All Chapters of THE CEO’S TOY: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
47 Chapters
The toy . “I can walk—put me down!” I yelled, banging my clenched fist against his back. As we arrived at the reception, my screams drew attention. Instantly, I covered my face with my palms to avoid any further embarrassment. I didn’t need pictures of me being carried like a sack of rice flooding the internet. After all, no face, no case. Damon slipped me into his black sports Ferrari before entering the driver’s seat. Starting his car, he advised, “You should always fasten your seatbelt,” as he leaned over and did it for me. There he goes, acting like he actually cares. “Where is Jessie?” I asked, scanning the outside through the car’s tinted glass. “Behind us, with Zach.” Staring back, I saw Zach’s red sports Ferrari behind. “We are leaving Jessie alone with that womanizer friend of yours.” “What, are you scared he would steal her heart?” That was the least of my worries. I just didn’t want to be left alone in the same space with Damon. Although Zach is a very charming
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The toy . Damon noticed my discomfort. "Why are you nervous?" he asked. “I’m not.” I struggled not to scratch my forehead to not affirm his deductions. Just then, my phone rang—Logan's name lit up the screen. “Who is Logan?” Damon’s tone was intense, causing a thunderous silence. I swallowed hard as my body trembled. “My friend.” Jessie snatched my phone away, feigning nonchalance. "Probably just trying to reach me since my phone was off," she added, disappearing into the other room. Although Jessie had intervened, my hands didn’t stop trembling as Damon still stared at me, his eyes hinting at his disbelief. Jessie walked back in and handed over my phone. “I was right; he tried calling me. Guess my phone was switched off.” Damon's suspicions seemed to intensify. "Your phone's not off," Zach noted as Jessie's phone chimed, drawing her attention. I closed my eyes, hoping to disappear. Without uttering a word, Damon shifted his focus back to the game. An unsettling feeli
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The CEO . My eyes widened as I saw her, and my phone slipped from my grasp, clattering to the floor. “Binky,” I whispered, my heart aching as tears streamed down her face. “I was stupid to believe you,” she sobbed, her voice trembling as she broke down completely. She turned and ran into the next room, slamming the door so hard that it echoed through the house. “There’s been a lot of door-slamming lately,” Zach observed. “What did you do to her?” Jessie demanded, her brows furrowed. “Ari, please open the door!” Jessie pounded on it. A claustrophobic sensation began to crawl up my throat, and I clenched my fists as conflicting thoughts warred in my mind—one screaming for me to drown my sorrows in alcohol. I marched over to the indoor bar and downed five glasses in quick succession. Zach, understanding me all too well, stood silently, offering no reproach. Grabbing my car keys, I headed for the door, only to be intercepted by Zach. “You’ve had too much to drink,” he cautioned
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The toy .I woke up to sunlight piercing through my puffy, red eyes. I turned and noticed Jessie wasn't in bed. With a slow gait, I strode out of the room, drawn by the sound of her laughter coming from the kitchen."Morning, sunshine," Zach greeted me as I entered."How are you feeling?" Jessie asked."Like I've been stung by a thousand bees," I replied, gulping down a glass of water."You'll get better," Jessie said.My eyes darted around the room, scanning for someone I wasn’t ready to face. Just one smile from him, and my heart would foolishly skip a beat."So, what are your plans for today?" I asked Jessie."Well, Zach is taking me shopping with the money I won yesterday.""When did you two become friends?" I inquired."We were never enemies," Zach said, taking a swig of his drink.It reminded me of Damon, who liked to start drinking early in the morning—birds of a feather."And you don’t have to worry about the demon," Jessie added. "He’s gone back to New York."I should have
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The toy . Suddenly, I regretted why I hid in the closet. I should have jumped out— should have risked breaking my leg. I closed my eyes, and the taste of fear—metallic and bitter—lingered on my tongue as I awaited my end. “Ariel,” his surprisingly soft voice called out. I opened one eye before the other, sizing the huge man before me. “It’s me, Tony your neighbor.” He scoffed jokingly. “I mean your former neighbor.” He stared at the knife before tossing it to the floor. “Sorry, I must have scared you. I saw a car packed outside, and I thought it was one of those junkies that come around.” I was still too stunned to speak; fear was still coursing through my veins. “Aria” He asked. Noticing I flinched at the mention of the name, he apologized. "Sorry, I thought it was Ariel. Cause of the hair.” I stepped out of the closet and dusted off the cobwebs draping my outfit. Turning to him, “the hair?” “Ariel loved her hair long, and you, you know, you loved yours short.” He explaine
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The CEO..I stood outside Binky’s apartment, my hands shoved deep into the pockets of my black pants, wrestling with the urge to go inside or return to that house. I couldn’t even call it a home, not with Lucy living there.I sighed as I saw the post: Damon Wesley celebrates his fiancée’s birthday.My heart ached, knowing Binky must have seen it too. I always thought she didn’t care about me and that her outbursts were just attempts to break free from our contract. But the vacation made me realize she was in love with me, and I’d do anything to be with her—even if it meant making a deal with the devil.Every part of me wanted to confront my father directly, but that would be foolish; he wouldn’t just torment me, but everyone I care about.A tall figure entering Binky’s apartment jolted me from my reverie. From the broad shoulders, it had to be a man, and my mind immediately jumped to Logan. Although Binky said he was Jessie’s friend, I couldn’t bring myself to believe it.A frown wa
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The toy..As I regained consciousness, my eyes met a white ceiling, the scent of antiseptic hanging in the air. I winced as I touched the bandage wrapped around my head.“How are you feeling?” Jessie suddenly appeared in my face. “I thought you were going to slip into another coma.” She laughed through her tears, pulling me into a hug.It was the first time I had seen Jessie cry, not even when her fiancé called off the wedding or when her puppy died. I always teased her, saying she must have sold her soul to the devil.“It’s not that easy to slip into a coma,” Logan remarked, entering the hospital room. “How are you feeling?” He gently held my hand.“Other than the throbbing headache, I’m okay.” I smiled weakly.Jessie took my hair in her hand. “Was it that bastard who did this to you?” she asked, her brows furrowed.“Yes,” I admitted, averting my gaze as I brushed back my hair.What could I say? That I had done this to myself? Damon had a way of bringing out the worst in me. If som
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The toy.“What’s happening?” Jessie asked as she saw the terror in my eyes.I jerked up. “Logan knew me before our first meeting at the wedding.”Her eyes widened as she approached me. “What do you mean?”I picked up the diary from the bed and showed her what I had just read. “Remember when you said something that must have triggered my memory at the restaurant? And I said Logan was the only new thing in my life.”“And I said Logan didn’t strike me as someone who knew you,” Jessie said, sinking into a chair. “Then why is he acting like he’s never met you?” She took a deep breath. “Don’t you think we’re jumping to conclusions here? There are thousands of Logans out there.”“Yeah, and they all happen to have the same dark hair and green eyes?” I retorted, still pacing around the room.“There are more than seven billion people in the world,” Jessie justified.As expected, Jessie was always trying to be logical.Out of frustration, I let out a grunt. “Then explain why my memories started
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Lucy pov.I walked into the dining room. The smell of pancakes and orange juice greeted my nose, causing my stomach to rumble. But that wasn’t the only thing I could smell—I could smell pretense.I saw Damon sitting on the table, checking his business stock on his tablet.“Good morning, Love.” I leaned over from behind, caressing his chest, before settling in the seat nearest to him.“Good morning, Love.” He greeted me back without taking his gaze off his tab.I bit my lips as I traced his thighs with my foot, sliding upto his dick beneath his suit trousers.“It’s too early for this.” He replied, his eyes still glued to his tablet.I did it again, accidentally knocking over a glass of juice. The liquid spilled across the table and onto his suit.Damon turned, anger flashing in his amber eyes. "Happy now?" He tried to dab the stain, but it was no use."Well, if you had paid attention to me, this wouldn't have happened." I took the napkin from him, and instead of cleaning the table, I
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CHAPTER 20. The toy
Toy ..I strode down to the living room, basking in the freshness that comes from taking a shower after a long day at work, holding my diary and a cup of juice. If I’m going to read about my sad past, it’s best to have a cold drink to freeze the pain.I settled on the couch, noting that the monotone furnishing of Jessie’s house was still an eyesore. As I opened my diary, the system buzzed, and Jessie walked in.“Ooooh gosh,” Jessie grunted as she crashed into the sofa.“How’s the planning going?” I asked, sipping from my juice.“Mrs. Brown is the most annoying client I’ve ever had.” Jessie leaned forward. “She doesn’t know what she wants. One moment it’s red roses, the next it’s white lilies,” she rushed, gesticulating with her hands.She suddenly stopped complaining and picked up her phone as it pinged.I chuckled. “What’s that?” I asked, noticing the smile stamped on her face while she stared at her phone.“It’s Zach.” Jessie smiled.My eyes flew wide open. “Wait, Zach? Damon’s Za
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