All Chapters of Lovely Wifey, Please Come Back!: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
123 Chapters
Chapter 81
"Whose house is this?" Lucas asked Alex as they stopped in front of a large house in the private sector.Siya and Alice had just entered that house."I don't know," Alex replied, his eyes scanning the area."Maybe this is where Siya lives," he added. He knew she lived in this private sector villa, but he wasn't aware of who she lived with. He never delved into her family background; he only focused on what he needed to know about her personal life as it related to Alice."Find out," Lucas instructed, and Alex nodded. As he dialed his contact's number, there was a knock on the car window. The security guard stood outside.The security guard looked expectantly at Alex, who rolled down the window.As soon as their eyes met, the guard felt sweat forming on his forehead.Their gaze was intense, exuding an air of authority that made him feel uneasy. Neither of them seemed like individuals one could easily challenge.The car they arrived in also hinted at their status; it was clear to the gu
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Chapter 82
Alice nodded appreciatively and watched as Siya drove off before she entered her apartment. As she stepped inside, she braced herself for whatever awaited her, unsure if Lucas was still there or if he had left in frustration.To her surprise, the apartment was empty, and a wave of relief and also emptiness washed over her. She sank onto the bed, feeling the weight of exhaustion settle over her. She had tired both physically and emotionally.As she curled up under a blanket, she couldn't shake off the feeling of unease lingering in the air. Despite the quietness of the apartment, there was a sense of tension that hung heavy.Taking a deep breath, Alice closed her eyes, hoping to find some solace in the stillness of the moment. But she couldn't sleep.Taking a deep breath, Alice closed her eyes, hoping to find some solace in the stillness of the moment. But sleep eluded her.She felt an overwhelming sense of emptiness and loneliness. Despite carrying her child in her belly, she felt utt
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Chapter 83
Lucas woke up with a start, feeling the absence of Alice's warmth beside him. Panic shot through him as he reached out, only to find the bed empty."Alice?" His voice echoed in the room as he fumbled for his phone, checking the time—it was already past nine. Slipping on his slippers, he hurriedly checked the bathroom, but she wasn't there either.Alice's fever hadn't subsided much, keeping him awake the entire night. He had spent the night wiping her body with a damp cloth and placing ice towels on her forehead. When her fever finally seemed to lessen in the morning, exhaustion overwhelmed him, and he fell into a deep sleep.He searched every corner of the house, but Alice was nowhere to be found.Lucas felt a surge of distress coursing through him. His mind raced, unable to grasp the situation. Standing in the middle of the living room, he felt lost and bewildered.Then, a flicker of realization sparked in his mind, and he hurried back to the room to check his phone. Quickly accessin
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Chapter 84
"Lucas, you're scaring me. What's going on?" she asked, gently grasping his clenched hands.Lucas swallowed hard; her worried voice threatened to break through his anger. He knew she was merely curious, not genuinely worried about him.Last night, he had promised himself that he would never shout at her again if he wanted to keep her by his side. He knew he needed to stay calm, at least until their child was born.After a while, Lucas finally raised his eyes and looked at Alice. Alice took a sharp breath, her heart pounding in her chest as she saw the burning intensity in his eyes.He was angry beyond measure. Did I do something to make him this angry? What did I do? Alice's body instinctively recoiled at the sheer intensity of his gaze, fear gripping her.She pulled her hands away from his, feeling sweat forming at the nape of her neck and her throat going dry. She didn't know what she had done, but she was certain he was angry because of her.The realization shook her to her core, a
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Chapter 85
After two hours, she finally finished cooking. She knew Lucas didn't like sweets, but she made cupcakes for him anyway.She couldn't just go to his workplace; it was working hours, and if her ex-colleagues saw her, it would be problematic to explain.So, she put on a cap and a mask, then wrapped a scarf around her face.With the food carefully packed in a box, Alice made her way to Lucas's company.Upon reaching the office building, Alice took a deep breath and entered. She tried to blend in with the crowd, keeping her head down and avoiding eye contact. As she entered the lobby, her heart raced with nervousness.Then she called Alex. Unable to go directly to Lucas's office and unsure of his whereabouts, she reached out to Alex for help."Alex, can you come to the lobby? I'm here," she said when Alex answered the call."Can you just come up? I really need your help," Instead of offering assistance, he abruptly asked for her help and hung up the call.Alice was taken aback by his respo
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Chapter 86
Alex pushed open the door, and Alice entered the room with a heavy heart.As Lucas stood facing outward, a strange longing enveloped him, an intense desire to see Alice, to hold her close, to feel her touch, and to taste her kiss.This longing had been gnawing at him since he had left home that morning without speaking to her. Now, regret flooded his mind as he pondered why he hadn't kissed her before he departed, and the images from that morning only fueled his frustration and anger.The faces of Alice and James kept invading his thoughts, refusing to be cast aside no matter how hard he tried.The ease and comfort he had observed between Alice and James only added to his turmoil, exacerbating his feelings of jealousy and insecurity.This internal struggle was driving him to the brink of madness, leaving him feeling as though he would lose his grip on reality if he didn't see her soon.As he stood facing outward, he felt a shift in the air, a strange sensation tugging at his heart. As
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Chapter 87
At that moment, Alice felt a rush of desire coursing through her veins, her body yearning for his touch. She leaned in closer, unable to resist the magnetic pull between them.Slowly, he brushed his lips against hers, sending a jolt of electricity through her entire being.Their lips met in a passionate embrace, igniting a firestorm of emotions that consumed them both.Alice's fingers instinctively tightened around Lucas's nape as he held her head with one hand and wrapped the other around her waist, anchoring her to his body.His kiss was so overpowering that it left her feeling lightheaded in an instant. Moving down from her mouth to her neck, Lucas's lips sent shivers down her spine as he bit down gently on her skin. Her fingers found their way into his hair, urging him on.Lost in the heat of the moment, they surrendered to their desires, their bodies entwined in a dance of passion and longing. In each other's arms, they found solace and fulfillment, lost in the intoxicating ecsta
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Chapter 88
"Please, Alice, talk to me," he implored softly, his voice laced with genuine concern."I want to understand what's upsetting you so I can help. You don't have to face it alone."Despite her reluctance, Alice could sense the sincerity in Lucas's words.After sobbing for a while, Alice closed her eyes, seeking solace in Lucas's embrace.All she wanted was to find rest in his arms. Lucas chuckled softly when he noticed how quickly she had fallen asleep.He continued to hold her tightly, feeling a sense of peace wash over him as he closed his eyes as well. Despite their disagreements and past arguments, whenever she was in his arms, he felt a profound sense of calm.Though he couldn't quite pinpoint why she had suddenly softened towards him, he was grateful for the moment.He silently wished that they could remain like this forever. However, his reverie was interrupted by a knock on the door, causing Lucas to reluctantly open his eyes.After a moment, Alex walked in, but he froze in shoc
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Chapter 89
"I don't have time to waste," Lucas replied, his voice deep and devoid of emotion as he continued eating without looking at Alice. She reached out to touch his hand, pleading with him."Please, maybe there's a vacancy in the company," she suggested softly. Lucas set down his spoon and took a deep breath before fixing her with a glare."Are you out of your mind? Did you already forget what they did to you? She almost killed you, and you're still trying to help her?" he spat, his anger palpable."I know that, but now she's sorry. She even apologized to me. She's going through a really hard time, and besides, she's my sister," Alice pleaded, her voice tinged with desperation. Lucas was speechless, unable to comprehend how easily she forgave those who had hurt her."I don't care who she is. You can ask me anything, but not this. I'm not helping her," Lucas declared firmly, his resolve unwavering.Lucas stated firmly, his resolve unwavering. They had dared to harm his woman, and he would n
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Chapter 90
As they made their way through the throng of people, they overheard snippets of conversation."...pregnant woman found dead...""...horrific scene...""...police are investigating..."Their mind raced with worry as they approached a police officer stationed at the entrance."Sorry, gentlemen, but you can't enter the building at the moment," the officer said, his tone firm."But we live here," Lucas protested, his frustration growing by the second."I understand, sir, but there's been an incident," the officer explained, his expression grave."A pregnant woman was found dead in one of the apartments."Lucas felt a wave of nausea wash over him at the news, his mind racing with worry for Alice."Which apartment?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.The officer glanced down at his notes before responding. "Apartment 3B," he said, his tone solemn.Lucas's heart sank at the mention of Alice's apartment number.He felt a knot form in his stomach as he realized the implications of the
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