Semua Bab MOONFall : Bab 11 - Bab 20
54 Bab
Chapter Eleven: The Truth
Chapter Eleven: The TruthAria’s POV: I sat beside Lyraeus, his chest rising and falling with labored breaths. Ryker stood nearby, his eyes watchful. I reached out, taking Lyraeus’ hand in mine. “Ryker, I’m so sorry… I never meant to put Lyraeus in danger. I was so stupid to run off like that.”Ryker’s expression softened. “Aria, it’s not your fault. Lyraeus’ condition has nothing to do with you. He’s been struggling with a curse, and his mind is playing tricks on him.”I frowned, confusion etched on my face. “What curse?” Ryker’s lips pressed into a tight line, his silence telling me he wouldn’t elaborate. I turned my attention to Lyraeus, his words still echoing in my mind. “What did Lyraeus mean, Ryker? What did he mean by my pack causing the rift between our packs?”Ryker’s eyes narrowed, his gaze piercing. “Are you sure you’re ready for the truth, Aria?”I steeled myself, my heart pounding. “Yes, I’m ready, I need to know.”Ryker’s expression turned grave, and he nodded, his e
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Chapter 12: Thawing Ice
Chapter 12: Thawing IceAria’s POV:Lyraeus sat up, his eyes lingering on mine, his expression unreadable. I gazed back at him, tears still welling up in my eyes. “I’m sorry, Lyraeus,” I whispered, my voice cracking. “I’m so sorry for causing you pain, for being a part of the pack that destroyed your family.”Lyraeus rolled his eyes, a sarcastic smile twisting his lips. “Oh, spare me the tears, Aria. You’re not responsible for the sins of your pack.”But then his gaze softened, his voice taking on a hint of care. “But if you want to fight back for what’s rightfully yours, stop crying about it and do something. You’re not a victim, Aria. You’re a survivor.”I sniffled, feeling a surge of determination. “But I don’t know how to defend myself against Kael, Eliana, and the traitors in the court.”Lyraeus stood up, his movements fluid and graceful. He walked over to the couch and turned to Ryker. “What do you think we should do, Ryker? Sit around and twiddle our thumbs or gather some allia
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Chapter Thirteen: The search Begins
Chapter 13: The Search BeginsLyraeus’ POV: As the night wore on and the darkness threatened to consume me once more, Aria’s voice cut through the haze, her touch a comforting anchor amidst the storm raging within my mind. “You’re not alone, Lyraeus,” she murmured, her words a gentle reassurance as she held my trembling hands in hers. “It was just an illusion, a trick of the mind. You’re here with me, safe and sound.”Her words were a balm to my wounded soul, a reminder that even in my darkest moments, I was not alone. With her guidance, I found the strength to push back against the shadows that threatened to consume me, to reclaim control over my fractured mind. With Aria’s steady support, we made our way back to the safety of the house, where Ryker awaited us with a watchful gaze. As we entered, I couldn’t shake the lingering sense of unease that clung to me like a second skin—a reminder of the darkness that lurked just beneath the surface, waiting to strike when least expected.
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Chapter Fourteen: Kaida's Wrath
Chapter 14: Kaida’s wrathLyraeus’ POV: As we trudged back to my hideout, the weight of our failed mission at the Shadow Fang Pack hung heavy in the air. Aria's usually determined stride faltered, her shoulders slumping with defeat. Aria crossed her arms, her face set in a stubborn expression. “I don’t see the point of continuing this mission. The Shadow Fang Pack hates me, and they’ll never agree to help me.”I looked at her with a hint of amusement in my eyes, few days ago she was eager to get what was rightfully hers but now all I saw in her was frustration and disappointment. “I can’t do this, Lyraeus,” she muttered, her voice heavy with self-doubt. “They were right about me. I’m just a liability, a liability who gave her birthright to a man all because of love. Maybe I should leave, be a rogue like you and Ryker were that would be fair enough, suffer the same pain you both suffered.”Her words pierced through the silence, each one a dagger to my heart. Before I could stop her,
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Chapter fifteen: Tyranny and Decay
Chapter 15: Tyranny and DecayKael’s POV: Suddenly, the doors burst open, and a figure from my past stride in… Akita. “Akita!!!!” I blurted out loud in amusement.Akita’s eyes scanned the room, taking in the opulent decorations and the throne I sat on. A sly grin spread across his face as he approached me. “Kael, my old friend,” he said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. “I see you’ve done well for yourself. The throne suits you.” I raised an eyebrow, intrigued by his sudden appearance. “Akita. It has been a long time. What brings you to my court?”Akita’s grin grew wider as he bowed low. “I’ve come to pay my respects to the new alpha. And to offer my services, of course just like old times.”I leaned back on my throne, skeptical. “Your services? What could you possibly offer me, Akita?”Akita’s eyes gleamed with ambition. “You know I have skills, Kael. Skills that would be valuable to an alpha such as yourself. Skills that could help you maintain your power and crush your enemies.
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Chapter Sixteen: Failure and Fury
Chapter 16: Failure and FuryLyraeus’ POV: I stood at the window, lost in thought, my gaze fixed on Aria’s carefreeness by the lake. Her laughter and playful splashes with the water creatures momentarily lifted my spirits. But the tranquility was short-lived. Ryker’s entrance was announced by the soft creak of the door, and I sensed a heaviness in his footsteps. My gaze remained on Aria, but my attention shifted to Ryker’s reflection in the windowpane. His usual composure was replaced by a somber expression, his eyes troubled. “Lyraeus, I have some rather bad news regarding Aria’s case,” Ryker said, his voice low and measured. I turned to face him, my eyes locking onto his. “What is it, Ryker?”Ryker’s words hit me like a blow. “Words reaching me are that Elder Lyra, Aria’s maternal aunt, her only surviving relative…is dead. Murdered by Kael during a protest after he locked up the entire elders.”My heart sank, a pang of sorrow and pity washing over me. I turned back to gaze at Ar
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chapter Seventeen: Secrets and Alliances
Chapter 17: Secrets and AlliancesAria’s POV: My eyes fluttered open, and the memories came flooding back. My aunt’s death, Kael’s betrayal, the pain and grief that threatened to consume me. I felt a fresh wave of tears prick at the corners of my eyes, and I let out a sob. Just as I was surrendering to my sorrows, the door creaked open, and Lyraeus walked in. His presence was like a ray of sunlight, piercing through the darkness that had enveloped me. My tears faltered, my gaze fixed on Lyraeus as he approached me. His eyes were filled with a deep understanding, but also a hint of frustration. “Aria, crying won’t help you out of this situation,” he said gently, but firmly. My sadness gave way to anger, my eyes flashing at Lyraeus. “What would help me, then?” I demanded, my voice trembling. “You’ve been saying that for weeks, but I’m still stuck in this nightmare!”Lyraeus’ expression remained calm, but his eyes blazed with intensity. “You need to put yourself together, Aria. Figh
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Chapter Eighteen: Uprising
Chapter 18: Uprising Aria’s POV: I sat beside Lyraeus, my heart pounding in my chest as I watched his labored breathing. The room was eerily quiet, the shadows cast by the flickering candles creating an atmosphere of uncertainty and fear. My hands trembled as I held his, willing him to stay with me. His skin was pale, almost ghostly, and I could feel the heat radiating from his body.“I’m here,” I whispered, my voice cracking with emotion. “I’ll care for you. Don’t leave me.”The memories of the past few hours swirled in mind. The meeting with the allies, the desperate plea for their support, and now this. Lyraeus had been my only rock, my unwavering support, and now he was slipping away with every attack.I felt a tear roll down my cheek as I brushed a strand of hair away from his forehead. “You promised me, Lyraeus,” I murmured. “You promised we’d get through this together.”His eyes fluttered open for a brief moment, the blue of his irises barely visible through the haze of pain.
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Chapter Nineteen: Close Call
Chapter 19: Close CallLyraeus’ POV:The forest around me was blur as I raced through the underbrush, every muscle in my body straining to move faster. Aria’s scream echoed in my mind, spurring me on. I had seen the Shadow Stalkers drag her away, their swift movements almost imperceptible. I reached the border of the Shadow Fang territory and paused, my senses alert. The scent of the Stalkers lingered in the air, a trail I could follow. With a growl, I shifted into my Lycan form, feeling the familiar surge of power as my bones and muscles transformed. Every second counted. The trail led deeper into the forest, winding through dense thickets and rocky terrain. I moved silently, my heightened senses picking up every sound, every shift in the wind. The scent grew stronger, mingled with the unmistakable odor of damp earth and decaying leaves. I found the cave entrance, hidden behind a curtain of ivy and moss. The air around it was thick with the smell of the Shadow Stalkers. They were
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Chapter Twenty: Unspoken understanding
Chapter 20: Unspoken Understanding Aria’s POV: Kaida took a step back, her palpable in the night air. “Lyraeus, please, I…”“No excuses,” Lyraeus growled, his voice low and threatening. He took a step forward, his presence imposing. “You abducted Aria.”Kaida’s eyes darted to me, searching for sympathy at the same time it showed her hate for me. “Aria isn’t needed her, she doesn’t belong to you, Lyraeus. She’s a danger to you and to ……” “Save it,” Lyraeus cut her off, his voice stronger than he felt. The memories of my captivity, the pain, and the fear surged back, fueling his anger. “You think you are smarter and wiser than the moon goddess?” Lyraeus moved closer to Kaida, his eyes burning with fury. “Are you smarter than the moon goddess?” He asked, his voice growling in anger. Her lip quivered as she struggled to find words. “I…I was only trying to protect you and the rest of the pack, Lyraeus. A Blackwood like her only means doom on us.”“You chose the wrong side,” he said co
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