All Chapters of Longing for the Beach Billionaire Daddy: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
150 Chapters
Chapter 111 : Steam in the Mist
*Shelby*“Of course, I’ll marry you, Michael! I love you so much,” I said.He stood and wrapped me in his arms. I stood on my tippy toes to kiss him, and he slipped his hand up to cup the back of my head. His kisses were as soft as a kitten's but steadily grew in intensity as his hands wandered down my back. My hands gripped the front of his shirt, pulling him closer to me.In a flash of movement, Michael grabbed my thighs and hoisted me into the air. I felt as though I was hanging off the side of a cliff, supported by nothing more than his strong hands, but I didn’t care and kissed him harder.Michael eased us both onto the tartan blanket, where just minutes ago, we had been eating our picnic breakfast. The scratchy wool teased the inch of exposed skin at my waist as my shirt wandered its way up my torso.Michael’s hand explored my body as though determined to memorize every inch of my figure. His hands slipped in the small gap under my shirt and slipped it ov
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Chapter 112 : The Drive Back to Paris
*Shelby*The last day of our vacation came far too early. I’d be happy never leaving the castle if I was honest with myself. Instead, it felt like a dream of spending the past ten days with Michael alone in such a seemingly magical place.The diamond on my ring finger felt increasingly heavy as our trip came closer to an end. However, I loved the way it caught the light sending down rays of sparkles in all directions. I smiled to myself as I folded the last shirt hanging in the closet and put it in my suitcase, placing my ring hand facing up so I could admire my engagement ring."Are you ready to go?" Michael asked me, poking his head into the room."I don't know if I'll ever be ready to go," I said with a laugh."I know what you mean; maybe we could plan a trip together. As soon as you're out for the summer, we could just look at a map, throw a dart, maybe, and go," he said, rubbing my arm."I like the sound of that," I said, reaching up on my tippy toes
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Chapter 113 : Handing Out Promotions
*Michael*“Billionaire Playboy Settles for a Nobody”I shook my head at the recent headline that Reggie had dropped off on my desk. We’d been seen in Paris the night before we flew home, and in the three days following our return, the magazines and gossip tabloids were having a field day with the news of our engagement. Under the headline was the picture of us at dinner. My hand was reaching out and brushing Shelby’s lip. I had to admit that she looked incredibly stunning in the picture. Of all of the pictures that could’ve leaked, this was the best one. I couldn’t help but stare at the way her lips closed in a perfect cupid’s bow.She had to fly back to Cambridge for the start of her classes after our spring break vacation. I’d been cooped up in my office since returning, trying my best to catch up on the work I missed while we were gone. Also, a larger part of me liked being in the office and away from the prying eyes of the paparazzi. With the leaked story
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Chapter 114 : Big News
*Michael*“It seems he knows where to find your half-brother,” Lou Carmine said.Lou’s voice seemed to echo through the phone as the wheels in my brain appeared to slow as if they were running through peanut butter. I sucked in a breath. I thought that Blaine would stay on the run now that he was wanted for murder, but if the Carmine family knew where he was, he must not have stayed away for long.“That is big news,” I answered.“Leon wants to know if we should… take care of Blaine for you,” Lou said.Being responsible for Blaine’s arrest was one thing, but being responsible for his murder was a completely different ball game. A part of myself, a dark and deeply hidden part of myself, wanted to say yes, and wash my hands of it all entirely. However, that small part of me scared me more than the thought of spending my life in prison, which I almost did for this exact situation. If I let that part of myself take hold, I feared I’d turn into someone just lik
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Chapter 115 : Click Bait
*Shelby*“How did you find all of these articles?” I asked Lin. “I searched Michael’s name instead of yours. Not all of the articles list you by name, probably so they won’t get sued for slander, but you know the internet. If people want to find out who you are, they will,” Lin answered.I scanned over the pages and pages of search results that popped up. All of which didn’t sound as though they were painting me in a very positive light. I clicked on an article titled “Astor's Secret Mistress Goes on a Drunken Ride.”The article had a picture of me right after I’d fallen off of my bike and was wandering into the little village below the castle rental. I was clearly bleeding in the photos, which were followed by a picture of me in the small cafe drinking wine. They painted a picture of me getting drunk on purpose, which caused the bike wreck. When in reality, I fell and then had a drink to calm my nerves. The entire article portrayed me as someone who was comm
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Chapter 116 : Moral Fiber
*Shelby*The cold plastic chair pressed into my back as I waited anxiously to be called into my academic advisor’s office. Ms. Smith sent me an email the day before, alluding to the fact that there was something that needed to be discussed in person. I already knew that it had something to do with the horrible slander pieces being written about me since it came out that Michael and I were dating. “Miss Hatton, please come in,” Ms. Smith said, standing in front of her door to hold it open for me.I walked past her giving her a feeble smile, as I took a seat in the chair in front of her desk. She gently closed the door behind her and took her seat back in her office chair. She stared at me for a long time, creating an awkward amount of silence in the room. I knew she was waiting for me to bring up the articles, but I stayed quiet. Finally, she cleared her throat.“I’ve heard that you’ve become somewhat of an overnight celebrity. I just wanted to check in with y
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Chapter 117 : This is Now a Crime Scene
*Shelby*With trembling hands, I reached for my phone and started to call Lin. She didn’t answer, and I remembered she was thankfully still in class. A sigh of relief washed over me once I realized she wasn’t home.That meant someone had broken into our house, which wasn’t an ideal situation either. Whatever happened had to have been recent. Surely someone would’ve stopped by if the door was left open for hours. Something was very wrong. My first instinct was to call Michael, but Bruce was the one who handled all security matters, so I rang him instead. I edged closer to the house, trying to hear if someone might still be inside.A feeling of absolute dread washed over me when I heard a phone ringing, the same one I was calling. Before I realized what I was doing, I rushed inside, stepping on broken glass and stumbling over a broken chair leg. Then I saw him.Bruce was on the floor, face down, blood pooling around him. An anguished cry escaped my l
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Chapter 118 : Once in a Lifetime
*Michael*“I’m really sorry,” I said for the hundredth time. “I can assure you that Bruce is receiving the best medical care available. When he gets out, he’ll be given all the time he needs to recover and spend time with his family.”“Thank you, Mr. Astor. I was so worried, and I had no idea something had even happened to him. No one even called me! I’ll head down to the hospital now,” his wife said, her voice cracking. “I’ll send a car down for you immediately,” I said. “Text me the address, and they’ll be there as soon as possible.”“Thank you, sir,” she said and hung up on me.Yet another of the police department’s failures. What were they thinking, not alerting her to what had happened? If it wasn’t for my phone asking me if I wanted to start a workout session, I wouldn’t have realized that I’d just spent ten minutes pacing around my office. I was still thinking of the call with Bruce’s wife. Having to break the news of what had happened to her husb
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Chapter 119 : Who’s Next
*Shelby*The Express Air building was completely empty by the time I got there. It felt almost eerie to hear the sound of my own footsteps on the marble tile, echoing off the high ceilings. I pushed the button for the elevator, and the doors automatically opened, as if it was waiting there just for me. The lights were still on when I got out of the elevator on the top floor, and I could see Michael sitting alone in his office, staring across the empty room at nothing. Bruce being attacked had clearly upset him deeply.Michael took a slow sip of the whiskey in his hand as I walked through the glass doors that separated him from the rest of the office space.“Hey, Michael. Are you doing okay? Have you had any news about Bruce?” I asked.Michael flinched a little as I spoke; he had been so lost in thought that he did not see me come in. “Shelby? I’m so sorry I didn’t hear the elevator. I’m just trying to put the pieces together in my head. I don’t know ho
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Chapter 120 : Summer Vacation
*Shelby***Two Months Later**“Honey, I’m home,” I called as I shifted sideways through the townhouse doors, my arms loaded with shopping bags.“I’m in the kitchen,” Michael called back to me, and I could hear him chuckling to himself at my endearment.I’d finally finished my last term paper that very morning and went shopping to celebrate. I’d been living at the townhouse as much as physically possible, only going back to Cambridge when absolutely necessary. For the last week, the house with Michael was where I’d called home. I walked into the kitchen where he was finishing up some last-minute work on his laptop. I unloaded the shopping bags off of my arms and onto the open countertop. Michael smiled, and with a small shake of his head, he clicked the top of his laptop closed.“What’s all this?” Michael asked.“It’s some stuff for our vacation. I needed a few more things for the warm weather,” I said, leaning in to kiss him. We were getting re
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