All Chapters of Lovely Wifey, Please Come Back!: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
123 Chapters
Chapter 21
Alice suddenly laughed upon hearing what Alex said."Wife?"Alex swallowed nervously, witnessing her smile. Having only experienced Lucas's anger, he was now afraid of Alice losing her composure.He glanced at Siya, seeking assistance. Siya was already in an awkward situation, realizing that Alice's unpredictable mood swings were becoming a significant issue."I think your boss still hasn't told you that we are divorced," Alice said to Alex, turning her head to look at Lucas simultaneously.Lucas also turned his head, and their intense gazes locked."Or maybe he also forgot about it," Alice uttered each word with a biting tone. She vividly recalled Lucas introducing her as his wife yesterday, and that's where it all began."How can I, since you never let me forget?" Lucas said with a gloomy expression. Alice was left speechless. She gritted her teeth and turned her head away. It seemed like blaming her for everything had become his habit.Why couldn't he just go to his girlfriend and
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Chapter 22
Lucas and Alex were standing in the corner with Ethan and his business partner. Lucas noticed Alice running to the bathroom, covering her mouth with one hand, and holding her belly with the other.Panicking, Lucas immediately excused himself and ran after her.In the bathroom, Alice threw up everything she had eaten just now. She had been taking medicine for pregnancy sickness, so she hadn't felt this weak for a few days. Unfortunately, today she had forgotten to take her medicine. After vomiting, she sat on the cold floor with her weak body."Alice," Lucas barked into the bathroom before she could catch her breath.Alice was stunned to see him. She quickly wiped her mouth with the back of her hand."What are you doing here? It's the ladies' bathroom," she said, attempting to stand up, but she lost her balance.Thinking she was about to hit the ground, Lucas caught her in his arms."What's wrong? Are you sick?" he asked with worry and concern."I'm fine," she pushed him away and walke
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Chapter 23
As they sat in one of the city's best restaurants, James took the initiative to make the evening more enjoyable."You know, this place is renowned for its exquisite dishes. Let me order some of their specialties for us," James suggested, flipping through the menu with a confident smile.Alice and Siya agreed, trusting James's taste. He called the waiter and, after a brief discussion, placed an order that promised a culinary adventure.As they waited for their orders, James noticed the atmosphere and asked, "Is everything okay? You both seem a bit off."Alice took a deep breath."Did I interrupt something?" he asked, sensing an unspoken unease.Alice hesitated, unsure of how much she wanted to reveal. "We had an unexpected encounter today," she finally explained, keeping it vague.James raised an eyebrow, "Encounter? Do I sense some drama?"Siya chuckled nervously, trying to lighten the mood. "Oh, you have no idea.""So, tell me more about this 'encounter' you mentioned," James prodded,
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Chapter 24
Alice tried to avert her gaze from his intense eyes, but she found herself trapped in his penetrating stare. His anger was palpable, a side of him she had never witnessed before – hurt and disappointment etched on his face.Their eyes remained locked until the elevator doors mercifully closed, separating them. However, instead of relief, Alice felt a sense of panic.It was as if she wanted to rush to him and explain that what he saw wasn't true. She had never betrayed him before, and she never would. Yet, she couldn't bring herself to do it. She lowered her head, burying her face in James' chest.Sensing something amiss, James lowered his head. "Are you okay? Do you feel uncomfortable?" His voice carried genuine concern."No, I'm good," Alice replied, shaking her head, but she didn't raise her head. Both James and Siya exchanged worried glances, sensing a change in her voice.When they entered the room, James carried Alice directly to the bed and helped her settle in."Thank you," Alic
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Chapter 25
James retrieved a small first aid kit from his bag, opened it, and began to carefully tend to Alice's injured ankle. He applied a soothing ointment and wrapped a bandage around it."There, it should feel better soon," James said, looking up at her with a gentle smile. Alice nodded, appreciating his care.Siya, who had been silently observing, spoke up, "James, you're really something. It's like you're her guardian angel."James chuckled, "Just doing what I can to help."As James continued to attend to Alice, Siya couldn't help but feel a warmth in her heart. She could see the genuine concern and care James had for her friend. It was a stark contrast to the complicated emotions that seemed to surround Lucas.After finishing the bandaging, James stood up. "If there's anything you need, just let me know," he offered.Alice nodded, grateful for his assistance.After James left, Siya and Alice freshened up and lay on the bed. While Siya quickly drifted off to sleep, Alice found herself unab
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Chapter 26
Alice took a steadying breath, determined not to let Milla get under her skin."I don't need your advice on affordability, thank you. I know what I can and cannot afford."The tension escalated, creating an invisible battlefield in the chic boutique. Alice and Milla locked eyes, each refusing to yield."So let's see if you can afford it or not," Milla said to Alice and looked at the shop manager. "Tell her the price" The shop manager immediately nodded.Milla watched with a smug expression as the shop manager relayed the cost.The shop manager hesitated for a moment but then proceeded to announce the dress's price, a figure that left Alice visibly stunned."It's $10000"The realization struck her like a heavy blow – she couldn't afford even a fraction of the amount.Milla chuckled triumphantly."Well, it seems this dress is meant for those who can appreciate its true value."Alice's mind raced, grappling with the humiliation of being unable to afford something she desired.Milla, enjoy
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Chapter 27
Tears streamed down her face as she slowly wiped them away, making her way out of the shop. The false hope she had clung to shattered the reality that she didn't matter in his life.Why couldn't she just let him go? Regret filled Alice as she questioned herself, why she had challenged Milla.A profound sadness engulfed her, a feeling that made her want to scream and cry. Her tears flowed uncontrollably, and she couldn't help but keep wiping them away.Surrounded by numerous onlookers who stared at her with concern, Alice wandered around until she spotted a cafe in the mall. Seeking solace, she entered and chose a corner seat.Opening her mobile screen, the first thing she did was block Lucas's number. Feeling the weight lift off her shoulders, she experienced a sense of relief after cutting ties with him, especially since he hadn't come to her aid when she was humiliated by his girlfriend.The waiter approached to take her order, but Alice couldn't decide what to order. Feeling overwh
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Chapter 28
"Alright, shh," he whispered, wiping away her tears. Alice stared at his face, trying to decipher his thoughts, but all she could see was genuine concern for her. Lucas looked at the table, and his eyebrows raised when he saw it full of desserts and drinks.What she was thinking when she ordered this much food?"Pack all this," he instructed, standing up, and Alex nodded in acceptance of the order."Let's go," he said to Alice, his hands still on her cheeks. She grabbed her bag and stood up from her seat.Lucas reached to take her hand in his, and they walked with their hands intertwined. As they strolled, Alice couldn't help but glance at their joined hands and the person holding hers. It overwhelmed her heart—this was the first time she was walking with him so closely, hand in hand.Exiting the cafe, people around them stared, but Lucas seemed unfazed. Alice, however, felt uneasy under their intense scrutiny and attempted to pull her hand away. In response, Lucas shot her an angry lo
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Chapter 29
Alice couldn't find the courage to abandon Lucas while he was struggling for her. Silently, she turned around and returned to the room. After messaging Siya to reassure her that she was fine, Alice lay on the bed. But restlessness overwhelmed her. She contemplated getting up to help Lucas but restrained herself, forcing her restless heart to stay put.She stared at the ceiling, feeling a mix of emotions.After a while, the door creaked open, and Lucas entered the room with a slightly defeated expression.Lucas placed a food tray on the table and sat on the edge of the bed. Alice, feigning sleep, clenched the blanket beneath the cover anxiously."Alice," he called, placing his hand on her shoulder. She swallowed nervously, slowly turning her head to open her eyes. Lucas's hand gently cupped her cheek."Wake up, have something," he said. Alice stared at him in blank disbelief, encountering a side of him she had never imagined.She gathered her strength and sat up on the bed. Lucas pulled
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Chapter 30
It was dark outside, and Alice sat at the window with her messy thoughts. She didn't know why she was still there; she couldn't understand herself. As she was deep in thought, her mobile's ring startled her.When she looked at the screen, she felt nervous. It was James. Alice glared at the door, making sure Lucas hadn't come."Hello," she answered the call."Alice? Are you not in your room?" James asked."No, I'm out. I probably won't come back tonight," she said."Oh! Are you with Siya?" he asked again."No, I'm not. I'm with—" She was about to say she was with her other friend, but before she could finish, Lucas walked in, and Alice immediately hung up before he could notice her speaking on the phone. And she didn't know why she did it."What's wrong? Are you okay?" Lucas observed her pale face and inquired as he sat beside her on the sofa with a food tray."Yeah," Alice replied, avoiding eye contact, but Lucas didn't miss the panic in her face, even though she tried to mask it. Howe
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