All Chapters of Lovely Wifey, Please Come Back!: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
123 Chapters
Chapter 101
Alice couldn't help but be impressed by his response. It was clear that he had put in a lot of effort to learn cooking.However, she still couldn't comprehend why he had decided to learn to cook, but she chose not to voice her thoughts, fearing what his answer might be.When she took the first bite of the food, Alice's taste buds were met with an explosion of flavors. She couldn't believe how delicious it was.Each bite was a symphony of tastes and textures, and she found herself savoring every morsel. As she continued to eat, she couldn't help but marvel at how far Lucas had come in his culinary skills. It was evident that he had truly mastered the art of cooking.Once she finished her meal, Alice felt pleasantly full. Her stomach was satisfied, and she couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment wash over her.The delicious food had not only filled her belly but also warmed her heart. As she sat back in her chair, she couldn't help but smile at Lucas, grateful for the wonderful me
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Chapter 102
"I still can't believe... She was so..." Alice's gaze drifted towards the door of the victim's apartment. Lucas cupped her face in his palm, turning her to look into his eyes."Don't look there. Let's focus on what we came for," he said softly. Alice nodded, but tears welled up in her eyes. She hadn't anticipated feeling this overwhelmed by being here.Finally, Alice managed to unlock the door, and they entered her apartment."You sit here, I'll gather everything we need," Lucas instructed, guiding her to sit on the bed while he swiftly retrieved clothes for her. As she got dressed, he gathered all her documents.Before closing the door behind them, Alice glanced back at her apartment one last time, memories flooded back to her.She couldn't help but glance around the apartment, taking in the familiar surroundings one last time. She had invested so much time and effort into decorating it and leaving felt bittersweet.As they arrived at the hospital, Alice felt a surge of nervousness w
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Chapter 103
His touch roused Alice from her slumber. As Alice stirred, blinking sleepily, she found herself met with Lucas's concerned gaze."Hey, you're back," she murmured, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. Lucas nodded, his expression softening as he brushed a stray lock of hair from her face."I'm sorry I woke you," he said, his voice tinged with remorse. Alice smiled gently, reaching out to grasp his hand."I'm fine," she assured him, her eyes searching his for reassurance."I was waiting for you." Lucas's heart swelled at her words, a mixture of relief and affection flooding his chest. Lucas shook his head."No, I was too caught up with work," he lied, masking the turmoil within him. His mind was in disarray, and he had no appetite. Alice's expression softened with concern."Let me heat dinner for you," she offered, already rising from the sofa. Lucas reached out to stop her."You don't have to," he insisted, but Alice waved off his protest."I want to," she replied firmly, determination shi
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Chapter 104
They pulled away, and Lucas held her in his embrace once again. "You're mine. You can't leave me. I won't allow it," he declared.Alice's heart swelled with warmth at his words, feeling a sense of security in his embrace. She buried her face in his chest, inhaling his familiar scent, feeling more at peace than she had in a long time."I won't leave you," she murmured softly, her voice muffled against him."I promise." She raised her face and looked at him, her eyes filled with determination."But if you try to push me away, I'll leave you, and you'll never be able to find me again." It was a warning not only for him but also for herself. No matter how hard she tried to deny it, she couldn't deny her love for him.He was the only man she had ever loved from the first sight, which is why she always found herself returning to him and submitting herself to him, no matter how much it hurt.Lucas tightened his embrace around her, as if afraid she would slip away if he let go."I'm sorry for
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Chapter 105
"You are with me, and that's the best gift I could ask for. Compared to having you, nothing material can fill that void," he said, placing a soft kiss on her forehead.His hand moved down to gently caress her belly, and tears welled up in his eyes."You've given me the greatest happiness in my life," he whispered, overcome with emotion. She had given him the chance to be a father to their child, and nothing could compare to that.Alice's heart swelled with love and gratitude as she looked into Lucas's eyes. She reached up to wipe away his tears, her own eyes shimmering with emotion."You've given me so much too," she whispered, her voice filled with sincerity. " I couldn't ask for anything more."Lucas smiled, a mixture of joy and relief washing over him. He pulled her into a tight embrace, holding her close, he would never let her go."The only thing I want from you is trust. I hope you will trust me that I will never betray you. You are the only one in my life," he said, looking dee
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Chapter 106
She cleared her throat, trying to get their attention. When Manila finally noticed Alice's presence and didn't move away from Lucas, Alice's palms turned into tight fists.Now she understood the gossip circulating inside the company. Lucas was surprised to see her there, his expression softening into a smile as he stood up to greet her."Babe, what a pleasant surprise," Lucas said, his eyes brightening with affection."I didn't expect you here."Of course, he wasn't expecting her. Alice felt angry at him too. If he had created distance, Manila wouldn't have dared to get close to him.It was all his fault. But she couldn't let Manila win, so she put a smile on her face, cursing herself in her mind for forcing Lucas to hire Manila."I missed you," she said, stepping closer to him."I wanted to see you," Alice replied, trying to keep her voice steady, but the hurt and disappointment were evident in her eyes.Lucas's smile widened, and he reached out to take her hand."I'm glad you're her
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Chapter 107
Lucas's heart clenched at her words. He couldn't bear to see her in such distress, especially when her fears were unfounded.He reached out and pulled her into a tight embrace, holding her close to him."Babe, listen to me," he whispered, his voice filled with sincerity."I will never get tired of you, and I will never leave you. You are the love of my life, and I will always be by your side, no matter what."Alice buried her face in his chest, soaking in his warmth and reassurance.She wanted to believe his words, to trust in their love, but her fears still lingered."But what if..." she started, her voice trembling with uncertainty.Lucas gently lifted her chin, forcing her to look into his eyes."There are no 'what ifs' in our relationship," he said firmly."We face every challenge together, and we overcome them together. Trust me, Alice, I am not going anywhere. You're the most important person in my life, and nothing will ever change that."His words seeped into her heart, calmin
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Chapter 108
Alex's expression was intense, his eyes searching hers for answers."Why did you leave without a word?" he demanded, his voice tinged with hurt and frustration."I've been trying to reach you, but you've been avoiding me."Siya averted her gaze, unable to meet his eyes."It was a mistake," she said softly, her voice barely above a whisper. "I didn't know how to face you after what happened.""What did you say?" he asked, his voice raw with emotion.He couldn't believe what he was hearing. Did she just call it a mistake? "Look at me and say it to my face," he demanded, grasping her face and forcing her to meet his gaze.Siya trembled under his burning stare; he looked so dangerous when he was angry."Say it again," Alex shouted when she remained silent."What happened that night was just a mistake. I was drunk, and I didn't take it seriously," she shouted back, even though her heart felt like it was being torn apart.She just wanted him to experience the same feeling of hurt she felt w
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Chapter 109
Alex nodded weakly, leaning into her touch as he closed his eyes, trying to block out the throbbing pain in his head."If you remain by my side, I'll be okay. Please don't distance yourself from me," he murmured, wrapping his arms around her and burying his face in her chest.Siya wrapped her arms around Alex, holding him close as he sought solace in her embrace.She could feel his trembling form pressed against her, his vulnerability laid bare in that moment. Her heart ached at the sight of him in pain."I won't leave you," she whispered softly, her voice filled with reassurance and love."I'll stay with you, no matter what."Alex nodded weakly, his grip on her tightening as if seeking reassurance. Despite his strong exterior, she could sense the fear and uncertainty lurking beneath the surface."I'm sorry, Siya," he murmured, his voice barely audible. "I never wanted to hurt you."Siya felt a pang of sadness at his words, knowing that despite his flaws and mistakes, he was still the
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Chapter 110
As he ate, Siya watched him intently, her gaze lingering on his wet hair and the droplets of water cascading down his freshly washed skin.She couldn't help but feel a surge of desire. Her heart skipped a beat when Alex suddenly looked up and caught her staring at him.Despite being caught, Siya didn't avert her gaze, locking eyes with him in a silent exchange of desire.Slowly, Alex set aside his bowl, and Siya took a step towards him, drawn by an inexplicable force. Alex's hands found her waist, pulling her closer, and Siya pressed herself against him. His hand moved up to her neck, and she tilted her head.Their lips met in a soft, tender kiss, igniting a rush of warmth and desire between them.Siya melted into his embrace, feeling the weight of his love and longing in the gentle caress of his lips.Time seemed to stand still as they lost themselves in each other, the world fading away into the background.At that moment, there was only the two of them, bound together by an unspoke
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