All Chapters of Epitome of Bloody Love: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
53 Chapters
"It's Jemma!" Jay fanned the smoke that blocked the view."He's teleporting us to his place," Ruby chuckled.The couple gaped in front of a giant mirror. Ruby's mouth opened slightly at the sight of the snake woman slithering inside. Jemma's wide smile displayed teeth that were rock-shaped and pointed with their tips pointing downwards. Similar to the stalactites in Arima Cave, where Ruby was currently.Stone pillars connect the glass and make it look like an aquarium. It was dark and damp. The walls were solid stone engraved with sea ornaments."Get out of there and face me!" challenged Ruby. She was about to break through the glass, but Jay held her back."How's that? Am I any good at surprising you? I'm decorating my habitat for you, baby. This place will be your grave." Jemma boasted."Ah... well deserved, this place is so ugly," Ruby criticized."What? Don't brag! You're not a witch any more! You're an ordinary creature! Get it!"The floor suddenly shook violently. Jay and Ruby g
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36. Never Ending Saga
Obeying her mother's words, Ruby's hands quickly grasped the rough rope. "Go on. Look up at the sky. Never look down." alternately pushed against the wall. Climbing up little by little, she stared at the sky without blinking. Careful to get there. It was very beneficial that Ruby often went hunting with her pack. The muscles of her legs and arms could work together. The more her arm ached, the stronger her resolve became. Soon, this pain would end. Soon, she would be able to continue living with Jay. Ruby's hands moved to reach the sides of the hole.A final, thunderous moan. Ruby raised her body with all her might. Her knees fell on the rough surface of the stone roof. Their position was safe and level. She moved away from the hole."Oh, it's a miracle," chirped Jemma.A surge of energy overcame Ruby. The girl ran to Jemma with flashing silver eyes. Ruby jumped up, grabbing Jemma by the neck. "Don't waste time. Take me to Jay now!"They disappeared across dimensions. ***"ARGH!"
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"Take them out!" Jemma shouted to his children: Cerberus, the three-headed hellhound, the many-headed Lernean Hydra, and Chimera."Shit!" Jemma huffed as Cerberus was overwhelmed by Mr. Jordan. Blue Fireballs rushed at his right hand, but the wind carried thick smoke, blocking his vision. Jemma was nervous about whether his defenses were down or not. While there was a chance to move, Jay clawed at the viper ensnaring him. He then grabbed the thing silently. Unsure of what he would do, Jay's mind was already clouded. Even though reinforcements were coming, the man had trouble seeing beyond life and death. Imagining going through the day without Ruby, the difference between life and death was very thin. It was just like delaying the time of death. He would be tortured by longing, age faster, and then die in solitude. Without the company of someone, she loved and cherished.The nightmare that everyone dreaded."You think this grudge will end?"Jemma turned around, dumbfounded, as if
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38. Game Changing
"You called me Mr. Jordan?" "Sorry for the suddenness of it, Ruby; I need your help," Mr. Jordan said nervously, pacing beside the fireplace. "A favor?" Ruby frowned. "Like what?" "In the southern region, the red wolf population is precarious, near extinction. Their main pack, called REDCA, is hiding something. After I traced it, the main pack has an illegal partnership with an evil witch named Madam Jenn," Mr. Jordan explained, "I've been carefully checking the witch's background secretly for a year now, and I've found out her purpose. She's after an important girl." "How can I help you?" "Sorry if that sounds presumptuous. Can you pretend to be that girl?" asked Mr. Jordan, "I'm worried that the wicked witch could take over an entire wolf clan. Only until I find a poison to paralyze her." Ruby sighed heavily. "That means Jay and I are going to be separated for a long time," she sighed. "You want to do it?" snapped Jay's voice. Ruby and Mr. Jordan turned their heads together.
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39. A PLAN
"Don't go out too often. The Caretakers might catch on," complained Dino. "Oh, come on! Just today. I'll miss dinner, but could you please help me out?" Ruby complained, "The boiled potatoes are just for you. Dealing with patients all day must tire you out." "Where are you even going?" "Today, burning of my mother," she said. Dino's eyes lit up. His sympathy faded, and he felt a twinge of remorse. "Even though I never saw my mother's face, I still...." "Miss her. Yes, you say that every year, and I'm sorry I forgot," Dino regretted. "Don't apologize for being senile. It's natural." "No, I am not!" With a laugh, Ruby replied to Dino's warning, promising to wake him up earlier than the senior officers. Earlier than the senior officers. "I promise!" Ruby said, waving her slender fingers gracefully. "Now it's time for you to get sleep."Anthony Dino fell asleep during a daydream induced by Ruby. However, Dino felt slightly content in this situation. Tonight, Ruby allowed him to wa
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40. Anxious
Justin began eating the wrapped sausage, giving Ruby some relief. It would have been better if Justin finished it in one bite, but that's fine - the first bite was large. A few of the air conditioners were turned off. Ruby was hot, so she removed her hat. Her shiny hair looked lovely, but it was difficult for Justin to swallow. Justin stared with puffed-out cheeks. His eyes widened as though gazing at the vastness of the galaxy. Even in the dark, Ruby seemed to shine in Justin's eyes. "What's your name, by the way? I need to write it down.”"Carl Justin," he reluctantly added. "And you?" "Ruby Cassie Liona," she replied. "Nice name." Justin took a slow drink of water, but it didn't make it down his throat, and he coughed. "Ruby—what?""Is there any problem?" Ruby asked. Justin's brightness faded. His thirst persisted. His body felt rigid, making even setting down a bottle to take a sip challenging. REDCA focuses on her - the exact person Madam Jenn seeks. Justin's mind envisions a
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A smell had stayed in Justin's nose since he first breathed in with the girl before she fell off the building. Justin stopped in less than two minutes in front of the fallen tree. The sound of breaking branches mixed with a roar, creating a fight noise. Justin watched the fight carefully, waiting for the perfect moment.Right now, Ruby kept avoiding the two wolves that were nearby. There were huge trees that couldn't be knocked down. Ruby attempted to run, but a stunning wolf with white patches around its eyes redirected her. Ruby squeezed her heels together to prevent herself from falling."Cool mask," Ruby exclaimed out of breath. After all, it was hard to leave a wounded woman. "Go away!"The enemy was in view. Birds in the north flew away from the trees, unwilling to roost in the area. Marco let out a roar, startling all the animals in the forest. Birds in the north flew away from the trees, unwilling to roost in the area. Despite this, Marco remained unfazed on his four legs. Th
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42. WHY?
John raised his arms to his chest. "Please." Madam Jenn then took a sip of bittersweet-flavored coffee. "Thank you, this is delightful."John crossed one leg over the other. "Now tell me where my daughter is." "All right, as promised." Madam Jenn took a roll of paper out of her crocodile skin bag. The palm of her hand was so slippery holding the thing that the scroll rolled down John's leg."Oh dear! Sorry!"John's spontaneity as a true gentleman was provoked. He immediately bent down and picked up the coconut leaf-thick scroll of white paper that was meant for him. Just then, Madam Jenn stood up and leaned forward—a light tap on her false nails and a sprinkle of poisonous powder dissolved in John's coffee.Madam Jenn's speed was incredible. It was as if she had been practicing this mission for thousands of years. John swallowed as Madam Jenn retreated to the sofa."Is that for me?" John asked for confirmation.Madam Jenn nodded. "Open it." The golden tape
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Heading towards the dining room, Justin kept pulling Ruby's arm backward to slow her down. Justin was determined to keep his distance from Medusa's snakes. In Justin's eyes, their slithering movements were a joke, and the stone statues he passed along the hallway felt like they were about to pounce."Who are they?" Justin asked curiously but didn't dare look at them."The thieves.""You killed them so easily."Medusa took Justin's words as a compliment. Ruby, on the other hand, shook her head. She couldn't figure out what kind of wolf Carl Justin was. Many Omegas in the Asylum acted tough in front of the female patients. However, Carl Justin did not even hide anything, no matter how much he wanted to be recognized."Wow! Cool!" Forget about those annoying snakes. Justin was mesmerized by the many dishes on the round table. There are so many foods like jam bread, egg sausage, fresh mango juice, and the star of the show - roast beef."That's especially for you. We bought it at the 24-ho
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44. Pancakes Berry
Sterile fluid was poured over the wound. Smoke billowed out. The bleeding stopped, but Ruby grimaced in frustration. Guard Lim's flesh was blackened as if it had been grilled."Eum... I don't think my stomach's in the mood for berries right now," Justin chuckled, twisting his boxy stomach against the nausea.Ruby spread her fingers over Guard Lim's wound. She concentrated on channeling the silver powder. But the powder soaked in quickly, and there was no change. Her energy was drained.Chief Baker slipped his cell phone into the front pocket of his apron. He joined Ruby and Justin after stopping in the corner of the room."My doctor friend is coming in fifteen minutes," Chief Baker explained, "he's sewing up a fairy with a broken wing.""Will he live?" Justin ruffled his loins as he looked worriedly at Guardsman Lim."Judging by the wound... " Chief Baker looked down at Guardsman Lim's wound for a long time.Ruby and Justin exchanged glances, both wondering what he was doing. Justin t
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