All Chapters of Longing for the Beach Billionaire Daddy: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
150 Chapters
Chapter 101 : Interrogation
*Michael*They left me in an interrogation room for hours without explaining why I was there. All I could do was pace back and forth, waiting until they decided to come and question me. Finally, the door opened, and two officers walked in.“Can someone please explain why I’m here?” I asked, trying to keep the irritation out of my voice. “Please take a seat, Mr. Astor,” an officer with dark red hair told me.“I will not take a seat until someone explains to me why I’m here. I was arrested at my home in the middle of the night, and I was barely told anything on the way here. Then I was left in this room for hours. Is this some kind of sick joke to you people?” I snapped.“If you would take a seat, we can start asking you some questions. The more cooperative you are with this interrogation, the better things will be for you in the long run. Now, I will ask you one more time. Please take a seat, Mr. Astor,” the officer said again.I ran my hand through my ver
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Chapter 102 : The Greedy Billionaire
*Shelby*The townhouse felt so empty without Michael there. I’d spent many hours there alone before while Michael was at work, but this felt so different. The weight of the situation hung in the air, making it hard to relax. Bruce drove me all the way to the police station after I found out that Michael had been arrested for Blaine’s murder. However, we were informed that he was still in questioning and that we wouldn’t be able to see him until after the interrogation was over.The bodyguard then drove me back to the townhouse, not wanting to drive all the way back to Cambridge for the night. I wanted to be close so I could see Michael as soon as he was allowed visitors. Bruce stayed at the townhouse with me, saying it was for protection, but really I think he knew I didn’t want to be left alone. The sound of the keyboard as he typed out email after email echoed through the house. He’d set up a makeshift office in the unfinished dining room.I couldn’t take t
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Chapter 103 : Speak of the Devil
*Shelby*“Who are you planning on going to talk to?” Bruce asked.“I want to go talk to Marmie. I need to find out what she knows. It’s possible that Lauren was in on the blackmail, and if she was, that means Marmie could have been too,” I said.I purposely left out the fact that I knew for certain that Lauren was stupid enough to fall for Blaine’s lies and was one hundred percent in on the blackmail schemes over the last month.“It’s unlikely that Marmie will even talk to you,” he said, staring at me as though I was a wild animal released from its cage.“Well, I have to try. I have to try and do something. If I sit here for another minute, I’m going to go crazy. Please take me there, Bruce. I know that you must know where she lives,” I pleaded.“I do know where she lives, and I’ll take you there on two conditions,” Bruce said.“What are your conditions?” I asked.“First, I refuse to leave you there alone. I’ll be waiting downstairs in the lobby
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Chapter 104 : Michael’s Cell Mate
*Michael*“I need you to put this on. Leave all of your personal items in the bin, and they’ll be passed off to your lawyer before we transport you,” the officer said, sliding an offensive orange jumpsuit across the metal table.I picked it up and ran my hand across the black vinyl on the back of the jumpsuit, that read inmate. My stomach dropped.“And hurry up. We don’t have all day,” the officer said, slamming the door behind him.I slipped out of my leather shoes, pushing them under the metal table. I pulled on the orange jumpsuit replacing my Italian-made suit, and, unsurprisingly, it fit me like shit. Reality hit me hard when I looked into the two-way glass on the other end of the interrogation room, my reflection staring back at me. I only believed that all of this was real when they made me put the damn thing on and came back into the room, taking all of my personal belongings away from me. I sat there on the cold metal chair as I waited for them to com
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Chapter 105 : The Boss
*Shelby*“Bruce, will you please just tell me where we’re going?” I asked as he turned down another seemingly unmarked street.“We’re going to meet with Leon Carmine. The Carmine family boss,” Bruce finally said.“Why?” I asked, concerned but hoping that they could somehow help Michael. I mentally kicked myself for not thinking of reaching out to Giani earlier. “Leon told me they have some evidence that could make or break Michael’s case. He wouldn’t tell me over the phone. He said he didn’t want it to fall into the wrong hands, so we have to come to get it in person,” Bruce explained.“We? Does that mean I get to come to the meeting with you?” I asked, hoping he wouldn’t tell me it was too dangerous.“I’m going to leave that up to you. I’d normally ask Michael before dragging you into this, but I can’t exactly call him right now. Since you are his fiancee, I’ll leave that decision with you,” Bruce explained.“If it’ll help prove Michael’s innocence,
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Chapter 106 : Freedom
*Michael*“Astor, to the front of the cell,” a guard called to me. I was surprised to see a guard there at all. We’d just finished breakfast, and we were scheduled to spend the next hour in our cells. I pulled myself off of my bed, the springs groaning in protest. “What’s going on?” I asked as I approached the cell doors.“I need you to come with me,” the guard said as he turned the key in the lock.I followed diligently as he led me down hall after hall into a portion of the jail that I’d never seen before. I had no idea what this was about, but I seemed to feel the nervous anticipation in the air around me. The guard led me into a small office, and I was shocked to see one of my suits folded on the desk in front of me. I looked to the guard.“Get dressed, and then I’ll escort you to the front gates,” the guard said before stepping out of the room.I didn’t call him back to ask questions. I quickly pulled off the terrible orange jumpsuit and
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Chapter 107 : Spring Break Vacation
*Shelby***Six weeks later**The last day of classes never felt better. I was completely exhausted from the semester and the new added stress of my internship. However, I loved being able to spend weekends with Michael. Most weeknights I had to stay up late, getting in as much homework and studying in as I possibly could so I could fully enjoy the weekend nights with Michael.We’d made a big effort to enjoy each other's company as much as possible since Michael’s name was cleared of the murder charges. It made us realize just how important the time we spent together really was because we could never be sure how long we had left together. I walked home from class excited that I’d be seeing him the next day. We had plans to go on a spring break vacation, although he wouldn’t tell me where. I planned on going home and spending a few hours relaxing in front of the television before packing and going to bed.“Lin?” I called into the house, but she didn’t answer.
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Chapter 108 : Paris
*Shelby*The beds at Le Bristol Paris are unbelievably soft. We arrived well into the evening, and the afternoon sun was streaming in the open doors that lead out onto a private terrace. The lulling sounds of the street below barely reached the room. I felt in the bed next to me and found it empty. I slipped out of bed, wrapping a hotel robe around my body. Luckily, I didn’t need pajamas the night before since I hadn’t packed anything for the trip.Michael was sitting alone on the balcony, sipping a cup of coffee as he silently watched the movements of the city below. “Good morning,” I said softly so I wouldn’t startle him. “How’d you sleep?” Michael asked, turning to look at me.“Like I was on a cloud. I think that bed probably costs more than my entire first apartment,” I joked.Michael laughed softly. I noticed the sheen of sweat on his forehead, and for the first time, I realized he was in his workout clothes; he must’ve spent the morning at th
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Chapter 109 : The Castle
*Shelby*The first night in the castle felt like a dream. Michael hired a private chef to stay at the guest house on the property and cook every meal for us. We dined in the formal dining room, which had a large set of french doors opening onto the large courtyard pool.We talked, laughed, and drank the local wine until the late hours of the night. The master bedroom was located directly above the dining room with a private balcony overlooking the pool and beyond to the acres and acres of a well-tended garden. We left the large windows open as we slept, letting in the cool breeze and the earthy smell of the vineyard. I spent a leisurely morning in the old clawfoot tub, which sat right below one of the open windows. I watched the wind blow through the trees as I soaked in the warm water.Breakfast was an extravagant affair. The personal chef made an amazing three-course meal, and when we were finished eating I felt as though I may not be able to get out of my chair
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Chapter 110 : The Sunrise in France
*Shelby*I woke up to light butterfly kisses along my cheeks. My eyes fluttered open to the very dim light of our master suite. The breeze was softly blowing through the open balcony doors, and I felt Michael’s fingers brush strands of hair away from my face.“What time is it?” I asked, not yet wanting to move.Michael continued playing with my hair as I struggled to keep my eyes open.“It’s still early. I wondered if you wanted to take a walk with me. There’s a beautiful spot just over the hill, and I thought we could watch the sunrise together,” he said softly.I slowly sat up in bed and smiled. “I think that sounds like a once-in-a-lifetime kind of memory. Let’s go.”Within a few minutes, I was dressed and walked down the stairs slipping my arms through a jacket. Michael stood in the foyer waiting for me, carrying a basket with a blanket nestled on the top.“Are you ready?” he asked.“Yes, I am. What’re you bringing with us?” I asked, pointing
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