All Chapters of Longing for the Beach Billionaire Daddy: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
150 Chapters
Chapter 141 : Ungrateful Little Brat
*Michael*“Michael? What are you doing here?” Marmie said.I was standing outside the door to her penthouse apartment in New York City. I had my security team watching her place to let me know as soon as she was back from London. Marmie was standing in front of me in an obnoxious pink wrap decorated with feathers around the cuffs and hem.“We need to talk about Lauren,” I said, hoping this statement would get me in the door without too many other questions.I was determined to let Marmie know that I knew all about her and Lauren’s involvement in Blaine trying to murder Shelby and me. I didn’t want to start a screaming match in the hall, but I would if I had to. Marmie raised her eyebrows and pulled her wrap tighter around herself, but she stepped back and let me inside. I strolled through the gap and made my way into her sitting room, which was a mess. Discarded clothing hung over the couches, and shopping bags littered every solid surface.“I’m sorry abo
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Chapter 142 : Good Dad or Bad Dad?
*Shelby*I’d just slid the baking tray, with two salmon filets and vegetables, into the oven when I heard the front door open. It abruptly closed with a shutter that echoed through the house.“Michael?” I called down the hallway.“It’s me, Shelby,” he called back, and my heartbeat slowed at the sound of his voice.“You’re just in time. I just put dinner in the oven, and it should be ready soon,” I said as Michael walked into the kitchen.I looked up to see him wearing a very serious expression on his face. The corners of his mouth were tugged down in concern, and there was a strange expression in his eyes—a mix of sadness and anger.“What’s wrong? Did something happen?” I asked, my heartbeat speeding up again. “Is Bruce okay? Lucille?”“Everyone’s fine. I just had a very unpleasant conversation is all,” Michael said, sliding onto one of the barstools.“With who?” I asked, picking up and folding a dish towel with nervous anticipation.“I went
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Chapter 143 : Wedding Dress Shopping
*Shelby**One Month Later*“I can’t believe it’s the end of the summer already,” Lin said with a sigh.I pushed open the door to the salon and was instantly enveloped with the smell of cucumbers and ocean salt.“I know. It seems like it went so fast, but I’m so glad we get to spend more time together before you have to go back to Cambridge,” I said.“Damn, this place is so posh,” Lin said rather loudly.I chuckled, “Shush, Lin. Just pretend that we come to places like this all the time.”“Oh, right,” she responded, a small smirk on her lips.We walked up to the front desk where a woman with purple hair greeted us. Once she found our appointments, she took us back to a private room to get our pedicures. The lights were dimmed and soft piano music played from an indistinguishable place in the room. She handed us each a glass of champagne before leaving us to wait for the nail artists.“So what are we having done today?” Lin asked me as we slip
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Chapter 144 : The Prenup
*Michael*When Shelby walked into the office, I could tell she was dying to tell me something. Her excitement was written all over her face.“I suppose the hunt for a dress went well?” I said, and she immediately ran around the desk and gave me a kiss. “I’ll take that as a yes,” smiling at the joy on her face.“I found the perfect one,” she said as she sat in the chair across from me. “I just wish I could show you or tell you about it, but you know how that goes.” “You could wear a T-shirt and jeans, and you’d still be the most beautiful bride to walk this earth,” I said dramatically, eliciting a giggle from Shelby. I would never tire of hearing her laugh.“I thought your lawyer would be here already,” she said, looking at her watch.“Aren’t we going home?” I had no idea what she was talking about.“Did you really forget?” Shelby laughed. “Only you could forget that we’re going to sign our prenup today.”The truth was that it had completely slipped my mind. Shelby was
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Chapter 145 : An Unexpected Visit
*Shelby*Ever since that kiss in the elevator, my body ached for Michael. When he whispered into my ear, a shudder ran down my spine, turning me on.He gave me a taunting look, and his eyes wandered around the park. “Michael…” I said, “what’s going on in your head?”He chuckled and leaned closer to me. “It wouldn’t be the first time we made love out in the open,” he said in a low voice.I almost spit out the coffee I’d just sipped.“But we were alone on the beach! Well, the second time, anyway. This place is full of people.”“There are some dark places…” He smiled mischievously at me. “And you’re not making it easier for me.”His eyes wandered to my chest, where my dress hung really low and gave him a great view of my breasts thanks to the way I was leaning toward him.I felt his leg caressing mine under the table, and I pretended to scowl at him.“You aren’t making it easier either,” I said. He took his phone out of his pocket and grinned, informing me that the
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Chapter 146 : Irredeemable
*Shelby*Lauren looked… humbled.Even her clothes were telling. She wore a long, demure skirt and a blouse that didn’t show a hint of cleavage and covered her arms down to her elbows. No big brand names or luxurious accessories. Her hair also needed a wash.I’d never seen her dress so modestly or look so run-down, and I had an inkling of what she was trying to accomplish by coming here. I stood there, frozen, not knowing what to do. I wasn’t sure Michael would want to see her, and part of me didn’t want Michael’s day to start off with a fight. On the other hand, I couldn’t make those decisions for him.“Come in,” I said, stepping aside to let her pass. I closed the door and gestured for her to sit in the adjacent living room, just as I heard Michael’s quick steps running down the stairs. “What smells so good? My mouth is watering! Shelby, honey—” He froze when he saw Lauren sitting on the couch. She gave him a smile and a quick wave.Michael’s eyes focused on me,
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Chapter 147 : Wedding Plans
*Shelby*After a hasty breakfast, Lauren’s words still lingered in my mind. The click of the coffee pot being pulled off of the warmer snapped me back to reality. I set my phone down on the counter and flashed Michael a soft smile. He grabbed a travel mug from the cupboard and poured the remainder of the dark liquid into his cup. While he screwed the lid into place, he leaned over and kissed me quickly on the lips.“I’m so sorry I don’t have time to say much in the way of a goodbye, but thank you for breakfast. I had an emergency meeting with investors pop up last minute,” Michael said, slipping his arms through his sport coat.“That’s okay, I understand. Will I see you for dinner?” I asked.“Yes, you will. I’ll make sure I’m home by five at the latest. What are your plans for the day?” Michael asked.“I’m going to the country club to make sure everything is ready for tomorrow,” I answered.A huge smile took over Michael’s face, “Well, that sounds like a great way to spend
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Chapter 148 : The Wedding Day
*Shelby*I woke up and stretched across the king-size bed. It felt so strange to be in such a large bed all by myself. I lay there, taking in the unfamiliar surroundings of the hotel room. Then the realization hit me; it was my wedding day. The day I was going to become Mrs. Shelby Astor.I sat bolt upright, and let my feet hit the floor. In one swift motion, I was up and taking leaps across the room with a little squeal. I swung open the door and rushed into the main room of the hotel suite.“Aubs! Lin! Get up! I’m getting married today!” I squealed.Within a few seconds, Aubrey was up, rubbing her eyes as she opened the door to her private room. All we heard from Lin’s room was a sleepy moan, which made me laugh loudly.“I know that some brides get cold feet on their wedding day, but something tells me we don’t have to worry about that with you,” Aubrey said, yawning a little.“I can’t believe it’s actually here, Aubs. I mean, after all that we’ve gone t
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Chapter 149 : The Test
*Shelby***One Year Later**“To you, my amazingly talented, intelligent, and beautiful wife,” Michael said, holding a glass of wine in the air over our cozy two-person table.I clinked my glass on his and took a small sip of the wine as I looked out over the dark blue sky littered with thousands of tiny bits of starlight. The lights of the city shone brightly below, illuminating the blue dome roofs over the buildings. The waves crashed against the cliff faces below, sending bits of seawater into the air, making everything smell like salt.We’d been in Greece for the last few days and were currently eating dinner in a quaint little restaurant toward the top of the city, with an amazing view. For the past month, we’d been touring Italy and Greece on our yacht. I’d recently graduated from NYU with my law degree, and Michael planned the trip as a way to celebrate. I’d been interning at a law firm called Stockton and Associates, and I was surprised by their o
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Chapter 150 : The New Associate
*Shelby**Five Months later*I sat staring out the small window in my office. It was nowhere near as impressive a view as Michael's top-floor CEO office, but I liked the fact that it was mine. I’d been an attorney at Stockton and Associates for five months now, and just last month, I was promoted from my tiny cubicle in the corner to my very own office.I’d framed photographs of Michael and me at our wedding, at a castle in Ireland on our honeymoon, and of us in Greece from our most recent vacation. I couldn't help but imagine another picture frame of a beautiful little baby, swaddled up tight in a hospital bassinet sitting next to the rest. Michael and I had taken a more active approach to try to have a baby. I took my temperature every morning to track my fertility window, and our bathroom was littered with boxes and boxes of ovulation tests. It seemed like the majority of my free time I now spent thinking of our future family. I even had an entire nursery planne
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