All Chapters of MOONFall : Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
60 Chapters
Chapter 51: Reunion
Chapter 51: Reunion Lyraeus’ POV: “We move swiftly and quietly,” I instructed, my voice low but commanding. “Our first objective is to manipulate their security and create chaos within their ranks.”Aria nodded, her gaze locked on the stronghold. “We’ll free the locked-up Elders. Their strength and wisdom will be crucial in this fight.”The group moved through the forest, shadows among the trees. We approached the outer perimeter of the Blood Moon Pack’s territory, our senses heightened, every sound amplified in the stillness of the night. The stronghold loomed ahead, its walls patrolled by guards oblivious to the danger closing in.I signaled for silence as we reached the first checkpoint. Two guards stood at the entrance, their postures relaxed, unaware of the imminent attack. With a swift motion, I and Ryker lunged, our claws and fangs finding their marks. The guards collapsed, their bodies crumpling to the ground without a sound. “We need to move quickly,” Aria whispered, her v
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Chapter 52: Fury
Chapter 52: FuryKael’s POV:I stormed into the war room, my eyes blazing with fury. The news of the Elders’ escape from the dungeon had reached me just moments ago, and the rage that coursed through me was palpable. My warriors scrambled to their feet, sensing the storm about to erupt. “How did this happen?” I demanded, my voice echoing off the stone walls. “Who is responsible for this breach?”Thorne stepped forward, his face pale. “We believe it was Aria and the Lycan, Alpha. They infiltrated the stronghold under the cover of night and freed the Elders.”My hands clenched into fists, my knuckles white. “Aria and the Lycan. Of course. They’ve been a thorn in my side for far too long.” I paced the room, my mind racing. “We need to act quickly. Assemble the troops. We must hunt them down before they can regroup and mount a counterattack.”Thorne nodded and began barking orders, the warriors springing into action. I knew time was of the essence. The longer we waited, the more ground L
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Chapter 53: The Bait is Taken
Chapter 53: The Bait is Taken Lyraeus’POV: I sat in my chambers, my mind whirling with thoughts as my eyes scanned the horizon. The information I had just received made my heart race with a mixture of satisfaction and anticipation. Kael had taken the bait. The tyrant had moved to form an alliance with the Nightshade and Crest Moon Packs, just as they had hoped. The wind rustled the leaves of the ancient trees surrounding the castle, a gentle reminder of the calm before the storm. I couldn’t help but smile, the pieces of our intricate plan falling into place perfectly. I turned, my eyes meeting Aria’s and Ryker’s. They stood at the door, Aria’s expression one of quiet determination. “It worked out,” I said, my voice barely above a whisper. “Kael has allied with Nightshade and Crest Moon.”Ryker’s eyes flickered with a mixture of relief and resolve. “He indeed took the bait? Then it’s time to set the final phase in motion.”Aria stood there wondering what we were talking about. “Wha
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Chapter 54: Mate Bombshell
Chapter 54: Mate BombshellAria’s POV: Ryker walked in, his face twisted a bit in anger as he saw Lyraeus by my side. I could read his thoughts, I could even smell his feelings from a mile away. His quick fake smile couldn’t hide his jealousy, I wondered what Lyraeus would think about his feelings for me.Ever since that day Lyraeus discovered I could read his thoughts, he had created this blockage over his thoughts that I found it difficult to read them. I felt like I should tell him about Ryker’s thoughts but I knew he might have heard his thoughts about me. “Lyraeus, it’s time. The Elders are all set, waiting on you,” he said, his voice hoarse. As he shifted his gaze to me, I could sense the turmoil within him. “Let’s go!” I said, walking out and giving Ryker a reassuring smile. I just wanted to break the tension between us three. Lyraeus walked towards him, placing his hand on his shoulder, his smile unwavering. “Let’s go.”The room was filled with a heavy silence as Lyraeus a
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Chapter 55: The Breach
Chapter 55: The Breach.Aria’s POV: The sun had barely risen when I made my way to the meeting hall. The events of the previous day weighed heavily on my mind, but I knew we had to face the Elders again to solidify our plans. As I entered, I saw Elder Thorne waiting, his eyes filled with a mixture of curiosity and concern. “Aria,” he greeted, his voice calm but edged with tension. “We need to talk, that was why we sent for you.”I nodded, bracing myself for the questions I knew were coming. “I understand, Elder Thorne. Let’s discuss whatever concerns you have.”We took our seats, and soon the other Elders joined us. The room filled with an uneasy silence, each Elder casting glances at me in a different manner, I felt indifferent to the scrutiny of their gaze. “Aria,” Elder Thorne began, his gaze piercing. “Yesterday, you revealed that Lyraeus the Lycan is your mate. Is this truly the case?”I met his eyes, unwavering. “Yes, Elder Thorne. Lyraeus is my mate. Our bond is real, and it
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chapter 56: Complex Web
Chapter 56: Complex WebElder Thorne and Elder Oakley stood at the far end of the castle as they stared at Lyraeus and Aria as they stood at the other end of the field discussing. They exchanged a knowing look as they watched Aria stagger back to the castle. It seemed like whatever discussion she had with Lyraeus didn’t end well. Elder Oakley and Thorne understood what Lyraeus meant, having witnessed his journey firsthand. They knew the weight of his past, the burden of the curse that he bears, and the loss that shaped him. As Aria approached them her shoulders were slumped in sadness, as she fought to maintain a composed expression, but the pain was evident in her eyes. “Aria,” Thorne began gently, breaking the silence, “there are things about Lyraeus that are not easy to understand. His words might seem harsh, but they come from a place of deep responsibility and fear.”Aria nodded slowly, her mind racing with thoughts. “I just wish he tells me his mind,” she said softly. “It fee
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Chapter 57: New Ally
Chapter 57: New Ally Eliana’s POV: The night was heavy with tension as I made my way to the rendezvous point. I had arranged to meet Kaida, hoping to extract valuable information about Aria and Lyraeus. My thoughts were a tangled web of strategy and jealousy, my disdain for Aria fueling my determination. Kaida was waiting, leaning against a tree, her expression guarded.“You’re late,” Kaida said, her voice dripping with contempt. I ignored the slight, stepping closer. “I have a proposition for you, Kaida. Tell me everything you know about Aria, Lyraeus, their plans, their allies. In return, I can offer you a place by Kael’s side.”Kaida laughed, a sharp, bitter sound. “You think I care about your empty promises? Why would you even think I care to have a place by Kael’s side when he’s living a stolen glory?” I tried to speak but she cut me off instantly, her eyes darting from up to down as if sizing me to know my worth, and then finally her gaze landed on my stomach. She took a st
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Chapter 58: The calm before the storm
Chapter 58: The Calm before the StormRyker’s POV: I moved silently through the dense forest, my eyes never leaving Kaida’s retreating figure. I had been tasked with gathering proof of her alliance with an enemy, and tonight, I was determined to get it. I stayed hidden in the shadows, far enough not to be detected but close enough to catch every whisper. Kaida stopped near an old oak, glancing around cautiously. Soon enough someone else joined her, at first it looked like it was one person but then someone else came out from the dark to their side. I could tell from my position that the other two people that joined were a man and a woman. “Kael, it’s good of you two to join me here by this hour?” She said in a hushed tone. It was then it struck me that Kaida was in cohort with Kael and Eliana. She had been feeding them information about our plan, especially about Aria. Maybe she was the one that told Kael about Aria being alive and not Ravenwood after all. “What do you have for u
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Chapter 59: Lunar Moon
Chapter 59: Lunar MoonLyraeus’ POV:“Something’s not right….” My eyes narrowed as I scanned the room, searching for the source of the telepathic message. My gaze finally locked onto Elder Oakley, who was looking at me intently. “It’s Ravenwood,” Oakley’s voice echoed in my mind. “I don’t trust him. He’s been acting suspiciously, and I’ve seen him sneak out at night and return at odd hours. We can’t trust his words, we need to be cautious.”I responded telepathically, my tone urgent. “I’ve noticed the same. We need to gather more information without raising suspicion. Keep an eye on him, and please report anything unusual to me immediately.”“Understood,” Oakley replied. “There’s another suspicious person walking in.” I turned to see who it was that he was talking about, it was Kaida. She walked into the room expecting to receive a massive show of welcome but the reverse was the case. She quickly grabbed a seat beside Ravenwood. The tension between them was intense, one could sens
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Chapter 60: Grand Welcome
Chapter 60: Grand WelcomeKael’s POV: “Alpha Kael, it’s time!” Akita called out from the outside of my chambers. “I will be out soon,” I responded, my voice barely above a whisper as I felt my body shaking with ecstasy. The feeling of being touched by a she-wolf was out of this world, especially a she-wolf who knows what it takes to satisfy an Alpha. “Do you like it, Alpha Kael?” she asked as she trailed her fingers on my abdomen giving me shivers. She proceeded to take off my shirt as she sat on my lap, wiggling her waist slowly on my groin. “Ka….ida..” I called out in excitement. My hands roaming her back down to her bottoms seductively, as she moaned seductively in my ears. It was no doubt that I have always wanted Kaida to warm my bed from the very first day I saw her. She had everything I needed, from her hourglass shape, down to her silk beautiful hair, down to her beautiful gorgeous eyes. She was in fact my dream girl, ever since Lyla got killed mysteriously I had restrain
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