All Chapters of Longing for the Beach Billionaire Daddy: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
150 Chapters
Chapter 31 : Michael’s Office
*Shelby*“He needs to know, Shelby. He is the one that got you into this mess; he needs to help get you out of it,” Aubrey said, her arms folded across her chest. She had become really protective after she found out I was being blackmailed.“There are two of us in that picture, Aubrey. I was actually the one to get in the water first. I don’t know what got into me; I slipped out of my clothes to go for a swim. Micheal walked up, and I invited him in. Well, more like dared him to get in. We got a little carried away,” I responded, my cheeks warming at the memory.“Are you blushing? What exactly do you mean by carried away?” Lin said, eyeing me with a suspicious grin. I laughed, “Yes. I, uh, didn’t tell you guys this, but we almost had sex that day in the water.” I decided it was finally time I talked to them about it.“Oh, my god, Shelby! How are you just telling us about this?” Lin said excitedly. “I’ve just been trying not to think about it, but the tru
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Chapter 32 : Prenup
*Michael*“Bruce, please tell me you have some good news,” I said into my phone. I walked out onto the balcony of my penthouse. I wasn’t sure if I was happy or not to be back in New York. After Blaine’s attempts at blackmail, my security team was on high alert, which meant I had a constant shadow of a bodyguard.My penthouse was one of the few places I could be by myself; however, the security team had a permanent station down in the lobby.“I am afraid it is not good news, sir. We have reason to believe that Blaine is indeed back in New York. What is surprising is that my security team followed him into a neighborhood far from both your penthouse and your offices.”My thoughts immediately went to Shelby. The only logical explanation is that Blaine was attempting to use Shelby to get in contact with me.“Shit,” I muttered.“Do you know where he would be headed, sir?”“I believe he is trying to use a woman to get to me. Her name is Shelby Hatton.
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Chapter 33 : Just Missed Her
*Michael*My driver pulled up to the front of the Express Air Building, and I immediately jumped out to scan the crowd for Shelby.I lived only a few blocks away from the office, and I left as soon as I’d gotten word that she had been to my office. If I was lucky, maybe I would catch her before she left. I stood in the middle of the crowded sidewalk and scanned the surrounding street; just across the street, I caught a glimpse of bright red hair. My heart skipped at the chance that It might be her. My designer dress shoes slapped the pavement hard as I tried to make up the distance between us. I did my best to avoid a collision with the other pedestrians as I ran, but I knew I was doing a poor job of it, hearing the mutters of frustration in my wake. Despite knowing I was being rude, I pushed myself harder as the gap between Shelby and me started to lessen. I was halfway down the block from her when I saw her tiny arm shoot up, hailing a taxi. I had
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Chapter 34 : Micheal’s Penthouse
*Shelby*The dark sky seemed even darker through the tinted windows of the black car that Michael had sent to pick me up. He sounded urgent on the phone; when I’d told him that we needed to talk, he’d told me we had a lot to discuss, but he didn’t want to talk over the phone. Eventually, I agreed to have his driver pick me up and take me to his penthouse.Secretly I was glad that he suggested meeting in person. I didn’t want to go over everything and why I’d left without saying goodbye, with my two roommates listening to every word of our conversation.Lin acted as though my life was more interesting than all of the reality TV shows she binge-watched every weekend. The car was just as luxurious as I should have expected after seeing all of the amenities that the Astor family was used to, but I still was surprised at how supple the leather seats were as I slid across them for my long ride across New York.It was nice to spend the drive relaxed and not on
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Chapter 35 : Dinner by Candlelight
*Shelby*“That son of a bitch,” Michael cursed and released my hands, standing up and walking toward the balcony. My hands feel empty and cold without his touch.“Who?” I asked Michael as he retreated, opening the door and walking outside. I stood, intent on following him when he didn’t answer my question. I slowly made my way out to the balcony, somewhat awestruck. I'd never been inside any home as nice as this. The balcony was huge and had a fantastic view of the New York skyline. The buildings in the distance illuminated the night sky like grounded stars. It would have been beautiful had it not been for the tense conversation we were having. Michael took a seat on an outdoor sectional in front of a fire pit contained in the coffee table. The things money could buy never ceased to amaze me.I took a seat next to him and looked at him expectantly, but when he still did not answer my question, I pressed further.“Michael, who is trying so hard to d
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Chapter 36 : Just for Tonight
*Shelby*“Just for tonight,” I whispered, biting my bottom lip. Sleeping with Michael even for just one night was probably a bad decision, but I didn’t care at the moment. I was so caught up in the emotions he sent spiraling through me, I couldn’t bring myself to say no. At his touch, my skin was on fire, and the taste of him lingered on my lips even after he pulled away.It was all the invitation that he needed to pick me up and kiss me again and again. He trailed a soft touch up my side and my skin prickled at his wandering hand. He laid me back against the soft cushions, and I caught a brief glimpse of his skin as his shirt billowed. I couldn’t help but run my hand up his stomach feeling each well-defined ripple of muscle. Goosebumps appeared in waves along my body as the heat of his chest traveled up my arms.I helped him out of his shirt as the firelight sent dancing shadows across his skin. His linen shirt fell to the floor in an unwanted pile.Mi
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Chapter 37 : The Morning After
*Shelby*When I woke up, it took me a few moments for my eyes to adjust to the morning light streaming through the skylight. I was at Michael’s house, in his bed. The smell of his sandalwood cologne lingered on my skin and the silky sheets. I rolled to my side and realized that I was alone.I sat straight upright, holding the sheets to my bare chest, as I looked around the room. The door was cracked open, and I could hear the clinking of dishes coming from down the hall. I draped my legs over the side of the bed, scanning the floor. After an unsuccessful search, I realized my clothes were still on the balcony. I made my way into what I assumed was Michael’s ensuite, pulled one of his shirts from the closet, and slipped it over my shoulders.After rinsing my face in the sink, washing away yesterday’s makeup, I silently made my way down the hall back to the kitchen.Michael was humming a light tune while he was scrambling eggs in a frying pan. I stood and watc
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Chapter 38 : The Secretary Gets What’s Coming to Her
*Michael*Everything about Shelby had been so wonderful, and I couldn’t get the memory of our intimacy out of my head. I sighed, resting my cheek on my fist as I rode along in silence, anticipating a busy meeting with investors. Vultures, all of them, but they were a necessary evil. The only thoughts I wanted to have today were of Shelby. Unfortunately, I didn’t always get what I wanted.I watched as buildings whizzed by, the scent of street vendors and car exhaust was heavy in the air. People wandered along the sidewalks, chatting happily with one another, arms full of shopping bags. He watched a couple lean forward and lock lips, a sadness stabbing into his gut. ‘That could be us,’ I thought to myself, letting out a sigh and shaking my head. Things had to be so complicated. Money could solve most, if not all problems, so why not this?We pulled into the building, and the door was opened for me so I could make my way inside. Bland colors like muted whites, g
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Chapter 39 : This is Goodbye
*Shelby*My heart pounded with anxiety as I waited on the sidewalk, leaning against a brick wall and shuddering despite being under the sun.My reputation, as of right now, was majorly at risk. My stomach clenched, swirling with negative emotions and sheer, utter fear. I worked so hard to get to where I was so that I could lead a successful life. Now, this could ruin it. I didn’t want to be stuck in a low-paying job, barely scraping by! Was Michael a curse or blessing, at this point? No, I couldn’t think that way. Blaine was the one causing issues not Michael.The kissing and sex had felt so good, and I really felt like Michael cared about me. I licked my lips, recalling the memory of him ravaging me in bed, allowing my eyelids to droop just a little. For just a second, a cap was put on the fear, but that only lasted for a brief moment before the wave of negative emotions crashed into me. I began to pace, trying to assure myself that everything would wo
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Chapter 40 : Moving On Without Him
*Shelby*I managed to calm myself down at my apartment, telling Lin and Aubrey that I really couldn’t talk right then, because my head wasn’t in the best spot. I drowned myself in books, particularly those of law, to remind myself just how important this was to me. I couldn’t let some lovestruck incident stop me from chasing my dreams. When I finally looked at the clock, it was 11:03 PM. I gasped, surprised at just how well losing myself in rounding out my studies had worked to eat up time. Tossing and turning in my bed, I couldn’t get Michael’s expression out of my head. Everything about that situation made me feel horrible.Had I made the right decision? I still felt that strong urge to contact Michael again and apologize for how I behaved. Running back would achieve the opposite of what I wanted, though. I had to let this all go. I could do that, right? Judging by how closely I clutched my pillow that night, imagining it was Michael, I wasn’t
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