All Chapters of Longing for the Beach Billionaire Daddy: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
150 Chapters
Chapter 51 : Secrets
*Shelby*“Shelby, I didn’t hear you come in,” Micheal said softly.“Yeah, obviously,” I said in response, my eyebrows knitting together in concern.“Where would you like to go for dinner?” he asked, clearly trying to change the subject. “I have been wanting to try that barbeque place that is at the far end of the resort.”His phone started ringing in his pocket; he pulled it out, silenced it, and shoved it back into his pocket.“Who were you just talking to? It sounded pretty intense. Are they calling you again?” I asked, taking in Michael’s frustrated expression. I had heard him be stern over the phone before, usually with the higher-ups of his company, Express Air. However, I had never heard him so angry. He also never kept things from me. Usually, he would get off those phone calls and tell me exactly what was upsetting him. He would tell me the entire situation and ask for my opinion on how to respond to the situation. What was he hiding from me
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Chapter 52 : Private Island
*Shelby*“That is where we are having dinner,” Michael said, referring to the small island we were coming up on.Michael went back to the wheel and left me to watch as we got closer and closer to the island. A weathered dock floated on the water, and a pebbled pathway led further onto the island. Michael expertly docked the boat, and by the time we disembarked, the sunset had faded, and darkness was creeping into the sky. The pathway was lit by tiki torches on each side, illuminating our pathway.“How did you get this set up so fast?” I asked, awestruck.“Don’t ruin the magic,” Michael said and leaned down for a kiss. My fingers intertwined with his, and we walked side by side down the pathway. Within five minutes, the path gave way to a clearing with a wooden table set up in the center. A stream bubbled off to one side down a series of mini waterfalls. The entire clearing was illuminated by the light of tiki torches. “This is unreal,” I w
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Chapter 53 : Straight to Voicemail
*Michael**Earlier that morning*“How long have you made it a habit of sleeping with my friends?” Lauren’s voice sounded on the other end of the phone.My heart sank, and I took a few steps back to make sure Shelby was still on the deck reading. Fortunately, she was out of earshot of my conversation. “What are you talking about, Lauren?” I asked, fishing for more information.“I know you were hooking up with Shelby on the yacht. Leave it to that slut to not only ruin my engagement but also to sleep with my father,” Lauren said with disgust.“Lauren, your engagement fell apart because he was a cheater. It had nothing to do with Shelby.”“It had everything to do with Shelby; if she weren’t there, his entire focus would have been on me,” she continued in a whiny voice that always grated on my nerves.I sighed loudly and rubbed my temple. Lauren had been sending me texts all morning asking for money. I was glad that Shelby had decided to spend the a
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Chapter 54 : Stewart
*Shelby* I heard the lock click to the main door of the cabana, and I knew that Michael really did leave for New York. I didn’t know why I was surprised that he did exactly what he said he needed to. There was a small part of me that thought he might have at least stayed until we had smoothed things over. “Two fights in one day. Great job Shelby,” I said to myself as I let myself out of the bathroom. Our room felt extremely empty even though Michael had only been gone a few minutes. I immediately got in bed, pulling the covers all the way up to my chin. After the tears finally stopped, I waited for sleep to come, but it never did.I just laid there alone in bed, watching the fan spin in the middle of the ceiling.I couldn’t take it any longer, so I slipped out of bed and marched straight out the front door. I didn’t know where I was going, anywhere, to take my mind off of the fights I had with Michael.I ended up at the resort’s swim-up tiki bar,
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Chapter 55 : I Want to Go to Harvard
*Michael*I sat bleary-eyed in my office on the very top floor of the Express Air building, waiting for my daughter to show up for our early morning meeting. I should have known she wouldn’t be on time. My receptionist walked in the door and silently set a cup of coffee on my desk.“Thank you, Anisa. I can’t tell you just how much I need this right now.”She simply nodded with a knowing smile and headed out the door without a single word.I hired her shortly after firing my previous assistant for judging Shelby based on how she dressed. My assistant had hand-selected Anisa out of all of the resumes. Anisa was returning to work after being a stay-at-home mom, fully raising five children. I liked her immediately during our interview and hired her on the spot. I took a sip of the burning hot coffee and closed my eyes. It had been a rough night trying to sleep on the jet back from Hawaii. I was sick about the way I left things with Shelby. I only managed to get a
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Chapter 56 : Reunited
*Shelby*There was a car waiting for me as soon as I stepped off Michael’s private jet in New York. The driver took my suitcase from my hands as I stepped onto the asphalt.“Good day to you, miss. How was your flight?” the driver asked,“Great, thank you. Are we going straight to Mr. Astor’s office?” I asked, figuring Michael would be getting some work done before I arrived. I never asked what the emergency was that made him end our vacation early, but I had assumed it had something to do with his company.“Mr. Astor isn’t at the office today,” the driver said and then opened the back door for me. “Michael,” I gasped, surprised that he was in the back seat waiting for me. “I missed you too much to wait to see you,” he said, holding out his hand to help me into the car. He pulled me in for a deep kiss, sliding his hand around my waist and pulling me closer to him. I didn’t register that we had started driving until the driver was pulling out of
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Chapter 57 : Back Home
*Shelby*“Oh, my God! Look at you,” Lin shouted as I walked through the front door. “You are so tan!” She squealed as she pulled me into a huge hug. I wrapped my arms around her and squeezed her back.“I missed you, Lin,” I said.“I missed you too. The apartment has felt so empty without you here,” she said, finally letting me out of the hug.“I bet; how long do you have until you have to leave to go see your family? I was worried that I wouldn’t catch you before you left,” I said, pulling my suitcase, which I’d abandoned in the hallway, into the apartment and shutting the door.“I decided to put that off for a few more days so I could spend some time with you before I go home,” Lin said, turning away from me and heading toward our living room. I knew she had done this on purpose to avoid looking me in the eye. “Lin, what do you mean you put it off? Isn’t your family expecting you? You told me your brother was coming this year and everything,” I sa
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Chapter 58 : Designated Driver
*Shelby*I quickly turned back to Lin, focusing on my drink. I was crossing my fingers that Jerrick wouldn't come over. With a quick glance over my shoulder, I caught a glimpse of him walking over and took a deep breath, not knowing how to confront him. I hoped he wouldn't bring up the internship. “Are you a friend of Lin's? I don't believe we've had the pleasure of meeting yet,” Jerrick extended his hand out to me and flashed me his playboy smile. I couldn’t help but wonder how many times that smile had worked for him in the past.“Yeah, my name is Shelby. We have actually had a couple of classes together already,” I said, shaking his hand.I hoped to see some sort of embarrassment in his expression after I called him out for not remembering me. I hoped in vain. My comment didn’t even seem to phase Jerrick. Either he wasn’t bothered by possibly offending me, or he was really good at hiding his emotions. If it was the latter, maybe I would really have some co
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Chapter 59 : Out on Bail
*Michael*As the doors opened and I exited the Express Air building, the cold air hit me in the face. I made my way across the slushy sidewalks to my car, which was already waiting for me. Bruce, the head of my security team, sat in the front seat, so I slid into the passenger seat next to him.“It is surprising to see you here, Bruce. I was expecting Lance or one of the other drivers today. It is nice to see you all the same.”“I sent Lance to pick up Shelby in Cambridge, sir. I didn’t think that it would be prudent to have her take the train on her own again, especially since circumstances have recently changed. I hope that is okay with you, sir.”“What do you mean circumstances have changed?” I asked, confused.“I just got word today that someone posted Blaine’s bail sometime last week. He has been out of jail this entire time,” Bruce responded.“Oh, I see,” I said, shocked. “Yes, that was a good decision on your part, Bruce. Thank you.”My head st
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Chapter 60 : Meeting Michael’s Family
*Shelby*The apartment was too quiet as I packed my suitcase. Lin left early this morning to head home for Christmas. She was nervous about seeing her mom again, but I was glad she stopped putting it off.I was still not sure what to pack, so I pulled out my phone to call Michael and ask him what to expect while I was spending Christmas with his family.Just as I was getting ready to dial his number, Michael started calling me instead.“Hey, I was just about to call you,” I said, answering the call with a smile on my face.“Well, that is good timing. Have you finished packing yet?” Michael asked me.“No, that was actually what I was calling you about. I’m still not sure what to pack because I’m not really sure what we will be doing. I need to hurry though; my train leaves in just a few hours.”“There has been a change in plans; you won't be taking the train. I am sending my driver, Lance, to pick you up. He should be there soon. As for what to pack, p
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