All Chapters of MOONFall : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
54 Chapters
Chapter 21: Spies and ominous message
Chapter 21: Spies and Ominous MessageLyraeus’ POV: I turned to see Ryker emerging from the shadows, his expression was serious. He glanced at Aria, then back to me, his gaze full of urgency.“What is it, Ryder?” I asked, helping Aria stand upright. “We’ve got an unexpected visitor,” he said. “It’s Akita, Kael’s friend and ally.”Akita’s arrival couldn’t be a coincidence. I nodded at Ryker and turned to shocked and confused Aria. “We need to strategize. Let’s head back to the camp.”As we walked, the air was thick with unspoken tension. Aria stayed close, her presence a constant reminder of the emotions I was trying to suppress. When we reached the camp, Akita was waiting, his eyes sharp and calculating. “Lyraeus,” he greeted me with a nod. “We need to talk.”“What’s happened?” I asked, motioning for him to have a sit in my chambers. Akita’s gaze flicked to Aria briefly he focused on me. “Kael is making moves. I’ve intercepted some of their communications. He’s planning something
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Chapter 22: Distance and Deception
Chapter 22: Distance and DeceptionLyraeus’ POV:The days that followed were a blur of activity. I threw myself into the mission, strategizing with Ryker and Akita, coordinating our spies, and reinforcing our defenses. Every waking moment was consumed with preparations, leaving no room for distractions —especially not the distraction that Aria had become. She tried to get close to me, her concern and confusion evident. Every time she approached, I found an excuse to busy myself with something else. It wasn’t easy, and the look of hurt in her eyes cut deeper than any blade.I pored over the maps, my mind racing with strategies and contingency plans. My chambers was quiet, the only sound was the scratching of my pen on parchment. Suddenly, a soft voice broke the silence. “Lyraeus?” I didn’t look up, my gaze fixed on the maps. “I’m busy, Aria. Later, maybe.”The silence that followed was heavy, weighted with unspoken words. I could feel her eyes on me, her concern and confusion palpab
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Chapter 23: Turmoil and Tactics
Chapter 23: Turmoil and TacticsAria’s POV: As I stood there I felt like my entire body was being ripped apart by Lyraeus’ words. I knew he was right but I never expected those words from him. Ryker was right as well, I should be more serious about my mission, but I just couldn’t take my mind off what he said. What does he mean by ‘He has little time to help around’? Is it related to the curse that consumes him? Would he die? He was my mate, right? As his mate I deserve to know what was going on in his life, but all he did was just block me out of his life. I walked out of his chambers as I headed for the lake, that was the only place I could find peace for my troubled thoughts. Lila was restless, it wasn’t like he rejected me but those words hurt so bad. As I sat there staring at the waters I couldn’t help but shed a tear, there I was thinking of a possibility of having him to myself as my mate… he was the only man I had felt something so strong for. Kael’s connection didn’t feel
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Chapter 24: Fractured Trust
Chapter 24: Fractured TrustAria’s POV:As Ryker walked out of the room, I hesitated. My eyes followed his retreating figure before darting back to Lyraeus, who stood at the table, his expression unreadable. The silence stretched between us, thick and suffocating. I couldn’t take it anymore. “Lyraeus,” I said, my voice trembling with a mix of anger and hurt. “We need to talk.” He looked up, his eyes narrowing slightly. “Now isn’t the time, Aria. You need to go with Ryder, training calls.”I scoffed at his words. “Now you want me to train with Ryker now? What happened to you being my master?” I asked, my voice slowly turning into anger. He walked back to his desk, his hands running through his hair. “We have a mission ahead of us, Aria. If you need your title as Alpha and the safety of your people then you should be out there training your butt off with Ryker.”I stepped closer, refusing to back down. “You can’t keep using the mission as an excuse to avoid this. To avoid us.”His j
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chapter 25 : snare
Chapter 25: SnareLyraeus’ POV: Sleep eluded me, the weight of my emotions a heavy burden that pressed down on my chest. The argument with Aria replayed in my mind, her hurt expression haunting me. Zephyr was restless, his restless presence in my mind a constant reminder of what I had pushed away. “Why did you have to push her so hard?” Zephyr’s voice echoed, his anger palpable. “I did it for her,” I muttered, staring at the ceiling. “To keep her safe.”“Safe? Or to protect yourself?” Zephyr countered, his tone biting. “What if she finds peace with Ryker? What if you don’t die in three months? What then?”I clenched my fists, trying to block out the questions. They gnawed at me, a festering wound that refused to heal. The thought of Aria finding solace in Ryker’s arms was unbearable, but I had to face the possibility. My time was limited, and I couldn’t afford to let my feelings cloud my judgement. The hours stretched on, and I finally gave up on sleep, rising from the bed with a
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Chapter 26: Shattered Trust
Chapter 26: Shattered TrustKaida’s fingers trailed over Lyraeus’ chest, her touch like fire against his skin. Lyraeus’ mind was foggy and he tried to push her away, but his limbs felt like lead. The potion she’d given him was too strong, rendering him almost helpless. Zephyr growled in his mind, a mix of fury and desperation. “Stop, Kaida,” he managed to whisper, his voice weak and slurred. “Shh, Lyraeus,” she whispered back, pressing her lips against his neck. “Just relax. I’m here now.”In the training ground, Aria felt a sudden wave of unease wash over her. Lila stirred, her anxiety palpable. “Something’s wrong,” Aria said aloud, her voice shaky. “Lyraeus is in danger.”Ryker looked at her, concern etched on his face. “Let’s go find him.”They hurried through the hallway, Aria’s heart pounding with fear and anticipation. As they approached Lyraeus’ quarters, she split off towards his office while Ryker headed for his bedroom. Ryker reached Lyraeus’ bedroom door and pushed it op
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Chapter 27: Resolve
Chapter 27: ResolveAria stumbled, her legs weak, but Ryker’s firm grip kept her steady. She leaned on him, finding solace in his presence. For a moment, she allowed herself to rely on him, to let his strength be hers. As they moved away from the room, Lyraeus’ half-conscious eyes followed them. Zephyr’s desperate attempts to break free echoed in his mind, but his body refused to respond. The effect of the portion was still strong. Outside the room, she collapsed against Ryker, my sobs growing louder. He wrapped his arms around her, holding her close. “I’m here, Aria,” he murmured, his voice soothing. “I’m not going anywhere.”Ryker’s mind raced, torn between his duty to protect her and his desire to see me happy, even if it meant with someone else. But seeing her like this, knowing how much she was hurting, he couldn’t just stand by. “You deserve better,” he said, his voice barely above a whisper. “You deserve someone who will always be there for you, who won’t hurt you like thi
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Chapter 28: Solace
Chapter 28: Solace Aria’s POV:I burst out into the night, the cool air hitting me like a slap. I didn’t know where I was going, only that I needed to get away from the accusations, the guilt, the unbearable weight of my past and present colliding. My feet pounded against the ground as I ran, the darkness swallowing me up, my thoughts a chaotic mess. Kaida’s words echoed in my mind, each one a dagger to my heart. Destroyer. Poison. I couldn’t outrun them, couldn’t escape the truth they carried. As I ran further into the dark, a sense of hopelessness wrapped around me, tight and suffocating. Where would I go? What would I do? The questions had no answers, only a yawning void of uncertainty and fear. In the depths of the night, with the shadows closing in around me, I felt more lost and alone than ever before.The path to the lake was familiar, each twist and turn a reminder of the countless times I’d sought solace there. The moonlight filtered through the trees, casting an eerie g
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Chapter 29: Fate Inquiry
Chapter 29: Fate InquiryAria’s POV:The rustling in the darkness grew louder, more insistent. I stood frozen by the lake, my heart pounding so hard it felt like it might burst from my chest. Fear clawed at my throat, making it difficult to breathe. Every shadow seemed to shift and move, every whisper of the wind sounded like a threat. “Who’s there?” I called out again, my voice trembling. There was no response, only the oppressive silence that seemed to press in around me. The hairs on the back of my neck stood on end, and I felt an overwhelming sense of dread. The rustling grew louder, closed as if something— or someone—was moving through the trees, circling me. I backed away from the lake, my mind racing with fear. I could feel my wolf, Lila, stirring weakly within me, sharing in my terror but too drained to offer any real strength. “Please!” I cried out, my voice breaking. “Moon Goddess, if you’re listening, help me! I don’t want to die like this. I don’t want to die at all!”
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Chapter 30: Ancient prophecy Revealed
Chapter 30: Ancient Prophecy Revealed. Aria’s POV: With a wave of her hand, the world around us shifted. The tranquil lake vanished, replaced by a scene of chaos and bloodshed. I found myself standing in the midst of a burning village, the screams of the dying filling the air. The smell of smoke and blood was overwhelming.“This is your pack,” the Moon Goddess said softly, her voice echoing in my ears. “Watch, and see what they have done.” I turned,my eyes wide with horror as I saw familiar faces–my pack members –engaged in ruthless slaughter. They moved with a cold, calculated precision, cutting down anyone who stood in their way. I watched as a young boy tried to protect his mother, only to be struck down without mercy.“No,” I whispered, my heart clenching in my chest. “This can’t be real.”The Moon Goddess remained silent, her expression unreadable. The scene shifted again and I found myself in a different village, one I didn't recognize. The air was thick with the stench of de
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