All Chapters of THE CEO’S TOY: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
47 Chapters
Lucy. . . “Mr. Isaac Zealot,” I muttered, striding out of the auction venue and heading towards the underground parking lot. Tina, my P.A., trailed behind, struggling to keep up. “Yes, Ma’am. He’s the owner of ZeeTech.” “ZeeTech?” I stopped abruptly, causing her to bump into me. I cringed at her clumsiness. Even with her glasses, she blundered around as if she were blind. “Sorry, Ma’am.” She adjusted her glasses nervously. “I’ve never heard of the company,” I replied, ignoring her inept apology. She’d likely do it again. “It’s a foreign company, but it's opening a branch here,” Tina stated. “A foreign company.” I halted again, and she collided with me once more. I turned to her, exasperated. “You don’t have to walk directly behind me.” Reaching my car, I let out a sharp, throat-wrenching shriek. Rage spiked through me. How could I have lost to a complete nobody? I never expected anyone to walk in with two hundred fifty million. I’d tried to speak with him after th
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The toy. . . I stared at myself in the mirror, tilting from side to side to inspect every angle. I turned to Jessie, who was engrossed in one of her self-help books. After spending weeks at Jessie’s place, her room didn’t seem so depressing anymore. “What do you think?” I asked, smoothing the fabric of my dress. “Don’t you think it’s too short?” I turned back to the mirror, eyeing the hem. “It’s night and you’re driving; it’s not too short,” Jessie replied quickly, her focus already shifting back to her book. “Do you think I look beautiful in it?” “Ari, you look beautiful in anything,” she replied, her words dragging out lazily. Suddenly, she sat up straight, as if struck by lightning. “You’re going to see Logan, right?” “Yeah,” I said, applying a coat of lip gloss. A mischievous smile pulled at the corners of her lips. “When did you become so meticulous about what to wear when seeing Logan? You only did that for Damon.” She walked over and stood in front of me. “Do you like L
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CHAPTER 33 Run, Run Binky from the past
The Toy...We sat on the floor mattress in a lounge chair position, the blanket wrapped around our partially naked bodies. I could feel the warmth of his firm chest against my back as I leaned into him.His eyes widened in bewilderment before bursting into laughter. “So, you thought I was the Logan in your diary?”“You can’t blame me. You both have the same features.” I smiled, sipping from my juice. After the sex, there was no need for alcohol.“Was he as handsome as I am?” Logan flashed his charming smile, scratching the back of his head.A warm smile appeared on my face, reflecting the lightness in my heart. “No, he wasn’t.”We sat in comfortable silence, sipping our drinks and enjoying the view of the city through the window. Suddenly, his phone rang.Logan suspiciously snatched his phone, as if he didn’t want me to see the caller. “I’ll be right back,” he muttered, quickly getting up and disappearing into the other room. He kept glancing back at me, as if checking to see if I w
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The CEO..My head leaned back as my gaze drifted to the ceiling of my office. Papers flooded my desk—contracts to sign, business proposals to review—yet none of it could distract me. My blood boiled as images of Binky kissing that godforsaken man replayed in my mind. That’s why she had asked that question; my anger erupted like a chemical reaction. I picked up my phone—still no message from her, no explanation, nothing at all. She really just let me walk away like that.“Your meeting must have gone badly. You look so down,” her voice pierced my thoughts.Lucy was the last person I wanted to see or talk to right now.“What meeting?” I muttered. “Oh, yeah, the meeting. It went bad. I lost the deal, actually,” I added quickly, remembering I had spent days away under the pretense of traveling to Florida for business.Lucy smiled. “I know how you feel.” She placed a lunch box on the desk. “I brought lunch for you.”I forced a smile. Even though I didn’t like her, I could have appreciated
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The CEO..I glanced at my watch. I knew Tracy was terrible at keeping time, but she had gotten worse. She had texted me to hang out yesterday, but I already had plans to drag Binky to the hospital. So I took a rain check. We decided to meet at 6 p.m. Knowing Tracy, I came at 7:30, but now it’s 8:30, and she still wasn’t here.Tracy walked in a red gown and a black fur coat, her red hair packed in a bun. "Sorry, little Wesley. Something came up,” she apologized, settling in the seat across from me.A frown still lingered across my face. “You should have said so. But you keep saying you were on your way.” Tracy rested her chin on her clasped hands on the table, tilting her head with a knowing smile. "If I had told you, you'd have left, and who knows when we'd meet next?"I guess she knew me as well as I knew her.“Eaten?” She tucked her chair in.“No appetite. But I will drink.” I sighed.I had barely had any appetite since Binky’s incident. I had eaten enough of her scornful words.
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The toy...I sighed for the tenth time, lying lazily across the bed with the diary beside me, yet my mind was too troubled to read it. After hearing from the nurse that Damon had stayed through all four of her surgeries, I realized he was never going to pull the plug. I was too blinded by my emotions to see that—he was just trying to pull me out. Turning to the other side of the bed, facing the window, my consciousness ate at me as I remembered the hurtful words I said. I even involved his mother. I resisted the urge to smack my head.Sitting up, I grabbed my phone and checked for any response to my messages asking him to talk. The blue ticks mocked me—he had ignored me for a week now. I sighed again, feeling the weight of my own actions.Jessie burst into the room, tossing her bag aside and rushing towards me. "Remember how we dreamed of going to Paris?" Her voice bubbled with excitement. "You never convinced Damon to take us, but guess what?""Yeah?" I replied."Zach's cousin is g
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The toy...I soaked myself in the bath after a full body scrub, ensuring my skin was glowing and soft. Emerging, I rummaged through my luggage for something seductive yet subtle. Damon is a very stubborn man, and if he sensed my intentions, he would resist. I settled on a mini skirt and a crop top.In front of the mirror, I adjusted my cleavage to be more pronounced and sprayed my body mist—its vanilla and rosy scent filled the room. I lined my lips and applied a glossy sheen, then tousled my hair just enough to give it a sultry touch.Standing outside his door, I reminded myself: the goal was to seduce him, not the other way around, and to seek forgiveness, not for him to come back. “House over the garden,” I said to myself before opening the door.My eyes widened, and my goals slipped away as I saw him. He had just showered, his hair slicked back, not a strand falling to compete with his piercing eyes. I froze, my gaze trailing down his masterpiece of a body, from his broad chest
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The CEO..I walked out of the room in a daze, headed straight to the cabinet, and pulled out a bottle of wine and a glass cup. Within minutes, I was sitting on the balcony. Although the night breeze was cool, my body still simmered with anger. My heart was heavy, feeling betrayed. I remembered how my heart raced when she wrapped her legs around me and the smile that spread across her lips—I wanted to kiss them. My body yearned for her. Yet the image of her kissing Logan was still digging pits in my head and giving me headaches.Pouring wine into the glass, the ice cubes clinked softly. I downed it in one go, trying to drown out her words echoing in my mind."Warm actions, cold words," I muttered bitterly to myself, remembering how I couldn't promise her a future yet ended up with Lucy down the aisle.I refilled the glass and sipped it. Aunt Tracy's advice slipped into my head. I felt even worse; it was so much easier not to blame myself for her being with the bartender.My phone buz
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The toy...With a blink of an eye, I was sliding down the slick, wet road, my back scraping against the surface. The protective gear I wore was the only thing keeping the rough asphalt from shredding my skin.My heart raced, and I wanted to scream, but I stifled it. Screaming would only make things worse for Damon. He was probably more terrified than I was, blaming himself for this mess.I felt a firm grip as Damon groaned and flipped me over, positioning himself between me and the harsh road. His body formed a protective barrier with his arms and legs.Damon opened his visor. "I've got you. Hang on tight," he said. "You're going to be okay. Just stay calm."My heart pounded, and the cold air stung my nose as I gasped for breath."I know you're scared. Just listen to my voice. Block everything else out. Just focus on me," he urged, his voice soothing as his grip tightened.I shut my eyes and concentrated on his words."It’s going to be fine. I'm right here. You'll be safe," he reass
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The CEO..My body stiffened as I saw Lucy talking to Binky, her annoying wide grin stamped on her face.Without a second glance at Binky, I grabbed Lucy and yanked her out of the hall.Once we were outside, I scowled."What the hell are you doing?“I had business to attend to here, so I decided to stop by,” Lucy stated. “You’ve been having fun with her, right? That’s why you didn’t bring me along.” Her eyes flickered with annoyance.“I didn’t bring her along. Zach brought her best friend, Jessie, and Jessie brought her,” I explained.I had to make her believe me, or all my efforts—eating her horrible food, cuddling her body that made my skin crawl—would all be in vain.Lucy's lips curled into a condescending smile.I held her by her arms as gently as my body could permit, resisting the urge to snap her in two.“I am trying to fall in love with you.” Lies nowadays just seem to roll off my tongue like it’s nothing. “Why would I want to ruin my efforts?” I forced a smile at her as I pul
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