All Chapters of Epitome of Bloody Love: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
53 Chapters
11. Confused
"It turns out it wasn't me," Luna whispered, "the one you should be biting.""Anna, he's drunk. Should-""None of your business!" Anna snapped. Unable to hold back her tears, her legs spun, and she walked quickly.Ruby sighed, looking at Anna and Glenn alternately. She felt trapped between Alpha and Luna's stories. On average, their stories are intimate and warm in romance stories created by humans' dreams. The Alphas honourably bite into the figure they wish to become Luna; the companion figure reflects graceful strength.Glenn had bitten Anna. The bite mark was black in a circle at the back of his neck. To make the sign visible, Anna maintained blonde hair, often parted in two. He showed it on purpose, especially to Ruby.It's a shame that Ruby can't figure out where the romance lies between them.Alpha, who was silent, was confined, and Luna, who was crying."Glenn, come on. Don't change your cool story like a loser." Ruby nuzzled against the nodding man.***"Are you sure this is
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12. Dancing Love
Two violinists with beautiful buns stroked the bow gracefully. Their long fingers circled the neck of the viola while one relaxed finger pressed on the second string. The Bes' central tone echoed dramatically, signalling the start of the dating party.Jayden joined the two beautiful women on the inner balcony.“Dear guests, I am Jayden Gavian as Master House say, welcome to Victorian Love Night!”Jay held up a glass of wine and was immediately greeted with applause.“First of all, I want to thank you for your efforts in finding true love. What's more, entrusting Vousme as a bridge of destiny. In this fast-paced era, I understand the concerns of those of you who feel you have to compete, even for matters of the heart. But tonight, in this warm place, I hope you enjoy the time with your chosen one. Let's pretend time has stopped until midnight.”A glass of wine was raised a second time, facing the side of the room, precisely next to the water fountain decoration with a statue of the god
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13. Shoot
As if reading what would happen, Jay bet on zero point one second after the bullet was fired. He dedicated his entire body to holding Ruby, pulling her even though she was rolling on the tiles.For a moment, the party reached the peak of chaos. Some guests were in disarray at the sound of the farthest glass partition breaking—small-bodied vampires who consider armed humans a threat. Not a few vampires survived. Each person has a choice, but there is one worst choice.The catalyst in the form of thirst overflows due to the shadow of their first death. They learn that death should at least be covered by something of value, so they decide to bite their mate.The door banged loudly—a crowd of people charged in with bright flashes of light and camera lenses. The reporter raised the microphone to mouth level and started talking nonsense, complete with hyperbole. They were protected by dozens of Riot Squad personnel who turned their backs to the media. The heavy guns locked onto targets but
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14. Into The Another World
"This purple poison is more than the dangerous venom of a giant snake." The thirty-something male doctor raised his round glasses, which hung down the bridge of his nose. They almost fell off as the doctor leaned forward too long, watching the purple liquid inside the miniature silicone tube. He shifted his attention to Glenn, who was lying stiffly. The wound on her arm had been stitched up and was still covered with a bandage as thick as a towel. "It's lucky the bullet didn't wholly penetrate Glenn's body. I stopped the spread of the poison before it reached his brain. Half of his body might have trouble moving when he wakes up later. "In other words, is Glenn half paralyzed?" Anna asked, hoping for a better answer while holding back tears. "Until an antidote is found," doctor replied. "Oh, Anna.. this is crazy. Where do we get the antidote?" asked Thomas. "I will go to Athens to research this type of poison, and then we can find or create an antidote. Be patient. His mental ba
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15. On Fire
Jay shoved Ruby back, grabbing the front seat. Besides being close to the air conditioner, his pride was at stake if a man and a woman sat in the front seat. Jay felt like a mosquito. What was annoying was that Jay thought teacher Ruby was old, like Anna."What are you doing? Hurry up," Jay said, poking his head into the back seat.Ruby opened the door and threw herself in, and it closed without touching. All Ruby had to do was pull, and her internal force showed off, slamming the thing shut."Ey, your power is getting cooler.""Promise me you won't be irresponsible, Mr. Jordan," Ruby pleaded."Calm down. The sun may fuel this car, but your powers are much stronger. You can create a hurricane if you almost get hit.""The sun? Why does it feel cold?" interrupted Jay."Yes, the gods can do everything. Including saving the car from burning. I borrowed this car from the god Apollo." Jordan chuckled."Wow, you have great connections!" exclaimed Jay.Ruby chuckled. "You almost burned it," s
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16. Little Melody
"Are you okay?" Jay asked."She's dead," Ruby replied with a small cry. Her leg was sore, but it would be a hassle if her and Jay's focus were split. Putting everything else aside, the baby was toast. "Everything is chaos now," said Ruby."It will be okay."Jay fumbled with his body and ended up ripping off the white shirt. Ruby reflexively closed her eyes to find Jay naked. Meanwhile, Jay slipped into the bathroom, dipped the fabric of his shirt, and then jumped back into the flames surrounding Noura Betsy's wooden bed."Jay, be careful! Don't burn your skin!" shouted Ruby. It was itching to peek at Jay's movements between her fingers. No matter how hot the fire got, Jay indoctrinated himself that he wouldn't feel anything until Noura Betsy was safe and out of the vicious circle.Jay wrapped Betsy's entire body in his wet clothes. Jay lifted Betsy, cradling the baby against his broad chest. Jay's grip tightened, afraid that the fire might weaken his joints. Indeed, the thought of li
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15. Attack
"So, your power is singing, huh?" asked Ruby, muttering to herself, propping up her chin as she looked at Betsy. The baby was wide-eyed and gazing in all directions, looking for anyone to play with.It was Ruby's turn to glance at Jay on the opposite couch. The man's snoring resembled the rumbling of a volcano, but Ruby was relieved. Jay seemed to let go of all his burdens as he slept like a baby. He tried to put off the questions that would make his head explode.About how Betsy could have this kind of power. Did she harbor other powers? Would she get stronger the older she got?"Huft, I knew this adventure wouldn't be easy. Can she help me defeat Jemma? Betsy has a lot of potential."***The hot sun broke through the main window of the apartment, simultaneously opening Jay's horizon. Budding eyelids twitched, aroused by the orange light. A faint groan could be heard as they opened."Are you awake?" Ruby placed a glass of blood on the table and sat before Jay. "That's great, and you s
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16. Be Patient
"Ruby, are you okay?" asked Jay, sitting beside Betsy on the mini round chair. "Let me tell you everything." He volunteered. "It's okay," Ruby said, hugging herself like she was cold. "What's going on? What bad news is Baskerville dealing with?" Jordan was getting impatient. "I lost contact with my Clan, Mr. Jordan ...." "What?" Jay surprised. "No wonder, Glenn didn't send me message. What's wrong?" Jordan struggled to his feet. His bass voice almost woke Betsy up. Fortunately, the snow-white baby just tilted her head, continuing to sleep peacefully. "Everything will be okay. I'll try again to contact everyone in Baskerville or search in my vision." "Ruby, are you crying?" Jay quickly got up, turning around to grab Ruby in his arms. Ruby cried on Jay's shoulder for a while. "Can you give her a minute?" "Yes, yes, of course." Jordan nodded. He paced back and forth, waiting for Ruby to finish her emotional outburst. Jordan gripped the edge of Betsy's bed and slumped down.
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17. Traitor
Jordan circled the cube table, taking in the holograms that he found not so much beautiful as distracting. It was too bright, flashy, and attention-grabbing. Baskerville Island was shrouded in a fog to protect it from human view. But there was no guarantee that distractions such as light or sound could distract human consciousness while sailing."Bastard! Your friend Haris betrayed us.""What ....?" Ruby was pensive for a long time. "No way, why he did do that?""What about the others?" Jay asked."I don't see them. To be sure, Haris is Jemma's Ally.""Hang in there," Jordan muttered, jerking his heavy eyes away.Once again, Jordan focused on observing the replicas. The city center was marked by the mayor's building, which was depicted as a magnificent castle. Two kings ruled Polis Sparta, but only one was in the hologram."That's right. My esteemed Archons, this is the latest Baskerville image if you approve of the Sparta Polis system. It's different from what you expected, isn't it?
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18. Magic Night
Ruby's lips pursed like a duck's, flanked by Jay's veined hands. At first, Ruby's cheeks blush from Jay's sudden touch and intense gaze. But that question popped up and made it all meaningless. Jay only cared about his good looks. What an idiot! Ruby's mind was busy cursing the man. He asked for an answer but made it difficult for the answerer to speak. "Make sure you treat me if I say yes!" threatened Ruby, his connotations rounded. "Take it easy, Miss Sweetie." Jay lowered his hand, gave Ruby a brief caress on the cheek, and walked away. One kick landed on Jay's ass. His footsteps instantly faltered. "Stop teasing me with that smile. You're more weasel than wolf!" "Well, that's one way I appreciate your compliment," Jay said. "This conversation is so useless." Caught up in her grumbling, Ruby swerved. Jay swiftly put his arm around the girl, causing Ruby to join in observing the modest restaurant in front of them. "Chiquetta Dine &. Bar? Cute name," Ruby chuckled. Her mood qu
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