show clicked in out of curiosity.One by one, they were all drawn in, curious, and eager for gossip.Previously, there had been several rumors about Lindsay clinging to Alex, with their relationship appearing ambiguous.Everyone believed Lindsay was trying to climb up to Alex, hoping he would help her get offers or something similar.But after the show started, Lindsay's attitude towards Alex was surprising.Not only did she not cling or fawn over him, but she also behaved with a domineering and indifferent attitude.Instead, Alex often approached her, seeking her out despite the risk of being rebuffed.At that point, everyone felt that their relationship might not be as rumored.However, no one guessed they we
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Chapter 90
Lindsay got angry and took the initiative to break ties with Alex.Because Alex cherished and doted on his sister Olivia, Lindsay grew to dislike and target Olivia.That was why on the variety show, Lindsay would act so confrontational towards the both of them.The fake accounts crafted their story convincingly, fabricating numerous examples to illustrate Lindsay and Alex as cousins.Those unaware of the truth mostly believed it after reading the posts.As a result, many passersby and onlookers developed a dislike for Lindsay.They thought she entered the industry under her cousin’s care and then turned against him when he refused to get her offers. She was so ungrateful!The topics "Lindsay is Alex’s Cousin" and "Lindsay is Ungrateful" quickly trended.Oliver also bought several trending slots to heat up the discussion and cement this narrative.Meanwhile, the production team bought the items needed for drawing talismans.Lindsay sat down with the child on her lap, drawing talismans o
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