All Chapters of MOONFall : Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
54 Chapters
Chapter 41: shattered Illusions
Chapter 41: Shattered IllusionsKael’s POV: The throne room was dimly lit, the flickering torches casting an intimate glow on the stone walls. I sat back on my throne, savoring the power that surged through me. The young maid beside me trembled, a mix of fear and desire in her eyes. Her hands hesitated, but I guided them, enjoying the control I held over her. “Come closer,” I whispered, my voice a command wrapped in velvet. She obeyed, her breath hitching as I pulled her onto my lap. My hands roamed freely, her soft gasps echoing in the silence. The thrill of domination coursed through me, blinding me to the sound of the door creaking open. Eliana walked in, her face pale as she stared at us with shock in her eyes. My initial surprise quickly shifted to cold indifference. “Kael!” she shouted, her voice echoing off the stone walls. I looked up, my expression impassive. “Eliana,” I said flatly. “Care to join us?”The maid leaped off my lap, her face flushed with embarrassment. She
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Chapter 42: Gambit
Chapter 42: GambitEliana’s POV:The whispers started as soon as dawn broke, spreading like wildfire through the pack. Everywhere I turned, I could see the sneers, hear the hushed conversations. Kael humiliated me in the worst possible way, and now I was a public disgrace. The very people I had once commanded with an iron fist now looked at me with a mix of pity and scorn. I sat in my chambers, my mind racing. Kael’s betrayal was a wound that cut deeper with every passing moment, but it also ignited a fire within me. I felt used, discarded, but I would not let him have the last laugh, nor would I let this smear the image I’ve worked hard to build. “Milady,” a timid voice called from the doorway. It was one of the younger maids, her eyes wide with fear. “The Alpha requests your presence in the Great Hall.”I stood, smoothing down my dress and composing myself. I would not give them the satisfaction of seeing me break. As I walked through the corridors, heads turned, and the whispers
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Chapter 43: Rift
Chapter 43: Rift. Aria’s POV: The news of Kael and Eliana’s issues reached me through Elder Ravenwood, who claimed to have an insider feeding him information. I listened intently, my heart heavy with a mix of emotions. Kael’s downfall brought a twisted sense of satisfaction, but the news of Eliana’s disgrace stirred something unexpected within me.“Are you sure this information is reliable?” I asked, my eyes narrowing at Ravenwood. He nodded, his expression solemn. “My source is close to Kael. They have no reason to lie.”I paced the room, my thoughts racing. Eliana’s betrayal still stung, but I couldn’t ignore the opportunity this presented. Kael’s pack was fracturing, and if Eliana was turning against him, then perhaps there was a chance to exploit that weakness. “We need to act,” I said finally. “If Eliana is looking for revenge, we can use that to our advantage. But we must be cautious. Kael is still dangerous.”Lyraeus, who had been listening quietly, stepped forward. “We nee
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Chapter 44: Allies and Enemies
Chapter 44: Allies and EnemiesLyraeus’ POV: I stood by the edge of the training grounds, watching Aria spar with Ryker. Each strike, each dodge, each maneuver was executed with a precision that spoke volumes of her determination and growing skills. I admired her resilience, her unwavering commitment to preparing for the battles ahead, but my heart ached at the growing distance between us.Since our argument that morning, Aria had been avoiding me. Every attempt I made to speak with her was met with cold indifference or outright dismissal. It was as if a chasm had opened up between us, one that I didn't know how to bridge. I turned away from the training session, my mind shifting to more pressing matters. The information I had received about the Blood Moon Pack’s enforcement was troubling. Kael was bolstering his forces, preparing for an all-out assault. We needed to be ready. I headed to the planning room, where I spread out a map of the territory on the table. I traced the routes
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Chapter 45: Sneaking Shadows
Chapter 45: Sneaking ShadowsLyraeus’ POV: “Do you have any information on the traitor?” I asked lieutenant Jason. He shook his head in affirmative, “Yes, Lyraeus. The traitor lives with you. He seems to be an elder that escaped from Kael’s den,” he replied, his voice barely above a whisper. I knew it. I knew Elder Ravenwood wasn’t real about his words. He was indeed a traitor. But why would he sell Aria out if he truly loved her?I stood at the edge of the training grounds watching Aria and Ryker train. They seemed to have taken their training so seriously that I felt left out. I stood there watching from the edge, my fists clenched at my sides. Aria and Ryker were sparring, their movements fluid and synchronized. Ryker was laughing, tucking a stray lock of hair behind Aria’s ear. My chest tightened with a jealousy I couldn’t suppress. It felt like a knife twisting in my gut every time I saw them together.Aria’s laugh rang out, clear and bright. She seemed happier, lighter, when
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Chapter 46: Race against Time
Chapter 46: Race against TimeLyraeus’ POV: Early the next morning Aria came knocking at my door, I was not in a good mood to engage in her story. “Lyraeus, please open up, we need to talk,” she said, knocking endlessly. I was quiet, my mind wavering from last night's event. Why was she so bent on believing Elder Ravenwood when he clearly was selling her out to the enemy? Was it a thing with the Blackwood family to trust blindly? “Elder Ravenwood is meeting with a spy from Blood Moon Pack tonight, we can follow him to know if he’s saying the truth or not,” she added, her voice breaking in tiredness. “We will follow him,” I finally replied. For the rest of the day I stayed up in my chambers ignoring everyone including Ryker. I needed my alone time to reflect on myself and my thoughts. Later that night the moon hung low in the sky, casting an eerie glow over the dense forest as I made my way to a secluded spot. Elder Ravenwood had insisted this was where we would find a spy from
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Chapter 47: The Curse
Chapter 47: The Curse Aria’s POV:The forest was still dark, shadows twisting around us as we sat there staring at Lyraeus’ still form. He wasn’t moving, he certainly was breathing but he looked so pale. I was scared, so was Ryker and the rest of the lieutenants. With each passing minute our fear grew rapidly. “It was a trap! Elder Ravenwood was in on this along with the so-called spy,” Lieutenant Jason said, his voice hoarse and raged with anger. The rest of the lieutenants present nodded in agreement. I felt betrayed, nervous and scared. ‘Was it really true that Elder Ravenwood was working hand in hand with Kael?’ This question kept gnawing at me. The previous night he had told me how he ran off from the Blood Moon Pack with the help of my guards he had helped in the past. He had no reason to lie to me. Was he truly in on this attack? Why did he run off the very second Thorne appeared? What was going on? Ryker placed his hands on my shoulder bringing me out of my thoughts, I tu
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Chapter 48: Primal Attraction
Chapter 48: Primal Attraction Aria’s POV: I sat by Lyraeus’ bedside, the weight of guilt pressing down on me like a physical burden. His face, usually so full of life and strength, was now pale and drawn. The curse had taken its toll, leaving him in the deep, unyielding coma. I reached out, my fingers brushing against his, and felt a pang of regret. If only I had been more aware, more attentive to the signs. Minutes turned into hours as I stayed by his side, refusing to leave him alone to his suffering. I tended to his body, cleaned his face and whispered words of encouragement and reassurance, hoping against hope that he could hear me. The pack had grown concerned, but I couldn’t bring myself to leave him, not even for a moment.That evening, as the moon cast its silver light through the window, Lyraeus began to stir. His face contorted in pain, and he murmured incoherently. I leaned closer, my heart racing. “Lyraeus, it’s me, Aria. I’m here,” I whispered, hoping my voice would re
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Chapter 49: Lycan's Shadows.
Chapter 49: Lycan’s Shadows.Eliana moved stealthily through the corridors of the Blood Moon Pack’s stronghold, her heart pounding in her chest. Her mission was clear: eliminate Kael’s mistress. The murder was the first step in reclaiming control over her shattered life.She found Lyla, Kael’s mistress, she was in the servants’ quarters mending a torn dress. Lyla was beautiful, with her long dark hair and a serene expression that bellied the chaos she had unknowingly caused. Eliana’s hands trembled as she approached, but she steeled herself. This had to be done.“Lyla,” she called softly, her voice steady despite the turmoil inside her. Lyla looked up, surprise flickering in her eyes. “Luna Eliana? What are you doing here? How may I help you?” Eliana gave her a devilish smile. “I came so we could talk, since we both share the same man now.” Lyla froze at her words, Eliana may seem calm and understanding on the outside but deep inside she was a devil who would destroy everything and
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Chapter 50: Divided Loyalties
Chapter 50: Divided Loyalties Whispers began to spread all around the Blood Moon Pack, the tension crackling in the pack was like a static before a storm. Kael’s words were like a sting in their hearts: Aria, a traitor!!!“Alpha Kael is right on this one,” one of the pack members, a woman named Lenora, spoke up. “If Aria really allied with the one who killed her father, Our Alpha, then that makes her a traitor.”The rest of the pack members' eyes flashed with cunning. “Aria really turned her back on us, her own family. She has chosen to align herself with the monster who slaughtered our beloved Alpha.”Murmurs of anger and betrayal rippled through the rest of the pack members present at the Pack house that evening. Despite the hardships under Kael’s rule, the idea of siding with the enemy of their fallen Alpha was unthinkable.“Why should we trust her now?” Lenora added. “She betrayed us by siding with the Lycan. We must stand united against this threat.”Despite the famine and Kael’
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