All Chapters of Longing for the Beach Billionaire Daddy: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
150 Chapters
Chapter 121 : Something You’re Not Telling Me
*Shelby*“The admissions department took into consideration your interest in criminal law. Based on this interest, we would also like to offer you an internship at Preston Associates, a firm that has been working with NYU for over a decade.”I couldn’t believe this. They offered me my dream job, plus an opportunity to get my degree at the same time. “Shelby, that’s exactly what you wanted. You’re accepting it, right?”My fingers were squeezing my phone so tightly that it almost flew out of my hand. “They need to know right away because the position gets filled up quickly. The email doesn’t specify a date, but I guess right away means as soon as possible.”There wasn’t much to think about, really. Harvard didn’t feel like the place where I was meant to be, and NYU was exactly the opposite. They’d added the dessert to what already was the main course of my plans. I stared at my phone for a while, my heart warm with joy. So much of my life right now w
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Chapter 122 : Love and Friends
*Shelby*“You’re right, it’s taking a little too long,” he said, quickly standing and walking away from the bed. “Let me go check on something. I’ll be right back.”I watched him leave with a mischievous grin on his face, which told me that he was keeping something to himself. But it didn’t seem to be anything I should worry about. I planned on staying in the stateroom to not spoil whatever he might be planning, but after a few minutes, I got antsy. So I went out to the deck, where something was definitely going on.The servers were going back and forth, setting out table and dining ware. Some of them greeted me when they passed, and a few exchanged quick glances. An event of some sort was definitely being set up, and perhaps they’d been told to keep it quiet or out of sight.I smelled the food before I saw it. The servers paraded several trays of seafood in front of me, setting them down on the table. This whole thing was beginning to look more like a feast t
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Chapter 123 : Seasick or Sick of Murder?
*Shelby*“Would you like to sneak off back to our room?” Michael whispered in my ear.The other couples were slowly breaking off from the rest of the party and finding their way to their own rooms. I was exhausted and so ready to be alone with Michael again. I nodded and grabbed his hand. He led me down different hallways that were so familiar from our first trip. This time I wouldn’t be staying in my own room. Instead, I’d be sharing the entire top floor of the yacht with Michael in our very own master suite.Michael opened the doors to the extravagant suite, but we bypassed the room and went straight out onto the private upper deck. I leaned against the railing letting the wind whip my hair softly around the nape of my neck as I watched us sail silently across the water. “We’ll be sailing right along the Florida coast tonight,” Michael said, handing me a glass of wine.“I nearly forgot what it feels like to stand up here, so high above the ocean. It’s
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Chapter 124 : The Truth
*Michael*“I need you to tell me the truth,” Shelby said, staring at me through the mirror in front of her.“Of course, I’ll always tell you the truth,” I said, walking toward her.Shelby looked sick, and her knuckles were turning white as she gripped the edges of the sink. I went to put my hand on her back, but she flinched ever so slightly, so I pulled my hand back and let it drop to my side. “Was that man who was murdered back in New York City, just after Bruce was attacked, was that Blaine?” Shelby said, seeming to have a hard time getting the words out.I heaved a large sigh, knowing that telling the truth about what I’d done would most likely end in a huge fight with Shelby. It may even change the way that she felt about our relationship.“Why are you asking me if that was Blaine?” I asked. “What’re you really asking me, Shelby? Are you asking if it was Blaine, or are you asking if I had something to do with it?”“I guess I’m asking if you did
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Chapter 125 : Island Paradise
*Shelby*We made port just as the sun was rising. I’d barely noticed that the yacht had stopped moving until I looked out of the large windows of our stateroom. I quickly realized that one side of the ship's view was all land.“Where are we? I asked Michael, who was just returning to our room with a tray full of breakfast.“We’re in the Florida Keys on a little island with an amazing private resort,” he said with a smile.I rushed out onto the deck to get a better look at the view. The white sandy beaches spread out for miles and were dotted with private bungalows with thatched roofs. It looked just like a tiny island paradise.“I reserved everyone their own private bungalow, and the resort is all-inclusive. There’s a spa, a nightclub, and so many different restaurants. I thought it’d be a great way to spend a few days before we sail for my beach house in the Bahamas. This way, we get to create some new memories along with reliving some of our old,” Michael sai
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Chapter 126 : Housekeeping
*Shelby*The next morning, I laid by the pool with my two best friends. We were all nursing a hangover and were taking the morning slow, so we could hopefully enjoy the rest of the day without being nauseous.“So, where’d you say Michael had to go so late last night?” Aubrey asked.“The head of his security team, who was attacked a few months ago, was finally released from the hospital. Michael wanted to be there for him. He’ll be back tonight, though,” I explained.“Bruce is going home?” Lin asked, and I nodded my head. “That’s so good to hear. I’ve been so worried about him. I obviously don’t know him as well as you and Michael, but he was always so nice to me. I’m glad that his recovery is going well.”“Me too. Things haven’t seemed right without Bruce around,” I said, pulling my sunglasses down over my eyes.“Have you two seen this?” Aubrey asked, passing me a magazine with the pages rolled back, open to an article with two very familiar people under t
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Chapter 127 : A Family Meal
*Michael*I felt New York City’s oppressive air even before we landed. Not that I didn’t like the city, but after spending time in the open, tropical air, the concrete ocean was stifling. It was also raining, and a light fog hung suspended over the towering buildings. A car was already waiting for me at the landing strip, and before long, we were stuck in the usual city traffic. I was heading straight to Bruce’s apartment and then back to the airport. I knew Shelby was in good hands back at the hotel, but I wanted to get back to her as soon as possible.Bruce’s apartment was in a cozy Brooklyn neighborhood, though there was no elevator in it. I made a mental note to offer him a place at one of my buildings downtown, rent-free, of course. He’d need the rest while he recovered from his wounds.I climbed up the five floors and realized I hadn’t brought him or his wife anything, so I went back down and bought a bottle of wine and chocolates from the nearest bodeg
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Chapter 128 : Helicopter Landing
*Shelby*The helicopter sent deck chairs flying as it landed. Small ripples were sent out in all directions across the surface of the water. I still couldn’t believe that the yacht was really big enough to have its own landing pad, but Michael landed with no problem. He stepped off of the helicopter just as the pilot killed the propeller.Michael ran across the landing pad and swept me up into his arms, spinning me in a small circle. A giggle burst out of my mouth as he squeezed me tighter. He finally set my feet back down on the solid deck, but he didn’t let me go.“I’m so glad that you’re safe,” he whispered in my ear.“I missed you so much. I’m so glad that you’re back,” I said, barely choking back the tears that threatened to fall as soon as I saw him.Michael released me from the embrace, but slipped his fingers through mine, and walked away from the helicopter. I was unsure of where he was leading me until we got halfway down a hallway I vaguely remembere
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Chapter 129 : Snorkeling
*Shelby*“What’re the plans for today?” I asked Michael as we were eating breakfast on our private deck. I’d discovered a love for the yacht’s chef’s famous french toast, and I’d ordered it every morning since the very first on the yacht. I shoved the last piece of the decadently cinnamon-covered bread in my mouth as Michael sipped on his black coffee.“I scheduled a private snorkeling tour for everyone this afternoon. I guess there are supposed to be sea turtles in the area, and I thought we’d test our luck and see if we could spot one. Do you think that’s something your friends will enjoy?” he asked.“Are you kidding? That sounds absolutely amazing, Michael,” I said, leaning over the table to kiss him.“I’m glad that you like the idea. I just have to finish up a few things for work before we head out. I’ll meet you down on the main deck at noon,” Michael said, setting his coffee cup down and heading back inside our stateroom.I enjoyed the rest of my mo
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Chapter 130 : Take Care of Me
*Shelby*The jet skis motor filled my ears, and the cool breeze whipped against my face. I felt the sunlight on my eyes before I opened them. One side of my body was cold from being wet and exposed to the wind, and the other side of my body was warm against Michael. It took me a few seconds to remember exactly where I was.I came to just as Michael pulled the jet ski up to the side of the boat; the crew was waiting on the swim deck. One of the pool boys grabbed my arms to hoist me back onto the yacht. He settled me down on the swim deck, and I watched the blood pooling around my injured foot.Michael was at my side in seconds. He ripped his shirt off and wrapped it around my foot, securing it by tying the sleeves together in a makeshift tourniquet.“Is that okay? It needs to be tight enough to stop the bleeding but not to the point of pain,” Michael said, concern knitting his brows together.“No, it’s okay,” I answered, holding myself up on my elbows trying to
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