All Chapters of Married To The CEO After Divorce: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
82 Chapters
Chapter 61
When he looked at the source of the strike, his father was looking at him with a murderous face. He had been disappointed in him so many times before but today, he was different.He didn’t recognize him at all. This person had adored him and had place everything on hold when it came to him. But why can’t he understand that it was an accident? “What kind of a devil did I raise? Instead of making your life better, what you know how to do is worsen things. Do you know what I went through to start this branch? Now that you have succeeded in destroying it and we are now back home, let us see what will happen to you. I never want to see you in my family again. I regret giving birth to you as my son. Gosh …where did I go wrong?”“Dad, I am sorry. Please, what will happen to me if you send me away? “Mark begged.” Give me time and I will get our company back. Susan was my wife and I know that she doesn’t mean everything that she is doing. Ethan is the one at fault here and I regret all the
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Chapter 62
Huh…. if he knew how he needed that money? Peter was up to his throat with debts from all over. At least, it will compensate for the insults.After checking the location and making sure that it was safe, Peter took them to their house. He bid them goodbye and left for his house. He knew that Ethan won’t bother him this night like before.Ever since Susan came along, he rarely received late night calls from EthanIt was good to take a break from being a midnight errands boy. “Susan, thank you so much, I am going io enjoy my sleep tonight or maybe, I should get myself woman. It has been long “Peter muttered to himself.Luckily, there was food in the fridge. Karen had cooked dinner but the two of them didn’t have that much appetite. After taking a few bites, they both went upstairs.As they sat on the bed looking at each other, Susan couldn’t help but ask” Are you sure about this relationship? Are you sure that you will be able to love my baby? I need to know because I have never believe
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Chapter 63
“Forever “she said.“We will grow old together “he whispered back.Ethan reached his hands and grabbed her breast. Her breath hitched at the feel of his warm hands rubbing and he teasing her nipples tickled her. He watched them as they started swelling and becoming hard. Oh…..he loved to see the look on her face as he touched her most sensitive spots”“Touch me again “she requested as the man slid his fingers down to her stomach and then in between her legs. she was soaking wet already. It didn’t feel as if she was immersed in water but she just wanted his fingers deep.“Oh…. you naughty little slut. You like it when I add another one, right?’ he asked and then proceeded to insert another finger and then they were three of them trying to invade her inner most sensitive spot, making her feel wild and raw desire. She screamed at that moment.“Go deep…that feels so good. Gosh….. I have missed you so much “she moaned as he continued to finger fuck her. Anyway, she didn’t even know which
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Chapter 64
A short while later, Susan walked downstairs clad in a long black dress with a slit at the back. She had accompanied the look with a red-hot shoe and a black handbag. She was looking elegant and completely out of this world. This was the kind of life she was supposed to live and not some boring housewife. The world is yet to witness her greatness and people like Mark would not even be qualified to stand by her side.She smiled on noticing her prince charming. With him by her side, she can take on anyone.Ethan couldn’t look at anything else but her. She has suddenly got this powerful aura that has always attracted him to ladies.“You look splendid, love” he said as he spun her around so that he could look at her back” let me see what kind of a problem that you have at the back”Susan chuckled “You mean my butt? This man……. you are very hilarious. Anyway, it isn’t something that you haven’t had access to” The way he was looking at her, he was obviously flirting with her. “Hey, jus
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Chapter 65
Susan didn’t need to talk. Ethan took the document and tore it in to tiny pieces” haven’t you leaned to respect your leaders? Apologize and then go and prepare another document or I will reveal your secrets with Mark “Ethan directed coldly.“And remember that I have the evidence with me. You know where people with ugly secrets belong, to jail” Susan added with a sarcastic smile on her face“What! “The man’s eyes widened in fear. He really didn’t want to mess with Ethan but Susan was driving him crazy. He had known that one day the CEO position will be his and that was why he was working so hard to make himself a good candidate.“I apologize to you, ma’am. Please forgive me for my remarks” he said with his head bowed down. Susan looked at him with iciness and then replied “ I will not forgive you until the company files have been properly audited . if you come out clean then we can talk. You are dismissed and please get me the marketing manager. I need to have a word him” Susan direc
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Chapter 66
Ethan was back at home, he was in his study room wrapping up on work and he just felt like listening to what Devin was up to. The devil twins had kept quiet for a while and he figured out that they will be up to no good. So, he turned on the show and that was when he heard his brother’s voice.“What is he up to now?” Ethan thought. “And I am going to start. Please keep the calls coming and I will make sure to answer all of your questions. You know that Devin is the only man in this country that can keep you on the edge of your seat, right? Your seat is going to feel hot to the touch with anticipation. The thing is that I have this person very close me. Oh…..yeah, you heard it right .”“I don’t want to mention his name here because I know that he will tear me apart like hell. Huh …..but I don’t fear him at all. He can do his worst because this is firsthand information, dear listener. You will search but you will never find this gossip anywhere else. If you know what is best for yo
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Chapter 67
“Oh…. don’t fucking disturb my busy moments. Man, I have got a very beautiful woman and I am in the middle of something. Why can’t you stay out of Ethan’s affairs? Don’t you know how he gets? I warned you not to open your big mouth and that he didn’t want anyone to stress Susan. Seriously, I am fed up with you.” Damian yelled irritably.“Leave that vixen right now. I order you. So, you want to come to rescue me when I am dead. if anything happens to me. I swear that I will haunt you from beneath my grave, idiot. ” Devin cursed impatiently and cut off the phone conversation.“What a buzzkill. He always drives me insane with his irresponsible shit.” Babe, carry your things and leave my house. I have changed my mind. I don’t want to fuck anymore.” he said and the woman quickly went away after getting her tip.“Peter, if you don’t drive this car fast, I will strangle you right now. I need to catch up with that jerk. I know that he must be trying to hide away from me but I am not going to
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Chapter 68
At that time, Damian had parked outside only to see one of Ethan’s car leaving. He took his phone and called Ethan but he didn’t pick up. He became confused, he didn’t know what to do. If it wasn’t the fucking car that had broken down, he would have reached on time. Now, he knew that Devin will never forgive him for forsaking him.“What should I do now? Should I call Susan? No …. if I dare to, Ethan will probably lock me up too. I don’t want to go to any of his prisons. The guy is crazy “ he was talking to himself . Then an idea came into his head. He had to go and pay his family a visit ASAP.It was half past midnight when Damian arrived at the family mansion. His parents were already asleep when they heard him banging on the door. After the last encounter, they didn’t t expect the twins so soon. Nowadays, they never visited this much.His father opened the door and asked impatiently “Damian, what the hell are you doing in my house at this hour?” he was clearly not happy to see h
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Chapter 69
“What sort of a stupid question is that? You destroyed us. I hope that you start to recognize your mistakes instead of bickering around for nothing. Please just shut up and let us do what brought us here”They suddenly stopped at the parking lot. Even though, the compound was well illuminated, everywhere was quiet that it brought a heavy chill with it. Damian knew that it was highly unlikely that Ethan would be back home. so, he took his spare keys and unlocked the door The house was dark, so he reached out for the socket and switched on the lights.“Welcome family. Did you come to look for my trouble again?” Ethan was sitting in the dark looking as cold as never before. He just knew that they will pull this silly stunt on him. He lifted his glass of whiskey and asked again “Care for a drink with me?” he muttered sarcastically while looking at their shocked faces“Ethan, I thought that…….” Damian started to say but he cut him short.“You thought that I will still be out with Devin? F
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Chapter 70
“Damn arrogant son” Evans cursed under gritted teeth. The worst thing was that he was like that in his younger years and he couldn’t even remember how many times his father cursed him.In deed a leopard never changes his spots. He just got a carbon copy of himself as a son.“I heard you, Dad. You know my condition “Ethan said as he disappeared in to the room with Susan.The three had no option but to leave. They knew that Ethan will never listen to them no matter what they did. In fact, if they insisted, he will get agitated and throw them out of the house.“Ethan, come here. you are so stiff. I will give you a message and a lot of kisses so that you can lose that ugly frown on your face. Come on, which one will you prefer first.” Susan had lost her sleep all of a sudden. Seeing Ethan sad didn’t go well with her. She wanted to make him happy at all times and lift him up when he was down. She never wanted to do to him what Mark did to her. One should look out for her spouse in times o
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