All Chapters of Married To The CEO After Divorce: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
81 Chapters
Chapter 51
“Are you sure? because we are going to pass through a lot of challenges in the near future and you have to be prepared. For starters, tomorrow was supposed to be the wedding day between me and Vivian. I have got plans and you are a part of it” he declared.“Great …. anything for you, love” she said sounding calm.In the evening, Ethan got a call from his mother. she was angry as always and he already knew what it was all about.“How dare you, son from hell. What is your problem? Who are you married to? “Celia screamed on the other side of the phone. When it came to Ethan, she will never be calm. he was just a natural born trouble maker.“Mother, don’t make your pressure go up for nothing. I am coming to settle this once and for all. I thought you two wanted me to marry? I listened to your request and I have gotten a wife of my choice. Where did I go wrong? ““A wife of your choice my foot. Ethan, I will die before I see you get married to a useless woman. You have to get a divorce and
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Chapter 52
“Mother, I am not the same man who you used to control. I am done with that part of my life, so you need to respect my wife. I am not going to take it that lightly if you continue insulting her like that. Look at her, is there something that she is lacking in a woman. If you ask me, she is prettier than Vivian”A slap landed on his cheeks” Don’t you dare talk to your mother like that. I will tell you that this slut lacks class and elegance. she is plain and simply do not match with your kind. Don’t even try to bring her to my parties.”Ethan caressed his cheeks and maintained a straight face. Susan didn’t believe that he was going against his family for her sake, something that Mark never did. She didn’t like it even more that she was coming in between the family but she got to be selfish for once in her life. So, she will always be a bystander watching others express their love but Ethan’s family was one of a kind. She realized that they expressed their love in a very strange way.M
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Chapter 53
“Why weren’t we informed about the show?” Devin asked as he gave Susan a sharp stare.“Boys, I thought that you said that you didn’t need me. What are you doing here?” Evans asked after taking a sip on his bottle. Even though they were his blood and flesh, he was never fond of them ever since they refused his call to manage the company, he saw them as weak.With the addition of the new members of the family in the house, Susan panicked. She suddenly felt lightheaded and before she could realize it, she had fallen down on the floor.“What is wrong with her?” Celia asked with a worried face.“Am I supposed to know, I am not a doctor?” Ethan replied as she lifted Susan and placed her on the couch “it must be that her pressure has shot up because of your bad attitude. “He added with an icy expression.“Ethan, do something. this young lady shouldn’t die. The fact that we don’t like her doesn’t mean that we wish her death. it is just that sometimes, I don’t know what evil possess me. I didn
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Chapter 54
“Sweethearts, you got to pick your side. Don’t you want our company to grow and still continue the good name that we enjoy? “Celia begged” Ethan, please son. You can do whatever that you want with her. You can sleep with her or kiss her, I don’t give a damn but I beg of you son, don’t make her my daughter in law.” It was such a pity that Susan was seated amongst them and they were discussing her as if she wasn’t even there. God only knew how she wished that the ground would break up and burry her alive.“We have thought about it, sweet mother. we are on both of your sides. If we betray Ethan, he will go crazy on us and refuse to give us our allowance. If we don’t pick your side then you will pretend to be sick and we will be guilty the whole day. So, we don’t want to take sides” Devin explained patiently.“The truth is that we don’t like Susan but we loathe Vivian even more. we were never in support of Ethan marrying Vivian and we would have been the first people to destroy that wed
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Chapter 55
Serena walked with her in to the house and then they both sat down.“Ethan, fucking explain to me what exactly happened to her ?” Serena was furious. No one was going to bully her baby girl when she was still alive.If his mother would be a little bit more concerned about him the way Serena was with Susan, then he was sure that he would have lived a completely different life. He would have pursued what he wanted in life and may be, it wouldn’t have been difficult for him to marry the girl of his choice.Susan was lucky to have her. In fact, when it came to Serena, Ethan didn’t want to be arrogant and difficult “We went…….” Ethan started to say Before he could finish saying the words, his phone rang and it was Peter. His face frowned. The damn idiot has always chosen the worst time to call. What was his problem?He stepped aside and then accepted the call” Peter, this is not the best moment for you to call. please handle whatever it is. isn’t this what I pay you for? “he asked in a l
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Chapter 56
Meanwhile back at the house Susan was now calm. Although she still worried about Ethan. She had no idea where he went or when he will come back. Serena never left her side.“Do you want to talk about it, sweetie? What did the man do to you?” she finally asked.“I just love him so much but I am powerless, Mommy. I don’t know if I will be able to handle his family who loathes me like a dirty animal and the worst thing is that I can’t imagine myself living without him. He is a lot of things but with him, I feel alive. I am able to breath a fresh air and count myself one of the luckiest women on earth. Please advise me, I am going crazy with worry “she answered.Serena smiled “Is that what those people did to you? Oh…. baby, why are you so unlucky? But I promise you that I still love you regardless. I would like to confess something to you. Despite his bad character, I can see that Ethan loves you so much. He is a good man with potential, he is just carrying too much burden on his should
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Chapter 57
“Sweetie……” Serena was startled. she has never seen her look murderous like that “Calm down so that he can tell us what happened. I promise that I will help as much as I can ““Talk already …...any minute wasted is not good on his part “Susan added.Peter scratched his head. No wonder Ethan liked this woman and he also loved her spirit. The two of them will make a crazy badass team.He has done nothing but to fear for his boss’s life yet he couldn’t do anything because Ethan instructed him to stay back at home. Susan was his only option. He knew that Ethan would kick his ass but how the hell was he going to save him from Mark. “The thing is that Ethan is with Mark and I think that man has something on him. I saw them talking and then Ethan refused to come back with us . Do you have any idea what we can do to find him? I am already getting pressure from his mother and I know that she won’t let me be at peace” Peter explained.Susan felt her mood dampen but she was not going to allow
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Chapter 58
Susan just listened to them with a cold face, this people didn’t know how much she was on edge right now. “Alright, I will ask the two of you just one question. Who among you came here with the knowledge of running a company? Which one of you were born running a company? Tell me, which one of you took their first job without training? Please don’t talk about things that does not make sense here. I am warning all of you that one more stupid comment from you will not go well with me.”Susan stood Infront of the crowd looking fierce and unintimidated.“Bullshit, I hate sluts like you. All that you know is sleeping with the big shots so that he can help you take companies that does not belong to you. We will make sure that we send you away ASAP.” the administration manager completely ignored her warning and went ahead t to throw his venom on her.“Who I sleep with or doesn’t is not the matter at hand. For your information, the big shot you are referring to is Ethan Griffins and I am his
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Chapter 59
Meanwhile, Serena didn’t like this at all. What if they called police on her baby girl? Ethan won’t be there to protect her from the crazy people. She had already received enough verbal abuse. Why can’t Susan leave things for now, she will come and fight another day.“No sweetie …. You can’t agree to something that you have no idea about. what if they want to kidnap you or better yet, what if they want to demonstrate against you?” Serena wasn’t comfortable.“Just relax Mommy, you will soon see what I am talking about.”“Damn stubborn kid” Serena cursed before being distracted by the sound of a phone connecting.Soon the video call connected and the first person that she saw was Ethan”. He looked tired and hungry but the good thing was that he was still alive and in one piece. His green eyes stared at her with worry as he asked “Love, are you okay?”“I am fine, love. Is there anything that you want me to do? Just say the words and I will do exactly what you wish for “she said with a no
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Chapter 60
“Gosh…. I feel that my pressure is dropping “Leonard Goven started panicking as he held his chest . He had really lost his company, his baby and he was not sure how he was going to live with the fact that his useless and careless son did this to him. Oh… he was going to strangle that idiot.”He had to do something, he had to apologize. Perhaps she could listen to him.“Susan, I am sorry. Please forgive me of all the wrongs that I did to you. It was the devil, and I didn’t realize that he was taking you away from me. I will take you back and if you want, I can denounce Frida. Please don’t tell the authorities about me.” Mark started begging.“Did you ever listen to me when you banged that useless Frida on my face. Oh…. what about all those nights that you were with her and left me to sleep alone in the house? Please don’t fucking bitch around with me, you are history to me and I don’t even want to think about how foolish I was to marry you. Now listen, I have placed a timer on my wat
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