All Chapters of Longing for the Beach Billionaire Daddy: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
150 Chapters
Chapter 71 : New Semester at Harvard
*Shelby*“I think snow is useless after Christmas,” Lin said as she linked her arm with mine.“I don’t think you get to decide when the snow has to stop,” I laughed as we trudged through the soft downpour leaving our first lecture of the semester.“Well, I think I should. You know what else I think?” Lin asked.“Oh no, do I dare ask?” I said in a teasing way,“I think we head over to that little coffee shop to weather out the storm. We only have an hour and a half before the next lecture starts, and I don’t want to walk all the way back to our apartment,” Lin said.“I agree with you on that one,” I said, and we immediately changed directions making our way to one of my favorite places on campus.We walked in the front door, and the warm air inside felt like it enveloped us. The smell of coffee and pastries filled the small shop, and the warm-toned wood walls created a cozy feel in the space. Large, worn-out armchairs dotted the dining space mixed amon
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Chapter 72 : The Witch is Back
*Shelby*Standing at the front of the lecture hall was the last person I wanted to see. My old friend and Michael’s only daughter. “Lauren?” I said out loud, not believing my own eyes. Lauren turned and noticed me sitting in the front seat. A wicked smile flashed across her face for a quick second before melting into something softer.“Oh my god, Shelby, I didn’t know you were in this class too.”Lauren turned her attention back to the professor, whipping her hair over her shoulder in one fluid motion. I slid down in my seat wishing I could melt into the cushions, wanting to disappear from the room. “What’s she doing here? I didn’t think she even had her undergrad done,” Lin said to me in a whisper.“Last time I talked to her, she didn’t. Although it seems a lot has changed since the last time I saw her. Just a few months ago she was engaged to my ex, ready to spend the rest of her life as a social media influencer,” I mumbled.The girl sittin
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Chapter 73 : A Meeting with the FBI
*Michael*I didn’t leave Colorado until the day Shelby was released from the hospital. Even though she didn't want me there, I couldn't bear to leave in case she changed her mind, so I stayed. Bruce refused to leave my side, even with the state of the penthouse back in New York City. Each day he would check in at the hospital to monitor Shelby's recovery. Most days, she wouldn't even let him in the room, but he always gave me peace of mind that she was on the road to recovery.The day she was discharged, I sent Bruce to pick her up and drive her to the airport, but Shelby refused to take my private jet back to Cambridge. At that point, I knew I needed to let her go. As much as I wanted to reach out to her just to make sure she was okay, I refrained. Part of me wanted to send someone from my security team to campus to keep an eye on her. Just to make sure that Blaine was keeping his distance.However, I knew if Shelby ever found out, she would be furious with
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Chapter 74 : First Date with Jerrick
*Shelby*I couldn’t help but feel nervous as I got ready for my date with Jerrick. I stood in front of the mirror, holding my hair up into a high ponytail before letting it down again and breathing out a deep sigh. I knew I was overthinking it, but I couldn't help the nervous energy flowing through me.“You're making this too hard. Just go out and have fun. Don't make a big deal out of it,” Lin told me, watching me mess with my hair in the mirror.I dusted a light brown eyeshadow over my lids and applied a glossy pink shade on my lips. I looked in the mirror again and ruffled my hair.“Ugh… Lin, what the hell am I doing?” I asked, exasperated. “You’re going out to have fun. You are not going out to overthink things. It's not like you're going to marry the man; you barely even know him. It doesn't have to be a fling, it doesn't have to be anything if you don't want it to be,” Lin said with a small shrug.She’d spent the entire evening helping me pick out a
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Chapter 75 : Dreams of Michael
*Shelby*At the last second, I pulled away.“Thanks again for a nice night, Jerrick,” I said before heading up the stairs alone.My heart wrenched with guilt.I pulled the front door shut behind me as quietly as I possibly could. The apartment was dark, and all the lights were off. I was slightly relieved that Lin wasn’t waiting up for me. I didn’t turn on any of the lights, not wanting to wake Lin and have to explain that I’d just had an amazing date with Jerrick but left him as soon as he tried to kiss me. It really had been an amazing date; we had a great connection, and for the most part, the conversation was easy. Jerrick was the perfect gentleman and extremely attractive. He laughed at all the right things. If I’d been in a different place, I would have been over the moon that an attractive man in law school was taking notice of me. I stood there in our dark kitchen and imagined that version of Shelby rushing into Lin’s room and reliving every deta
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Chapter 76 : The FBI
*Shelby*“Of course. I'll just need to get dressed before we go,” I said, turning from the two FBI agents and heading back into my room.My head was spinning, trying to understand why I had two FBI agents in my living room. The only explanation that made sense had to do with Blaine.I slipped on the first outfit I found in my closet and ran a brush through my unruly hair. I silently kicked myself for going to sleep with it still wet and wrapped in a towel. I rushed back into the living room, not wanting to make the agents wait for me. “Okay, I'm ready to go,” I said.The two agents silently got up and made their way to the door. I followed behind them, hoping that was the right thing to do. Outside, a black SUV waited with completely tinted windows so you couldn’t see the inside. One of the agents held the back door open for me, and I slipped inside.We drove for about five minutes before the car stopped. The two agents led me into an unmarked build
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Chapter 77 : Class with Lauren
*Shelby*“Shelby, are you sure you want to go to class?” Lin asked, jogging to keep up with me as I walked down the sidewalk.“I don’t want to miss anything else. I can’t afford to,” I said a little breathlessly.“You got some major news today, Shelby. No one would blame you for taking a mental health day. I’ll cover for you again, and you can look over my notes after class,” she said.“It’s not the same as actually being there,” I said as I opened the door to the lecture hall. I was disappointed to see that most of the seats were already full, and we would have to take our place in the back. It rattled my nerves even more to see Lauren sitting in one of the front seats. She smiled and waved at me, just like we were still great friends. She acted like she didn’t rub my breakup in my face the last time we spoke.It made me wonder how much of our friendship was real or if it’d all been fake with her. Just like that, she could flip a switch and act like noth
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Chapter 78 : Internship Results
*Shelby*I woke up Friday morning stiff and uncomfortable. I’d tossed and turned in my bed all night, worrying about what I was going to say to Michael. I wasn’t sure I was ready to see him again, but I was done feeling like I had to watch over my shoulder everywhere I went, waiting for Blaine to be there following me in his black hoodie. Around midnight, as I was staring at the ceiling, I decided to get up and watch a movie, hoping to take my mind off of Michael. I fell asleep on the couch in the middle of the movie, my head propped on the armrest as a pillow.“Good morning, sleeping beauty,” Lin called from the kitchen. I heard the coffee pot beep, and it was my only motivation to get off of the couch. I would need something extra to get me through the day today. I padded my way into the kitchen with the blanket I slept in wrapped around my shoulders.“Will you grab me one of the big mugs?” I asked Lin, who poured me a cup of coffee.“Rough night? I sa
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Chapter 79 : Anything for You Shelby
*Shelby*“Shelby, what happened?” a familiar voice asked me. I looked up to see Jerrick staring down at me with a worried expression on his face.“Oh, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to run into you. I just had to get out of the classroom,” I said, pulling myself away from him, even though a part of me wanted to stay enveloped in his warm arms.“Shelby, you don’t have to lie to me. I can tell something’s wrong. Just tell me what’s going on. Maybe I can help,” Jerrick offered.“I just got the results back from the internship applications. I didn’t get the one I wanted,” I explained simply.“Oh man, Shelby, that really sucks. I’m sorry, to tell the truth, I found out this morning about my results. I didn’t get the one I wanted either, so it looks like I’ll be working for my dad’s company. I know it won’t be so bad, but part of me wanted to break away a little and show him that I was capable,” Jerrick explained. I remembered how Lin told me about Jerrick w
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Chapter 80 : Seeing Michael Again
*Shelby*I got into the black SUV, and the new driver shut the door behind me. It was strange to see someone other than Lance, and I hoped to myself that he was okay. I found out at the hospital that his surgeries had gone well, but he would need to stay in the hospital a lot longer to make a full recovery.“Excuse me,” I said to the new driver.“Yes, Miss Hatton?” he responded. I noticed the little gray wisps of hair sneaking out from under his hat.“I was wondering if Bruce told you anything about the security team keeping an eye on my roommate while I’m gone. I don’t like leaving her alone,” I said.“Bruce always has someone on watch out here,” the driver said with a smile through the rearview mirror. He reminded me slightly of my grandfather.“Thank you,” I said in response.I was slightly startled by the news. I didn’t know that Bruce had our apartment guarded still. It made sense now that whoever sent the get-well card didn’t just tape it on my
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