All Chapters of Longing for the Beach Billionaire Daddy: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
150 Chapters
Chapter 91 : The Fake Interview
*Michael*I stared at the website in front of me as Shelby waited on the phone for my response. The heading of the article stared back at me in bright red lettering.“Billionaire Playboy Turns into Billionaire Bad Boy: Michael Astor is an Abusive Boyfriend.”My stomach sank at the picture taking up the entire computer screen after the title of the article. It was a poorly timed photo of me pushing the woman away from me in the bar after she felt up my family jewels.The photo made it seem as though I was holding this woman’s wrists, pushing her across the room. Her face was conveniently turned toward the camera, and there was fear etched in each of her features. I looked at my own face and saw the anger flowing from my eyes. If I was Shelby, I’d be worried if I saw this picture too. It looked bad, really bad.“Michael? I need you to explain what’s going on in that picture,” Shelby said, her voice shaking with emotion on the other end of the phone.“Dammit,
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Chapter 92 : Michael Fights Back
*Shelby*As soon as I got to Michael's office, I could tell that something was going on. I made my way to the receptionist's desk, hoping that maybe she had some answers for me. I was glad to see the middle-aged woman sitting behind the desk. I liked her a lot more than Michael's previous receptionist, who had purposely embarrassed me in front of a room full of people.“Good afternoon Miss Hatton,” she said to me with a smile.“Is Michael here?” I asked.She lifted her hand, pointing to the conference room. I could see exactly what was going on inside because of the glass walls. Michael was standing there in front of three large cameras. I immediately recognized Bruce on his left, but there was another man with graying hair standing on his right. Both men looked extremely serious as Michael talked to the cameras.“What’s going on?” I asked his secretary.“Mr. Astor is pressing charges against the news source that leaked the fake story. He’s also goin
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Chapter 93 : Work and Wedding Talk
*Shelby*“Hey, Shelby,” Jerrick said, smiling at me as I stepped off the elevator and into the spacious office.Hastings Engineering was in a huge building not far from Michael’s office. The legal team occupied the entire fifth floor. There was a small reception desk in the center of the room, and several offices with glass windows, making them part of the space, but still separate. Cubicles divided up the rest of the open space.“Hey, Jerrick. I’m not late, am I?” I asked, already nervous enough.“No, not at all. My dad gets here obnoxiously early and dragged me along with him. Everyone else is still trickling in. As far as I know, we’ll be shadowing the different lawyers in the office, as well as doing all of the grunt work. I hope you’re ready to organize some files,” Jerrick said with fake enthusiasm.“I’m pretty good at organizing. I can’t believe how big this place is. I never expected an engineering firm to need such a large legal team,” I said.“We
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Chapter 94 : Lauren’s Party
*Shelby*The next day at my internship went so slowly as I waited for the clock to strike 5:00. As I sorted through countless files, all I could think about was the story the blackmailer was threatening to leak. It was a lie about how Todd and I had stolen the answers to multiple tests back when we were at NYU. The blackmailer claimed that Todd had approached him with the story explaining that I made him break into the professors’ offices to steal the test answers to make sure I passed all my classes. He did it because we were dating, and I threatened to leave him if he didn't help me.A story like this would not only ruin my reputation, it would get me kicked out of school. All day I felt like I was watching over my shoulder, waiting for someone to tell me to go pack my bags. When Michael first told me about the threat, I immediately thought Todd was behind it as some sort of revenge for breaking up his engagement with Lauren. However, as the day went on and I th
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Chapter 95 : Penthouse War Zone
*Michael*I found myself back in front of the same seedy bodega way too soon for my liking. However, this time I didn’t have to wait long for the same man to ‘accidentally’ bump into me again. With the envelope under my arm, I made my way to the secret spot where I would find the duffle bag waiting for me to fill it to bursting with cash.I shoved the envelope of cash into the bag and threw it up the fire escape to the light of the burning cigarette hanging out of the shadow-covered man’s mouth. I took off down the alleyway, knowing another figure was following me. Bruce wouldn’t let me come on my own again; after he found out about the last time, he insisted on following me.This time I waited until I was back in the safety of my car before I opened the package. I hopped in the driver's seat and spilled the contents of the envelope into my lap. I picked up the front note on top of the papers just as Bruce climbed into the passenger's seat. Without a word, I
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Chapter 96 : Coffee Date with Aubrey
*Shelby*I closed my eyes in the back of the car as the driver made his way through the New York traffic. I was exhausted from the fight I’d had with Lauren the night before. I’d finally gotten everything off of my chest, and put Lauren in her place. She knew if she continued to help Blaine blackmail her father or me, I’d make sure she wouldn’t receive her trust fund.Lin and I had left the party before Lauren returned back inside. Jerrick seemed confused about everything that happened but didn’t ask questions when Lin asked him to come to a diner with us instead of staying at the party. We all sat in a booth, drinking decaf coffee and eating pancakes until the early morning hours. It turned out to be a lot more enjoyable evening than I’d expected.A text came through, and my eyes fluttered back open. I couldn’t help but smile seeing Michael’s name glowing on my screen.Michael: I can’t wait to see you later tonight. I’m sorry I won’t be there when you get home. I h
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Chapter 97 : Bad Dreams
*Shelby*I woke up in a pitch-black room. I expected to find the hard marble floor of the art gallery at my back, but instead, I was lying on a soft bed surrounded by a fluffy goose-down comforter. The back of my head throbbed with pain, and I had no idea where I was or how I got there. My eyes hadn’t adjusted to the room, so I couldn’t see my surroundings, which only caused the panic to rise up in my chest again.“Michael!” I screamed, praying that he was somewhere close enough to hear me, to come and save me.I heard the door hit the wall with force as someone rushed into the room without a second glance at the door. A dark figure rushed in from the doorway, and I nearly flinched away. My eyes adjusted and focused on Michael, who immediately wrapped his arms around me and held me until I got control of my breathing. Through the small visibility of Michael’s embrace, I eventually realized I was back in the master bedroom of the townhouse, which made no sense
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Chapter 98 : Early Morning Study Session
*Shelby*I dropped my suitcase in the hallway, exhausted from the eventful weekend. I was so ready for a quiet Sunday at home, catching up on some studying with Lin. I casually ran my hand across the back of my head and winced slightly. It was still sore from my fall.“Lin? I’m back,” I called down the foyer off our front door.“I’m in the living room,” she called back to me.I found her cuddled up on our new sofa, a blanket enveloping her, and a textbook spread open on her lap. I fell onto the other side of the couch, closing my eyes as I slowly sank into the material. “Long weekend?” Lin asked. I’d begged Aubrey not to tell Lin about what had happened at the art gallery. I didn’t want her worrying the entire time I was gone, and I didn’t want her to know that Blaine was still following me. I’d put her through enough already.“Yeah, it was. I spent most of the day in bed yesterday, but I’m still exhausted,” I admitted.“I thought you went to a
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Chapter 99 : An Unexpected Visit
*Michael*I stared out the giant windows lining my office at the top of the Express Air building, unable to focus on work. The entire situation with Shelby, having a panic attack after Blaine showed up at the same art gallery, had me on edge all weekend. Now that she was back home in Cambridge, I felt like a part of myself was missing. I didn’t like her being so far away from me, even though I knew she was being well-guarded.Realizing I wasn’t going to get any work done, I picked up the phone and called my cousin Lucille. I’d kept her updated on everything that was happening with Blaine and my relationship with Shelby, but I had yet to tell her the big news.“Hello? Michael?” Lucille sounded as though she’d just woken up on the other end of the phone call.“Hey, Lucille. Yeah, it’s just me. I’m sorry I figured you’d be up by now,” I said.“I decided to have a bit of a late start this morning. What’re you up to?” she asked.“I’m sitting here in my of
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Chapter 100 : Murder
*Shelby*“Oh my god, I didn’t think that lecture was ever going to end,” Lin said as we walked out of the lecture hall.I laughed at her dramatics before responding, “It was important stuff, Lin, but yeah, it did get a bit dry. The last twenty minutes were excruciating. I’m so hungry I think my stomach was louder than the professor's.”“So that’s what that was,” Lin laughed and bumped my shoulder with hers.“Want to grab something on our way back? I don’t really feel like cooking dinner tonight. I just want to crash on the couch,” I said.“Oh yes, please. There’s this Thai place that I’ve had mad cravings for,” Lin said, suddenly switching directions.“I’m down,” I said, pivoting to catch up with her.We laughed and talked about the recent lectures we'd had to sit through and how nice it was since Lauren left campus. After waiting in a long line for our food, we walked home swinging our plastic bags full of take-out containers.“Do you want a pla
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