All Chapters of Lovely Wifey, Please Come Back!: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
123 Chapters
Chapter 51
It was the middle of the night, and Alice felt wetness on her face in her sleep. She changed her side, but she still could feel something wet moving her face. Then suddenly, she felt it on her lips, and her eyes snapped open in panic.The room was bathed in a faint glow, just enough for Alice to discern the figure responsible for disturbing her slumber – Lucas.Alice immediately pushed him away and she seated herself upright on the bed, she established a boundary, the tension palpable. Lucas, scattered amidst the sheets, looked at her with a mixture of surprise and confusion. The room's ambiance changed with the flick of a switch, as Alice illuminated the space."What are you doing? How did you get in?" she interrogated, the undertone of anger evident in her voice."I walked in, of course," Lucas retorted sarcastically, further fueling Alice's frustration."you..... "Her eyes narrowed in a piercing stare."You can't just waltz in whenever you please. Since you refuse to take responsib
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Chapter 52
Breaking the tense moment, he whispered against her skin, "Let's not fight. I'm truly exhausted after a long flight."His words were muffled as he buried his face even further into her neck.Alice, slowly opening her eyes, fixed her gaze on the ceiling, a moment of quiet tension lingering in the air."Where did you go? New York?" Alice couldn't resist asking, knowing Lucas had hotels there.Lucas nodded, "Yes, I have to leave for New York again in the morning. So we only have four hours, let me hold you," he replied. Alice was taken aback by his statement, slightly shifting her body to look at him."If you have to leave again, why did you come in the first place?" Frustration tinged her voice, a hidden desire for him to stay tucked in a corner of her heart.Lucas, sensing her disappointment, brought his face closer with a smirk.Gently pushing a strand of hair away from her face, he fixed his eyes on hers."I was missing yo..." He paused, not wanting to admit he came just because he l
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Chapter 53
Why should she wear a ring? They weren't married anymore, and during their time together, he had never bothered with such gestures. Now, he seemed to be feigning care, but Alice saw through it – a ploy to manipulate her into being close to him. The sudden display of affection only intensified her resentment towards his controlling actions.As Alice emerged from the bathroom, towel drying her hair, the sound of her mobile vibrating caught her attention. Glancing down at the screen, her calm expression turned into a frown upon seeing Lucas's name-calling.Uninterested in speaking with him, she ignored the call and sat down to dry her hair with a dryer.However, her mobile persisted in its insistent ringing, fueling her frustration. Letting out a sigh of annoyance, she stood up abruptly, only to be overcome by dizziness, causing her to collapse back into the chair. A sudden pain in her belly made her cry out, and her vision blurred. Clutching her belly with one hand and supporting her hea
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Chapter 54
A flicker of pain crossed James's face, his expression revealing a mix of disappointment and understanding."Is everything okay?" he asked with genuine concern."Yeah, it's just some personal commitments and work," Alice responded.She could sense the lingering disappointment in James's eyes, making her feel a twinge of guilt for not being completely honest."I was really looking forward to having you there," James admitted, his disappointment evident in his voice."I know, and I'm sorry," Alice apologized, wishing she could share the real reason behind her decision.As the conversation continued, she found herself navigating through a web of lies, concealing the complexities of her personal life.James listened attentively, sensing the underlying tension in her words."Alice, you can talk to me. What's going on?" he asked with genuine concern, his eyes searching hers for an explanation.Alice hesitated for a moment, torn between the desire to confide in James and the need to protect
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Chapter 55
Alice looked around, hoping to see Siya, but she was nowhere in sight.Her eyes pleaded for help, but it seemed like everyone around her was suddenly blinded to her danger. As he led her, Alice closed her eyes, and the moment her eyes shut, Lucas's face flashed in her mind.Tears streamed down her face as she longed to be in his arms, yearning for his love.At that moment, Alice realized she might not see him again. In the middle of the day, amid a crowd, someone was kidnapping her, and there was no one to save her.The profound sense of loneliness overwhelmed her. What had she done wrong in her life to face such danger? It wasn't just her life at stake; the safety of her unborn child hung in the balance.Not a single word came out of her shaky mouth.He guided her through the crowd, the threat of the knife pressing against her back.As they reached the edge of the commotion, he steered her towards a car parked nearby. The dimly lit alley amplified Alice's fear, and she couldn't help b
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Chapter 56
Siya's eyes filled with tears as she saw Alice lying unconscious in the hospital bed.Overwhelmed with guilt, she blamed herself for Alice's condition. If she hadn't left Alice alone to go see her friends, this wouldn't have happened."It's my fault. I shouldn't have left her alone. I didn't think something like this would happen," Siya whispered, her voice choked with remorse.Milla placed a comforting hand on Siya's shoulder. "Siya, you couldn't have known. We'll support Alice, and she'll need you to stay strong for her."Despite Milla's reassurance, Siya couldn't shake the guilt gnawing at her."Did you inform the police?" Siya asked."No, I thought it would be best to inform them once Alice woke up. Maybe she knows who tried to harm her," Milla replied.Siya pondered for a moment and then nodded. "What about Lucas?" she asked."No, I thought..." Milla hesitated in deciding what to say."I don't care about your reason, but you did the right thing. It's better not to let him know," S
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Chapter 57
Lucas's response was filled with intensity, "Are you trying to get on my nerves? You're not even in your room. Where are you? Who are you with?"The loudness of his voice shook her entire body, leaving her puzzled about how he knew she wasn't in her room."I'm with Siya," Alice's voice suddenly became low. She was hesitant to disclose the details of the accident, wanting to keep Lucas at a distance as much as possible."Give the phone to Siya," he ordered without hesitation, leaving Alice speechless. The audacity of his demand ignited her anger. How dare he act as if he had authority over her?"Why should I do that?" Her anger flared up.Lucas's impatience echoed through the phone. "Alice, don't test my patience"His voice lowered in anger, conveying his frustration.Even though she couldn't see him, she could sense the intensity of his emotions."If you don't have anything important, I'm hanging up," she declared, ready to end the call. However, his roars stopped her from carrying ou
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Chapter 58
As Alice sat more comfortably, she couldn't escape the piercing intensity of Lucas's gaze. The room felt charged with unspoken emotions, creating an atmosphere thick with tension.Lucas, still maintaining his silence, observed Alice closely."When did you back? "she asked, her voice carrying a hint of nervousness.Lucas's gaze didn't soften, neither did he offer an immediate response. Instead, he leaned back in the chair, crossing his arms over his chest.After a moment, he spoke, his voice low and controlled, "What happened, Alice?"Alice hesitated, grappling with how much she should reveal. She realized that since he was already here, he must have heard their call from the previous night. The memory of the migraine hitting her while she was still on the call with him lingered in her mind."I just slipped in the bathroom, so I hit my head. As for what happened last night, it was because of a migraine," she explained, her words cautious.Lucas's eyes narrowed slightly, his concern mi
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Chapter 59
Lucas sighed, his frustration mixing with a sense of helplessness.He wanted to make her see that his concern went beyond their child, but Alice's request for solitude left him with no choice. He stood up, running a hand through his hair in exasperation."Fine, get your rest. I'll be outside call me if you need anything" Lucas muttered, his tone a blend of annoyance and concern.He walked towards the door, glancing back at her briefly before leaving the room.Alice, left alone, lay on the bed with a heavy heart.As Lucas walked away, he couldn't shake the feeling of helplessness.He wanted to protect her, but their interactions only seemed to create more misunderstandings. In the hallway, he leaned against the wall, running his hand through his hair in frustration.Meanwhile, Siya, who had gone to bring breakfast for Alice, returned.When she saw him outside the room, it was not hard to understand that Alice and Lucas had another argument.Siya approached Lucas, sensing the conflict i
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Chapter 60
Lucas was furious because he was scared of losing her, frightened by the thought of what might happen if she faced danger when he wasn't around.Suddenly, Alice gasped as a migraine pierced through her head. Instinctively, she reached to grab her head, and Lucas's expression shifted to panic."What happened?" he asked urgently as he swiftly pulled her into his arms."Are you experiencing pain again?" He cradled her cheeks in both hands, gently bringing her face close to his. Each time a migraine struck, Alice seemed to slip into unconsciousness.Her eyes tightly shut, and her face turned pale, resembling a sheet of white paper. Lucas was consumed with anxiety as he observed her distressed state."Alice, say something, please," Lucas's voice cracked when there was no immediate response. Her hands trembled, and sweat formed on her face. In concern, Alex steered the car to the side, swiftly retrieving medicine and water."Give it to her," he instructed. Lucas gazed at Alex with teary eye
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