All Chapters of Longing for the Beach Billionaire Daddy: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
150 Chapters
Chapter 41 : I Was Wrong
*Michael*Seeing her again, so gorgeous in every way, brought back painful memories that, just hours before, I had said goodbye to. Yet here I was, staring her down with likely an incredibly pleading expression. A pit formed in my stomach as I wondered if this was disrespecting her wishes about space. I did not walk any closer to her, even though I very much wanted to take her into my arms and hold her close. I swallowed and let out a soft sigh, opening my mouth to start. “Shelby, I–”“Michael, what are you doing here? You–”“I know, it–”“Seeing you here again, I–”“I wanted to talk about–”We stopped, getting nowhere given our words were being tangled by talking over one another. I had the delight of seeing an amused glint to her eyes. She brought her hand up to her lips, covering her mouth for a moment in amusement before clearing her throat and letting out a sigh. Her expression hardened as, no doubt, she decided to stand her ground.
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Chapter 42 : A Night of My Dreams
*Shelby*I may have second-guessed myself at first regarding this decision, but that was all down the drain when I got into the jet. The inside was decorated with black leathers, and there was a room with a hot tub in it. Yes, a hot tub on a jet! Only two passengers could fit, but that was just right for Michael and I. There was a drink cabinet with listings of the most expensive alcohol I’d ever seen. I gawked at the extravagance, taking everything in. My heart pounded in my chest as I locked eyes with Michael. “This is beautiful,” I breathed, giving a wonderfully bright smile. I threw my arms around him, much to his surprise I’m sure, and hugged him tightly. I held him there for a moment, burying my face into his chest before pulling away, my cheeks flushing. “Thank you, Michael. I’m so excited,” I said, energy rushing through my veins. We got settled, sitting together as the jet took off, conscious of safety. When we were given permission to move about t
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Chapter 43 : Making Plans
*Shelby*“Do you have a plan, Michael?” I asked in a hushed voice, swallowing hard. My heart was pounding in my ears, and I needed to take a few steps back, turning to collapse onto the couch. I was so tired of feeling this way, but I couldn’t help it. My reputation was going to be ruined, that much was clear. The past pictures were not as obvious, but this one? Completely earth shattering. How was I going to get a handle on this? All of my fears were staring me in the face, but after last night, I didn’t want to leave Michael. Honestly, I didn’t think I could at this point. No matter how much I knew I needed to. Michael followed me to the couch, taking me on his lap and wrapping his arms around me. I didn’t realize tears were flowing down my cheeks until he reached over and wiped away some of the warm wetness, as I stared up into his eyes. For a moment, everything was okay. I was drawn into his gaze, starstruck, and completely out of it. My negative emotio
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Chapter 44 : Blaine’s Downfall
*Michael*Shelby and I rode to the park, intending on spending a day in the city. During the ride, I kept glancing over to her to ensure she was alright. All of this stress wasn’t good for her, and she was rightfully concerned. Something had changed, however, because she held her chin up and kept her eyes narrowed. There was confidence flowing from her posture, and a determined spark to her gaze that had me curious. I didn’t ask, but I was quite intrigued. This plan would include some fun, thankfully, so hopefully it took her mind off of things even if it was directly part of what was causing this distress. We parked and exited the car, walking side-by-side but not holding hands. No public displays of affection; that was important for the plan. My eyes focused ahead as we entered the park. Tree branches swayed in the wind as we walked over fallen leaves and broken twigs. The fresh air was invigorating, and I smiled as I took a deep breath. The smog of the c
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Chapter 45 : Ending with a Kiss
*Shelby*That had worked out so much better than I could have imagined. As we wandered through the rest of the aquarium, I felt elated. My heart pounded, and my cheeks tinged red, no doubt from the excitement that, yes, things were working out. I could actually relax, at least for now. I was free. I stared at some tropical fish displaying a menagerie of colors, going over just how much of a dream my time with Michael had been. Except, now it didn’t have to just be a dream or a few days of luxury. This all could be a reality while I advanced in my career like I was meant to. Well, somewhat. I was jumping to conclusions. I furrowed my brow, refocusing on Michael, who was standing behind me, and focused on the fish. It took him a few seconds to realize I had turned to look at him. “Something the matter?” he asked, his voice dripping with concern. He inspected me, no doubt trying to discern if stress was still weighing on my shoulders. A much less potent version of i
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Chapter 46 : All to Myself
*Shelby**4 Months Later*“That’s a cute bikini. I’ve said it once, and I will say it again. Michael is one lucky man,” Lin said as I folded a light blue bikini top in my suitcase.“Do you think he will like it?” I asked as my cheeks warmed at the thought of an entire week alone with Michael.We had been surviving the long-distance relationship with late-night phone calls and short weekend trips to see each other. Michael had begged me to take a vacation with him during my Thanksgiving break, but the guilt of leaving my grandfather home alone over the holiday put an end to that daydream. “Shelby, Michael would like you in just about anything. I don’t know why you’re worried about what you’re wearing anyway. If I had an unbelievably rich silver fox that was taking me on a week-long vacation to Maui, I’m pretty sure I’d be naked the whole trip,” Lin responded with a mischievous twinkle in her eye.I wadded up a pair of shorts I was just about to pack and c
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Chapter 47 : Joining the Mile High Club
*Shelby*I gladly took the glass of champagne from Michael as he guided me up the steps of his private jet, his hand gently resting on the small of my back.The cabin was decorated in cool tones accented by black leather seats and couches. The shades were halfway drawn on each of the windows, and the lights slightly dimmed, giving a romantic glow to the space. I stood in the center of the cabin, unsure of where to sit or how to behave on a private flight. “Make yourself comfortable, and I will let the pilot know that we are ready to take off,” Micheal said. Before walking away, he slipped his arm around my waist and pulled me in for another slow kiss. The smell of his sandalwood cologne enveloped me, and I instantly felt at ease.I took a seat on one of the couches, embellished with a caramel-colored fur blanket over the armrest. I took a sip of the champagne, and Michael returned, taking the seat next to me. “We are about ready to go. We will b
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Chapter 48 : Touching Down
*Michael*Shelby squeezed my hand tightly when the wheels hit the tarmac. I could tell that flying made her nervous, so I reached out and placed my hand on her thigh. She looked up at me with a weak smile which I returned.“You are absolutely going to love this resort. I stayed here on business, and since we started dating, I have been thinking about how much you would enjoy it here,” I said, hoping to distract her from the jet landing.“I can’t wait to see it. Can we explore the island a little tomorrow? I have always wanted to visit Hawaii. The wildlife here is so diverse. I really hope we get a chance to see some in the wild,” she said.I wasn’t sure if she realized that the jet had fully landed and was pulling into the hangar.“We can do whatever you like tomorrow. I know a guy who funds a bird sanctuary here; maybe we could stop in if you are interested.”“That sounds amazing,” Shelby said with a bright smile.With the plane on the ground, I stoo
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Chapter 49 : Sea Shells
*Shelby*I woke to a soft breeze dancing across my face, the open windows letting the sunlight stream into the giant space of the bedroom. I lay there awhile, enjoying Michael’s warmth next to me and watching the curtains drift lightly, each gust of wind brought in the clean smell of the ocean air.Michael started to stir next to me, and eventually, he opened his eyes and greeted me with a sleepy smile.“Good morning, beautiful. I could get used to this,” he said.“Get used to what exactly,” I pushed, even though I knew what he was talking about.“Waking up next to you every morning,” he said as he brushed his hand up my exposed thigh.“I could get used to it, too,” I said, leaning down and letting our lips brush lightly together. “What is for breakfast?” I asked, my lips still touching his. “How about you go make yourself comfortable on the back deck, and I will call room service,” Michael said, kissing me again.I wrapped a satin robe ar
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Chapter 50 : Calls to Home
*Shelby*“Would you care for another drink, miss?” one of the maids asked.“I would love one, thank you,” I said and then turned my attention back to the book I was reading. I’d spent the last hour on the back deck next to the infinity pool, reading the book Michael gave me. The past few days, we’d spent our time exploring different hiking trails across the resort, swimming in the ocean, and relaxing by the pool. The heat was starting to get to me, so I set down my book, slipped off my coverup, and eased myself into the pool's refreshing water. I waded around for a few minutes, careful not to get my hair wet.Michael took me to a fancy restaurant every night, and I wouldn’t have time to get my hair dry again before it was time to leave.“I will just set your drink on the table. Oh, and miss? Your phone is ringing. Would you like me to bring it to you?” the maid said as she set a fruity drink down next to my things.“Oh, would you mind?” I asked wad
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