All Chapters of Epitome of Bloody Love: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
53 Chapters
25. Impact
James displayed the red dots controlled by the RED-EYEZ's guard on the big screen. The guard situation was also played in the right corner of the screen. Some of the small drones flying over the area were working well."We don't have much time! Ruby sent a message that the rioters gave us only until midnight," explained James."The mayor and the government must quickly meet them and give a decision!" Phoenix urged."That's why we're here, Phoenix. Elite people like you are not easy to deal with, either. I officially will not change the policy. Do you accept that?" Haris explained."That's because you don't want to understand the wishes of your people. The rioters are creatures of the former tenants you moved from the Lotus Valley five years ago. Jemma gave them a promise to rebuild the flats in Lotus Valley.""Why are they bringing that up? Lotus Valley has dangerous toxins!""Jemma can clean up the poison," Jacqueline explained.The reality of life was spinning in Harris's brain. The
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26. Battleground
"Why are they doing this?" Ruby asked."In case you didn't know, the other effects of Jemma's policy are not only on humans but creatures like ki. Basker Forest was cut in half, and they benefited. Now that Leny is benefiting, they feel cheated." Haris explained.***"What do you know for?" snapped Carren.She folded her arms across her chest, trying to be as calm as possible. "There's no need to buy time. Since our plan has failed miserably, you better make this thing stop stalking us.""That's fine! Then, who's responsible for this mess? Your ancestors? Hahaha. After all, they wouldn't be proud of you harming innocent civilians to defend a trivial matter. Anyway, you must be punished and apologize to my father," Ruby demanded, piercing the eardrums of the rioters.They clenched their fists at that instant, glared, and puffed their chests at the girl. Their stomachs seemed to boil, especially at the trivial words. A house, a place to live, a shelter is a matter of life and death.See
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27. Poison
3 Months LaterShades of white combined with soft colors filled the five-star hotel. The twelfth day of the twelfth month, noon, became a historic day for two people who seemed to live in a world of their own. It is a story that has not been easy to get through, but a million emotions have been conquering on this day.This day. The left-wing guest lineup was dominated by the RED-EYEZ and the northern wolf clan that looked like royalty. Notably, Glenn's body was covered by neat shirts and suits, with absolutely no there was no impression of a hooligan, even though his big muscles were poking out from under the case. Barlie was seen, and Thomas mingled with Haris and Shey. Shey looked elegant. She wore a cream-colored medium dress with a tiny flower clasp. On the altar, Jay repeatedly adjusted the ribbon tie, then smoothed the tuxedo to ensure it wouldn't wrinkle. He was having trouble controlling his nerves. Even though there was no hesitation, he was just nervous because today was
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28. Kidnap
"Shey! Shey! Open the door!" Jay banged on the door as hard as he could. After a few attempts but no answer from Shey, it was Thom's turn to call out to Shey in a rather loud voice. "Why don't we break it down?" Glenn said.Thom turned to the confused Jay. "Right, so we can find out what's happening inside!" "Try calling him again! If he doesn't answer, we'll have to break in." Jay ordered. Thom nodded and tried to call Shey back. After two buzzes, there was no answer. And on the third ring... "Hello, Thom?" "Hello, Shey? Are you home? You're okay. Did something bad happen?" "I'm on my way to the hospital! I'll be there in a minute." Jay breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank goodness. Oh yeah, Haris's there! I told him to watch Ruby for a while. If you're not comfortable, tell him to go home." "Haris? What do you mean?" Shey vaguely heard muttering to herself. The situation was even more confusing now. "Hello, Jay? Are you still there? I thought I had to stop by the hospi
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29. Obsessed
"I'm just learning to walk," I said hoarsely. "LIAR!" Haris became uncontrollable.BUK!DHUAK!DANG! Haris smashed my head repeatedly against the foot of the bed. My body was thrown against the wall. Haris did all this without touching me. I was already weak, a thousand times soft. A desperate cry caught my ear. I felt fresh blood flowing from my temple, down my cheek, with a terrible sting. He stopped, and I still held onto consciousness even though my eyes were almost closed. "This isn't right. I can't let you get away from me. I have to cut off your legs!" I was hearing his threat. My consciousness rose sharply. My eyes widened. I was scared. I was afraid that he would do it. Because he's a crazy psychopath, when he tried to move, I immediately braced myself to pull both his shoulders. I pulled her into my arms. I was holding him tightly while sobbing. His clothes became wet from my crying. "I won't leave. Please, don't. I want to walk beside you. Please." I whimpered. I
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30. Daymare
They were delving into the forest with lush trees. Jordan, Thomas, Barlie, and Glenn split up. They hid behind bushes and places they felt were safe. A few minutes earlier, Jordan and the northern pack, minus Shey and Haris, began to enter the island and together maximized their five senses. "Watch out for traps! Watch every step you take. If there's anything suspicious, signal immediately!" Haris ordered. All northern packs simultaneously agreed. Before Jordan finally gave the signal by raising his hand to stop. All northern pack members stopped their steps. Thomas stared at the pile of grass he had almost stepped on. He knelt and rubbed his fingers on the edge of the grass. He felt slippery, "Oil? Is this Oil?" he asked. All the members looked at each other. "Take off your shoes and throw them on the grass. If it's a trap, hide immediately. However, don't be hasty!" Haris instructed. Thomas immediately took off her right shoe and moved backward along with the others. Thomas t
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31. He's Back
"If you scream or call out to that clown wolf, I'll make sure the chair supporting your father will topple over, and you can hear his neck being strangled to suffocation." She threatened.I felt a sting as I swallowed. Haris pushed my body inside with him. As one hand slipped off my body and locked the door, I turned around and tried to claw him. Instead, he gripped my neck tightly and turned me around to see his foot ready to roll the chair over with one kick."No. Please, don't. Don't!" I whimpered.I looked into his crescent moon eyes with a pleading look, and Haris returned with his disgusting grin."Come with me, baby." He whispered.As he dragged me past the legs of the hanging corpse to the bathroom, I saw that a ladder had extended upwards and straight through the attic. He forced me to clean up first. I hit my knees on the metal several times as his hand pushed quite hard on my back. We didn't take long to reach the attic before he finally sealed the hole in the bathroom ceil
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32. Traps
"It's either an illusion or Jemma is teleporting," Mr. Jordan said."No. He's here. My eyes saw it. My ears heard his whisper. Jemma seemed to be taunting me, asking me to find him," Ruby fretted."Alright. Calm down first. He might still be around the campus. Let's look for him, or maybe he'll show himself here." Jay let his eyes wander around."Aaargh!" I channeled my frustration by grabbing both sides of my hair. As a result, many strands came out of the bonds. My clips came off. "It's my fault I don't have powers ...."Jay hugged me. "What do you mean? Your powers will come back, don't worry.""No—" I breathed heavily. This feeling of guilt was hard to explain in words. "I... I doubt it... but they've already come... argh!"Jay picked up the scrunchie. His hand reached for my palm. I knew his intentions were sincere, but this leg reflexively retreated and avoided his gaze. I don't know. My mixed feelings rejected his attention.I feel like I'm disappointed in everything, myself. O
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33. Evil
"You're too much! What did you do to Barlie?" screeched Ruby, lunging in front of Jemma, but Jay's arms quickly embraced her body.Ruby was pulled back. Jay was not willing to let Jemma touch Ruby. After all, Ruby was too fragile against the physicality of an adult, no matter how much he wanted to rip the man's face off.A gust of wind whipped up, rattling the tents. The bazaar stalls tumbled in random directions, carried by the wind. Soon, a screeching sound emanated from the speakers, breaking the eardrums of anyone who heard it.Everyone covered their ears. The operator tried to pull out the cable, but the boy in the hat shuddered. Electricity coursed through his body. Suddenly, Ruby, Jay, and Barlie moved away.The students screamed not because they saw someone being electrocuted but because they were going crazy. The high voice evoked emotion. Ego is quickly taken away, and the eyes of the heart are darkened. At that moment, every evil spirit was able to control people.Shey came
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The lace fabric of my cardigan crumpled roughly in time with Barlie's unsteady breathing-reflecting inner turmoil. The slightest wind should have been a sign of my life being taken away. However, I still felt myself slamming to the floor.Barlie roared, forcing me to forget the pain in my tailbone.Suddenly, from behind, Jay wrapped the camera strap around Barlie's neck and choked him. The wolf squirmed. The knife in his hand went into freefall, landing on the side of the guy's ankle. I crawled to my feet, reaching out. The coldness of the metal sank into the skin of my palm. My forefinger slid closer so I could grasp the handle.My legs formed a 90-degree angle."Barlie, sorry!" My thighs and elbows met, lifting my body to half-stand then slashing Barlie's ankle. Red, fishy-smelling liquid splattered my face. However, I ignored it and was busy watching Barlie and Jay.Just as Barlie lost his balance, Jay unhooked the rope and elbowed Barlie in the temple. Instantly, Barlie collapsed,
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