All Chapters of Lovely Wifey, Please Come Back!: Chapter 121 - Chapter 123
123 Chapters
Chapter 121
As she worked diligently in the kitchen, Milla poured her heart and soul into each dish, hoping that her efforts would convey her feelings for James.She couldn't wait to see the smile on his face when he tasted her cooking, knowing that every bite was infused with her affection.Before changing her clothes, she carefully packed everything. She chose a nice, simple dress because she knew James liked simple things.When she arrived at the hospital, she felt really nervous. She had called James on the way, but he didn't answer, so she figured he was probably busy with surgery, like he had mentioned the night before.Navigating through the bustling hospital corridors, she kept her eyes peeled for any sign of James. Each passing moment felt like an eternity as her anxiety mounted to see him."Can you please tell me where I can find Doctor James?" she inquired at the reception desk.The nurse at the reception looked at Milla with surprise, scanning her as if she couldn't believe what she w
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Chapter 122
"I'll walk you out,"James offered, reaching out to hold Milla's hand, but she instinctively pulled her hand away without realizing it.James felt blank as he stared at his empty hand."It's okay, I'll go by myself. You rest," Milla said with a smile before walking out. James watched her leave, his mind filled with thoughts.As her figure disappeared behind the door, he pulled his chair and sat down.His eyes landed on the food box, and he slowly reached out to touch it.She was the one who had initiated their relationship, the one who had gotten closer to him first, the one who had shown him she loved him. But why did he always feel like she wanted to keep some distance from him?"Is she your girlfriend?" James was stunned when he suddenly heard a voice.He lifted his head and saw curious eyes staring at him, waiting for his answer.It was late in the evening when James finally returned to his room.Frustration and worry gnawed at him because Milla hadn't answered his calls or messag
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Chapter 123
Tears filled Milla's eyes."It's my dad. Will you kill him?" she sobbed. James was momentarily stunned by her revelation, but he didn't hesitate."Do you want me to?" he asked, determination shining in his eyes. Even if he couldn't bring harm to her father, he vowed to ensure he faced the consequences for his actions.Milla burst into tears, releasing all the emotions she had been holding back for so long.She buried her face in James's chest and cried uncontrollably. She had never imagined she would find someone who would say such words to her, someone who was ready to do anything for her. James enveloped her in his arms and showered kisses on her hair, comforting her in the best way he could."I'm here now. You're in a safe place. I promise you, I will never let anyone lay a finger on you ever again," he whispered soothingly, his words carrying the weight of his sincerity. It was a promise he made to her, and he intended to keep it.Upon hearing his promise, Milla's emotions overwhe
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