All Chapters of THE CEO’S TOY: Chapter 41 - Chapter 47
47 Chapters
The toy..I sat in the therapist's office three days after returning from Paris, not just because of the doctor's advice but to seek a cure for this madness called love. The soft powder-blue walls created a comforting atmosphere.I thought I would be uncomfortable, but here I was, rambling about how Damon was torturing me."What keeps you connected to this particular person despite being in another relationship?"Amelia asked with a soothing voice that matched her features—black hair, brown eyes, calm face."Are you sure everything I say here is confidential?" whispered, as though someone else was in the room with us.Amelia explained the limits of confidentiality and when it may be breached.I sighed and answered, "The contract." I proceeded to explain what the contract was about and how I got into it."What emotions or thoughts come up when you consider the possibilities of ending the contract?" Amelia's question opened the door to this feeling that chewed at me. I struggled to ar
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The CEO...Tracy and I met at our rendezvous—the VIP section of Greysville Lounge. I had purposely arrived three hours later than the agreed time; I wasn’t about to wait for two hours like that day.“Good evening,” I greeted as I settled across from her, gesturing for the waiter. “The usual,” I added as soon as he arrived.“Forget that. Bring juice,” Tracy ordered, turning to me. “No alcohol today.”I raised a brow. “Just get me water, then.”“So, what have you done?” Tracy asked, clasping her hands together.“Mr. Isaac is taking care of the building’s renovation,” I replied, pouring water into my glass and taking a sip.“We’re making progress, then.” She began.“I need your help with something,” I interrupted, leaning in. “How good are you at putting on an act?”Tracy adjusted her seat and leaned in, a cunning smile spreading across her lips. “Depends.”“I’ve been trying to get secrets out of Lucy, but I’m not making any progress,” I said, taking another sip of water. The bland tas
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The toy..."What the hell?" Jessie yelled, her eyes widening in plain horror as she watched the video.I nudged her as our colleagues turned their attention to us in the crowded office."How did this happen?" she whispered. "What did Logan say? What is the person asking for?" She kept shooting questions at me, with no space to reply."Logan is as dumbfounded as I was, and we're not on good terms," I began to explain. "The person isn't saying anything, just sending emojis and commenting on how sexy my body is." The hollowness in my chest just kept getting deeper."Note to self: never have sex near a big window like that," Jessie quipped, trying to lighten the mood. "I'm sorry."I nodded, knowing her attempts at comfort were awkward at best. The video had been taken through that big window."Why aren’t you on good terms?" Jessie asked.I sighed heavily, the horror of last night slowly creeping into my mind. "I mentioned Damon while having sex with him."Shock was written wide across h
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The toy...I stood at the entrance of the bar, the warmth of the afternoon sun unable to chase away the chills running down my spine. It had been two days since the incident, and we hadn't spoken or seen each other.As I opened the door and stepped inside, I saw Logan deep in conversation with another bartender."Hey," I said with a nervous smile, taking a seat on a stool."How can I help you, Aria?" His voice was cold, and the adoration that once gleamed in his eyes was gone.I couldn’t really blame him."How are you feeling?" Logan asked.My eyes widened in surprise. I hadn’t expected him to care."Has the person said what they want?" Logan's voice held a trace of concern."He only said it would look good on a website," I replied, swallowing hard."The jerk is asking me for money," Logan said, sliding his phone over to me."What?" I picked up his phone and scrolled through the messages, reading the threats. "He wants a million dollars to delete the video? Where does he expect a ba
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The toy...“What do you mean?” I stuttered, my heart racing.Jessie quietly slipped out of the apartment, giving us some space.Damon shoved his phone in my face. It was the tape, from a different angle.The air became dense with tension, stretching my eyes wide open as time seemed to freeze. Logan had said he dealt with the video. Why were there two videos?“How could you do this to me?” Damon gripped my arm tightly. “You promised to be truthful. You said it was payback, yet you lied to me.”I stood silently, my gaze fixed on the floor, unable to meet his eyes.I could already hear the pain in his voice.He let go of me and rubbed his face with his hands, taking a deep breath. Damon began pacing around the living room.“You’re not going to say anything?” Damon yelled. “Say something, please, anything at all,” he pleaded.I wanted to speak, but there was a lump in my throat, tightening it. Tears welled up, blurring my vision.“Say something now,” Damon ordered, narrowing his eyes.“W
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Logan..It was a chilly evening, and Aria had assigned me work for Damon Wesley's charity event—a bartender at the indoor bar that I had constructed. Standing amidst the chatter and clinking glasses of the elite, classical music grating at my ears, I took a sip of the cocktail I had just mixed. Whenever I encountered the wealthy, something inside me bristled. How easily they lived and how they looked down upon the less fortunate."Hey X," Lucy walked up to me, her usual deviously beautiful smile on her lips."My name is Xevon. I've told you that many times," I replied, mixing another drink."I've never heard such a name, and X is easier to pronounce," Lucy said, snatching my drink and taking a sip. "Aria giving you the contract shows progress, don't you think?"Lucy had introduced herself a few days prior at her friend's wedding, where I was hired as a bartender. But her true aim was to seduce Aria so she could elope with me.A frown marred her face as she spotted her fiancé holding
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Logan..My eyes widened as she kissed me, and the air around the park celebrated my victory. I had no idea what she had seen on her phone, but whatever it was, I was glad for it.“I need to use the restroom,” Aria giggled as we pulled away.As soon as she disappeared into the park, I picked up her phone and typed in her password. I had seen her enter it before, so I knew it by heart.Once her phone was unlocked, I quickly checked her text messages and social media accounts.My heart raced with the fear of being caught. I took out my phone from my pocket and started snapping photos of everything I could.While sifting through her messages, one conversation caught my eye. Aria and Damon were discussing a contract. I took pictures of their chat. After closing all the apps, I turned off the phone and slipped it back into her purse.When she returned, we walked through the park, our hands linked together, chatting until I dropped her off at Jessie’s place.****After dropping Aria off, I
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