All Chapters of Rebirth: Conquering the Entertainment World: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
100 Chapters
Chapter 71
The host was dissatisfied with their work, so the promised meal turned out to be just a plate of plain spaghetti for each person. Olivia suggested, "Should we also teach the village kids to sing and dance?"Before she could finish, Olivia interrupted, "No, there's no need. Otherwise, the other group might think we're trying to steal their students."It was Lindsay's idea to teach the village kids, and Olivia didn't want to pick up after her.Sharon was speechless. "But we really aren't good at this kind of work. The host said if we keep this up in the afternoon, we won't get paid."This farmer wasn't giving them any leeway. Olivia was also frustrated. Usually, just making an effort was enough, but this farmer was too strict.She thought for a moment, "How about we go to town to earn some money?"Lindsay's group had learned puppetry over the past few days, which was more engaging than their labor.To stand out in the live stream, they needed to come up with a better plan.Justin asked,
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Chapter 72
Lindsay saw everyone looking at her with surprise.She chuckled. "Why are you all looking at me like that?"Elric came closer. "You can play all these instruments?"Lindsay nodded. "Yes, I've learned them all."She had learned the fiddle from Moses, and during her travels, she had picked up almost every instrument she encountered. She was quite familiar with the ones here.Elric's eyes sparkled with admiration. "Our Linds is amazing.”Lindsay smiled. "Thank you for the compliment!"The elderly man was initially surprised but then smiled warmly and beckoned Lindsay over."Come here, young lady. I'll give you the sheet music, and you can try these instruments."Lindsay nodded. "Sure!"The elderly man took out a few books of sheet music from the cabinet, opened one, and pointed to a page."Try playing this piece on the fiddle."Lindsay carefully scanned the sheet music, then sat down and took the fiddle handed to her by the elderly man. She began to play, producing a lively tune.The elde
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Chapter 73
Olivia's image suffered as well; instead of gaining the expected popularity, her reputation plummeted. Oliver couldn't stand the failure of his plans and was determined to bring Lindsay down. So, he hired a group to spread rumors that the show was scripted to favor Lindsay, hoping to tarnish her image and rehabilitate Olivia's.Fans of Alex and Justin saw these comments and quickly joined in the criticism and doubt. Lindsay's fans tried to defend her, but they were overwhelmed by the sheer number of negative comments from the hired group and the other fans.Seeing the sudden influx of negative comments, Charles immediately recognized that someone had hired a group to attack Lindsay and the show. He frowned, knowing that if this continued, it would be bad for them. If they really had a script, he would have admitted it. But since there wasn't one, he couldn't let these false accusations stand.Just then, Lindsay, holding the mandolin, asked, "What song would you like to hear?"Her q
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Chapter 74
Everyone present and the viewers watching the live stream were taken aback by Lindsay's confident words."Did Lindsay mean she can play any mandolin song we request?""How is that possible? Can she really be that good? I don't believe it.""Where did Lindsay get the courage to say something like that?""Is Lindsay just overconfident, or is she actually arrogant?""Alright, everyone, let's request a song.""Yeah, she dared to say it, so let's give her a challenge."The hired trolls quickly discussed what song to request. They finally settled on one they thought Lindsay wouldn't know."Play ‘The Battle of Evermore’."This mandolin piece was less commonly known compared to other popular songs like 'Dust in the Wind' and 'Losing My Religion.' It has a complex structure, featuring multiple sections that represent different moods and melodies, making it quite challenging to play.When the hired trolls suggested this song, those unfamiliar with it looked it up. Critics, along with Alex's and
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Chapter 75
"What baseless confidence. So shameless.”"Since Lindsay is so confident and bold, let's not hold back."The hired trolls quickly looked for obscure and difficult pieces. Lindsay not only played all of them flawlessly but also captured the essence and emotion of each piece."Wow, Lindsay is incredible.""How is my bias so amazing?""My bias is extraordinary, I love it!""She played them all, perfectly. That's just awesome.""The main point is that she used different instruments, exactly as the trolls requested. I'm switching sides."Lindsay's performance on various instruments thrilled her fans and won over many viewers who had been skeptical or neutral. Her Instagram follower count surged once again, and the live stream videos were quickly uploaded online.Just like her boxing video, the video titled "Lindsay: Bring It On also went viral. It attracted even more viewers to the live stream, including enthusiasts of traditional instruments."Where are the people who said Lindsay had been
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Chapter 76
At this moment, the Harper brothers were watching two live streams simultaneously. While Lindsay was showcasing her talent with various instruments, Olivia and her group had arrived in town to perform.Olivia confidently played a guitar piece, with Alex dancing in front of the crowd. Although many people gathered to watch, drawn by the spectacle, few in the town recognized them. Justin, being more well-known from his TV shows and movies, had a bit more recognition.In the live stream, Olivia had just finished her guitar performance. Raymond, being knowledgeable about music, compared the performances from both live streams—Lindsay's and Olivia's guitar playing. He glanced at Oliver with a hint of sarcasm."Oliver, you're not discrediting Lindsay; you're actually setting Via up for failure," he remarked. "How did you come up with the idea to have the trolls ask Lindsay to play the same guitar piece Via performed?"Oliver, looking frustrated, replied, "I only knew Lindsay could play the
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Chapter 77
Fans gained from variety shows weren’t very loyal and could easily switch their support. They wanted to capitalize on that. Brandon said, "Alright, once this season ends and they return, I'll talk to Lindsay."Lindsay still respected and cared for Brandon. When he needed a small role filled in his drama, she helped out without hesitation. Last summer, he endured a lot while filming a drama outdoors. When Lindsay found out, she brought cold drinks to the set almost every day. When he lost his appetite, she prepared herbal remedies and delicious snacks to help him eat. She even made cooling sachets for him to wear, which worked effectively.Because of this, Brandon was confident he could convince Lindsay to take on the role of the second female lead. Once Olivia gained popularity, he planned to compensate Lindsay, possibly by casting her as the lead in his next drama."As for how to make Via stand out in the next season and make a strong comeback, I'll leave that to you," Brandon said.
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Chapter 78
Olivia and her group found a busy little square in town to perform. While they attracted a decent crowd, few people tipped after the performance. They managed to collect just over fifty dollars, largely due to Justin, the seasoned actor. Olivia counted the money in the box, feeling disappointed. She had expected to earn more from their street performance, but they only got fifty bucks.If it were any other time, she wouldn't even bother picking up fifty dollars from the ground. She forced a smile and said to the group, "With this little money, we'll have to be frugal for dinner."Justin sensed that Olivia was putting on a brave face but was actually feeling quite down. He comforted her, "Actually, earning this much isn't bad at all.""Olivia, your guitar playing was excellent. I saw people really enjoying it," he added. "But this is a small, remote town. Most people don't know us and aren't used to tipping for performances."He smiled and said, "Next time, we'll try to earn more."Hea
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Chapter 79
The smile on Olivia's face froze completely.Lindsay, Lindsay, it was always Lindsay. Why was this woman so hauntingly persistent? And since when did Lindsay know how to play so many instruments?Her thoughts mirrored those of her brothers, thinking Lindsay had been deliberately hiding her talents. If she had known Lindsay could do all this, she wouldn't have suggested coming all this way to play the guitar. Not only did it fail to highlight her talents, but it also made her a mere backdrop to Lindsay. Lindsay must have done this on purpose. That little wretch was too devious.Olivia was furious, her chest tightening with rage. She felt like she might explode from anger.At the same time, Olivia regretted even more. If she had known, she would have stayed in the village. And she shouldn’t have asked the staff member about the feedback. Knowing the result just made her feel worse.The staff member noticed Olivia's pale face and felt a bit sympathetic. She was just unlucky to hav
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Chapter 80
The viewers watching the live stream were speechless.They wondered, “What are they doing? Did we tune in just to watch them sleep?”Alex and Justin's fans initially enjoyed watching their idols rest, but after a while, even they grew bored. Consequently, a large number of viewers switched to the other live stream.By this time, Lindsay and her group had returned to the courtyard and gathered the children who had come to learn. They continued rehearsing for the performance scheduled for the day after tomorrow. Over the past few days, they had already choreographed the show and had the kids practice. The rehearsal was full of fun and laughter, which delighted the audience.During dinner, Adam and Jason invited Lindsay and her group to join them for a meal. They mainly wanted to discuss the idea of live-streaming to sell local products. Lindsay and her group agreed.As the other group finally arrived back at the village, exhausted and hungry, they heard their phones beep. When they c
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