All Chapters of Married To The CEO After Divorce: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
81 Chapters
Chapter 41
Tears threaten to wet her eye but no she will never shed another tear for her. She had done it over the years and it was enough.“Vivian, I thought that you are the actress with countless men on your disposals. Please don’t embarrass yourself by throwing yourself at him. He doesn’t want you. “Susan said this remembering the images on her phone that Vivian sent her on the day that she decided to go and stay with her mother.“And you think that he is interested in second hand goods like your?” Vivian fired back. “Ethan has never been interested in you. Accept it and move on. This is one man that you will never be able to get your hands on and I am telling you this for free. Did you think that by striping for him, he would sleep with you? Well, he has me and I satisfy him so well. So stop sending me those disgusting images of your ugly body” Susan added, it was about time to stand up for herself. “What! I don’t know what you are talking about “Vivian denied her immediately. It happened
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Chapter 42
Susan pouted her face funnily. “I just feel pressured. Will you kiss her at the launch? Will you hug her and hold her tight? I am already jealous and I can’t help it but feel sad” she confessed meaning every word.The man held her tight in his arms “I am not going to lie to you but things are not going to be easy on us. All I know is that I believe in us that we can pass through anything in this world. You just have to trust in me. When all this is over, then we can live our life and forget everybody else” he pinched her cheeks and she immediately turned red.Someone cleared her voice and it was then that they saw Karen standing in the living room looking at them with a smile on her face.“Ma’am, it is good to see you again. How are you doing? I will go and prepare for you a hot bath in your room then lunch will be ready. Just name whatever that you want to eat and I will prepare it for you.” Karen was so excited to see Susan. “Thank you, Karen but I am not angry. The only thing tha
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Chapter 43
His lips landed on her mouth and at that point, she needed not to talk anymore. He wanted to feel, to experience yet another round of nothing but pure sweetness. It made him feel alive.Tears rolled on the side of her eyes as he plunged deeper and took complete control of her mouth, teasing and exploring just the way he does it better.This has been what she has been dreaming of, it has been giving her sleepless nights and now that she had him, she was still scared. Susan was afraid that he was too good to be true and that maybe he was just taking her for a wild ride.She didn’t have the patience for another failure in life. she only wanted the best for herself and her baby. “You are not giving yourself to me wholly. come on, I can feel that you are holding back. What is wrong love? We are supposed to be on the same page here.” He muttered and Susan could feel the disappointments in his voice.“I just love you too much and I don’t want to share you with anybody not even my sister.
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Chapter 44
“Yes…. I wish that you would stay for the rest of the afternoon but I guess that I can’t demand too much of your time. I don’t want to be a nagging wife.” But she realized that he was silent. He seems to be deep in thought.Ethan was still staring at a daze when he felt soft hands touching his chin” Don’t worry, I understand” she kissed his lips and smiled for him” I know that you are going to the event for your mother’s sake and I know better than to try and stop you. Just do what you have to do and I will be here waiting for you.”With a worried face, he stood up and announced “I am sorry, love but I have to go. Pleas be calm, I will be back sooner than you think” he caressed her cheeks and then went to the shower. A moment later, he came back wearing his usual custom-made suits. For him, every occasion was special and a good presence was necessary. He didn’t dress up for Vivian but he had Susan in mind when he was putting on that suit. Just imagining them walking together withou
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Chapter 45
The crowd was quiet as everyone focused their eyes on the man of the day. He looked serious and handsome as always. Women just ogled on his looks.“What I would like you all to know is that Susan Cross is a very special woman to me. I helped her when she had no one, not even her family was available that is why we are fond of each other very much. For now, I don’t want to talk more about her because some of you will misinterpret my words but I want you people to leave her in peace. Don’t mention her anywhere in your media gossip and don’t cross her. She is not the one whose movie is being launched today, okay. “Ethan could see his parents’ throwing daggers at him.“Well, if you don’t have any other thing to talk about then we will take our seats” Ethan said emotionlessly, glad that he had been able to compose himself all this while.“Just one last thing before we let you go with your soon to be wife “another person interrupted. “We as the media people, we value and love you for the
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Chapter 46
“You are hurting me, Ethan. what is wrong with you?” Vivian cried out.“Is anything the matter? Ethan, why are your shouting?” Ariel asked while hugging her daughter. Haven’t you hurt her enough? Look at her, she is beautiful, successful and elegant. What more do you want in a woman?” Seeing her protect Vivian like that made her look like a coward especially when he remembered that Susan had no love from her.“Like daughter like mother. Is she the only child that you have? I don’t even know why God gave you a child when you don’t even want to take care of them. You spoil and teach one bad manner and then you abandon the other one.”“I am sorry, but how I raise my kids is none of your business. What I won’t take is your continuous disregard for Vivian. would it hurt you to show her just a little affection?”This was not the boy who used to love her presence. She didn’t know where everything changed along the way. All of a sudden, Ethan didn’t want anything to do with her.Ethan didn’t
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Chapter 47
Wait a minute! he remembered sleeping with Susan last night but why the hell was he in a hotel room? he looked at his side and saw Vivian deeply asleep. He quickly lifted the quilt and saw that he was indeed naked. He had slept with Vivian without protection. How the hell would he fucking explain this to Susan? He has cheated on her when he had promised her that he will never do it. what if Vivian gets pregnant? A lot of thoughts were going on in his mind and he didn’t know what to do anymore.Ethan tapped on Vivian’s shoulder. she woke up while rubbing her sleepy eyes.” Fucking explain what happened in here. I told you that I never wanted to get involved with your shitty nonsense.” his voice sounded cold and Vivian started getting nervous.“Can’t you see, we slept together. why are you even worried? we are getting married in a week, so it is not such a big deal” Susan said as he stared at her with daggers.If looks could kill, he would have already done so long time ago. Ethan did
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Chapter 48
“Bastards, I will transfer the money in a minute, okay. But I promise that you will return that money one day.” Immediately, he took his phone and initiated the process. He knew that they would always find a way to bribe him for money. But he would be glad to find a solution from them because now his mind wasn’t working at all.“I knew that Vivian was a bitch. But don’t worry, brother. we are here for you and we will protect you from her. Although, we don’t like Susan, Vivian is even worst. We have had her on our radar for awhile now and we will be happy to help you with her” Damian suggested. “Well …good luck with getting rid of her when I am marrying her in one week.”“You sure will find a way to tell her off. we will handle our mother for you. You know that she loves and listens us. As for father, you will just have to fight with him until you be on the same page. Tell him that you aren’t in love with Vivian and make him understand. He is like a robot , I never liked his commandi
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Chapter 49
“Darling, I am so happy to see you. Shall we?” she was eagerly looking forward to the date. She hoped that Ethan would show her a little more love than he had been doing lately. She was also a woman and she yearned for good things apart from wealth.“It’s nothing, I will help you with the seat belt. “Ethan said gently startling Vivian. This man hasn’t talked to her for a whole week. He must be up to something but anyway it didn’t matter. All that she wanted was to enjoy a good time with him.This was a rare chance that comes once in a while.Ethan needed her to be calm because this was the last day that he was going to look at her face and be at her presence. She raised an eye brow as she asked “Are you sure that you aren’t angry at me for drugging you the other night and sleeping with you?” some part of her still didn’t believe him but she was getting confused by the minute. He usually yelled at her but why was he being this nice to her today?“Not at all. I don’t like holding grudg
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Chapter 50
“If you dare to tell anyone about what happened between us the other night, I will banish your family from this city. I hope that you know that I don’t joke around. I have had it up to my throat with your continuous pestering. Your family might be friends with my mother but I couldn’t care less. So, you will have to think very carefully about this matter before you open your big mouth. I hope that I am being crystal clear to you.”“I hate you so much. How could you do this to me, bastard? I gave you everything. ““No..… wanted my money . Now, get out of my car before I get rid of you myself” he yelled and Vivian had no choice but to climb down. Tears rolled on her face like no one else business. This man has managed to break her heart in away that she hadn’t imagined.The car sped off in a jiffy as Vivian watched her future slip away from her hands.At that moment, she wasn’t even worried about herself but her mother. She knew that she won’t accept it that they have lost and she
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