All Chapters of Married To The CEO After Divorce: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
81 Chapters
Chapter 71
Susan’s’ heart started beating so fast. She had no idea on what exactly Devin said and that was making it difficult for her to explain herself because in the end she was pregnant with his kid but couldn’t afford to tell him. He didn’t deserve to know.“Why are you nervous, Huh?” He continued to press further.“Whether I am pregnant or not is none of your damn business. Mark, I fail to understand what it is that you want from me. We tried for 3 years and I never got pregnant. You and your family called me all sorts of names and now you want to come here and talk rubbish. Even if I was, I wouldn’t tell you. So, fuck off and leave me the hell alone” she pulled her hands back irritably.He had no shame to come to her with the nonsense. Susan could see how his face changed from curiosity to rage. He was still the same jerk that she knew from before who couldn’t hide his cowardness.“Susan, I had hoped that you were. I would have been the happiest man in this world. But why do you have to
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Chapter 72
When he saw the doctor hesitating, he grabbed his neck” Would you care to answer me now? I swear I wasn’t planning on touching you, idiot. “His eyes were already blazing red with fire. “The baby survived. Please take care of your wife more. The fall that she took could have harmed them both and I think that it is by luck that her child survived” the man stammered as he tried to catch his breath.“I don’t like people looking at me when I need answers” he shouted clearly out of control and the poor doctor had to be his punching bag.“Boss, snap out of it. If you kill him, who will take care of your wife? Why are you so impossible?” Peter was out of sight only for a few minutes and when he came back, he met such a ridiculous scene. This man was unbelievable. Must he be there to watch over him like a 5-year-old?“Get out of my sight” he yelled and then the doctor was glad to get away from him. Ethan was nervous, so nervous that he was uncontrollable. When the doctor took too long to ans
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Chapter 73
What was important to him was that there was another person who needed him for genuine reasons. He will never want to part from her.“Sleep well, love” he whispered in her ears.Back at the Goven Corporation, there was a serious meeting going on. The finance manager and the marketing manager had taken the chance that Susan was not around to incite the employees. It was all about power, they wanted her out of the company as soon as possible.“Comrades, I want to bring to your attention that our new CEO is indeed shameless. The reason why I am saying this is because I have a firsthand information on the kinds of a scandal that she has caused” the finance manager stood on the podium with a serous face.“Yeah, and shortly after this meeting, we will be inviting the media people to come and hear the side of our story. We will shame her all over the world. We cannot allow her to come and reap where she did not sow. You people saw how hard we have been working in this company. we have been
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Chapter 74
Inside the hospital room, a man sat on the couch with sharp eyes. He had been following on the meeting going on in the Goven corporation and he was glad that he wasn’t there because he would have killed the finance manager already.He was never stupid, he had ears and eyes everywhere and when his spy told him that there was a meeting, he quietly sent Peter to disguise himself and attend.“Stay on the ground and keep an eye on the two. I am on my way to the place right now” he said while looking deadly. How dare they make such an accusation on his wife? He will teach them a lesson that they will never forget.“As you wish boss” Peter replied.Meanwhile, Evans Griffins was just chilling out in his house. It was summer time. So, he had taken the opportunity to swim in the pool. But there was just something important missing, his wife. She had been angry with him since yesterday and he had run out of ways to make her forgive him.He couldn’t believe that the three devil boys were still m
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Chapter 75
Why was this man not moved? Damn bastard he knows something. Peter thought “What got me thinking was how the finance manager looked terrified. I don’t know who those people were. I sent our guys to pursue them but they disappeared into thin air. I wonder who they were? Wait a minute, do you have anything to do with this?” Peter asked“Are you bitching with me right now? off course those are my dad’s men. That man has eyes and ears all over. He must have heard something that didn’t go well with him and that is why he kidnapped that man. “Ethan said just like that “So, what do we do?” Peter asked.“Like I had said before, it is family business and I will handle it. Just go back to the company and take care of things there on my behalf” Ethan instructed as he turned his back and climbed in to his car.A few minutes later, he arrived at the secret hideout. He knew the location because he had been stalking his father secretly to know about his activities. He might be his father but he w
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Chapter 76
Susan woke up to a warm hand touching her face. She opened her eyes only to come face to face with the love of her life. Those sparkling green eyes will never fail to make her heart beat faster . Ethan looked different but all the same she was glad that he didn’t leave her side like Mark did in times of her need.His hands rested well on her belly as he felt the life inside. Oh…this man was the most unpredictable one. How could he be feared and gentle at the same time?“How long have I been sleeping “she asked as she lifted her head for a kiss. She couldn’t fight the temptation and he need to kiss him and feel his sweet scent.“For a while now, love. I have been here watching you like an angel.” the man said and hugged her to hide his face. He couldn’t bear to lie to her but it was necessary at the time. If she knew what he has been up to then she wouldn’t be laughing with him. But all the same, he had already taken care of the finance manager and now he was all hers.Ethan didn’t t
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Chapter 77
Susan shivered as she looked at the family in front of her. Oh…. God, why do they constantly like to fight? Why can’t they show each other that they cared? why the hell would they get worked up if they didn’t care about Ethan?She has never seen such unusual family in her life.She never even imagined that she would be a part of this after her disastrous family .“Dad, my wife doesn’t like violence but clearly you two love it. We can take this somewhere else, okay. I can be able to give you a good show. Now get it very well, this baby is mine and I do not want to ever hear this kind of a conversation ever again.” Ethan said as he shrugged off his father’s hands.Celia’s eyes clouded with tears.“But why can’t I feel happy, son? This is the one news that I have been waiting for all these years and honestly, I couldn’t have cared who you chose to get pregnant as long as the child was yours. Please my son, not her?” she begged.“Oh……Celia, we will never know but there is a DNA test avai
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Chapter 78
What the fucking hell was she even saying?“Hey……Hey……shut up. I do not want to hear about all this nonsense from you. You have no right to talk about yourself like that. I love you and that is all that matters. I know that you are nervous about the baby and that my parents will find out his paternity. I promise you that we will cross that bridge when we reach there. It is okay if they know but they can’t do anything if I decide to raise the baby, love…. look at me. We are in this together and I am not leaving you alone. It will only happen over my dead body.” Ethan has never talked to her like that. In fact, he caught her by surprise. All the words that she wanted to say remained stuck in her throat. What was there to say when he had made himself perfectly clear. Would she be the one on the wrong here? She will just end up making him more worked up than necessary.“I just don’t know, love.” her shoulders slumped as she bowed her head down in confusion.“Don’t do anything else, ju
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Chapter 79
At the break of dawn, she woke up from her sleep. She wanted to say her goodbyes and at least hug him for the last time. She needed to remind him that she loved him.But to her surprise, the place where he had slept in was empty. She stared at it and a lonely tear traveled on her cheeks. He had left early in the morning. Looking at the pillow besides her, there was a note in his handwriting saying that he will call soon.But why didn’t he wait for her to wake up? Why did he have the audacity to leave like that? Didn’t he know that she will miss him?Despite her sadness, she dressed up and went to work. Life must continue no matter what. Ethan has always kept his word and she knew that he will come back after a week.She was busy looking through the files when she noticed another file hidden away in a different cabinet. Clearly, the person intended for her or anybody else not to see it. She wondered what it contained because it seemed suspicious to her. So, the curiosity got better of
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Chapter 80
“I would like to watch you strip for me. I have missed that beautiful body so much that I can’t think of anything else. I would like to picture your body in my mind always when I get bored” he said as he stared at her with his sexy green eyes.“What! That is going to be a very difficult job. It would have been easy when you were here physically but over the camera, I can’t” she rejected him without a second thought.“What exactly do you fear? I have seen every part of it already. “he said. She was a shy woman and Ethan could see how embarrassed she was beginning to look but he was not going to give up. Susan was his and he was going to make her do whatever he wanted.“Look, you are supposed to be my personal slut and sometimes we got to go beyond our comfort zones in order to please each other. If you refuse to do as I say then I won’t call you for the rest of the week. That would be your punishment for denying me my right “he said sounding really disappointed.Why must he be this un
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