All Chapters of Lovely Wifey, Please Come Back!: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
123 Chapters
Chapter 91
"Alice? "As Lucas and Alex made their way toward the exit, a sudden exclamation from Alex brought their hurried steps to a halt.Following Alex's gaze, Lucas's eyes widened as he spotted Alice amidst the bustling crowd. His heart skipped a beat at the sight of her, relief washing over him like a wave.Lucas's steps faltered, his focus shifting entirely to Alice's figure in the midst of the throng.Breathless with concern, Alex rushed towards Alice, his words tumbling out in a rush of worry. "Alice, are you alright?"Alice turned towards them, her eyes brimming with unshed tears. "I-I'm okay," she managed to choke out, her voice trembling with emotion."But it''s just terrible. I can't believe it. She was such a kind person." Alice's voice wavered as she spoke, her memories of the person she had encountered a few times in the elevator flooding back.Suddenly, a solemn figure approached them, his demeanor serious and focused."Are you residents of this building?" the detective in
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Chapter 92
Alex held the door open for her, but Alice hesitated before climbing into the passenger seat. The atmosphere inside the car was thick with tension, and she couldn't help but steal a glance at Lucas, who sat beside her with a troubled expression and closed eyes.Without a word, Alex slipped into the driver's seat and started the engine, setting the car in motion with a low hum.As the car came to a halt in front of Lucas's house, Alice couldn't shake the sense of discomfort that had settled over her.She peered out at the familiar surroundings, a pang of unexpected nostalgia tugging at her heart. When she had made the decision to divorce Lucas and leave this house behind, she never imagined she would return, yet here she was for the second time. Uncertainty clouded her thoughts as she contemplated how long she would have to stay this time.Without a word, Lucas stepped out of the car and disappeared into the house, leaving Alice to follow hesitantly in his wake.Before she could take a
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Chapter 93
As he approached them, the music seemed to fade into the background, drowned out by the intensity of his emotions. Every fiber of his being screamed with indignation, demanding justice for the hurt and disappointment he felt at that momentAs Alex finally reached Siya's side, his voice sliced through the air with an edge of intensity."Siya, what on earth do you think you're doing?" he demanded, his words dripping with a potent mix of anger and disbelief. Though he knew he had no right to intervene in her life, he couldn't bear to see someone else touching her.Initially unresponsive, Siya halted her dance upon hearing Alex's voice.She wasn't surprised to see Alex here; after all, she had received Alice's message about his impending arrival.That was why she had been putting on a show of having a good time with another man.she couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt for using the other man as a pawn in her game. But she knew that she had to do whatever it took to push Alex to his bre
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Chapter 94
Alex's jaw clenched even tighter, his frustration boiling over as he forcefully pushed Siya into the car. Ignoring her protests, he slammed the door shut and quickly got into the driver's seat."You're not in any state to make decisions right now," he snapped, his voice tense with irritation as he started the engine.Siya's eyes blazed with anger as she glared at him, her hands gripping the edge of the seat."Let me out of here!" she demanded, her voice filled with fury.But Alex remained resolute, his grip firm on the steering wheel as he pulled out of the parking lot."Not until you've sobered up," he replied firmly, his tone leaving no room for argument.Siya seethed with frustration, her mind clouded by alcohol and resentment. She pounded her fists against the window, but Alex ignored her.Siya's glare intensified as she spoke, her voice laced with defiance."You can't control me, Alex," she snapped, her tone tinged with resentment.Alex's jaw clenched at her words, his frustratio
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Chapter 95
Their kiss was hungry, and fervent, as if they were trying to convey all the pent-up longing and passion they had harbored for each other over the years.Siya's fingers trailed down Alex's chest, igniting a trail of fire wherever they touched. Alex's hands roamed over her body, memorizing every curve and contour as if he never wanted to let her go.Time seemed to stand still as they lost themselves in each other, their bodies pressed together in a tangle of limbs and desire. The world outside faded away, leaving only the two of them in their own private universe of passion and longing.But even as their kiss deepened and their ardor grew, a part of their minds remained conscious of the need to talk, to address the issues that had kept them apart for so long.Yet in that moment, all they could focus on was the overwhelming need they felt for each other, the hunger that consumed their body and soul.Siya gazed up at Alex, her eyes reflecting a blend of longing and uncertainty."We need
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Chapter 96
With trembling hands, Siya reached out to him, her fingers tracing the contours of his tattooed chest before trailing lower, down to where his arousal stood proudly before her.She could feel the heat emanating from his skin, the electricity crackling between them as their bodies drew closer together.Alex's gaze never wavered as he watched her, his eyes dark with desire.There was a hunger in his eyes that mirrored her own, a primal need that begged to be sated. Without a word, he reached for her, pulling her close until their bodies were pressed together in a searing embrace.His touch was gentle, reassuring, and she couldn't help but relax under his ministrations."Relax, princess," he murmured softly. "I won’t hurt you."Their lips met in a fierce kiss, their tongues intertwining in a dance. Siya felt herself melting into him, losing herself in the intensity of their passion.Her skin tingled with anticipation as he trailed his fingertips lightly along her curves, sending shivers
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Chapter 97
"Just relax, princess," he said softly, his voice a soothing balm against her heightened senses."I need to loosen you up. I have no idea how you’ve managed to reach this age and maintain your virtue because this body is built for sin."Then he started to move his fingers in and out again, stretching them gently as he did. The slight discomfort soon gave way to pleasure, and it wasn’t long before she felt another orgasm building.When he pressed his thumb on her clit, her climax ripped through her body like a shockwave.He kept rubbing gently until her tremors subsided, and then he slipped his fingers out of her before shifting his hips until he was settled between her thighs.Alex leaned in close, his lips brushing against her ear as he whispered, "I've been dreaming about this moment, Princess I want you so badly."His voice was husky with desire, sending a thrill of excitement coursing through her veins.He pressed his huge cock at her opening, and she groaned in response.Despite
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Chapter 98
She couldn't shake the fear of history repeating itself. Watching him sleep, she grappled with conflicting emotions, unsure of what the future held for them.What if their time together was just another mistake in his eyes?What if he regrets his proposal? What if she's making a mistake by considering his offer?These questions plagued her mind as she got dressed, her movements slow and deliberate as she tried to make sense of her feelings.She stole one last glance at Alex, his peaceful expression betraying none of the turmoil that churned within her.With a heavy sigh, she made her way out of the bedroom, feeling a sense of weight pressing down on her shoulders.Siya's heart clenched with fear and uncertainty. She couldn't bear the thought of being hurt again, of enduring his rejection and the mockery of her love for him.Despite the intimate moments they shared, she refused to believe that their connection was a mistake. It was something she cherished deeply, a bond she had hoped w
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Chapter 99
Upon reaching the top of the stairs, she let out a frustrated sigh. Descending the long flight of steps was proving to be quite challenging.Taking a deep breath, Alice steadied herself and began the slow descent down the staircase, gripping the railing for support with one hand while holding onto her belly with the other.Each step felt like a small victory as she carefully made her way down.As Alice made her way down the stairs, she suddenly noticed Lucas appearing at the bottom. She paused mid-step, her gaze locking onto his pale complexion and dark-circled, his eyes looked tired and swollen, as if he hadn't slept all night."Your face looks so pale. Are you okay?" Alice inquired, her voice laced with concern, as she cautiously descended further.Lucas, his attention fixed on her every movement, nodded faintly in response."Alice!" Just then, as Alice's foot slipped on the surface of a stair, she teetered dangerously, nearly losing her balance.Fortunately, she managed to grab hol
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Chapter 100
"I'll arrange a room for you downstairs. You'll have easier access to everything," Lucas offered, breaking the tender moment with practicality."You shouldn't be climbing up and down these stairs in your condition."Alice's lips formed a slight pout as she turned her gaze towards the stairs, her mind swirling with thoughts. Suddenly, an idea popped into her head. What if Lucas carried her down the stairs every time? The notion sparked a desire within her, and she found herself yearning to experience that sensation."No, I'm fine in my room," she asserted, though her tone hinted at a deeper longing."And it's not like I'm going to stay here for long," she added, knowing that Lucas would find it difficult to refuse her request.Lucas's expression shifted, a subtle indication of disappointment crossing his features.Alice sensed the tension in his body as he stiffened slightly. His hand reached up to cup her face tenderly, while his other hand settled on her waist, drawing her closer. He
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