All Chapters of Married To The CEO After Divorce: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
81 Chapters
Chapter 31
Meanwhile, Peter was seated across from Ethan and he heard everything that he said. He couldn’t believe that such a cold man was capable of flirting.He wanted to laugh so loud but he was just holding himself. He didn’t want to be punched on the face.“Boss, you have fallen for her” Peter said absentmindedly. Of late, you are looking happy.“What! Stop talking nonsense, married people can decide to stay happy without being in love. What is so funny about this? Honestly, that sea had sailed for me” he said sadly and then added “finish telling me about what you found on Serena Moran” since she was related to Susan that made it his business.“Well, the shooting seems intentional. So far, I haven’t found any lead but the woman lived a simple and clean life. She had no enemies and so I think that someone might be hurting her to get to Susan. Susan adores that woman like no one else business.”“What should we do? Can you bring me that person so that I can kill him? ” he asked his face tur
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Chapter 32
Ethan turned pale. Those idiots haven’t changed at all. What did they want with Susan? They better not come near her again or hell will break lose. “Alright, it is time to go back home. I will drive” he offered and Susan held onto his hands. Inside the car, they chatted about general things and then she fell asleep as usual.Immediately they had settled home, Ethan heard an incoming car. There was a loud music in the car and the occupants seemed to be chatting loudly. No one needed to tell him that those were his troublesome brothers, Damian and Devin.The door was opened and they hurriedly entered inside. They found Ethan seated like a king on his favorite chair. He was drinking his glass of whiskey and his eyes were darker than the darkest cloud.“Hello……Baby brother … has it been? We have come to take away all your troubles. I think we have a better idea on how to deal with Mark and to get rid of Vivian off your chest. You are going to thank us, I promise.” Damian was the fi
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Chapter 33
“I don’t know, I love them and I hate them at the same intensity. They are fucking difficult to deal with and the only language that they understand is threats. Just don’t mind them, okay” he muttered with an emotionless expression.Susan hugged him and whispered in his ears” they might be unbearable but at least they tried to protect you unlike me who have a sister who does nothing but hurt me. Believe me that you are so lucky to have them.” she said as she leaned her head on his chest.This woman was exceptional. How could she defend the one who attacked her and insulted her? He wished that he could have such a heart but in the end people were never created the same. Some were softhearted and kind like Susan and others were evil and cold like him.Perhaps, she just needed someone to remind him that there was some good in the world. All his father ever taught him was to be tough. He has always told him that to succeed in this word you have to be evil.“By the way, my mom is being dis
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Chapter 34
“I will tell you on our way.” He replied as he rolled the sleeves of his white shirt ready for action.Immediately, they reached the dark alley, Peter knew at once that Ethan was up to something evil. He hasn’t visited this place for quite some time and now that he was not in the best moods ever, he couldn’t help but feel for the person.“Boss, you normally don’t come to this place in person. What happened to you sending me on these kinds of errands?”“Peter, shut up and mind your own business.” He shouted.They entered inside and saw Mark unconscious. His face looked bloody. He was lying on the floor lifeless and Ethan just looked at him with an emotionless expression.“Welcome, the devil king has arrived. Meanwhile, we told him how you got married to his wife and how you have been enjoying her body in the car and in the house.” Damian chuckled mischievously.“We have evidence. Should I show you one? Ethan how could you desire the slut when we have tried our best to give you the ver
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Chapter 35
“You love that woman, boss. Why don’t you just tell her? I have seen the way that she looks at you, her eyes don’t lie. Forget about this revenge thing and let yourself love. Sometimes, it is better to forgive and forget in order to find happiness”His mood darkened” stop talking, get the idiot out and make sure that you be discrete”“I understand boss” Peter replied fuming inside. He never listens to a word that he says and when he is sad, he takes it on him.On his way back home, Ethan couldn’t help but feel hollow. Susan has been ignoring him and the most important part was that he didn’t even know what he did wrong. If he could get access to her phone then perhaps, he could find out what made her angry.He opened the door and hanged his coat. Instead of going to his room, he went to Susan’s room and slept on her bed. Her scent was all over and it drove him crazy that she wasn’t there so that he could hug her and tell her how much he had missed her throughout the day.After some
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Chapter 36
“Serena or whatever you call yourself. Stay out of this, it is between me and Susan. She destroyed my life from the moment that she married me. All this time she lied to you that we were happy when I couldn’t stand her face and useless body.” Mark said with disgust.A slap landed on his cheeks, “ Are you done talking ? I am not an idiot. I know that you two are divorced and you spent the three years tormenting my daughter. I swear that if you don’t get out of here in 5 seconds, I am going to kill you, imbecile. Do you want to kill her for me?”“Mommy, you knew that we were divorced ….” Susan was so surprised that she couldn’t contain her emotions. Here she felt so guilty for hiding this from her mother yet she already knew everything.“Of course, sweetie. How could I not? It is all written all over your face and it is the fault of this idiot. I will make him regret. I warned you, child but you never listened to me. Anyway, it is okay . People learn from their mistake and move on wit
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Chapter 37
“Handover, the Goven corporation in North city and it has to be under Susan’s name. It is the least that you can do after she has been a good wife to you for three years. Did you think that you can divorce her without any compensation?”“But my parents will kill me. The branch is doing well now and I don’t want to disappoint them since they have a future plan of handing it over to my brother.” he lamented.“The minutes are counting and you know that I am not a very patient man. Be thankful that I am not even asking you for the parent company. Besides, you know that I will take it from you by force if I wanted to. I am only being fair here and I keep on asking myself why I keep on sparing your life and that of your parents?”Susan knew that Ethan was deadly but she didn’t know how far he can go. But then, this arrogant asshole has destroyed her life and made her a laughing stock when all that she wanted was a good life. It is time for the payback. She will accept the little token of ap
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Chapter 38
“I do…” she smiled and then remembered that there was someone in their midst looking at them with confusion.“Susan Cross, you better start explaining things to me right now or I will get really angry. What the hell are you doing with Ethan Griffins? “Serena said with a serious face. ” She used to think that this man was heartless and now she was surprised that he came to save her.She was really lost here.“Hello Serena. I guess that you two have so many things to talk about. I will leave for the meantime but I will come back for my wife tomorrow. Take a very good care of her, will you?” Ethan said and then kissed Serena’s cheeks” There will be someone outside looking out for the two of you” he added and then turned his back on the two.“Now sit down and start talking, Susan “Serena said after they went back to the house.When the woman called her by her name, she knew that she was in trouble. The moment of truth has come and she will have to tell her everything, absolutely everythin
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Chapter 39
“Yeah……. I have considered all my options but the thing is that I want to take my chances with him now that he has told me that he loved me. You don’t know how refreshing it felt for him to tell me those words. I really want to experience these feelings with him, even if it would be just for a few months or years. I will be happy as long as I had the chance instead of never having any at all”“Come here, sweet girl. I understand you and I will support you with all that I have got, okay.”“Thank you, Mommy. Can we go to sleep? I feel so exhausted “Susan, leaned on her side as they stood up together and went to the bedroom. That night, she slept at peace. The problems that had been burdening her shoulder had been lifted at long last.When she woke up, she got startled. Besides her, sat the man with the most gorgeous green eyes ever. She never imagined that it would be this beautiful to look at them until today.She was afraid to look at them before but not today.“Ethan, how long have y
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Chapter 40
The problem was that she kept on referring to Ethan as her husband yet Karen already knew that his boss was married to Susan, the sweet girl.“Hi Karen, shouldn’t you be waiting for us inside the house?” Susan asked while getting really nervous. Whenever she was happy, something bad will happen to destroy everything. But today, no matter what it is, she will never give up on Ethan.“Yes….…..but I need to tell you something …..”she started to say but then Susan heard a familiar voice, her heart started pounding so hard on her chest. She clenched her teeth anxiously while looking at the approaching figure impatiently. she wanted an alone time with Ethan but now it looks like it was just an imagination in her stupid head. Why was it that when things were finally falling in to place, the she devil had to appear?“Hello darling husband “Vivian greeted as she walked out of the house while clad in a white gown.” Where did you go this early in the morning? Didn’t you read my text? We wer
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