All Chapters of THE CEO’S TOY: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
47 Chapters
CHAPTER 21 A Bracelet and A Date.
The toy..“Jessie!” I called out as I spotted her standing outside the meeting room. The meeting must be over.“You’re late, but I covered for you,” Jessie said.She had left the house before me because she had a project to present.“My car broke down,” I explained. “Thanks so much. What would I do without you?” I smiled, linking my arm with hers as we walked back to our office.As we settled into our seats, which were right next to each other, Jessie’s gaze fell on my bracelet.“Wow, you decided to wear it?” she smiled, drawing a file from her drawer. “I tried to find where you could get it, but it turns out it’s custom-made.” She picked up my arm. “This beauty is one of a kind.”“And it looks so expensive,” I remarked, staring at it intensely.“Hmmm.” She nodded. “And if Logan reacts, it means he’s the one who got it for me,” I added.“I doubt a bartender could afford such a bracelet,” Jessie replied without taking her eyes off her computer.I had been hoping it was from Logan, but
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The CEO.."Where did you get this?" Her eyes widened as if she had just seen a ghost. I pulled her closer by the hands, closing the space between us. Her beautiful doe eyes stared into mine, wide and questioning."You gave me the bracelet?" she asked, taking a few steps back.I had given it to Ariel as a gift—a customized piece that was one of a kind. I couldn't fathom how a bracelet that had been with me ended up on Binky's wrist. "If I had given it to you, would I be asking that question?" I replied, my tone harsh. Her eyes reflected fear. "Binky," I said, trying to ease her tension with a smile. "I made it for a friend, but it was stolen." I couldn't bring myself to tell her I had made it for her sister. I hadn’t even mentioned that I knew Ariel, let alone that we had dated. Ariel had said she and her sister were close, but Aria had told me they were never on good terms. I was too excited and happy to see that face to bring up the past."Stolen? Are you kidding me?" She instan
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The toy.I slipped into my car, still tingling from his touch—powerful and unforgettable. I could already feel the wetness between my legs. Recalling his fingers tracing my skin, and when his hand brushed my pussy, my body shuddered in pleasure. I subconsciously shut my eyes and tilted my head backwards, savoring the fleeting bliss I had just experienced. My eyes popped open, his voice echoed in my mind, "Now we're even." I scoffed, knowing he sought retaliation. Running my hands through my hair, I grabbed my phone.Me: You might have won the battle, but I’m winning the war.He should enjoy his little victory, cause he’d be the next person left speechless and begging for more. I couldn’t shake off the pleasurable electric thrill coursing through my body, flushing my cheeks. His touch on me like that-it was a first. My phone pinged.Damon: Let’s see how you pull that off.His confidence always amazed me."Did he charm me?" I muttered, chewing my nails.I couldn't understand why
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The toy . . “The Logan in your diary is Tony’s older brother.” Jessie giggled hard on the couch, clutching her stomach. “I was right,” we said in unison as I rolled my eyes. I had expected as much from her. “But how could someone have the same features and the same name?” I wrinkled my brows. “You should start listening to me more,” she said amidst her laughter. Her laugh was beginning to grate on my nerves. I was in deep trouble. The only reason I agreed to date Logan was because I suspected him of being the one from the diary and the one who gave me the bracelet—but he was neither. “But why did he react the way he did?” I questioned. “His reaction misled me.” Jessie shrugged. “How do I get out of this mess?” I wondered, sinking my chin into my palm. Jessie stopped laughing and sat up straight. “Just tell him you don’t want the relationship anymore. You’ve changed your mind.” I furrowed my brows. There’s no way I can bring myself to do that, especially after spen
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The CEO . . As I walked into Tinkle Jewel Company, clutching the jewelry box in my hands, my presence commanded immediate attention, drawing eyes—especially those of women—with every stride. Ignoring their flirtatious stares, each one begging for attention, I was intent on cracking the mystery of the bracelets. My mind was consumed with two questions: was the other bracelet a convincing fake? And if not, who had purchased one exactly like Ariel’s and why? Each possibility sent a chill down my spine. One of the female employees unbuttoned her blouse to reveal her cleavage, letting her hair fall over her shoulders before trailing behind me. “Good morning, Mr. Wesley,” she greeted, a broad smile playing on her heavily painted red lips. “How can we assist you today?” I turned to her and stared blankly, trying to recall her name. I had seen her many times, and she had introduced herself repeatedly. It's hard to remember her name with that heavy red lipstick on her lips constant
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The toy...Quickly, I straightened my posture, regaining composure. “I have no idea what you are talking about.”Damon couldn’t have told her, and aside from Damon and Jessie, no one knew about the contract. She giggled, leaning her back against the car. "You'll have to do better if you're going to feign ignorance," she stated. "Just to show you how much I know, you're also running around with another man. What's his name again?" She waved her index finger in the air, struggling to recall. "Logan, isn't it? The bartender, yeah."A chill I had never experienced before traversed down my spine, and goosebumps emerged on my skin. How the hell did she find out about this?“I do like the idea that you have fallen out of love with Damon, but the contract is binding you.” She opened the car, brought a large brown envelope, and handed it to me. “I came here with a proposal.”I flinched at her words—falling out of love with Damon like that was even possible.My chest hitched as I opened it.
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The toy...I paced around my sitting room, fidgeting with my fingers. The more I glanced at the clock, the slower time seemed to move. Despite all the lights being on, darkness still loomed, weaving a sense of fear through my nerves. I wasn’t comfortable in this house, but I didn’t want to handle this at Jessie’s place, nor did I want to involve her in it. Jessie was great at solving logical problems, but when it came to matters of the heart, she was as clueless as I was.When the doorbell rang, I jerked. He must be here. I darted towards the door. Opening it, he stood there with a box of chocolates in his hands.“It’s not your favorite, but I didn’t want to come empty-handed,” Logan said, flashing a smile. “So, what did you want to talk about?” he asked as he walked into the apartment, settling onto the sofa.I stood there like a maid, my palms cupping each other and my gaze fixed on the floor.Noticing my uneasiness, he approached and lifted my chin, our eyes meeting for a fleeti
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The toy . . I stood outside Adonis Track, a famous venue for horse racing known for its luxury. Mr. Brian had arranged for us to meet here, though I had no idea why. A glance at my watch told me it was noon. I was supposed to meet up with Lucy by now, but I had to postpone it until 4. Four more hours of torment were eating away at any semblance of peace I could have mustered. “Ms. Smith,” Mr. Brian called out, waving his hand while his phone remained glued to his ear. “Good morning,” I greeted, trailing behind him as he led me into the track. The venue was alive with the hum of excited spectators and the earthy scent of fresh-cut grass. The grandstand bustled with activity as people placed their bets while waiters moved about serving drinks. After scanning the area, I still couldn’t understand why I was here. He hadn’t given me a reason, and I just hoped this wasn’t leading to him asking me out, especially after that evening. “The place has a certain charm, doesn’t it?”
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The CEO..‘I’m deeply sorry.’I read the message again, spinning in my office chair, trying to discern its meaning, but nothing came up, no matter how hard I tried.I could ask, but I wasn’t ready to look for answers I might not want to find. With a sigh, I dropped my phone. Thoughts gnawed at me.Trying to find out who bought the other bracelet was like looking for a drop of water in the ocean. The auction was tonight, and I wasn’t able to get anything out of Lucy, and for Mr. Brian, I had no clue about his financial standing. Everything needs to go smoothly, or my chance of convincing my father will plunge to less than ten percent.I was drowning in my thoughts and hadn’t noticed Zach's presence.“What are you thinking about?” Zach’s voice pulled me out of my head.“A lot. I wasn’t able to get anything out of Lucy,” I stated.“Because you are not playing your card well. She doesn’t feel loved.”A frown etched across my face as I ignored him. I was doing my best. Lucy was just too
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The CEO..The maid greeted me as I entered. "Your father is in the dining room.""Damon. Damon still there?" Zach muttered. “Lucy is—.” His voice came through the earpiece."Yeah, I know. I can hear the auction," I replied.The speaker was loud enough; I could hear it in the background."She's holding her stakes."I sighed. "Alright. I'm about to meet the devil; remember the word, right?""Yes, father," he giggled. "That sounds strange. It's like I just called you my father. Or like a sinner confessing to a priest."I smiled a little. tucking my phone in my trouser’s pocket.The air grew thinner as I approached the dining area, each step increasing the churning in my stomach. I still didn’t know why I was here.Bitterness flooded my mouth as I saw him, seated and dining on a rare steak, slicing it with a knife, its juices smearing the plate."Sit," he ordered, putting a slice in his mouth.As I settled down, the maid placed a plate of rare steak before me."I prefer it cooked," I in
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