All Chapters of Lovely Wifey, Please Come Back!: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
123 Chapters
Chapter 41
The movie was halfway through when a kiss scene between the main leads unfolded on the screen, triggering an unexpected sight.Alice suddenly saw Lucas and Milla on the screen, replacing the movie's main leads. A sudden panic gripped her."Alice, what's wrong?" Siya immediately noticed Alice's startled expression, expressing concern."I'm fine; I don't know when I fell asleep," Alice pretends, rubbing her eyes as if to shake off the unease."Then go to bed; you must be tired," Siya suggested. Alice nodded and stood up."Then I'm going first. Good night,"Siya waved her hand, bidding Alice goodnight.As soon as Alice closed the door behind her, the smile on her face vanished, replaced by tears streaming down.It was challenging to maintain a facade of strength when she was shattered inside."Why am I crying?" she mumbled, stubbornly attempting to wipe away her tears, but they continued to fall relentlessly.The storm within her had finally broken through. Until now, she had acted fine
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Chapter 42
He glanced at her, his expression unreadable."I was just trying to help. No need to get defensive," he retorted, his tone unwavering.Alice huffed, feeling a mix of frustration and confusion."I don't need your help, Lucas. You're not a part of my life anymore. Just let me be."He sighed, his gaze fixed on her but didn't say anything.Frustration brewed within Alice, she was taken aback by Lucas's calm demeanor. Before she could voice her thoughts, a car pulled up near them."Get in, I'll drive you," Lucas offered. The driver emerged and took the bags from both Lucas and Alice."You don't need to bother. I can..." Alice began, but her words faltered when Lucas opened the car door for her."Get in," he insisted softly.Alice stared at him in disbelief, wondering about his intentions. What was he up to?Sighing deeply in irritation, she shot him a frustrated look and hesitated before finally getting into the car. As she settled in, Lucas closed the door."You can go," Lucas instructed
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Chapter 43
Lucas, seemingly unfazed, turned to face her with a cold stare."I'm well aware of it. I'm going to forgive you for this, but..... "He paused, turning to face her with an intensity that sent another wave of fear through her."If you ever think of betraying me again, you'll regret your life."The ominous threat hung in the air, leaving Alice shaken and uncertain of the storm that loomed ahead.Lucas knew that he had failed in giving her the time she deserved before, but he would not tolerate another betrayal. This time, he was determined to dedicate all his time to her.Anger surged within Alice. Forgive her? What about him? Had he ever scrutinized his own actions?This was his child, so Alice wasn't afraid of his threats. Instead, she feared this newfound ruthless side of him.As the car gradually came to a stop, Alice exited. Lucas followed suit, holding the bags. When she reached to take them, Lucas evaded her attempt and headed towards the door. Alice stood in awe, utterly speechl
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Chapter 44
Alice watched him leave and finally exhaled, a breath she wasn't aware of holding."What's wrong with me?" she mumbled to herself, placing her hand on her chest as her heart thumped loudly.Why couldn't she control her emotions when he was around?This was so embarrassing; Alice felt utterly helpless. She closed her eyes and took a long, deep breath before returning to her work.Lucas was still engrossed in a phone call when Alice finished setting the dinner table.After completing the task, she walked over to him. Lucas saw her and gestured for her to wait for two more minutes.Alice nodded and returned to the dining table. Given her pregnancy, it was normal for her to feel tired, and her head was slightly aching.She rested her head on the table and closed her eyes, simply wanting to rest. However, as soon as she closed her eyes, sleep overcame her.While Alice peacefully dozed off at the dining table, Lucas concluded his call and noticed Alice peacefully asleep at the dining table.
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Chapter 45
"No, Don't go," Alice said in a shaky voice, she was ready to cry. Lucas was confused and stunned to see her emotions. Why she was behaving like a child? He was blank."Alright, I won't go anywhere," he said. He puts his mobile on the bedside table and lies beside her.It was so uncomfortable to lay with his clothes but he managed. He loosened three bottoms of his shirt and took Alice in his arms."Now, sleep, I'm not going anywhere" He whispered over her head.As Alice lay in his arms she couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions—confusion, vulnerability, and an undercurrent of something she was reluctant to acknowledge.She closed her eyes, trying to shake off the dizziness. She didn't want to show him her emotions but she couldn't stop herself. Despite everything, a part of her found comfort in his presence. She couldn't deny the lingering warmth from Lucas, a feeling she hadn't experienced before.The next morning, Alice's hand found the bed cold beside her, prompting her to open he
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Chapter 46
Alice was walking down the hospital corridor when she heard James' voice."James?"James was standing there with a big smile on his white coat."You came here for a check-up?" He asked, and Alice nodded."Yeah.""Let's go, I'll go with you," he offered.Alice expressed her gratitude with a smile toward James."Thank you, James, but I don't want to bother you," she mentioned."I'm willing to help. It will be beneficial if someone else is by your side," James responded. Unable to refuse his offer, Alice nodded in agreement.Alice felt a sense of comfort knowing she had a friend like James by her side.As they walked into the obstetrician's office, James greeted her "Hi, Mia."Since James was a doctor and the obstetrician was his friend, they didn't have to wait in line, and James could directly take Alice to Mia.Mia smiled warmly at them, "James! Good to see you. And Alice, how have you been?"Alice gave a small smile, "I've been alright"James added, "I thought I'd accompany her. You
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Chapter 47
Alice observed their intertwined hands, but James's gaze seemed distant as if he feared the possibility of rejection and was avoiding direct eye contact with her.Alice smiled nervously and tightened their hold. As she felt James's shoulders relax, her smile grew wider. She knew this was selfishness, more than friendship she couldn't offer him but for now, she wanted to be selfish.James had been scared that she might pull away or become angry, but seeing her relaxed, James felt he was moving in the right direction. He knew he couldn't rush things, so he decided to take small steps toward building a connection with her.Their dynamic had always been easygoing, and today was no exception.His friendly and understanding demeanor provided Alice with the comfort she needed. He carefully avoided any discussions that might bring back the stress of her personal life.As they continued their day at the amusement park, the atmosphere gradually shifted. What started as a friendly outing evolved
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Chapter 48
Alice could sense what he was contemplating, their faces drawing closer. However, just before James's lips could meet hers, Alice took a step back. James froze momentarily."I'm... I'm sorry," Alice apologized. Everything felt so right until that moment, but she found herself hesitating. What was she thinking?Alice was puzzled by her own emotions, and James chuckled awkwardly, a hint of misery on his face. Seeing his expression, Alice felt a twinge of guilt. James closed his eyes briefly, and an awkward silence lingered between them."I'm sorry," Alice repeated, her voice tinged with regret.James took a deep breath, suppressing his disappointment. He opened his eyes, and a faint smile appeared on his lips."Don't apologize, Alice. It's okay," James reassured her, attempting to ease the tension. He stepped back and gestured towards the car."Let's go," he said, trying to shift the focus away from the awkward moment. Alice nodded, grateful for his understanding.During the drive, an un
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Chapter 49
"Where have you been? You took a long time to return," Siya inquired, stopping near Alice, who felt a cold sweat forming in her fear. The weight of her lie pressed heavily on her.With a trembling voice, Alice asked, "What are you doing here?""Oh! I was here to drop food. My mother has sent it for you," Siya explained."I'm taking my leave for now. I'm getting late." Siya glanced at her wristwatch, signaling the urgency. Alice nodded, expressing gratitude."Say thanks to your mother," Alice added, and Siya acknowledged before smiling at Lucas and exiting.As the door closed behind Siya, Alice cautiously lifted her eyes to meet Lucas's unwavering gaze. His burning eyes seemed to penetrate into her soul. His jaw tightened visibly, but he remained ominously silent as if biding his time for her explanation.Fearing the impending storm, Alice sighed and, without uttering a single word, began to step past him. However, her attempt to move freely was halted abruptly when Lucas firmly grasped
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Chapter 50
His gaze remained piercing, and he retorted, "I may have made mistakes, but I won't abandon my child."A heavy silence settled between them, and Alice couldn't deny the complexity of their situation. Her emotions were a tangled mess, torn between protecting herself and safeguarding her unborn child.Lucas, however, seemed resolute.She sighed, realizing the inevitable clash ahead. "Just don't expect everything to magically go back to the way it was, Lucas. This changes nothing between us."Lucas's expression tightened, hinting at the unresolved tension lingering in the air."We'll see about that," he said firmly, leaving the room with a storm of conflicting emotions.Alice stood there, grappling with the newfound complexity of her life and the uncertain path that lay ahead.Alice spent the whole night wide awake, with Lucas's absence adding to her uncertainty.His cryptic words left her perplexed, and as hours passed, the reality sank in.Three days went by without any sign of Lucas, a
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