All Chapters of Married To The CEO After Divorce: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
81 Chapters
Chapter 21
Ethan watched as his mother’s face turned pale. She looked powerless and yet there was nothing that he could do about it. Susan was now apart of his life and they will soon get used to her presence.“I thought that I will never hear that man’s name in my house. Ethan, what the hell are you doing with Mark Goven’s ex-wife. Are you out of your mind? Why are you always a pain in my ass, bastard? can’t you let me breath for once in my life?”“Mother…. Please relax. I will explain myself.” Ethan pleaded.She went Infront of him and pushed him on the chest. He has always meant well but at the end of the day, he will somehow hurt the people that he loves.“I don’t want to hear about any nonsense that will come from that mouth of yours. Just do what you know will be right for you and stop fucking around as if the whole world belongs to you. I have been dealing with your rebellious attitude since you were young but at his point, I am tired. ““Sorry Susan, you have to leave. You are not welc
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Chapter 22
“What the hell happened here?” Ethan asked as he went beside Susan and knelt down” her eyes were closed and she couldn’t talk. This was the second time that her family member was hurting her. Didn’t they know no shame. Why the hell would they treat an innocent person like this?Looking at her state, he felt that his mood has changed. He glared at Vivian and her mother before asking” Who did this to her?”“Ethan, why are you being too concerned about her. she just fell and she is probably pretending. “Vivian complained.He looked her u from toe to head. If a stare could kill then Vivian would have been dead already.“Let me not find out that it was you. I swear that you will forget being my fiancé.” he said before turning his attention back on Susan.Without talking any further, he leaned down and took her in to his arms. He carried her under the watchful eyes of the family in to the back of the car. He didn’t care what they would say later, the thing was that he was disturbed to se
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Chapter 23
“Thank you.” Susan said as her eyes closed. She didn’t know what will happen tomorrow but what made sense was what she had now. She had him, he would have chosen to go to his room, but he was lying beside her and holding her in his strong arms. What was there to worry about?In the morning, she woke up to a heavy breakfast made specially by Ethan. He said that he was still making up for the trouble of yesterday. He didn’t know how much that made her happy. It was always her who tried to go the extra mile to please Mark. It felt great to be the one on the receiving end this time round. But there was something pulling at her heart strings. She couldn’t place her thoughts to what exactly it was but it was making her so damn fucking uncomfortable, more like it was chocking her alive. Her phone rang and she came back to reality. There was a strange number blinking on her screen and she didn’t know whether to receive it or not. It could be Mark or just anybody.Her patience wasn’t ready
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Chapter 24
The contents of the message stared directly in to her eyes. But who would want to hurt Serena just because she was connected to Ethan? She knew that Ethan was a public figure who had enemies but who the hell would dare to go this far?She couldn’t sleep anymore and when the morning came by, she was a wreck of nerves. She didn’t know what to do or who to turn to. She knew that Ethan would comb the whole world to find her if she attempted to go away but she couldn’t allow her dear mother to die either. What will become of the child that she was carrying? Despite his awful demands, Ethan had agreed to give her child an identity. Her baby won’t be raised by a single parent and that was what counted for her and was the main reason why she was going to put up with Ethan even if it was going to take the rest of her life. Every day, things became even worst in her life and she was tired of all the shit that life was throwing at her. she was fed up with breathing or living?While still deep
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Chapter 25
When he woke up in the morning, he picked up his phone and called Peter. The poor man had to work under his unbearable mood to trace Susan. Now he was standing in front of her with rage and yet he couldn’t help but feel worried when he looked at her pale face.“I thought it wasn’t necessary to tell you that I would be sleeping in the hospital taking care of a very special person because it wasn’t your business” she replied as tears wetted her eyes.The man’s rugged face softened almost instantly. He didn’t know who this person was but his girl was crying and he couldn’t stay angry with her.Ethan lifted his hand and wiped her tears gently as he asked” What is wrong, love? Who the hell was in the hospital and what happened to her to make you cry? Whatever your business is, will also be mine.” he asked looking genuinely worried.“It is along story, let us go home first. I feel so exhausted “she said and Ethan didn’t wait. He lifted her up in his arms and placed her on the back sea
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Chapter 26
“You are mine now. Don’t ever give this body to anyone else. I will kill all of them with my bare hands. Do I make myself clear?” he whispered with coldness in his voice before wrapping his hands around her.” Now let us go home so that you can tell me what is troubling you. I will do my best to make them disappear.” he added.“I hope that it was easy, but my life isn’t. Can you hold me tight? I really need it “she begged and she wasn’t even ashamed.“Of course, my chest is yours. It has been for a while now. You see, my life is even worse than yours so don’t make a big deal out of this. We are going to have to help each other because we belong together, love. Life brought us together for a purpose and I am still trying to figure it out”“Fine…” she muttered before drifting in to a deep sleep on her favorite spot on his shoulder. Ethan smiled and for that special moment that he was looking at her face, he was at peace. In a jiffy, the car reached their home. He didn’t need to wake her
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Chapter 27
“I am sorry to disturb you but you haven’t called and so I decided to check up on you. Ethan, I love you. Don’t forget that you are my fiancé and I have the right to call you at any given time when I feel like hearing your voice. I really miss you.” She begged.“Well …I don’t miss you. The fact that I am your fiancé doesn’t mean that I have to be close to you or be in love with you. You practically forced yourself on me. Goodbye for now and don’t bother me again” he said impatiently. The thought of dealing with the pitiful Vivian was making him uncomfortable but Vivian was not about to give up any time soon.Whatever she set her eyes on, she must have it. She didn’t understand why Ethan was such a challenge to him.“Alright...…..If you won’t come to me then I am coming to your house . I need to see you” she said all of a sudden“No……. you can’t come to my house, that will be invading my private space.” he knew that if Vivian came to his house. Susan will have no peace and that was th
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Chapter 28
“Darling, why do you think that I only need money from you. My love for you is not for sale and I am really disappointed. Tell me, why are you doing this to me? it is that there is someone else. Did she give you her body? Yeah…..that it is, let us go to my room right now and I will give it to you better than she does” His eyes became dark with fury” Are you freaking insane? Who I sleep with is none of your business? You are not even my type. This conversation is over and please don’t bother me again or I will be forced to take drastic measures” he was really trying to be patient but she was doing a very good job irritating him.He didn’t know how long he was going to hold up before things fell apart.Does he not have any feelings? How could a normal man reject the goods that she was offering to him? Perhaps the best thing was to go an extra mile. He won’t be able to resist her charms.The next moment, Vivian chuckled sheepishly and started unbuttoning her blouse as she licked her li
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Chapter 29
It was already 9.00PM. Susan picked up her phone and called her mother. She wouldn’t rest at ease not talking to her and knowing how she was faring on. She wanted to hear her voice and ask her if there was anything that she needed.They chatted for awhile and again she didn’t fail to ask her why Mark hadn’t gone to see her.“It’s okay Mommy, don’t be spoiled. He will definitely come and if he fails then I will drag him there myself “she lied yet again. She wasn’t proud of what she was doing but what else was she supposed to do? She guessed that she was going to buy herself sometime before she spills the beans.“Okay, sweetie. Don’t be in a hurry to come to the hospital. I have anew nurse and she is very good to me. I hope that it wasn’t trouble for you” Serena was concerned as always.“It’s nothing Mommy. I love you.” she whispered as tears rolled down her cheeks. She didn’t know what to do with the emotions that she was still feeling in her heart. If only, she could explain things th
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Chapter 30
As his mouth came on hers, she gladly kissed him back. He was asking for more and she was giving. Their bodies communicated to each other so well. No one needed to ask and no one needed to try so hard to respond. All they did was look in to each other’s eyes and follow their hearts.His hands continued to move on her back, side and belly. Each time he touched her, she could feel electricity passing throughout her body. Things were going on well. she didn’t want this moment to end because he was good, very good. She slipped his hands inside his trousers and got to feel how hard he had become. His member was throbbing and begging to be touched. A moan left her throat as the man’s hands wondered to her thighs.“You got to release it, don’t you think so?” Ethan asked with a strained voice as he continued to explore in between her legs. “Yeah…....”she replied as her hands went deeper , feeling and teasing. Ethan couldn’t handle it anymore. In a split of a second, he had slipped the pie
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