All Chapters of Lovely Wifey, Please Come Back!: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
123 Chapters
Chapter 71
She had been content before he kissed her. Despite harboring feelings for him for a long time, she had never felt the need to approach him, finding satisfaction in the way things were.So why did he kiss her? If he wasn't interested in her, he shouldn't have given her false hope.His actions had wounded her ego and self-esteem. The kiss had shattered the delicate balance she had maintained.As she left his house, a determination had set in. She had made up her mind to show him how he had played with her emotions.She desired him as the final piece of the puzzle, regardless of whether it was the right or wrong way. She wanted him to understand the impact of his actions, to realize the depth of her feelings. It wasn't about revenge, but a quest for understanding and acknowledgment.With a resolute mindset, she was determined to make him realize the mistake he had made. He had unknowingly messed with the wrong person. Despite her angelic appearance, he had no inkling of the depths to whi
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Chapter 72
"Alice," James arrived just as Alice was walking out of the apartment."James?" She was stunned to see him."When did you come back?" she asked. He had been away for a medical conference after returning from a medical camp."I arrived yesterday," he replied."Are you going out?" he asked. Alice nodded hesitantly."Can I give you company?" he asked with hopeful eyes. Alice was taken aback, contemplating how to explain that he couldn't go with her. However, James spoke before her."Please, it's a compensation. You promised me to go to the camp, but you didn't go with me, so I'm taking it as compensation," he said."That's not fair," Alice protested.James chuckled slightly and shrugged."I know where you are going. That's why I want to go with you. Last night, Siya messaged me, and I promised her that I'd protect you," he explained.Alice was left speechless. She understood why Siya had approached him – Siya knew she wouldn't inform Lucas about anything. In the end, Alice nodded.He was
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Chapter 73
"Alice, you never told us. Mr. Grill is your husband?" Alice's uncle spoke with a smile, the first time her name had been spoken so lovingly in this family. It seemed unfathomable that Alice was Lucas's wife, leaving everyone in awe."Have you ever asked?" Lucas spoke coldly, making Alice's uncle visibly embarrassed."She is our daughter. Obviously, we have to know," he tried to cover his embarrassment. The revelation had thrown Alice's family into disarray, leaving Lucas to confront the consequences of their lack of inquiry into her life.As Alice scanned the faces around her, each one looked as if they had seen a deity.Lucas scoffed, "Daughter? So in your family, you have a rule to abuse your daughter?"His cold words cut through the air, his eyes harboring a menacing intensity as if ready to dismantle everyone present for daring to harm his woman.How dare anyone lay a hand on his woman?Alice, not wanting Lucas to stay any longer, subtly pulled at his clothes. Lucas looked down a
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Chapter 74
"You always think you know what's best for me, but that's not true. I can handle my own problems. I don't need you for my problems", Alice retorted, her voice laced with defiance.Lucas clenched his jaw, his patience wearing thin. "Handle it on your own? Look where that got you today. They slapped you, Alice!""I didn't ask for your interference! I don't need you to fight my battles! When you had to worry about me, you did not, now it is pointless" Alice shot back, her words fueled by a mix of anger and hurt.Lucas's eyes narrowed. "Maybe you should have thought about that before lying to me and dragging another man into our relationship."Alice was at a loss for words, her eyes reflecting a mix of defiance and frustration. "Stop dragging James into this, Lucas. He's my friend, and he was there for me," she asserted.Lucas's eyes darkened with suspicion. "So you're admitting he's more important than me? Is that why you tell him everything and lie to me?""Damn, you... Fuck you" She wa
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Chapter 75
He hooked his hands on her inner thighs and spread her open for him with his thumbs.He waited for a beat, and then he pounced. He grabbed her thighs, pulled her as close as he could, and licked her furiously. He bit her clit, gaining a whimper from her, and sucked on it to make the ache go away.Rather than moving his face, he moved her hips, making her ride his face. She whined, thighs quivering instantly as his tongue went from her hole to her clit, again and again.Alice was so embarrassed.Oh, god.She covered her face with her hands.Her mind was a whirlwind of conflicting emotions as she lay there, tangled in the sheets, biting her bottom lip, and her heart pounding in her chest. She couldn't shake the feeling of guilt that gnawed at her insides.Just moments ago, she had been adamant about her feelings, insisting that she didn't love him. And yet, here she was, succumbing to the pleasure of their intimate moment.But even as waves of desire coursed through her body, a sense of
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Chapter 76
Alice froze, her heart raced in her chest."You can't threaten me, Lucas," she retorted defiantly.Lucas stood there, his eyes fixed on Alice, an aura of intense dominance surrounding him.He appeared both furious and resolute, making it clear that he wouldn't tolerate defiance. Alice, still lying on the bed, felt a mixture of fear and determination within her."You think you can just walk away from me, Alice? Do you really believe I'll let that happen?"Lucas's voice, though stern, carried an underlying tone of possessiveness.Alice took a deep breath, summoning her strength, and sat on the bed while covering her body with the blanket."I'm not your possession, Lucas. I have a right to make my own choices," Alice asserted, her voice unwavering. Lucas, however, seemed unmoved by her words. He circled the room, a predator assessing its prey."You're mine, Alice. By law or not, you're mine," Lucas declared, emphasizing each word. His intense gaze never left her, as if challenging her to
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Chapter 77
"Who was that?" Lucas asked in a cold tone, as expected. However, Alice behaved as if she hadn't heard him.Lucas waited for a response, but when none came, he walked to the other side of the bed. As Alice continued her work, she observed him making his way towards her.With an abrupt move, Lucas reached for her phone, attempting to unlock it."What's the passcode?" he demanded.Ignoring his question, Alice focused on her laptop, intentionally avoiding eye contact.He glanced at the phone, frustration evident in his expression. When Alice still didn't respond, he took a deep breath, visibly restraining his anger.His frustration heightened as he repeated, "What's the passcode?"Alice, still keeping her eyes on the laptop screen, responded calmly, "It's my personal phone. I won't give you the passcode." This man will not let her have a peace.Lucas clenched his jaw, visibly angered by her defiance."Alice, don't challenge me"Alice swiftly reacted, pulling the phone away from his grasp
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Chapter 78
Lucas found himself mesmerized by her half-naked form, he felt a sudden dryness in his throat.Her body seemed to have a magnetic pull on him, drawing him in. Despite the anger in Alice's eyes, he approached her.His gaze, filled with lust and desire, unnerved Alice. As he closed the distance, he swiftly pulled her by the waist toward his body.A burning sensation spread where their skin made contact, and Alice shot him an angry look as he drew near.His eyes gleamed with desire as he whispered in her ear, "Babe, are you trying to seduce me?"She shivered when he licked a sensitive spot near her ear."I have many important things to do than this," she replied coldly, attempting to push him away, but Lucas maintained his firm grip."Lucas, I don't have time for this," she added with frustration.Ignoring her protest, Lucas tightened his embrace, reveling in the proximity.His actions seemed relentless as he whispered, "Babe, don't act like you're not affected."His lips traced a path d
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Chapter 79
Alice took a step back, creating a bit of distance."Lucas, giving me material things won't fix our problems. We need to communicate, understand each other, and respect each other's choices."He nodded, acknowledging her words. "I know, and I'm willing to work on that. But, for now, please take the card. Consider it a gesture of goodwill."Alice hesitated for a moment before accepting the card. "Fine, but this doesn't change anything between us. We still have a lot to figure out."Lucas nodded, his eyes lighting up, thinking that Alice had finally broken the wall between them by accepting his card. Little did he know, Alice accepted the card merely to avoid his persistent insistence. When they were married, she hadn't spent a single penny of his money, and it was still impossible for her to do so now.She understood that he wouldn't let her go until she accepted, so she did so before he could press her further.After a while, Lucas left for work, mentioning that he would come to pick
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Chapter 80
"G, what is this? I was waiting...."Suddenly, Siya's voice boomed from behind them. They all turned around."You did not let me go in, and I was dying of boredom waiting outside," George said to Siya. She had left him waiting outside the changing room. Siya was frozen when she saw Alex there. George followed her eyes and quickly understood what was happening."Oh! I'm sorry, babe." He walked over to her and took her in his embrace, and Siya froze even more. Alice was stunned to see them, and she couldn't help but glance at Alex, whose expression looked dangerous. Alice already knew what had happened between Siya and Alex the other day."Don't get angry, I'm sorry, babe." George cupped Siya's face in his palms, pouting as if he were truly sorry, but there was hidden mischief in his eyes.When Alice introduced Alex to him just now, he had already recognized him. Siya had told George so many things about Alex before, and she never used to tire of talking about him, having no idea about
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