All Chapters of Epitome of Bloody Love: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
53 Chapters
19. Confession
Jayden's lips were as soft as cotton candy. He gives Ruby a touch that stirs the soul. A breath that hunted with the night that would sooner or later leave. Ruby jerked her eyes to the light on the eastern horizon, dotted with his skin. "I must be crazy," Ruby chuckled. She glanced at Jay, who was fast asleep. Jay's chin rested comfortably on his head's shoulder so the girl couldn't move much. "What did I do to him? My alcohol tolerance level is shit," sighed Ruby. "Thank you," Jay said unexpectedly. Ruby gasped but was too dizzy to move. "And, sorry... for tearing your clothes," Jay said. Ruby let out a resigned sigh. Ruby's cheeks suddenly reddened, remembering what they had been through all night. At least the feeling of excitement was bubbling up instead. "Jay, do you realize something now?" Ruby looked up at the blue sky, followed by Jay, who changed to a prone position. His upper arm became Ruby's pillow, while the lower arm from the other side became his pillow. "You'r
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20. Warmness
"This is crazy! Jemma is too crazy!""But the idea is brilliant!"“So Baskerville and Walles will merge?”"That means Basker forest will be abolished?""Argh, I'm already comfortable with peaceful Baskerville.""You want to rot on this village, huh? He said there will be no more discrimination to the human world!""Don't you want any progress?""But, why didn't the main pack tell us? When did our Highness Ruby and the others return from their business trip?"The topic of the new system would at least continue to echo for the next three days. Indeed, in three days, they would be holding a system change ceremony and a battle for five council seats. The atmosphere of heat began to rise in the community.Shey rubbed her ears at a traditional bar. Intent on staying away from the bars in the city center to avoid the sight of young people busy betting, it turned out to be the same in an old-fashioned bar. She and her boyfriend are in disguise after a successful prison escape."Be patient. Ma
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21. Straighten up
"He's dead," said Barlie.The acute phase struck with lightning speed. Shey collapsed over the body of a child, the oldest of the other children. Fifteen years old. Soon, he would grow up and be ready for serious training. But illness dashed the hopes of Shey and the other RED-EYEZ members."Oh, no ...."Shey turned around and hugged Thom. Thom's hands pushed her back to make her more comfortable. Meanwhile, his was wet with tears of pain. Physical pain would never have been this hard to shed tears. Disappointment, despair, and anxiety wrestled, creating deep wounds.After Shey's sobs subsided, Thom moved to release her embrace. She was the girl who used to be as strong as a thunderbolt but now looked fragile. She couldn't stand properly, so Thom had to hold her shoulders."It's not over yet, Shey. It's going to be okay," Thom said.Shey raised her head while busily wiping her tears. Someone handed her a handkerchief. Shey's gaze gradually rose, following who the owner of the writing
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21. Lost
"You think I'll let you go?" Joe crossed his arms on his back. He kept looking back as Ruby walked past him. But Ruby did not do the same. She stared straight ahead even though she stopped because of Joe's words. "I'm serious," Ruby said, "you're going to die in the arena. Maybe not just you. I don't know for sure. Hmm... should I hug them one by one?" "Are you bragging so you can get away from here... or so I'll be on your side?" Joe guessed. "There's no way you're hugging me for no apparent reason," he countered. The famous narrative of the Vampire clan was that their brains were fluid and intelligent. Their ancestors were educated aristocrats who preserved that title for centuries. The vampires said that was what distinguished their caste from the other undead. Ruby wondered, were the vampires in this dead forest outcasts? They occupied this ugly place instead of living in skyscrapers with all the luxuries of the city center and routinely attending balls with wine glasses fil
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"Ruby!""Glenn?" called Ruby loudly, like a madman talking to herself on a mountaintop."Can you hear me?""Yes! Yes! I can!""What? Can you hear me or not? Don't speak using your voice. Use your mind!" Hearing Glenn's instructions, Ruby took a deep breath and spoke using her inner voice."Glenn, I am with your dad.""Good! Where are you? Did Alex manage to take you to the black world?""No, we escaped. We are at the top of Mount Pelion. I have sent your dad to pick you up; please wait in the savanna of the wolf clan.""Thank God. Stay there, don't go anywhere; we'll catch up with you! We'll hurry to where you direct us.""Hm, alright. Don't slip while riding. Be careful!"Glenn's voice disappeared like the wind.*** The main pack of northern wolves first went through the forest to meet Glenn. However, Glenn outran them. "How was it? Ruby during?" asked Shey."She's safe at the top of Mount Pelion. My dad brought her and will pick us up soon!" said Glenn in a hurry."Oh, thanks, Go
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22. Captain
Ruby threw Doki to the ground. "Tell your employer I will gladly visit him. Also, tell him I'm not willing to have a mayor who keeps ugly creatures like you!" Ruby turned her head, looked at Brian with conviction, and nodded to signal the Goblin's release to deliver Ruby's message."Let him go!" Brian ordered the guards. They released the bound iron. The Goblin ran in disarray, occasionally staggering. Brian ordered the guards to disperse. Meanwhile, he stayed behind with my friends."Ruby! Why didn't you tell us you were leaving?" Jay grumbled."Sorry, I was looking for wind, and Brian invited me. I had no heart to wake you guys up because you must be exhausted."Jay kept not rolling right and left, then decided to check if his lover was okay. "Seeing you weren't in the hut, he woke us all up like a starving cat!" babbled Jordan.Everyone there chuckled."But, is what you're saying true, Ruby? Not just a trick? Are you the granddaughter of our leader?" asked Brian, his eagle eyes
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23. Hope
Brian reappeared behind the curtain after asking Jay for permission to retrieve Haris's secret book. He handed over the yellowed sheets of paper. They were then organized into a brown-bound book that was a little dusty and was now in my hands."Alright, Ruby, I hope you can learn it quickly. And not only Ruby, but everyone should also take the time to deepen their skills and strengthen their inner strength so that we can all be equally strong in facing them," said Brian."Let's start trying to strategize," Jay said, holding up a medium-sized map of Baskerville. The center of the map depicts Jemma's area, which was the center of all Baskerville activities and the main target of our attack because that was where the marriage ritual with my father would be held."What if we go through the cursed tunnel?" asked Thomas."You're such a fool! Alex must have put troops there in case we return to base." Shey repeatedly punched her friend on the shoulder. However, Thomas was not tired of givin
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24. War
It was getting late, and the ritual would take place at midnight. Brian and the guards were getting ready to leave. The distance they were going to travel was quite far from the actual distance because they had to go around the main road. It was estimated that they would arrive at nine o'clock and hide in the forest for about an hour."Ruby will send moonlight and rubies to your hiding place to signal that we can enter the base and disguise ourselves. Have you brought your anti-poison masks?" asked Jay as he stood before us, all lined up like innocent Boy Scouts."Yes, captain!" Brian and his troops answered Jay's question in unison. Their backs were already carrying their supplies with sharpened bamboo sticks embedded in their grips,"Then please start your journey. Take care of yourselves! We'll catch up!" They turned around and started walking away from us. We scattered to Jay's side to see the backs of the formidable warriors who were becoming invisible. While behind us, the tri
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25. Monster
How strange. Jemma and Alex didn't do anything. They were waiting sweetly. What were they waiting for? My appearance? Or what?Jemma's aides dragged in a familiar man."Oh, no. They got Brian!"I immediately tugged on Mr. Jordan's arm and lost my mind. I told him to come down, but he refused, saying it was too dangerous to come down now, and that's what they wanted."BRIAN IS DYING DOWN THERE!" For the first time, I yelled at Mr. Jordan loudly. My eyes shook, and I couldn't imagine the worst; I failed to protect my grandfather's confidant. Mr. Jordan could be heard howling desperately at me."Take me to see him now, and if they get me. Please keep fighting." We both landed. Mr. Jordan. Jay suddenly looked at me quizzically."Hey, why are you getting off!" snapped Jay. "I have to face what I have to face!""Ruby, no, you promised-Ruby!" Jay grabbed Ruby's wrist."You're cruel to me, Ruby," He said."I have to see him now!""Welcome, my lovely queen! Come here, give us your hand, an
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The captain lowered the anchor. Jay jumped off the deck first. He ensured the situation was safe even if Glenn were there. But the people behind him couldn't be trusted. I would have taken the second turn if Jay hadn't rushed me. He did that so I'd have a handle. "Thank you for your effort, but I can jump," I said, cautiously descending the sloping board. "Precisely that. You were free at Baskerville, so I was worried." We walked on the pier and decided on today's hunting targets. Thomas whined about wanting rabbit, and they complied. "What do you want to eat?" I asked, giving my attention to Jay. "Hm ...." Jay linked his hands behind his back. "Anything goes." "Fine, I'll cook you premium roast beef!" I exclaimed, deliberately raising my voice. "Huh, beef?" Thomas thrust himself into the middle of Jay and me. "I want some, too! Can I join you? May I?" "Didn't you say you wanted rabbit?" snapped Shey as she folded her hands over her upper belly, "after all, the princess offer
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